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Film Induced Vomiting (I Can't Stop Laughing!)

Started by Ash, January 11, 2004, 07:00:21 AM

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Have you ever showed a movie to a friend who's never seen it and it caused them to vomit....literally?

This has happened to me on two different occasions and I nearly fell out of my seat laughing!

I showed "Jackass the Movie" to my weak-stomached friend Lonnie.
He started gagging when the guy s**ts in the toilet at the hardware store and they show a close up of the feces....after that he seemed ok for awhile.
Then when another guy later p**ses all over a snowcone and eats it, he ran to the bathroom and we could hear him wretching into the toilet.

That story is nothing compared to when I showed an even more light-stomached friend Mario "Dead Alive" uncut last night with 6 other friends.... (1-10-04)

It was during the infamous custard scene.
Mario was very drunk and had drank at least a 12 pack of Busch Light if not more.
He watched it and when the man eats the custard after Mum shoots the blood into it he stood up and put his right hand over his mouth making wretching noises.
It was hilarious because of the fact that  it reminded me of my old cat when it was about to hack up a hairball.
I started laughing uncontrollably right away!

We yelled at him to get to the bathroom fast!
Saying stuff like "Go go go! You can make it!"

He didn't make it all the way.

Puke was literally shooting out from between the fingers of his hand that he held over his mouth!
He removed his hand, let loose and puked all over the carpet in powerful streams!
He belched out at least 4-5 blasts of beer/vomit!
Puke was also still dripping from the hand that took the initial blast!

We all were laughing our asses off so hard that we had tears in our eyes and could hardly stand up straight!

We were cheering yelling s**t like "f**k Yeah!"  "Woo-hoo!"
He finally came back into the room after about 30 minutes of spitting into the toilet and several flushes and cursed us for being sick f**ks!
Oh was HIS house!  
He had to clean up the mess!

Here's a picture of Mario to help you better envision this sickening display:

OMG I have never laughed that hard in my life!

Have you or anyone you've known tossed their cookies because of images from a film?

Post Edited (01-11-04 07:17)

The Burgomaster

Maybe it was the beer that made him sick.  I'd probably puke if I drank Busch Light, regardless of what I was watching!

But, seriously, I cannot remember a time when I saw anyone puke from watching a movie.

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."

Vermin Boy

I have a friend who's a bit more straight-laced than the rest of my crowd, so we have an ongoing game with him called "Make Andy Puke," which consists of showing him the vilest movies we can find and watching his reactions. We haven't actually gotten him to throw up yet, though he did have to take a breather in the middle of Bad Taste.

On a related note, during my first week of college, my roommates finished their homework early and decided they wanted to watch a comedy. Going through my DVD collection, they finally landed on one:

"Ah! Pink Flamingos! That looks funny!"

Even I have a conscience, so I warned them that I could not let them watch it without warning them that it's possibly the most tasteless movie ever made.

"Geez! If YOU think it's that bad, then I GOTTA see it!"

They watched it on a laptop pointed away from me, so I could just see their reactions as I did my homework. The looks on their faces during the chicken sex scene, the transexual flasher, and the singing rectum were absolutely priceless (the latter caused one of them to run across the room and bury his head in his pillow). They turned it off around the furniture-licking scene; I suppose it's for the best that they missed the oral sex and the feces-eating. To this day, I simply have to mention chicken or eggs to make them lose their appetites completely!

-Vermin Boy

My site: The Vermin Cave
My band: The Demons of Stupidity
?????: ?????


The Burgomaster wrote:

> Maybe it was the beer that made him sick.  I'd probably puke if
> I drank Busch Light, regardless of what I was watching!

You beat me to it Burg. I admit my taste in movies is questionable, but my taste in beer..above reproach! To paraphrase a Python bit, Busch is not a beer for drinking, it's a beer for laying down and avoiding.

Everyone has potentially fatal flaws, but yours involve a love of soldiers' wives, an insatiable thirst for whiskey, and the seven weak points in your left ventricle.



Luckly me and all my friends havbe very strong stomachs and we don't throw up no matter how sick it is.We used to have Faces of Death marathons and sit around eating Pappa Johns and brinking beer.I do admit that in some movies I have had to stop eating because I have lost my appetite.

Smells like popcorn and shame

Brian Ringler

wyckednick wrote:

> Luckly me and all my friends havbe very strong stomachs and we
> don't throw up no matter how sick it is.We used to have Faces
> of Death marathons and sit around eating Pappa Johns and
> brinking beer.I do admit that in some movies I have had to stop
> eating because I have lost my appetite.

My friend and did about the same when we were thirteen/fourteen we had his mom rent us Traces of Death and got some Pizza's and Pop and such.  I don't think something on video could make me vomit, now seeing something like that in real life, it might be a different story


I have a cousin who has a low tolerance for gore and such in movies. I've never seen him lose it, but his family and his wife say they have to be careful what to watch with him.

One of his brothers and I did make another of his brother puke once while we were eating cold cut sandwiches by making up increasing wilder grossout tales of just what was in the sandwiches and eating them with glee as we told the tales. Ah childhood.


I've never thrown up from watching a movie, but I did come close watching a video clip I downloaded. It was called the Vomit Queen and involved an asian girl sticking her entire hand into her mouth and puking into a bowl. That part didn't bother me so much as when she starting scooping it up with her fingers, all stringy and such, and eating it.


Not a funny at all story but my wife had to go to the theater restroom and throw up because of Blair Witch Project 2.  If anyone saw it, they probably remember the reprehensibly disgusting misarriage dream sequence.  Well, my wife was about 2 months pregnant and still feeling early pregnancy nausea combined with the fact that she's been terrified of complications during our pregnancies.  Of course we left - and I didn't mind missing the rest of it.  I later heard that I didn't miss a hell of a lot.

Velvet Brotha

LOL! That's sick man... I once saw my sister gag over the scene from Exorcist where the girl's head spins. I remember that one!


I've seen people feel a little sick after some of Cronenberg's stuff, once, we went to a chinese restauraunt after watching existenz and one guy felt a little ill seeing the dead ducks hanging in the window, but that's about it.  Of course we ordered the special, though that didn't get us very far since the special was just rice...

I was at the cinema watching the matrix and someone on the aisle down from me threw up in the scene where neo 'wakes up' and has all those pipes and stuff popping from his arms.


Well, I never got sick from watching a movie, but was once very ill with the flu while watching Six Million Dollar Man: Big Foot Episode with Andre the Giant as Bigfoot in a big hairy costume.

TV shows in the 70's that made me nausaus were Knight Rider and the Bionic Dog episode with the Bionic Woman. A-Team also had that affect, but I learned to appreciate The A-Team later.

Velvet Brotha

>TV shows in the 70's that made me nausaus were Knight Rider and the Bionic Dog episode with the Bionic Woman. A-Team also had that affect, but I learned to appreciate The A-Team later.

Sorry Scott... that was in the eighties. The only 70's show was the Bionic Woman. I also agree that the Bionic Dog episode was nauseating. ; )

The Burgomaster

Scott wrote:

"Well, I never got sick from watching a movie, but was once very ill with the flu while watching Six Million Dollar Man: Big Foot Episode with Andre the Giant as Bigfoot in a big hairy costume."

Scott, this is amazing.  I also remember watching this episode when I was sick.  I had a really high fever and I was lying on the couch watching it with my mother and father.  I remember that I kept falling asleep for 5 or 10 minutes at a time and then waking up again.  I think I missed the last few minutes of the show.  (I believe it was a 2 part episode).  

What a coincidence.

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."