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Started by spike, May 16, 2003, 09:39:41 PM

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Fearless Freep

"The Family Guy" gives me a chance to work on my "Quake 2" skills between "Futurama" and "Trigun"

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting


Heh.  I couldn't stand Family Guy either, to each his own.  I did like Futurama, it was amusing, though not on the level of Pop-Icon The Simpsons (but what is?)

Never watched any "reality" show.  If I wanted reality, I'd have my own life.   Oh wait, I do.

It does seem like Fox wanted to kill Futurama.  How many times were there back to back repeats of a show-- even after the football season-- like Bernie Mac, Family Guy, or anything else, while there were fresh Futuramas sitting in the can?  That was always frustrating.

Johnny Blister

I HATE family Guy.It´s one of the stupidest shows on TV.

Just plain dumb.

Brian Ringler

JohnL wrote:

> I can see networks cancelling a show that didn't get ratings,
> what I can't see is them puting on shows with an on-going
> mystery, like John Doe, and then ending the season in a
> cliffhanger. I'd like to see a law passed that makes it illegal
> to end a season in a cliffhanger unless the network plans to
> make another season, OR they film and air (or release on video)
> a series finale that ties up the loose ends.

I love the cliffhanger that Duckman ended on.  Thats the way to end a series.

Here's a quote about it by writer Michael Markowitz:

"We never formally planned Part II... and I'll never tell what I personally had in mind. I'm hoping to leave it to my heirs, for the inevitable day when Duckman is revived by future generations. Ah, the Spandex suits they'll wear, the hovercrafts they'll fly!"

Johnny Blister

Duckman sucks MORE than Family Guy.

Stupid,rude,sex-obessed duck.A f**king pig was thinner,cleaner and nicer than him.


Now I know Firefly has been dead for a while, but I still have to say this to Fox:

"You MANIACS!  You blew it up!"-Planet of the Apes

"You soooooooooooo stupid!  Stupid!"-UHF

-urp- sorry, but I was rather fond of that show.

-----ooo-'U'-ooo------Kilroy was here.


As the others have said, to each their own.  Family Guy makes me laugh maybe due to its sheer stupidity.  Still, more than Futurama ever managed to do for me.   The pop culture references work on the Simpsons because they add to a show that is enjoyable on its own.  On Futurama, it seemed to be a case of the in-jokes being an attempt to distract from a show that wasn't very amusing.  Oh well--hopefully fans of both shows will be able to watch them on Cartoon Network for quite a while.

Johnny Blister

Cartoon Network ain´t showing no Fox shows.

At least not in my country.


FAMILY GUY got on my nerves. The father was attempt to create a character dumber than Homer Simpson without really making the character likable. The mother and daughter I could only tell apart because of the the hat on the girl's head. The son's voice was so painful to listen to that I got headaches from listening to him and thought I could feel a seizure coming on. The dog was occasionally amusing if only because of his alluding to his "checkered" past, was more funnier than hearing him tossing insults at the dumbass father yet again. Stewie would have made a better SNL sketch (or series of sketches to be run into the ground knowing that show).

FAMILY GUY is still airing on Cartoon Network in the USA just before the anime block on Adult Swim. Mon-Thur. Also airs Sunday at the same time, 10:30PM-11:00PM Central (my time) or 11:30PM-12:00AM Eastern time.

Johnny Blister