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Life sucks now

Started by Evan3, July 30, 2003, 11:11:34 AM

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i don't want to come off as sarcastic but the author of this thread reminds me of that scene in "say anything...". john cusack's character just want to spend all of his time with the girlfriend who broke up with him. fight on, evan3! *thumbs up*

Tranquil Featherman

Bad day on the playground?

Robot Roll Call: (Come on, let's go)
Cambot (Pan left)
Gypsy (Hi girl)
Tom Servo (What a cool guy)
Croooow! (You little wisecracker)


Thankis guys....

I do feel a little better, but not towards her. i disobeyed everyone and sent her a well written e mail on all my feelings and she totally disregarded it. The worst thing is that I still miss her terribly, but i know I can not call, or write, because every time i do, I make it worse.

I only hope that there really is something on the horizon and I also hope one day she will wake up and realize what she had. But, i just keep trying to move on, and that is so difficult.

 "Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink."

--Lady Astor to Winston Churchill

"Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it."

--His reply

Tranquil Featherman

So, this is now a "Dear Abby" or "Dr. Phil" msg. board?

Robot Roll Call: (Come on, let's go)
Cambot (Pan left)
Gypsy (Hi girl)
Tom Servo (What a cool guy)
Croooow! (You little wisecracker)


Evan, let her go, you'll find someone new who does appreciates you and who doesn't play the goofy little games. From what you've said it seems like she enjoys jerking your chain and watching you squirm. That's no good ,my man.
Just find a way to deal with your feelings over the break up, we all have different ways. I shoot things, Paquita has her love corpse, you have to find something for yourself.

PS. As an officer of the law, I am compelled to say that I was joking about the hookers and cocaine in my first reponse. Furthermore, nothing that issues forth from my shriveled little...brain...should ever be taken seriously in a real or legally actionable sense.

Everyone has potentially fatal flaws, but yours involve a love of soldiers' wives, an insatiable thirst for whiskey, and the seven weak points in your left ventricle.



Stop bringing misery upon yourself and have no contact with her.   In my experiences, the best way to get a woman to want you is to treat her like dirt.  It's the ones that you bend over backwards for that treat you like crap.   It's a great big world....Just let her go and move on.

Neon Noodle

about 6 years ago my girlfriend broke off our relationship (and this was 1 week before coming home after finishing up my masters' degree). I went through the same s**t everyone else has described on the board, and you as well. I wanted it to work, kept writing her, calling up, etc.

Funny thing, one year later, I ended up marrying the greatest woman in the world, and we have a beautiful daughter. You just never know what life has in store for you. Don't keep reading the chapters of a book you already read - find a new novel....

Great Sage

Hey Evan,

I feel for you man, but like everyone has said: "it's not the end of the world."

I've been in the same predicament myself.  I dated the same girl through high school and college...  Then during my 3rd year in college, my best friend passed away and my girlfriend dumped me for another guy.  

Yeah, I was sulking in my dorm and got the call... Can you imagine? Here I was, feeling like crap because my life-long friend had died, and now my girlfriend of 5 years dumps me...  I felt like dying, man.

I called her endlessly, but that only made matters worse...  I tried flowers, candy and even begging...  No avail.  When you lose someone, there’s a need to want them back rightaway.  My grades plummeted... I was a miserable wretch.

However, I saw the lightâ€"thanks to the support of my friends... I became one of the guys again, and met new people.  It’s been a few years now and I am married to a most wonderfuland beautiful woman.  When I think back, I feel stupid for being so desperate...

NEWSFLASH: My ex-girlfriend got impregnated by this loser who left her, so now she’s working at “Subway” and going to night school.  I couldn’t help but smirk when I saw her... Serves her right, damn cheater!!!

Brother Ragnarok

Oooh, I bet that felt good.  Revenge (or maybe it was just karma) is sweet, innit?

Brother R

There are only two important things in life - monsters and hot chicks.
    - Rob Zombie
Rape is just cause for murdering.
    - Strapping Young Lad


I finally reached the point where enough was enough.

I just feel so bad because she isnt just dumping me, she is dumping all of her friends too. Her home friends are total, irresponsible losers (she even admitted herself that they were irresponsible losers).  and she is just sinking farther in with them. It pains me more than anything to see her turniong away from the people who love her into a crowd of blissful ignorance.

But I have learned the hard way that I cant save her, and now I have to pull myself together. That is a long and hard road though. But, I am finally starting it. I appreciate all your help you guys, but if I never find a better woman, there will be hell to pay.

 "Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink."

--Lady Astor to Winston Churchill

"Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it."

--His reply

The Burgomaster

Evan3 wrote:

> Her home friends are total,
> irresponsible losers (she even admitted herself that they were
> irresponsible losers).  and she is just sinking farther in with
> them. It pains me more than anything to see her turniong away
> from the people who love her into a crowd of blissful
> ignorance.

Hey, Evan. I wouldn't worry about it. When my sister was younger, she started hanging around with a few losers and it drove my parents crazy. She started hanging around with this one girl who was always running away from home and getting into trouble. My sister idolized this girl and always defended everything she did. My parents were really worried.

Now, my sister is a very mature woman in her early 30s. She has 2 kids and lives in a nice suburban neighborhood. She just went through a very immature phase when she was younger.

I think this happens to a lot of people.

Your ex-girlfriend will probably grow up eventually. But there is probably nothing you can do or say to make her change right now. She has to figure things out for herself.

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."