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Fake My Space and Facebook friends

Started by trekgeezer, November 30, 2006, 01:11:18 PM

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I don't have a site at one these places, but evidently if you do and can't convince anyone to be your friend and sign up, now you can buy some friends (and hot looking ones at that!)

Check out Fake Your Space

Hey Menard, even you could appear to be popular.

And you thought Trek isn't cool.

Yaddo 42

Wow. Paying for fake friends at online friend sites, I think that would officially make one the definition of sad and pathetic. Is the site itself legit or a practical joke? The perfection of the people and the professionalism of the photos would seem to be a give away if that was all (or most) of what you had on your page for friends. Where are the blurry, odd angled, goofy expressioned, taken while drunk, and just stupid looking photos that many people have on their pages when you scroll through comments and such. Are these things really supposed to bait others in, or just make the person feel better?

And unrelated to this topic, but after seeing your avatar:

ack. thpft. ack.

blah blah stuff blah blah obscure pop culture reference blah blah clever turn of phrase blah blah bad pun blah blah bad link blah blah zzzz.....


Well, I guess that qualifies me for sad and pathetic.My freinds consist of my two sons(ages 12 and 14),their freind Chris, Bad Movies, And American Hardcore(Punk Rock site). On Frapper I got Bad Movies,some guy named Tom, (who I tried to delete whwn I first signed up,thinking he was some kinda weirdo),Black Sabbath fans, and Punk fans. Of course, I really don't visit my own site too often,except to post goofy pictures that I find on the net(I LOVE to photo hunt),and don't visit any MySpace sites beyond Bad Movies (arn't y'all honored?),so I don't mind at all.
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


You have to take the initiative when it comes to Myspace.
Look up everyone and everything that you like that might be on Myspace and add them to your friends list.

By the way, check out the new & improved Myspace page!


Quote from: RCMerchant on December 02, 2006, 10:10:27 AM
Well, I guess that qualifies me for sad and pathetic.My freinds consist of my two sons(ages 12 and 14),their freind Chris, Bad Movies, And American Hardcore(Punk Rock site). On Frapper I got Bad Movies,some guy named Tom, (who I tried to delete whwn I first signed up,thinking he was some kinda weirdo),Black Sabbath fans, and Punk fans. Of course, I really don't visit my own site too often,except to post goofy pictures that I find on the net(I LOVE to photo hunt),and don't visit any MySpace sites beyond Bad Movies (arn't y'all honored?),so I don't mind at all.

I would not worry about it.  Look at it this way, I have zero MySpace friends, since I do not have a page.  And, no matter what, you have those people who you know in person and those who know you on here.

After fifteen years, I have a lot of Marine buddies floating around (both in and out of the Corps).  They call or email me now and then.  Funny thing, most of the ones who are out just want to say hi and talk about life.  The ones still in always want something, be it information or advice.

Sometimes, I think I am turning into a hermit with just a few friends, Katie and the children, but then I realize how many people I interact with every day.  They are not all friends, but take ten minutes here and there, over a few months - you start to develop a bond.  "Oh, hey, how are you doing?  How is the marathon training?  What are you doing with that huge pickup truck of yours now?  How is the guitar playing?"
Andrew Borntreger

Yaddo 42

Actually I only said paying for fake friends online is sad and pathetic. It's like the old trope about paid mourners and criers at funeral and wakes, are these even for real or just a cliche of movies and TV? Who are these for at that point, the deceased is past caring, and you aren't really fooling anyone who knew them well.

I'd say it's better to form real friendships, IRL or online or however. Many or few, it's the depth and strength of them that matters. Looking for sheer numbers is just count coup and egostroking, IMO.

Full Disclosure:
I have a My Space page that I have done next to nothing with and have only visited about four times, I think I have two friends on there tops. Started as a lark when I found out even my best buddy's kids had pages and figured I could try to teach myself some HTML just to give myself some minor needed computer skills. I'd rather come here than go there, so I don't mess with it much, lazy lazy me.

blah blah stuff blah blah obscure pop culture reference blah blah clever turn of phrase blah blah bad pun blah blah bad link blah blah zzzz.....


#6 should invest a bit of time into your Myspace page.
I had my own preconceived notions about Myspace until I actually tried it.
It's some fun stuff!
Check out what I've done with the Myspace page.
(I know, I know...I've plugged the hell out of it already)

Finally, it looks polished.

Check it out!
It's a whole different world.
It's an entirely seperate group of friends along with some you might already know from here.
All with similar interests...and more.

And they're all cool!
You'd be surprised at some of the cool pages people have there.
Take 10-20 minutes and just look at a few of our friends there.
You want B-movie madness...look no further!

Some of our Myspace friends have the hookup on B-movies even Scott hasn't heard of.
You want serious underground B-movies and foreign B-movie stuff...they can get it for you.

Check out Shocking Videos and Worldweird Cinema on our friends list.
We even have independent film production companies as friends there.

I'll reiterate the fact that you should invest a bit of time & effort into your Myspace page.
Myspace is no's actually really fun!


I'm working on mine a cool backround,videos theme music ("Bodies "by the SEX PISTOLS!),and lotsa pics.And I got a visator !My son Jed!Of course, he lives at home...
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!

Yaddo 42

I wanted to do something with it before I mentioned it, even in real life I've told about three people. Until there's something to see or read why bother. I've had it about two weeks. Might be a good time killer, we'll see.

I did use the school feature and search after that to look up my old high school, I found about six people I know, including one girl used to have crush on way back when.

I may play around with it some to see what I can do or learn. LInking up with real people (old or new) sounds possibly neat, but counting celebrities or bands or whatever among my "friends" seems odd and phony, YMMV. As an example, my buddy's wife is a Toby Keith fan and he's on her friends list. She knows it's his publicity machine, but she enjoy's it. That part's not my cup of tea. I know you don't have to, but still seems odd.

Would apply to any famous entity I didn't really "know", my hatred of Toby Keith has no bearing on this, no matter how much he annoys me.
blah blah stuff blah blah obscure pop culture reference blah blah clever turn of phrase blah blah bad pun blah blah bad link blah blah zzzz.....