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The Pink Angels

Started by Andrew, September 07, 2009, 10:24:45 PM

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A transvestite biker gang goes on a road trip.  They encounter suspicious straight bikers, prejudiced pigs, and military fascists.  This film is a comedy.

Andrew Borntreger


 :buggedout: wow sounds.....interesting :bouncegiggle: I would like to see this, it sounds FAR OUT MAN!
The Human Blood keeps them alive, FOREVER

"Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous." - Lovecraft


Hey! What can I say: "Tightie whities!"


Jesus. Borntreger I never thought you'd stoop this low.

Please do this:

1. Keep it in the closet.
2. Triple-lock the doors.
3. Melt keys w/oxy-acetelyne torch.

Oh wait, I forgot: "Don't ask, don't tell".
Guess you're up for a promotion now!

This should be amended to: "Don't ask don't tell DON'T POST"


Quote from: randy109 on September 08, 2009, 06:43:26 PM
Jesus. Borntreger I never thought you'd stoop this low.

Either you are a fellow Marine, whose email I am not familiar with, who is giving me a friendly dig, or else something about my review actually upset you.  I suspect the prior.

If anything, I think that this review was quite neutral on the film's center subject of crossdressers.  Compare it to "Leeches," and here I felt that I was much more focused on the stereotypes, attempt at satire, and other elements of the film.

I mean, how can you ignore a film with a young, mean looking Dan Haggerty riding a motorcycle with a transvestite on the back?
Andrew Borntreger


Hoo-boy the stuff you go through... I actually had the dubious pleasure (if I were a masochist and really into the whip,) of seeing this about 2-3 months ago. It was in-and-amongst some smallish DVD compilation called... Drive-In Classics or somesuch... oh, and there it is at the top of the page! Silly me. I'd had this loaned to my by a coworker who shares a similar taste in movies. Truly, this one was the biggest doozy of the bunch, and some of them were just awful, real Psychic Numbing time. I never realized that the bikes were purple... I was too busy trying to forget the... >gag< Old Lady Sex Scene >retch<... Thank you for all your readers and devotees for not going into great detail... That scene is just so damn sobering that even if you're completely p**sed (drunk), high on a cocktail of acid, heroine, and paint thinner you will be INSTANTLY brought back to reality by that scene. Not that I've personally done this; all I know is I wanted a straight morphine drip to forget the pain. Catatonic for days, I swear... don't know how you're coherent. EXCELLENT review though. Thanks!


"The Cops - These guys are loaded for bear."

I see what you did there.   :teddyr:


Quote from: Fraggoth on September 09, 2009, 07:25:15 PM
Hoo-boy the stuff you go through... I actually had the dubious pleasure (if I were a masochist and really into the whip,) of seeing this about 2-3 months ago. It was in-and-amongst some smallish DVD compilation called... Drive-In Classics or somesuch... oh, and there it is at the top of the page! Silly me. I'd had this loaned to my by a coworker who shares a similar taste in movies. Truly, this one was the biggest doozy of the bunch, and some of them were just awful, real Psychic Numbing time. I never realized that the bikes were purple... I was too busy trying to forget the... >gag< Old Lady Sex Scene >retch<... Thank you for all your readers and devotees for not going into great detail... That scene is just so damn sobering that even if you're completely p**sed (drunk), high on a cocktail of acid, heroine, and paint thinner you will be INSTANTLY brought back to reality by that scene. Not that I've personally done this; all I know is I wanted a straight morphine drip to forget the pain. Catatonic for days, I swear... don't know how you're coherent. EXCELLENT review though. Thanks!

I was able to stay pretty sane through "The Pink Angels," because it was such an oddity.  The humor could be downright painful, and the old lady makeout scene was not a favorite moment at all.  It was the basic premise, and the dialog that kept me entertained.  Also, you have to agree that the ending came out of nowhere.  A mass lynching, in a comedy?

"The Pink Angels" is probably the weirdest movie in that set.  "Van Nuys Blvd" stuck out on account of the catchy theme song, and "The Babysitter" was memorable for being creepy, and having a wholly unexpected ending (the wife's reaction).

