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This just in: Mel Gibson drops Michael Moore's FARENHIGHT 911

Started by Chris K., May 13, 2003, 12:28:21 AM

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Fearless Freep

To be honest I don't know anything about the Dixie Chicks or much else about  popular music these days.  As such, I really didn't even follow what they said.  Being a popular entertainer doesn't mean you are any wiser than anyone else, you just tend to have a larger stage on which to voice your (often simplistic and misguided) opinion.  I tend to ignore when celebrities make news by their political statements.

U2 I have a lot of respect for.  I know when they started out they had some pretty strong opinions and thoughs and they were good at carrying them through.  I think they got sucked into the machine, though, and took up political causes more as a kneejerk reaction then for any really well thought out reasons.

Interestingly, I find Neil Peart to have some of the most well thought on ideas and concepts expressed in lyrics, although philosophically I often disagree with him.

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting


The Dick Hicks (in addition to making some of the worst mucisc the world has ever known) are just out for attention and publicity. Why else would they appear on EW nude? Because their passionate artists trying to communicate to the public fro their hearts on a personal issue (like the husbands they sing about killing) or they're stupid bimbos?


Ani Difranco is a great example of a political musician.  She does write some personal stuff, but the great mass of her work is political.  She's awesome and I agree with most of her views, I love her music, and her wordplay is awesome. It all depends on the artist whether you have to like their views or not.  I don't see the Dixie Chicks as being very political, I can't say I've heard much of their stuff, but what I have heard doesn't seem very political, so in that case, I'd say that the fans are there for the music, which does not express many policy views.

"Give the big oil companies the finger"-- Ani Difranco 'Self Evident'


Politics is showbusiness for ugly people


I had respect for moore once, but not anymore hes just being so....stupid now. I liked his show and I loved 'the big one' but lately hes becoming.. an ambulance chaser with his anti republican views.


i was being rhetorical...i hate politics...most likely because "politics" and hypocrisy are basically the same thing


What if OJ Simpson starred in a new movie, would anyone here pay to go see it?

What celebrities do in their private lives does affect the way people view them. I used to think Jane Fonda was hot in her earlier movies, but then I heard about what she did during the Vietnam war. Now when I see her in a movie, all I can think about is how much I'd like to smack her.


Chadzilla wrote:
"Heck, the Baseball Hall of Fame cancellation of the Bull Durham...blew up in the faces of those that called it off more so than Robbins or Sarandon."

One of my favorite stories of late, that is.

"Politics has no place in the Hall of Fame...There was a chance of politics being injected into the Hall during these sensitive times, and I made a decision to not take that chance."
--Baseball Hall of Fame Chief Dale Petroskey--a  former White House assistant press secretary under President Reagan--who was so "concerned" about politics that he invited White House spokesman Ari Fleischer to speak at a Hall of Fame event last year. Petroskey claimed that Robbins and Sarandon's "recent comments ultimately could put our troops in...danger."  9_9

"Remember: War Is The Tool Of The Sexist Death Merchants"
--The new Richard Perle seminar! Reserve seats now!!


Thanks for the info.  It does sound hypocritical.  I wonder how he'd have dealt with Hitler & Tojo.


JohnL wrote:

> What if OJ Simpson starred in a new movie, would anyone here
> pay to go see it?

I can't stand to watch old movies with him in it, like Naked Gun.  Besides he's busy scouring golf courses looking for the real killer.

> What celebrities do in their private lives does affect the way
> people view them. I used to think Jane Fonda was hot in her
> earlier movies, but then I heard about what she did during the
> Vietnam war. Now when I see her in a movie, all I can think
> about is how much I'd like to smack her.

I haven't seen any Hanoi Jane movie in years, except for Barbarella (bought the dvd recently, love that flick.)  She did repudiate her anti-Viet Nam actions a while back, I think.


A co-worker of mine got the form letter from Petroskey (he wasn't taking any calls, I wonder why?) when she called in to blast the Hall for what they did.  Both sad and funny as hell.

Gosh, remember when the Internet was supposed to be a wonderful magical place where intelligent, articulate people shared information? Neighborhood went to hell real fast... - Anarquistador


Perhaps Mel was just afraid that Fat Bastard would eat him.


"Disney has again come under attack from conservatives as a result of the decision by its Miramax unit to back Michael Moore's ("Bowling for Columbine") next documentary, "Fahrenheit 911." On Wednesday, Steve Wood, who operates the Republican website, took note of the fact that some conservatives are talking about boycotting Disney products and cancelling vacations at the Disney theme parks, "and I'd have to say that we will certainly think twice now about spending our hard-earned money at Disney, knowing that it might be used to support someone like Michael Moore. ...Disney has every right to fund Michael Moore, but we also have every right to take that into consideration when we choose how to spend our disposable income."

Tom Perrault of the Christian-conservative Crosswalk website wrote Wednesday that Disney ought to "refrain from actively supporting an anti-family and/or anti-conservative agenda." Perrault also objected to the fact that the voice of Ellen DeGeneres is featured in the upcoming Pixar/Disney cartoon, "Finding Nemo." He concludes: "With literally hundreds and hundreds of perfectly viable options, Disney goes with someone whose personal lifestyle is antithetical to the throngs of families who are supposed to eagerly flock to the theaters on May 30th [when "Nemo" opens]."
--Where Else? The IMDB

(1) Wait, I thought right-wingers were already boycotting Disney over the whole "lettin' them damn queers into Disney World" thing. And Miramax's "Kids." And that boner they thought they saw in "The Little Mermaid." And Divine.
(2) The only people who care about what Ellen DeGeneres does are pathetic homophobes like Jerry Falwell...and Tom Perrault. Normal people quit giving a crap about her ages ago. Wait--I though Hollywood was filled with nothing but dirty heathens! Now there are "hundreds and hundreds of perfectly viable options?"
(3) "Disney has every right to fund Michael Moore..." Wow, that's darn white of you, Steve. I'm surprised you didn't call for the execution of the Disney board under the Sedition Act. Going to bide your time, huh?  *snicker*
(4) Yes, by all means, make a fuss. Look how you put the Dixie Chicks out of business.


He's wearing a flight suit! He must be a war hero!!


> Has he said he's against all war, or just wars started by
> Bushes/Republicans?  In which case he'd be in favor of the
> Spanish American war, WWI & WWII, Korea, Vietnam. . . (and it
> is kinda hard to be against WWII)

As celeb pundits have demonstrtaed hundeds of times before they could care less about a war started if it was a democrat. No Sarandon protests when he bombed Bagdhad.


By "he" I mean Clinton. Sorry.


And I suppose the fact that I'm a Christian conservative who supports Bush makes me one of these horrible people right. Pleez Squish. Last time you brough up politics you made a complete ass of yourself to anyone with an IQ higher than 2.