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Bad Movies the Board Game

Started by clockworkcanary, November 21, 2006, 11:06:48 AM

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Every once in awhile I have some fun with Photoshop and I took the liberty of photoshopping a Monopoly version of, which turns out to look pretty damn funny.  I've made such boardgame images for some of my other favorite sites so I figured I'd make one for here.  Check it out.

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Really cool!

Can you enlarge it a bit?
I can't make out everything that's written on it.


That looks great. The only draw back is I can't see what's under each picture. I do really like the Holiday cards though...funny stuff.
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You're not the Devil...You're practice.



I can try to enlarge it but it might suffer some distortion ...the text isn't anything great - most of it is the actual text on the monopoly board - the price of the deeds, etc., -  I'll try a 2nd version that's a bit larger.  The reason it's so small is because it was hard to find an original monopoly board template that wasn't small like that; I think that was the biggest/non-blurriest I could find.
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That's cool then if it's the same text as on the board. That is a great idea though. Thanks for sharing it.
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You're not the Devil...You're practice.


Ha, very cool!  I agree that I wish the image were larger, just to better appreciate the choices for some properties or landing spaces.  "Xanadu" being the gateway to Cleveland is pure genius, Howard would approve.

You know, this could be applied to giant rubber monster movies as well.  The property groups could be cities, like Tokyo, Sapporo, and such.  Then you could have specific landmarks in the cities for each property.  For utilities there would be a nuclear power plant and a refinery.  Railroads could station, moonbase, Monster Island, and Infant Island?
Andrew Borntreger


Haha thanks man!  Yeah since I'm an Ohioan I thought it was fitting to rib one of my own towns.  And my sis used to make me watch Xanadu over and over when we were little so I thought it was fitting.  It's also kinda a tribute to an old infocom game called "Leather Goddess of Phobos" where locations include Venusian jungles, Martian canals, and a run-down house in Cleveland lol.

I'm going to try to find a bigger monopoly board and transfer the properties but I don't think I'll have the time for all that for awhile (it's a bit of work) but I'll make a more deluxe edition eventually.

That is a good idea for giant rubber monster movies though - great ideas for the utilities - I was having trouble coming up with something fitting for those.  Maybe I'll make one of those eventually too.

Thanks for the comments all!
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If the board game works you might be able to have a video game company buy the rights if you patent it. You might want to change the monopoly format for the game making it more original and more profitable for yourself.

Just change the pattern from the Monopoly square movement around the board to a wiggle trail, circular path, or calender spacing.

Easy to patent something like that for $300 to $3000 you could have something really special there. A real money maker. Especially if someone picks up the rights to a video game edition based on your concept later on.

Good luck............



That's not a bad idea - hell I could churn these suckers out with different themes pretty often.  I've thought about adding a few streets and such to already existing games and making my own Martian terraformed Risk game just as an example.  Thanks for the encouragement. 
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Bigger version, although it's quite fuzzy (especially the text):

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What was the template design that you used to make the gameboard? I want to make a board in photoshop for a friend as a Christmas gift, and I can't find ANYTHING! If you, or someone knows where specs for the boardgame are, I would LOVE to know!!

- Rachel

That or if you could tell me all the sizes in inches needed, that would help too.

Each space is __ x __
Go Space/Jail/Go 2 Jail/Free Parking are __ x __

etc. etc.

Dr. Whom

If you make a Kaiju game, you could use the different monsters as counters. Of course, you'd have to change the rules a bit. The fields would have buildings on them to start with. Instead of buying the properties, the monsters would expend energy points to destroy the cities/installations. You'd then remove the building and receive a ruin marker as a token of ownership.
"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.


Quote from: Rachel on December 01, 2006, 11:14:46 PM
What was the template design that you used to make the gameboard? I want to make a board in photoshop for a friend as a Christmas gift, and I can't find ANYTHING! If you, or someone knows where specs for the boardgame are, I would LOVE to know!!

- Rachel

That or if you could tell me all the sizes in inches needed, that would help too.

Each space is __ x __
Go Space/Jail/Go 2 Jail/Free Parking are __ x __

etc. etc.

I just googled "monopoly" and "monopoly board" (with quotes) and picked the best one I could find.  You could also try the same search criteria using Yahoo's image search.  I manipulated/edited the graphics on the board with Photoshop.  Hope that helps.
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I know I don't have time for this at the moment, but creativity doesn't come around often so I strike while the iron is hot.  Anyway, to the point, I was thinking about making/designing ideas for an actual bad movies board game (not based on a monopoly board).  I figure I could design a whole new board, make playing cards to go with it, etc., and I was hoping some of you bad movie folks could help contribute ideas.

Being a big role-playing gamer, I have also thought about making some kind of b-movie role playing game or incorporate it into a board game hybrid or something.  I have a long commute so it gives me a lot of time to think and last night I thought how character creation could be darn fun - just imagine a party of crazy b-movie characters roaming locales from various b-movies. 

I'm just brainstorming at the moment - anyone have some ideas they want to contribute?
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