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OT: Coffee Anyone?

Started by Chopper, March 05, 2004, 08:53:53 AM

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Dave, when you have to be somewhere early in the morning and need a quick pick-me-up before you go, you'll understand(about coffee). When you are stressin out and need to kick back you'll understand beer.

This is the Hell that's my life.-Howard Stern: Private Parts


Coffee, just like tea can help a sore throat.  It's heat can really relax your throat muscles and such.

As for drinking coffee reguarly, Dave I do believe that you will understand eventually.  Coffee actually does taste good.  And it's a nice pick me up first thing in the morning.  I also agree with you about tea though.  I mainly drink green tea.  Preferably hot at night.  Great relaxer.

"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.


Lee said:
Dave, when you have to be somewhere early in the morning and need a quick pick-me-up before you go, you'll understand(about coffee). When you are stressin out and need to kick back you'll understand beer.

Coffee, just like tea can help a sore throat. It's heat can really relax your throat muscles and such.

As for drinking coffee reguarly, Dave I do believe that you will understand eventually. Coffee actually does taste good. And it's a nice pick me up first thing in the morning. I also agree with you about tea though. I mainly drink green tea. Preferably hot at night. Great relaxer.

I guess you guys are right, I'm still growin'. About that sore throat thing I must have came up with the conclusion that that, foul black stuff could never sooth my poor sick throat. But I know a good way to wake up in the morning without waiting for that coffee to perk, try snapping a mousetrap on your toe in the morning (god it hurts) this way you save money! (Though I guess you need to buy bandages now)

Now it's time to sing the nation anthem IN AMERICA!!!

Bandit Keith from Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series (episode 12)


They say taste & smell are connected.

Coffee smells so good but the taste.....GROSS!!!!!!!
I have never liked coffee even with sugar or creme or anything in it.
It is one of the most horrid drinks on the planet in my opinion.

Coffee is one drink where taste & smell obviously do not connect.
I know that I will never be a lifelong coffee drinker....ever.
At the grocery store I just walk right on past the coffee aisle.

Now, my all-time favorite smell in the world is freshly ground coffee in it's can.
I could smell it's wonderful smell all day long.

When it's brewed on the other hand....UGH!
It is some nasty s**t!

And don't believe 'em Dave, don't ever get suckered into drinking a highly addictive drink like coffee.

Now as for beer, you say you hate it now Dave but give it about 6-7 years and I imagine seeing you at some keg party hitting a beer bong while people around you chant, "Go Go Go Go!!"

Post Edited (03-05-04 15:55)

Vermin Boy

Yeah-- My dad's a big Twin Peaks fan, so that story hit really close to home for him!

-Vermin Boy

My site: The Vermin Cave
My band: The Demons of Stupidity
?????: ?????


yeah i know man. i wonder if they ever caught the punkasses who did it.


don't do it Dave!!! i'd recommend coffee. drink your 1st cup and we'll contemplate if you can leave the temple or not.


I'll keep that in mind.


Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius



> It is one of the most horrid drinks on the planet in my
> opinion.
> Now, my all-time favorite smell in the world is freshly ground
> coffee in it's can.
> I could smell it's wonderful smell all day long.
> Now when it's brewed on the other hand....UGH!
> It is some nasty s**t!

I used to know a guy who 'chewed' coffee grounds, kinda like Skoal.  I thought it was pretty gross, but I admit I did try it once (I used to chew tobacco and dip Skoal and/or Copenhagen).  Dippin coffee grounds was definitely different!

As for taste, I used not be able to drink coffee without a HEALTHY amount of sugar (never liked cream or milk in it).  Then one night while a Vol. Firefighter, after a fire, we brewed some coffee at the firehouse and EGADS! no sugar to be found.

That smell lured me, I was tired, it was cold.  I wanted coffee.

Drank it black.

Never went back.

(Little girl line from "Airplane" trying to...pop...out).

Eh hem.

BTW, coffee's not addictive...I drink 3-7 cups per day and can quit anytime I want.



Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius


Mmmm. Coffee..good. I drink one freshly brewed cup every morning with three scoops of sugar and a bit of creamer. (Yes I like a little coffee with my sugar.)


My job is high end stress, corperate america - go figure. But I knew if i drank that stuff everyday I would be a frazzled babbling idiot. I'm actually more mellow without it, not to mention the ever-constant pot brewing in the breakroom is downright ungodly (it's like someone uses their grandfathers old dirty sock for the filter)

I like my coffee black (and no airplane reference here) - but to enjoy coffee it has to be gourmet. I'm not a starbucks fanatic but i'll go now and again there or another shop and spend a little extra to buy the tasty flavored stuff. When i'm very stresesd at work I usually run to quiznos and get a jumbo coke, that's enuff caffiene to get me by and it has the added perk of having me run to the restroom every 10 minutes to pee (Good exercise and a break from working)

I do have a handy box of chocolate covered coffee beans on the other hand that I tend to pop like candy...

As for someone's mention of Red Bull, that stuff is pretty gross. A co-workers roomate works for them and gets tons of it free..which it inevitably ends up in our office. If i'm gonna drink something for the caffiene it must be at least tasty.

