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"Psychotic Kid" Movies

Started by Ash, February 09, 2004, 02:24:07 AM

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Well from reading pretty much all of your posts on here I've gathered that most of you guys have kids.

There are a select few here on this board who are in their late 20's to early 30's that do not and I am one of them.
I turn 30 on April 19th of this year and I still haven't produced any offspring.
Since my last name is Davis and I am the last male bearing my family name, I feel that I must have at least one boy to pass my name onto.  
If I do not, then my family name dies with me even though it is a common last name.  ( I have researched this thoroughly via my family tree...if I don't have a boy, then my family name will end with me)
After all, isn't that the goal of almost all males since the beginning?  
We must procreate and pass our name and likenesses onto our progeny.

I DO want kids but not yet...I want to be fully into my career and be financially stable before I take that giant leap.
I don't want to be like many of my friends and have children before I'm ready and forever struggle with money and all the other issues that go along with having kids before you're ready.

Even worse would be if your child had homicidal tendancies!

Ok, having said that, what films can you think of and have seen that involve a psycho kid?

Kids are supposed to be precious and loving but there's truly something horrific about a kid that goes bad and starts offing people!

My choice would be "The Good Son" starring Macauley Culkin.
I remember actually paying to see that one in the theater when it was released.
He was creepy as hell in that movie!
And doesn't he commit the "killing the dog" act in it?
It's been years since I've seen it but I remember him aiming a makeshift gun that fired metal bolts at high velocity at the Pit Bull that guarded the bridge he wanted to cross.

What do you think of the concept of insane murderous kids?
How would you handle it if one of your kids lost it and started "whacking" people?

Post Edited (02-09-04 01:54)

Evil Matt

I loved the ending of that movie.  His mom TOTALLY dropped him off that rock!

Everything's funnier with monkeys.


Yep, that was a really satisfying ending.

I guess phycho kid movies are especially disturbing because we see childhood as a time of innocence. An adult is easier to understand. As a couple of people had mentioned in the "not the dog" thread, we're used to hearing about adults doing horrible things, but not so much children. Just the idea of what would corrupt someone that young to the point of turning them into a psycho killer is staggering.

Going back to the ending of The Good Son, does anyone else find that they are especially satisfied when the phycho kid buys it in the end? Is this because anyone who is that crazy at that age is messed up beyond all hope? Is it because they represent almost a disease that we do not want as part of our reality, lest it catch on? Is it simply because they freak us out so much?

"Join me in the abyss of savings."


Men can have babies until they are 100. Enjoy life.
A woman on the other hand must listen to that biological clock, so ultimately i'm more screwed in the kid department not having had mine.

The Good son I think was a modern remake of a better movie: THE BAD SEED
now that girl was just plain evyil! Who needs psycho kid movies anyhow, just pay a trip to wal-mart on any given day of the week

As for psycho kids, they exist. I think the movies emphasise that eerie sense that childhood innocence is lost to something darker - when a child's soul is spoiled. Usually in the movies they are sorta born souless, without any conscience. In real life it's social conditioning, sometimes it could be their environment (abusive family). Or desensitized by violent games or tv shows that might otherwise not affect the average kid but maybe this kid is prone. Some studies have shown that people can be genetically predispositioned to become violent, it's an interesting concept to think that we could actually be born to kill. We're not totally docile, I mean weve been programmed from millions of years of our ancestors killing for food, necessities or perhaps positioning within the tribe. Now I would think in away that's as hard to breed out of us as it might be to breed out of a housecat to chase a mouse.

Perhaps that explains the popularity in wars, gladiators, bullfighting, sky diving, violent games, tv shows, and fear factor. We still have the primal desire for an adrenaline high that often results in placing one's life in danger..or participating or watching something violent. But i digress ;-)

Post Edited (02-09-04 21:06)


Man I want to get my boy a clown costume like the one little Michael wore when stabbing his sister.  Get him a nice fake butcher knife to go with it.  That would be the coolest costume a 5-year old ever got!  Damn wife.


By the way - that's a reference to Michael from Halloween.  I'm sure most of you got that.


>A woman on the other hand must listen to that biological clock, so ultimately i'm
>more screwed in the kid department not having had mine.

Mullet man would probably help you out! :)

If he's not available, I'd be happy to volunteer my services. ;)

Psycho kid movies;

The Bad Seed (1956 & 1985 TV)
The Paperboy
The Children
Child Of Rage

 The last one is a TV movie of the week about an adopted girl who does things like sticking the dog with needles and choking her brother. Turns out she was sexually abused. More of a drama, but she's still kind of psycho.


