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Too many versions!

Started by The Burgomaster, June 13, 2003, 02:40:45 PM

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The Burgomaster

Okay. I'm really starting to get tired of movies getting released on DVD, then a few months later they get released in "special editions," then a few months later, they get released in "collectors' editions," then "2 disk sets," then "3 disk sets," then "limited tin editions," then "super bit" versions, then "boomstick editions," then "renegade editions," then "extreme editions," then . . .


"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


Amen.  I hate the idea of buying the Lord of the Rings special editions because I KNOW, once all three are out, within a year or two there will be a Ultra-Complete Super-Duper Edition 20-disc set with 24 hours of extra footage and interviews with every human being on Earth....

And I'll probably buy it.


I couldn't agree more! Ironically their tendency to do these multiple versions has long since cured me of my former mania for buying a ton of movies a month. I not only got tired of the idea of having to REPURCHASE every movie I already owned in DVD format but I got sick of differing DVD versions coming out all the time.
I'm content to just live with my current movies now with the exception of an occassional cult classic that it's taken years to track down.


About the only DVDs I care about buying right now are the new edition of Day of the Dead (didn't get the first one) and Blue Underground's Dead & Buried (Limited Edition 2-disc set), but I just don't buy many DVDs anymore because I am sick of being exploited to poverty by fanbase milking.  Good thing I passed on the Friday the 13th DVDs, because, surprise-surprise, Paramount is re-issuing those in so called Special Editions next year!

Gosh, remember when the Internet was supposed to be a wonderful magical place where intelligent, articulate people shared information? Neighborhood went to hell real fast... - Anarquistador


Those studio execs that put those multiple versions out are some sneaky bastards aren't they!

It's all a ploy to make more money and confuse the public.

Fearless Freep

"A _____ and his _____ are soon ____"

Fill in the blanks

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting


I hate it when they do this myself.  They should release no more then 2-3 versions of it, tops!


I tend to wait to my movies until I know wheather or not they plan to have a sequal, because usually, they put out another better DVD right beforehand to re spark interest. SO, using this knowledge I have been able to buy X-Men 1.5 and Extreme Terminator, and if I were high and drunk, I may accidently buy tthe tri[pped out edition of Fast and Furious.

 "Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink."

--Lady Astor to Winston Churchill

"Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it."

--His reply