Quote from: Sardu on September 10, 2009, 08:10:38 AM
"The Cops - These guys are loaded for bear."

I see what you did there.   :teddyr:

Thank you, I was quite proud of that wordplay.
Andrew Borntreger


Many road trip movies of this era had endings where the main character or one or more of the characters dies.  I think it started with Easy Rider.  As a kid (early 70's) I saw a lot of movies in the theater where they always died at the end.  It usually happened in movies about people trying to be free in America but came up against the oppression of that freedom by mainstream America.  You can be free in America, it's what makes us great but don't be weird about it and don't push it.  Usually mainstream America won and the counter culture character was killed by them.   Symbolism I suppose.

Best line of the movie:
Oh my god!  That brunette looks just like Bernice!


Quote from: Bud on September 22, 2009, 04:45:37 PM
Many road trip movies of this era had endings where the main character or one or more of the characters dies.  I think it started with Easy Rider.  As a kid (early 70's) I saw a lot of movies in the theater where they always died at the end.  It usually happened in movies about people trying to be free in America but came up against the oppression of that freedom by mainstream America.  You can be free in America, it's what makes us great but don't be weird about it and don't push it.  Usually mainstream America won and the counter culture character was killed by them.   Symbolism I suppose.

The idea that the lynching ending to the film is an example of overdone satire (the heavily armed police being another) has a lot going for it. 

What threw me off here is that the lynching is the only part played perfectly straight.  We see the general standing stoically under the tree of judgment, and the camera pulls back as the ending theme song plays.  The lynched men just hang there.  All the other times, silliness intruded.  Not so with that ending. 
Andrew Borntreger


Quote from: randy109 on September 08, 2009, 06:43:26 PM
Jesus. Borntreger I never thought you'd stoop this low.

Now that wasn't nice.  :hatred:

Write reviews as good as Andrew's and I might possibly give a damn about what you have to say about his.
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


I received the box set of 8 titles (Drive-In Cult Classics 3) for Christmas this year...  The first DVD I dropped in to the player was "Pink Angels" because the description on the back of the box was just too weird to not make it the first.  Your review does this film justice, but there are a couple of touch stones for your younger readers that may help place the film in context:

Hunter S. Thompson had recently written Hell's Angels: The Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs and this exposé of biker culture resulted a general interest in all things relating to motorcycle gangs as a sort of modern outlaw and anti-hero. The original article in the Nation (magazine) appeared in 1965 and the greatly expanded content in book form in 1966.

The Hells Angels were involved in events at Altamont, California, in 1969, that resulted in Marty Balin of Jefferson Airplane being knocked unconscious, numerous acts of assault, and the stabbing death of Meredith Hunter.  They had been hired as security and ended up being the central cause of problems.  The subsequent negative media coverage and murder trial dragged on through 1971, when Alan Passaro, the defendant, was aquitted of murder by reason of self-defence.  This was not atypical of the times, the FBI and various state law enforcement agencies were constantly investigating drugs and deaths that involved the Hell Angels and other biker gangs.

The Stonewall riots led by transvestites (drag queens) in the Greenwich Village neighbourhood of New York City occurred in 1969.

In 1969 Manson Family murders and Bugliosi's own prosecution of Charles Manson and his followers captivated horrified American audiences through near continuous coverage on television; Manson prophesied a coming apocalyptic race war that would in some wise involve whites riding motorcycles out of the desert.  Versions of this story have been given differently as time passed.

Starting in 1970 the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and other gay rights groups began openly protesting the treatment of gays in Los Angels and San Francisco.

"The Boys in the Band", a film adaptation of Mart Crowley's stage play, was released in 1970 and, as far as I know, the first gay-centric non-porn film to be released in the USA.  I think this is important since the portrayal of gays in both films is strikingly similar.

This film is a bizarre distillation of these events into an more bizarre dark comedy.


    Here's where I found my copy....again, VIVE WAL-MART!

If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.


As touched upon by Jim above, I think the mysterious opening sequence of the police raid on the transvestites' party may have been a reference to Stonewall.


I found this movie a rather enjoyable tragedy. :teddyr:
Yes,I'm long as I don't look too closely.