The reason I was so satisfied at the ending of The Good Son is not really because the mother dropped a psycho kid off a cliff but more along the lines of the mother dropped Macaulay Culkin off a cliff!
Pet Sematary-A psycho kid in a movie that probably doesn't really fit into this thread just because of there were underlying causes to the kid being psycho (mostly like the kid was dead, ya know?)- now that kid was creepy in that movie because of the way he was played up as being so cute and innocent until he was buried. The kid was nightmare material.
How about Poison Ivy with Drew Barrymore...or does this one not count because she was supposed to be in her teens? Either way, she was pretty crazy in that.
This reminds me...does anyone remember the movie Bad Ronald from sometime in the 70's? I can't get any of these idiots around here where I live now  to even acknowledge that such a movie exists. Ronald was certainly a psycho but here we go with the teen thing again.
Now to change the subject slightly in response to something that Ash said. I am the last in line to carry on my name also. I'm in my mid 30's and I have one kid; a 3 and a half year old girl. I am not the least bit concerned that I don't have a boy to carry on a name and neither is my father. The important thing to me (and to him) was that my girl is healthy, and happy. The way we both see the name thing? We'll be dead so who gives a flying *poop*. Now on the other hand we have my inlaws who are freaks about this name thing. My brother in law had a girl and his father was slightly upset because she wasn't a boy but he was young enough to have more chances. A few years later he gets his wife pregnant and they choose to tell everyone on New Years Eve after my father in law is way in the bag. They make the announcement that they are going to have a baby...they say "baby". My father in law jumps up out of his seat and starts dancing around like an ass and yelling "I'm going to have a grandson" over and over again. He was told to not get his hopes up. Anyway, along comes another girl in May of '99 and he went into a week long depression. What kind of pressure do you think this put on my brother in law? Anyway, my father in law treated the girls ok but I could always see that he wasn't overly thrilled. Again they announced another baby and this time it was a boy. My father in law was happy this time. He's crazy about this kid. OK, so what am I getting at with this long winded post? I'm not entirely sure to be honest but I want to make a point. I said my father in law is crazy about the grandson. When he sees that kid he's all over him and playing with him; just can't seem to get enough. Here's where it gets bad: He doesn't, nor did he ever, do this with the girls. Do you think they notice this? I think they do and I'm sure it doesn't feel good. The point I'm trying to make is forget the name. You won't be around to care if it's carried on or not. What matters is the child. I would not give up my daughter for anything and I couldn't care less that I don't have a son. Having a son wasn't as important as just having a child that could be taken care of. I don't know if I'm really making sense here or if I'm just rambling. I do know what I'm trying to say but it may not be coming across to anyone that reads it. Basically I think there is too much importance placed on a son who can carry on a name rather than looking at the whole picture and just placing the importance on the child itself.
I'll step off the soap box now and burn it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You're not the Devil...You're practice.


While I did see and enjoy "The Good Son," the ending left me unsatisfied. I would have been more satisifed if the mother had also walked off the cliff with her son. Not only to exculpate his crimes, but to exculpate her guilt.
And yes, "The Good Son" is the one in which the dog is killed.

I think a better "Psychotic Kid" Movie is the one that JohnL mentioned, "The Paperboy." If only because, I found the characters more well rounded in that film then "The Good Son."


Though the ending for that one left me somewhat unsatisfied, as the psychotic kid survived at the end.

For me the most satisfying "Psychotic Kid" movie is not a movie, but a couple of episodes of "Friday the 13th," if only because the endings left me emotionally drained. And one could feel certain empathy with the kids involved. Both of whom were victims of severe child abuse.

One was about a boy from the past, who also existed in the present, who was abused by his drunken father, and consumed himself in one final act of desperate cannibalism.

The other was about a girl from the present, who was abused by the students at school, and ended it all by walking off the roof of her school with her older sister's boyfriend.

A little more recent, if not psychotic, then the neurotically germphobic Ram, the leader of the Technos, from the Australian teen soap "The Tribe." I was on vacation, when this season ended, but, I have heard, as he was basically confined to a motorized wheelchair and dying anyway, they just left the character alone in the wilderness to die. "All children. All the time."


>The other was about a girl from the present, who was abused by the students at
>school, and ended it all by walking off the roof of her school with her older
>sister's boyfriend.

One of my favorites, because I can relate to how she was teased.


Scary Children:
   They are not part of traditional society, so they have yet to understand conventional morals and are thus scary since they don't know that something is bad, is percieved as bad, and are a threat because of it.  They are a "clean slate" so they are like that weird person anyone knows who acts differently than most (I would actually fall into this "rougue male" category, BOO!) and thus isn't within society yet.   etc etc (Oh, god is this elitist of me, and quite defensive, but it may be a major reason why we all fear children, though there is no single bullet theory).

   Last-o-the line too, but is there undue pressure from your father or grandfather (if alive) to produce?  If so, cut off your girlfriend's head, or your wife's head or whatever (I'm assuming ye do not want to adopt, or do invetro-fertization), (I know it's not your problem, but I had to rift) and marry another but, only after your start your own religion, the Branch ASHTHECATIANS, but don't go near Waco, or that place in Colorado, or the South America's.
   Sometimes there is undue pressure from, Sorry, I'm no Dr. Phil... If so I could help but, since I can't could I please appear on your show so that I could get my own, after I leach off you.
   I've been told life=multiply, but I'm not feelin' it at all, not even in the future, though I am young and could change my mind, I'm lucky to be close to my fam, and yet not be forced into agreeing with them and have a strained relationship, so I don't have any spoken pressure on me... yet.  Take your time but have a plan, if your not ready a child could mess up your life, not because the child, but because of your improper planning, and some people take it out on the kid.

Post Edited (02-12-04 21:50)


Speaking of psychotic kids, anyone see that news story about the girls on the bus who put another kid in the hospital?


"Speaking of psychotic kids, anyone see that news story about the girls on the bus who put another kid in the hospital?"

No, but I saw the footage of the busload of kids whaling on one poor little kid who happened to be a migraine sufferer and I guess not as good an athlete or cool a dresser.   Saw the victim in tears getting interviewed saying he had no idea why it happened.  Kids can definitely manifest mankind's lowest urges.