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Help, what's it called?

Started by Bruce, December 15, 2001, 08:19:23 AM

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Watched a film in mid-80s re. Australian/possibly New Zealand mass murderer who at one ties a woman to a tree and does her in with a trombone with a spike on it - all whilst playing a tune on said trombone.

Claims to be based on a 'true' story about an as yet uncaught musical serial killer.

I am not making this up!


I am thinking it's this one, but Samuel Z. Arkoff and Charles (Legend of Boggy Creek) Pierce are involved, so the "true story" angle is probably a rip from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or just some other form of hooey.


Thanks for the title and revealing the 'true story' bit to be a big old lie.
I watched the movie when I was far too young and have lived in fear of trombones ever since - indeed most brass instruments come to think of it. I can now put that behind me.
Is the film worth watching again?


Oh, hell, I haven't seen it, just wanted to help out. And I can't resist a challenge. (Actually, I all I did was go to and enter "killer true trombone," and the review link came up immediately.)

However, having seen Boggy Creek...And The Legend Continues on MST3K and The Boogens, I can safely say anything by Charles B. Pierce is tough going. The review I posted the link for has much to say as well. N'ja!


I'm mixing up my ground Chucks. Charles B. Pierce didn't have anything to do with The Boogens; that was Charles E. Sellier Jr.--of In Search of Historic Jesus infamy.


And disaster strikes.....
Went to track down Legend Of Boggy Creek.....not the trombone man at all!
Boggy Creek is about Big Foot (filmed in docu-Vision).
I knew that I recognised the name as I saw the film when I was about 12.....quite scary for a wee kid!
The hunt from the limping, trombone playing maniac goes on...........


"Went to track down Legend Of Boggy Creek.....not the trombone man at all!"

Try "The Town that Dread Sundown."  I think you'll be (un)pleasantly surprised to find that that's the movie you're looking for.

Before you ask, nope, haven't seen this one.  However, I have been researching horror movies for the better part of my life, and I have yet to come across any praise of any kind for this film.

"I watched the movie when I was far too young and have lived in fear of trombones ever since - indeed most brass instruments come to think of it. I can now put that behind me."

Incidentally, I kind of know how you feel.  I watched this episode of an anthology series called "The Dark Room"  once.  It had an adaptation of a Robert Bloch story in it (can't remember the name) which ended with the protagonist looking underneath his bed and seeing the living head of a witch he killed earlier.  He screams and the witch's cat comes out from beneath the bed and takes his tongue out.  I had problems checking underneath the bed for a long time after that (although I knew better.  I swear.)

Pretty sad, I know.


He sure could have used a mirror, the, coulden't he? Useful for checking around suspicious corners (Except when hunting Vampires), and surprising Medusa's.


Copy my link. Paste into address bar. The Boggy Creek mention in my post is just to let you know what else the guy has done to us.