I found a great way to cope with working in my cubicle hell is lots of toys. I have putty, juggling balls and all kinds of stuff to make me stand out. i'm so tempted to buy one of those de-motivational posters, they crack me up! but i would so be fired...nobody has a sense of humor in my office. I also have plantlife on my desk, oddly enough they seem to thrive under artificial lights...unlike me


>Jack Nance, the guy who played the main disturbed character died at a dunken
>doughnuts. i heard some punk ass teenager punched him in the head

According to the IMDB, Nance got into a fight with a couple guys in a donut shop, but not Dunkin Donuts, and was found dead in his home when a friend went to check on him the next day.

>Ever since a few years ago I pulled a pitcher out of the frige and saw some dark
>liquid in it. I figured it was dark juice so I poured some into a glass. When I took a
>sip of it I spat it out into the sink gagging. My mom looks into the pitcher and
>says "Oh, I was wondering where I put the coffee". So yeah how on earth can you
>adults put that awful tasting stuff in you guts?

Was that the only time you ever tasted coffee? I've never had cold, black coffee, but I don't imagine it would taste that good. Hot with milk/cream and sugar is another story.

>I also do a little bit of the network tech stuff here as well, so if you ever have a
>question let me know.

I have a question: How do I get my stupid ISP to believe that there is something wrong with their network? I've eliminated every other possible cause and even had someone in the IT field test my account. My ISP either has the world's most imcompetent tech support or they can't be bothered to fix whatever's wrong.

>And don't believe 'em Dave, don't ever get suckered into drinking a highly
>addictive drink like coffee.

It's the caffeine that's addictive. The same caffeine as found in soda. Beer is also addictive.

As for me, I'm not really a coffee drinker. I've drank it from time to time. Mostly I drink soft drinks.


JohnL wrote:

> I have a question: How do I get my stupid ISP to believe that
> there is something wrong with their network? I've eliminated
> every other possible cause and even had someone in the IT field
> test my account. My ISP either has the world's most imcompetent
> tech support or they can't be bothered to fix whatever's wrong.

If you document the problem and have a third party 'consultant' evaluate the information, they would have little choice but to address the issue.

Case Study:

I log on via dial up to a major ISP (BellSouth).  That means that the SPECIFIC hardware I log onto on any given attempt may be different.  Last year, SOMETIMES when I logged on, I could not send email, but other times I could.  This started spontaneously.  It got very frustrating, so I used the BellSouth web site to send a tech support 'request.'  Weeks went by, no response.  So, I tried again.  No response.

I called the tech support phone number, and well, let's just say I am lucky I did not appear on some tv show.  Ordinarily, I am very patient with folks on the phone (well, except telemarketers, but I try, even with them).  I try to remember the person on the other end is doing their job, and may be having a bad day.  But this day, the dude SET ME OFF.  The more this ding dong tried to say 'calm down sir' the more angry I got.  I was SCREAMING into the phone....

All because this moron TRIED to tell me that the problem was with MY computer, and would hear nothing to contradict that.

Now, let's go over this, slowly.  First, I own a consulting business, and I help admin an enterprise ISP as one of my clients; in other words, I do tech support myself.  I have done computer troubleshooting and repair, both in the shop and in the field.  I am quite conversant with Unix Sys V, Linux and Windows (all flavors).  I have been programming since the early 1980's, including ASSEMBLY Language for processors by at least four manufacturers.   Plus, I KNOW that if MY COMPUTER works one time I log on, and not the next, then it works again the time after that, it is NOT my computer.

Further, he tried to tell me that since the email address I was using was not a domain, I could not send mail on their servers...that violated their Terms of Service.  Wrong again.  I'd been doing that for over a year with no problems, I specifically asked about that before I signed up with BellSouth, and I pulled up the ToS and found nothing even like that there.  He insisted he was right.


Anyway, I took some time to calm down, and wrote a letter to the "if our tech support did not help you' address.  I explained my issue, apologized for acting like a jerk myself to the guy on the phone and stated clearly that I am paying for email service and I want email service.  Fix the dang problem, and I don't care how.

A day or so after mailing the letter, the problem stopped.  Haven't had a problem since, and I have changed nothing relevant on my computer.

My point is, have the information that SHOWS the problem is theirs...get help in doing this if you need to (you already did).  Document all calls, emails, etc, that you make with them on the issue, date time, who you talked to, etc.  Be reasonable in dealing with them...but clear and firm.  While you are paying for a service, they are bound to provide it (IANAL but as I understand it, that IS a contractural relationship)  As a LAST resort, talk to a lawyer, who will make brown gravy of their entrails if you've documented everything.


Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius


I'm with  Ellie, a little coffee with my cream and sugar

As I usually say:

"I only drink coffee at two times. day time and night time"

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting



As for a sense of humor in the office, I've almost been fired because of it.  Since I work tech support, I often have customers come into the office with questions.  They don't seem to like being helped by someone with any of the three following phrases on their shirt:

1. "I Read Your Email."

2. "I Steal Music From The Internet."

3. "War Driving Pimp."

I guess the first one scares them, the second one they must think is immoral and the third just confuses them.  I've been repremaned by the owner numerous times but he's calmed down recently and finally got the joke.

BTW, War Driving is going around with a laptop and finding any open wireless networks.  You then mark the sidewalk outside of the home (or a tree, etc) with a marking letting others know that there is an unprotected network there and along with that comes FREE BROADBAND!

Is that immoral?  Is it stealing?

"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.