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Movies you love that everybody else hates.

Started by Mofo Rising, December 12, 2003, 10:24:24 PM

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>>OMG! "Red Dawn"!!! John Milius' magnum opus!!!! I didn't realise it had CT Howell or Leah Thompson in it. All I remember is Powers Boothe and Harry Dean Stanton. And the Argentinian troops who were armed with the FN rifle, a nice accurate touch<<

Don't forget the mutish Jennifer Grey. This was back in the 80's when everyone was afraid the russians were going to nuke us and reagan was going to push the button. After awhile you'll notice the theme in movies and tv changed to the mysterious Russian soldier who we later discover is really nice - and - can't we all just get along? See how many russian themed movies of 80's you can list ;-)

Velvet Brotha

Killer Klowns From Outer Space!!!! One of my all time favorites and people hate me for it. They can go f**k themselves for all I care. ; )

peter johnson

I love the original "In Laws"!:
"Flames!  Flames on my car!! . . . . Serpentine!!  Serpentine!!".  Brilliant.  Peter Falk is one of our most under-used actors, reduced to doing crap for a paycheck.  They get him in Europe (See Wim Wenders), but over here we never seem to know what to do with him --
Yeah, I like "Watership Down" too --
The best/worst example of a film I like, but get the super-deluxe version of "That Look" from damn near everyone else I've had watch it with me is "The Forbidden Zone".  I find it to be a very funny example of what you can do with zero budget and a determination to just finish making a real movie -- plus I love it's innovative uses of music & cartoon violence (Substitue a real meat loaf for a gorilla's face before striking -- the results are soooo groooossss!!).  Nobody else gets it.  I have people I showed it to 15 years ago still bring it up:  "Hey, remember that godawful thing Pete made us watch that time? (dissolve in snorting laughter)".
I live with my shame . . .
peter johnson


I like Maximum Overdrive, Godzilla '98, Lifeforce, Prince of Darkness, Q, Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke 'Em High, and The Last Dinosaur.

None of which ever appear on the top 100 lists...

Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.

Evil Matt

Everything's funnier with monkeys.

Timothy, the talking duck

texas chainsaw massacre: the next generation

no matter how many times i watch it makes me crack up. it is as bad as it looks, if not worse. and is an insult towards the original. i spend the entire time just staring in disbelief at the screen that anyone could make this. anyone that thinks renee zellwinger did not derserve that oscar needs only to watch this.


I saw that movie a couple of times, it so insane to think funny clowns could be killers and to have a space ship that looks like a circus tent but once I started to watch it I really did like it.  It keeps ones attention, but why did they put the people in cotton candy, why didn't they squeeze them into one of those little cars?  or stick them into a big balloon?  Clowns don't nomally make cotton candy, do they?


I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.
Stephen Hawking

Neon Noodle

I love the movie HUDSON HAWK. None of my friends like it, or can sit through 10 minutes of it. Cracks me up every time.

Another overlooked classic (burn me on this, I care not) was CLUE. No one else could recant the events of an evening like a jonesing crack addict better than Tim Curry.

My wife remembers General Zod, but the teeming masses don't! Go Figure....

While on a journey, Chuang Tzu found an old skull, dry and parched.
With sorrow, he questioned and lamented the end of all things.
When he finished speaking, he dragged the skull over and, using it for a pillow, lay down to sleep.
In the night, the skull came to his dreams and said, 'You are a fool to rejoice in the entanglements of life.'
Chuang Tzu couldn`t believe this and asked, 'If I could return you to your life, you would want that, wouldn`t you?'
Stunned by Chuang Tzu`s foolishness, the skull replied, 'How do you know that it is bad to be dead?'

-From The Matrix: The Path of Neo


>>\My wife remembers General Zod, but the teeming masses don't! Go Figure....<<

I guess it's a small little cultlike group like 'all your base are belong to us'. I want a bumper sticker or t-shirt that says "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD"...because I'm just weird that way ;-)

If I had to list some of my alltime favorite villians he would actually be pretty up there if not on top. When it comes to villians I choose those who aren't necessarily "badass" but just a great villanous personality. (ie: Yul brenner in 10 commandments as well)...but i digress.....


I remember the reviews when this movie came out.  The Hollywood types were apoplectic about a movie showing dangers of gun control and depicting the Soviet Union as being aggressive & evil.  My dad & I enjoyed the movie as a good old fun action movie.  Certainly much more entertaining than, oh, say Speed 2, Die Hard part 300, etc.


>"Red Dawn" is worth the price of admission if only to see C. Thomas Howell go
>nuts and get blown away by that helicopter.

That scene always bugged me. Why did he fire the rocket at the body of the helicopter? He should have aimed for the cockpit or the tail rotor. Either would have stood a good chance of bringing it down.


Ufff... Many to mention here. From silly comedies (I've somehow developed some taste for the absurd) like "Hudson Hawk" to imposssible adaptations of writers I like ("Screamers" 1995, adapting a short piece from Philip K. Dick) to silly action. Talking about silly action, I hate older Steven Seagal / JC Van Damme stuff, but I just love their later films, like "Under Siege II", "The foreigner" or "Half past dead" in the case of Seagal, or "Knock Off" or "Replicant" in the case of Van Damme. Maybe it has to do with me liking absurd things.

Due to the horrifying nature of this film, no one will be admitted to the theatre.


The Big Lebowski. Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, and Steve Buscemi.  I loved Donnie's memorial at the end of the movie.               "The Dude abides!"

And you thought Trek isn't cool.


I loved "Tank Girl" and "Twice Upon a Time" (which got great reviews but nobody I know has even heard of it).


¡That's phantastic, Derf! I thought I was the only one who had enjoyed "tank Girl". Well, Andrew said he liked it as well, and that he even used as a way to introduce bad movies into his circle. I have to say that the whole damn movie left me speechless and in a state of shock. Malcolm McDowell with his mech arm and Lori Petty feeding his tank's gun with a sixpack was too much for me, but in the following days I surprised myself remembering it and laughing.

Due to the horrifying nature of this film, no one will be admitted to the theatre.