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WILD,WILD PLANET.: A hearty meal of a review...

Started by Flangepart, August 13, 2001, 11:51:30 AM

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I have an old copy from the monstervision days. Cool beans! I had to MST this thing. Hehehehehe.....Like when you first  see the Heart and Lungs under first thought was "Hey, they got half the ingrediants for Haggis!" Call Emeril! Oh man, what fun this one and War of The planets was. Spegetti-in-spaaaaaaace!.........ah, dang i'm hungry agine! Anyone for Italian?


Mr. McFlange - are you trying to destroy the Scottish tourist trade? Everyone knows that Haggiseseses are trusting, gentle creatures (easy to shoot). You'll be saying that there isn't an extinct beastie at the bottom of a certain pond next!


Aye,Laddie. The Haggis is a gentle creature...its a gentile creature,Too but we won't discuss that....But a little known trait of the Haggis is to rob banks by being eatin, thrown up by the bank manager/asst. manager/teller/ what ever, and crawling out of the Loo at night to jimmy the lock on the vault, and make off with as much money and bonds as it can carry, or sneak the goods into its safe deposit box. These boxes are frequintly opened for the Haggis by Patriotic Scottsmen who have a streak of larceny, as well as a desire to stick it to the man. Currently Tony Blair. Then the Haggis retreats to the safty of the trash bin, and waits to be thrown out with the mornings waste. All in all, a brilliant survuval ploy!. Eat Haggis, Charlie Darwin!

Andrew K

I LOVE this movie!. Sure it's silly, nonesensical and at the comic book level, but you have to realize that comic books are the major source of science fiction in Europe  and so we're dealing with a completely approach to the genre, just as Spaghetti Westerns were different from American Westerns (similarly, The Fifth Element was obviously more based in such French comic books as The Airtight Garage, than in the pulp and action-movie conventions of most American SF films, so a lot of people didn't get it). It also a lot of energy and imagination, and there's always something which catches your eye. If you go to the website you'll understand maybe where this movie is coming from.


Whew... ...I was worried that maybe my reviews were getting too wordy - though they seem to have stabilized in size now.

Glad that some other people have seen this film.  When I bring it up, even around the other B-Masters, people seem to think I've completely lost my top.  But, but - it exists darn it!  I even have the laserdisk to prove that this part of my madness is based in reality!



You're absolutely right, Mr. McF. - no-one I know has managed to keep a haggis down, especially when mixed with mashed turnip and cheap whiskey. And beer. And pizza. And more beer. Mr. Blair was actually born in Jockland, so he is rightly regarded as a stinking fifth-columnist. Not COMMUNIST.  Haggii are gentile? - well stripe me pink. You are a veritable fount of knowledge, sire.