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ID this secret agent movie...

Started by JohnL, May 23, 2004, 07:42:30 PM

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Many years ago I was flippng channels and saw part of what I think was a secret agent movie. I don't remember who was in it or anything about it other than a couple related scenes. I'm guessing that it was probably made in the 60's or early 70's. It was definitely made before 1980.

In the first scene, the bad guys have a woman who either betrayed them or who has information they want. They make her lie on this metal platform and then a big press comes down on top of her. I seem to recall that right as it started squeezing her, she threw her head (which was hanging over the edge of the platform) back.

In the second scene, the hero of the movie opens a hatch set in the ground (for some reason I keep seeing it hidden under one of the bases on a baseball diamond, but that's probably wrong) and climbs down a ladder to the underground base. As he starts to explore he comes to the room with the press and finds the woman's body still in it. He stops for a moment to shed a tear (most likely on the inside only), and then goes on to find the bad guys.

Does anyone recognize this?