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Started by LivingDeadGirl, October 25, 2001, 10:07:40 AM

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It was brought out to the attention of Voodoo Girl and myself that our site has been ripped off by an a***ole who was even stupid enough to admit it in our guestbook.  So we need your help.  Do not visit this site, and please put out the word to other horror sites that this guy is an unoriginal fraud that is ripping off the horror fans on the net, that take the time and the effort to create great horror sites for you the horror lover to view.  We will not let him get away with this.  He goes by the name James Fulci, his site address is , and his e-mail address is  Please help us keep him from doing this to someone else.  For the webmasters and mistresses out there please feel free to view his entry in our guestbook.

Thank you,
Co - Webmistress of


Go directly to the man's ISP and let them know that his site is violating your copyright.  Tell them he's got one week to clean it up before you start making a real ruckus.



Trevor the rat

i never liked your site to begin with living dead girl let alona a rip off. this dude must be stopped


hey trevor, why don't you go eat a dick, you're allways starting s**t for no reason on this site, and talking s**t to people.


well the problem has been taken care of already.  i guess voodoo girl and i raise such a fuss that he reconsidered using our layout that he changed it, and went into hiding.


it's ok chopper, we can't win them all.  but oh well it's not our problem that he has no taste anyways.  LOL

Trevor the rat

woa, chopper, eat a dick? That's so creative, seriously, it ALMOST got to me. you really think what you says matters to me you piece of rotting poontang? I wasn't trying to start s**t i'm aloud to not like something, or is there some kind of rule against speaking my mind. So little fella why don't you crawl back in the s**thole you came from and f**k yourself. Always starting s**t? that was more than a half a year ago and i don't even f**king remember who you are! get a f**king life seriously.

rot in hell bastard,


Trevor the rat

DON'T GET ME WRONG!!! the site is really well designed and incrediblly easy to navigate. you got a great list of movies and a lot of cool s**t to do it's just not THE place to go for reviews. nothing personal. I don't even know how to put together a site if that makes you feel beter. jesus you can't say anything without people trying to f**k you from behind left and right.


Trevor the rat

after searching the forum for the author "chopper" it appears that the only post was that post in response to my harmless little post. If you're going to open your big mouth, dick, don't hide behind your mom's meat curtains. let us know who you really are and just stick with your regular name. now it's true you could be a newcomer and that's why there's no other posts but you said yourself i am always starting s**t and i haven't really posted anything offesnsive in teh past 7 months.



blah, blah, blah, you crack me up, e-mail me at if you have anymore s**t you want to talk.

Trevor the rat

Why in the f**k would i want to e-mail you you dumb bastard?! don't change the subject cum wad! i made a point and you're changing the subject. you could at least explain yourself to show that you aren't a COMPLETE p***y and moron. i mean seriously what the f**k?


actually when voodoo girl and i created the site, it was really intended for the female fans of horror, not the male.  and that is one thing that has actually amazed us, that we do have quite a bit of male fans.  but when we do have the males that say they don't like our site it doesn't bother us, cause it wasn't made for them anyways.

Trevor the rat