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Terror on the Wind

Started by The Necrofile-Crocodile, November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM

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The Necrofile-Crocodile

I just can say:..........."God-awful", (with a vengeance)!


That tumbleweed was maybe three feet across.  I've seen them bigger than that in my back yard.  They didn't do much of a job if they were trying to make it seem bigger.  That's not a budget issue, that's just lazyness.

Brendan McDonald

I would love to buy this trainwreck, I mean artistic movie, but am unable to access the website.  It is my mission to see every 4-star movie ever made, as well as every no-star movie ever made.  I will not comment where I think this movie fits, but suffice it to say it falls right in there with such works as Ice Scream and Curse of the Queerwolf.  Is there any patron of the arts out there who can help a committed movie view fulfull his dream?  Please e-mail me at

Giant Claw Jr

Theres a episode of THE OUTER LIMITS with EDDIE ALBERT and JUNE HAVOC where they are meneced by tumbleweeds with a aleins intellegence and it always made me nervous of tumbleweeds especialy when we went camping in this area where there were tumbleweeds


How do you destroy a giant evil tumble weed SET THE SUCKER ON FIRE WITHA LITTLE KEROSINE


QuoteDr. Mark Stratton - Our hero, probably because he owns the pickup truck. You're going to see a lot of the pickup truck.

:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :teddyr:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.