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What's with all the newbies all of a sudden

Started by D master D, September 20, 2004, 08:08:50 AM

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D master D

what's going on here the board seems to be under siege by a bunch of neophytes with no understanding of cinema (either bad or good) with annoying and purposeless questions. i myself am a lurker who has very little time to post but i do try to if at possible, but who are these chumps?

Drezzy Mac

I certainly hope you're not including me, as the only reason I'm under this name is because I lost the password to my account.


Dunno noob, why dont you fill us all in about yourself?

save the world, kill a politician or two.


D Master D,

I have no idea what yo talki'n about G. So why don't you step off homeboy and D Master Deez Nutz? ; )


>I certainly hope you're not including me, as the only reason I'm under this name
>is because I lost the password to my account.

Doesn't the board have an option to email you your password if you can't remember it?


This board gets an influx of ignorant teenagers every now & then.
Usually they're drawn to this board because they did a Google search for a favorite film.
They jump in here, demonstrate that they're not up to par with most of our superior intellects, then quickly disappear when they realize that they're out of their league.
The worst offenders are usually banned.

Post Edited (09-21-04 07:19)


Ya know Ash, that's one thing I like about you...your tact... :->

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You're not the Devil...You're practice.


Whereas I'm in admiration of his tremendous singing voice.

Nathan Shumate
Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Sci-fi, Horror, and General Whoopass


Fa la la la la.......

Sing with me now...

"His nose should pant and his lips should curl.
His cheeks should flame and his brow should furl.
His bosom should heave and his heart should glow,
And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow."

I don't hear any clapping.

(anyone remember what film that song is sang in?  I do!)

Post Edited (09-21-04 08:38)


The flowers are still standing...


I don't know neither, but it they stick around long enough, we who have been around these boards awhile, and who consider ourselves an old pro, will set them straight, at least in regards to "bad" cinema.

As for the questions being "annoying and purposeless," they may seem that way to some of us, but, I'm sure they don't seem that way, usually, to the person posting the question.

Prophet Tenebrae


It's newbie season?  Is there a limit, do I need a license?

Remember, we were all newbies once.  And unless they're out trolling, I say welcome (as he breaks out his 12 gauge. . .)

mr. henry

i don't mind the new peeps, some are more knowledgable than others, so i know what you mean, but don't forget a lot bring some fresh idears...

also, i'd like to thank the wave of folks that have been visiting my site via the link...especially those that signed the guestbook or e.mailed's nice to know my small contribution to movie sites is appreciated, ...or at least looked at.

mr. henry

"to be is to do" - Socrates
"to do is to be" - Jean-Paul Sartre
"do be do be do" - Frank Sinatra
- kurt vonnegut


Back during the good old days of the early-to-mid 90s you'd get a crop of goofball newbies every fall as the college freshmen got their first internet accounts.  Of course, that was back when most internet access was either through colleges or through military/government installations.  The only places that had a lot of "regular" citizens online were areas were major cities, especially the ones that had a lot of high-tech industry.  

I still remember the first time I saw an advertisement that had a Web address on it. That's when I knew everything was about to change.  

But that was years and years ago...why it's happening here now I have no idea other than maybe there are a couple of kids with too much time on their hands.  Darned young whippersnappers...