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Dressing Up For Halloween?

Started by Ash, September 07, 2004, 12:03:29 AM

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I love to dress up for Halloween.
It's the one day out of the year that I can do it and no one looks at me like I'm crazy.
I figure, "Why not take advantage of it?"

This year, I plan to dress up as The Lone Ranger.
I have all of the costume assembled except for a couple of things.
I still need to get a white cowboy hat, which a local costume shop sells for around $20.
I also need the gun belt and two silver fake pistols.

I've got everything else such as the blue shirt (yes I know that his shirt looks grey but I want to wear blue), pants, boots, red bandanna  & the mask that covers the eyes.

I'll look like this (only not as cheesy):

Oh, I'll also need to get those black gloves he wears.

I've been invited to 3 different Halloween parties and I plan to make appearences at all three.
Do you plan to dress up also?
If so, who will you go as?

Post Edited (09-07-04 05:07)


I won't be dressing up for Halloween this year, but may get to vicariously 'enjoy' it via my 2 yo daughter.  :)

I've done some pretty wierd homemade costumes in the past:

One year I went as an escaped lunatic a la a slasher flick.  I did my face in face paint kinda like Gene Simmons (but not exactly), splattered 'blood' all over my arms, and wrote DIE backwards on my shirt with a mixture of the blood and white face paint (on a semi dark shirt, the effect was really cool).  I made my knife more interesting by covering the blade with saran wrap and coating with fake blood, which made it look good and fresh (and wet).

The funniest part of this was on my way to the party I was going to, I had to stop and get gas in my car!  There I was in Miami, FL, pumping gas looking like that.  It was great.

My wedding reception (we got married in late October, but not right on Halloween) was a Halloween costume party.  It was a load of fun.  I went as a Celtic Werewolf, again, with the homemade costume (except for my mask).  I made a claymore-like sword and wore a kilt and sash!  Right after we did the traditional bouquet and garter throwing, my wife took off the garter *I* was wearing under my kilt (that she had just given me).

I've also made a grim reaper with glowing red eyes, which was pretty cool (but I could not see out of it, so I could not wear it long).

Good luck with your is FAR more fun making your own than buying one at K-Mart.  ;)


Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius


Hmmmm.  Haven't thought about it, but the easiest last minute costume I do is pretty cool cuz I do a great make-up job.  I go in "normal" clothes, then get a piece of thick rope, and tie a noose around my neck.  Then do all the make-up just right for a pale dead stiff.  Sometimes for an added bonus I will slsah my wrists with blood running down (all fake of course since I am writing to you all).

I really would like to go as a giesha girl one day, but it has to be a great skimping there.  My grandmother made me one when I was 5...have the pics, and she did an awesome job! (being an artist, I guess it came natural to her).  She made a wig out of thin yarn (complete with chop sticks in the bun), the dress out of curtains ala Gone With the Wind in terms of quality, and a make-up job that was just perfect...looked like a porcelin doll.  Now how the heck am I suppose to live up to that!


I believe that it was Mr. Henry from this board who had one of the best costume ideas I  had ever heard.  Raoul Duke (Johnny Depp) from Fear And Loathing.  Now that would be a kickass costume.

"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.


Years ago I went as a "jail bird ghost" by getting a white sheet with black stripes on it and cutting holes for eyes. It was kind of amusing the way people were looking at me.

****GROSS OUT WARNING****Proceed at your own risk...

When I was single, a group of us were going to go out to the local bar for their Halloween bash. I was odd back then (I'm told I am now too) and really liked to drink alot (gave that up when my kid was born). Too often, I decided things while I wasn't in the right frame of mind but they always seemed like the right decisions at the time. I needed a costume on short notice so I came up with what I thought would be hilarious. I went to the local pharmacy and bought boxes of cotton gauze in long, wide strips, the fluffy kind.  I wrapped myself in it and attached a 3 foot rope to my collar and let it hang down. One of my friends decided it would be funny to take red spray paint and spray some parts of the gauze.  Oh yeah. We went to the bar and the ghastly expressions were priceless. People were almost going out of their way to avoid me. Needless to say I didn't win the costume fact I wasn't even allowed up on the stage. You had to be there to see it because words cannot describe it but looking back I still do find it funny though I am sorry that I probably offended a few people, including the bar maids who I liked. Oh well, live and learn.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You're not the Devil...You're practice.


I think i'm going to be a huge dildo.

Dave Munger

Last time I went to a party on Halloween, I wore a black turtleneck and borowed a corderoy jacket from my dad and went as a mid level Ape Manegement functionary from Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes.


It's not as fun for me unless i'm going to a halloween party. There is none this year.  I don't know if we'll even be dressing up for work this year since it falls on a weekend. So the next best thing is to turn off all the lights, watch my handcarved evil pumpkin face flicker outside while watching horror movies.

Btw, is it me or is halloween getting more and more commercial each year? Ok, they already have the christmas crap out in stores (go to any gardenridge, hobby lobby..etc) But some of the halloween stuff is really stupid. Dancing, singing draculas, gimicky things that honestly aren't in the real spirit of halloween. I'm all for decoration, but do it with taste. Do it with realistic body parts, cobwebs, black lights, dry ice and a little flare.



Sure it has become more commercial, but there are always great horror films for cheap ass prices.

"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.

mr. henry

at the DOUBLE DOOR venu in chicago, local/national bands dress up and play cover sets...i usually dress up has HUNTER THOMPSON...visor, bags full of green stuff, pill bottles, a hand painted Rolling Stone press pass, hawaiin shirt, portable microphone, and notebook, shorts and pulled up socks with white wouldn't believe how many people call me DOCTOR and offer to buy shots of WILD TURKEY!

have fun,
mr. henry

"to be is to do" - Socrates
"to do is to be" - Jean-Paul Sartre
"do be do be do" - Frank Sinatra
- kurt vonnegut


First off, I think that idea is funny, odinn7... but, as I guess you discovered, only if you're not trying to impress any particular girl.

Last year a friend had a party with a serial killer/mass murderer/dictator theme.  Lots of thick-moustached Saddams (it was before his more Grizzley Adams-like post capture look) and shaggy bearded Castros.  I went as Son of Sam, complete with fake gun and "To do list" which included "take me for flea dip, get me milk bones, kill people, leave toilet seat up...."  (Get it?)  Anyway, my one friend came in pretty much his regular street clothes but spent all night drinking out of one of those little plastic Kool Aid pitchers.  When I finally gave up, he said he was Jim Jones.  I thought that was damned funny.

Worst costume of the night was a guy who tried to pull off Jack the Ripper with just stuff he already had in his house.  Pretty pathetic, except for the knife which he was asked to put back in his car.

maria paula

no halloween dress up for me, in spain theres no halloween day.



You should start it!!  It is a great day of fun: the kids dress up and get candy and get scared, and the adults dress up and scare the kids!!  :)  (the history of Halloween is pretty cool, too).

Just go to work on October 30 and tell all your coworkers, "Tomorrow, we all come to work dressed up like our favorite horror movie character, and everyone has to bring candy to share."  Ya never know, you might start a new trend in Spain.


Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius

Drezzy Mac

The last time I went out for Halloween, I dressed up as Jason Voorhees (had a jumpsuit, fake machete, and hockey mask). I used to just put on corpsepaint for Halloween during the schoolday, but now that I've graduated, I can't do that anymore.

I do believe me and my friend Jason are going out this year as members of KISS, with him as Paul Stanley and myself as Gene Simmons.