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OT - "Doctor Who" Returns!

Started by Cullen, September 27, 2003, 05:36:35 AM

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Check it out!  Nothing more than an announcement that Doctor Who is returning, but still, how cool is that?

(I expect zero replies to this thread - not sure of the number of Whovians around here - but I couldn't keep it in!)

Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.



just recently we started getting Doctor Who on public tv again for the first time since 1994, and they're playing the entire series from ep 1, so thats pretty cool.  hope the new series is good.


My question is are they going to just restart from the first Dr. or are they going to continue where the series left off? Either way this stirs great emotions in me as I was raised watching the good doctor weekly.

If God is watching us, the least we can do is be


Not to be too much of a naysayer, and given this is the most promising announcement of this type I've seen, but this type of hubbub surfaces every three months.

I'd conjecture that we'll probably see the continuing adventures of a new doctor.


While SkullNinja's right - rumors have been popping up about that often, if not more - this is the first time the BBC has said anything definite.  This doesn't mean something can't go wrong and the idea scrapped, or something along those lines.  It's just more possible than usual.

In other words, I'm not going to let justified pessimism destroy my good mood.

Post Edited (09-27-03 14:23)
Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.

Brother Ragnarok

Yes, this does come up all the time.  Yes, I love the idea of Dr. Who coming back.  But honestly I ask you, can they really recapture the atmosphere of the show?  If it's not at least a large chunk of those involved with the original series, there's a very good chance it will suck like the Fox TV movie.
On a related side note, one of my colleagues at the record store has a full-size TARDIS replica in his basement.  How cool is that?

Brother R

There are only two important things in life - monsters and hot chicks.
    - Rob Zombie
Rape is just cause for murdering.
    - Strapping Young Lad


If they're smart, they won't try to 'go in a new direction' or 're-imagine' it and will just go back to what they were doing before. They should get Sylvester McCoy back to film a regeneration scene and introduce the new doctor. The US made movie *MUST* be ignored!



The only problem with that is that the 8th Doctor's books and audioplays have sold like hotcakes. The movie may have been tepid, but Paul McGann's Doctor has become as well liked as any other.


And it's too bad that this is probably true.


Ah, bite your tongue!
I like Dr Who big-time; however, I will believe a new series exists when I see it on TV.  And it must have wobbly sets, rubber monsters and cardboard props!

Crouching Tiger - Hidden Police Speed Trap


not confirmed on this, but apparently someone has been throwing around the idea of using good ol Jean Luc Picard [aka Patrick Stewart] to play the new doc.  It's an interesting choice, as it means they must be serious in terms of trying to make it good quality [i imagine he'd pull in a few viewers and he aint that bad an actor, but is he suited?]

but let's see how it all turns out eh?


>The only problem with that is that the 8th Doctor's books and audioplays have
>sold like hotcakes. The movie may have been tepid, but Paul McGann's Doctor
>has become as well liked as any other.

Are they based on just McGann or on the character as portrayed in the US movie? I have nothing against McGann playing the Doctor, I just hate what they did with the TV movie.


Conrad wrote:

>  And it must have wobbly sets,
> rubber monsters and cardboard props!

Absolutely.  Give lots of money to script writers, and $1.60 to the props department.  No CGI, please.