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The monster(s) you'd like as a pet

Started by Goon, January 27, 2004, 08:19:20 PM

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A response to the thread below.  What kind of monster would be an entertaining candidate to own?  Having to wash it, feed it, walk it.

I think the Creeping Terror would be  good.  You could ride it anywhere I didn't have to get to on time.  Feeding it would be tricky, though...

-----ooo-'U'-ooo-------Kilroy was here.


I want that weasly thing that plucked out C-3PO's eye in "Return of the Jedi".

Remember that thing?

Its name was Salicious Crumb.
Here's a pic with some info on him:

Post Edited (01-27-04 20:01)


Good call on teh creeping terror.  Tough to beat that.

I would go with the thing from Q.  Seemed smart enough to keep without being eatten.

gecko brothers

if I could tame one an alien so I could chase away ad annoying people. Or an old cylon robot from Battlestar Galatica

Brother Ragnarok

The Chatterer Beast that Pinhead leads around in Bloodline would be a pretty intimidating guard creature.
The ultimate pet, though (and I say this because all attempts at controlling Godzilla were met with failure), would have to be Gamera.  Just get yourself one of those little beads and you're ready to rock.

Brother R

There are only two important things in life - monsters and hot chicks.
    - Rob Zombie
Rape is just cause for murdering.
    - Strapping Young Lad

The Burgomaster

When I was a kid, I wanted to own rats so that I could be like Willard.  I also wanted to own a gorilla like Mighty Joe Young.

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


Oooo Oooo!!!  How about one of those bat winged folks form Beast Master.
Digest your neighbors...Amuse your friends.


Hey goon how your video end up a few months back?:)

save the world, kill a politician or two.


Id like a flock (herd?) of flying monkeys straight out of Oz. Fly my prettys, fly! Bring me gold! Hahahaha!
I suppose one 'pretty' would suffice if a flock of them is unavailable.

'Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?'


I would head to china town to buy a Mogwai from some old Asian dude.  Then I would take my new little Mogwai friend swimming.  After that we could have a late night snack and catch a movie.


Assuming I could afford the food and lived in a city with very lax pooper-scooper laws, I'd take King Kong.


Have you ever played any of the Final Fantasy games? Because there's this reoccuring monster that's very short and green and wears a smock. It spends the battle walking to your characters and when it gets right in front of one of your characters it stabs you with a knife and kills you in one hit. You see if a burgular breaks in he'll be to busy to notice that GG coming at him from behind and when it gets close enough *STAB* buraglars dead. But it would take me an hour just to walk GG because it moves so slow.

Now it's time to sing the nation anthem IN AMERICA!!!

Bandit Keith from Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series (episode 12)


Hmmm, if any cop gave you a pooper scooper ticket, just tell him to hand it to the monkey.

Godzilla would make a nice pet, but the food bill would be kind of high, and I'd hate to be responsible for him trashing Tokyo yet again.

Max Gardner

The aliens from Pitch Black.  They were cute.


Max....Cute? Oh, in a mad scientest kinda way.....Cool.
Godzilla would have to be a "Free range" pet, if you could just get him to agree not to step on you and yours. Offer to point him to nuclear reactors outside his normel detection range.
Oh...Oh....the new Mechagodzilla! He sems to have a mind of his own. Be great for the science fail at school....
Creeping Terror?.....okey, but have hi/her/it simonized first. Make 'em easier to clean. Hope it sont shed in summer. Shag shed sucks.

"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"