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favourite troma movies

Started by ashcampbell, February 02, 2004, 01:09:56 PM

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i know my buddy saul-bruce is with me when i say troma RULES!

but what are your personal favourites?

mine is either cannibal - the musical or sgt.Kabuki man N.Y.P.D

possibally surf nazi's must die.

how about you guys?

Brian Ringler

I like lloyd's brother's movie When Nature Calls,  Tromeo and Juliet is my favorite in house troma movie.  For movies that troma a released I also like Fatty Drives The Bus and Decampitated.

The Burgomaster

Sgt. Kabukiman is my favorite.  Toxic Avenger is my 2nd favorite.

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


Toxic Avenger is my favorite and my second is Monster in the Closet. Actually those are the only two i've seen.


Now it's time to sing the nation anthem IN AMERICA!!!

Bandit Keith from Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series (episode 12)


yeah i like sgt Kabuki man N.Y.P.D i also like the fact kriss is a c**t


I like the CLASS OF NUKE 'EM HIGH series.


Haven't seen much Troma, sadly enough, but my favourite so far is Cannibal the Musical.  Swan and his Snowman song crack me up everytime.


WHEN NATURE CALLS has to be up there too,'s probably one of my favorite comedies, especially the Public Service Announcement where G. Gordon Liddy makes an appeal for the Society for the Prevention of Jerry Lewis.
"Remember, we've already lost France...."


The only 'Troma' I have really liked is "Terror Firmer" - Very gory, nasty and funny.

But lets not get a 'Troma' film mixed up with a film *distributed* by Troma.  "Cannibal The Musical" is nothing to do with 'Troma'.  It was actually released as 'Alferd Packer' a few years before (in the UK as well) the 'Troma' re-tilted release.

And on that point I actually think they ditribute better films than they make.  Stuff like "Unspeakable", "Combat Shock", Stendhal Syndrome" and "Bloodsucking Freaks" are far better than most actual 'Troma' films.

Neon Noodle

dean wrote:

> Haven't seen much Troma, sadly enough, but my favourite so far
> is Cannibal the Musical.  Swan and his Snowman song crack me up
> everytime. I'll have that song in my head for the rest of the night!

Let's build a snowman, we can make him our best friend,
We can call him Bob, or we can call him Beowulf!
We can make him tall, or we can make him not so tall - SNOWMAN!

[tap dancing in the snow]

He'll have a happy face, a happy smile, a happy point of view!
If you build me a snowman, I'll build one for you!
Snowman, snowman, SNOWMAN!!!!!!!!!!

I am a sick puppy.

While on a journey, Chuang Tzu found an old skull, dry and parched.
With sorrow, he questioned and lamented the end of all things.
When he finished speaking, he dragged the skull over and, using it for a pillow, lay down to sleep.
In the night, the skull came to his dreams and said, 'You are a fool to rejoice in the entanglements of life.'
Chuang Tzu couldn`t believe this and asked, 'If I could return you to your life, you would want that, wouldn`t you?'
Stunned by Chuang Tzu`s foolishness, the skull replied, 'How do you know that it is bad to be dead?'

-From The Matrix: The Path of Neo


i know it wasnt a troma made movie, but it is a TROMA MOVIE, it was made by trey parker and matt stone aka south park creators right?

i havnt seen tromio and juliette yet but i hear its great.