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Humanoids from the Deep

Started by Inframan, November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM

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I got to see this one for free, it was in a local film fest sponsered by Austin Film Society about female directors. I think most of the audience was a little shocked when the announcer warned that there were rape scenes. But of course they were just mutated trout-men so I guess that wasnt so offensive. Supposedly Corman added more scenes of women being attacked.

Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys actally wrote a song about this movie, its on an album called "the Witch Trials"


I knew the director of this film (Barbara Pieters.) She told me that the stunt men found the humanoid suits so ridiculous, that they had to be worn by the special efects people.  

Akira Tubo

I freakin' love this movie!  It's pure, utter exploitation with genuinely cool monsters, just enough blood and guts, and really is downright creepy at times.


A hilarious review that missed the most hilarious part of the whole movie: The cannery company was called "Can-Co." The guy who wrote this move was just at a TOTAL loss to come up with a name for that company and said "Aw screw it, I'll just call it Can-Co or something."  I have trouble imagining that a writer that lazy could have come up with whole salmon DNA/evolution thing, but there you have it.

Alternatively, maybe the script had "Starkist" or something and the producers got sued and had to switch it at the very last second.


Beautiful review of an oogly movie.

Jordan Garren

Hey Andrew, great review. But you did forget to mention the cat that comes leaping out of a doghouse! What was that pesky feline doing in there?!

b movie fan

Most of my friends took this movie to seriously i on the other side didnt take it has serious and add a tone of fun watching it.

The humanoids where pertty cool, and you get too see great tits in that movie heheehhehe gratuity breast shot.


A fine slab of cheese with that everyman of 70's monster/fantasy flicks, Doug McClure.  The gratiutously high mammary count doesn't hurt, to be sure, particularly since these are the old-fashioned, unaugmented kind unseen in this Silicon Age.  Between this and "Galaxy of Terror", Corman obviously has some women-getting-raped-to-death fetish going on.


For me watching this movie was a pleasant surprise: a flick about sea monsters that was both competently made and even scary. The attacks of the sea monsters were all well executed and dosified, and the subplots felt more than character development than just mere fillers between the attacks.

And then I was backstabed. A chick in white clothes pretended she was a scientist and declared that the sea monsters were nothing but mutant salmons. Well, that almost ruined the whole thing for me. I can't be afraid of salmons, can I? They could have made up something more scary, like, you know, mutant barracudas, or mutant sharks. But no.

I must admit it: it is a pretty good film, but in my opinion the bad science bits should have been cut.


This movie rocked!  Will this movie have a 25th anniversary DVD release?  I don't think so.  Will it entertain you on a Saturday night?  Absolutely!  As has been mentioned several times, the boobage was nice - also an interesting throwback to the days where women had the all-natural kind.  Lots of great overly bloody kill scenes.  One noticed error:  When the "scientist" is talking about coelacanths, she points to some pictures of the fish on a chart.  The pictures are not of coelacanths (I suppose that a trip to the library was out of budget)...and that chick was no scientist (she was a PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIST!).  And that's all I have to say about


this is a great movie. 1 of my fav's from the 80's. A real creepy movie with a nice 'Alien' rip off ending.  :)

Jeffery Weskamp

    This movie was made to show women being raped by sea-monsters.  Everything else is just filler material.  If the movie had shown men without the fish suits performing the assaults, it would never have been made.  Oh, that's right, it WAS made.  It's called "I Spit On Your Grave."  My mistake.


Shockingly, this film actually spawned a remake (or perhaps it was a sequel...) - which, reportedly and not at all surprisingly, was hideously bad.


Fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fish heads, fish heads, fish heads, bash them in, yum!  Very few of the characters in the movie realize that if you fight back AT ALL, you kill the HFTDs by the truckload.  A rock upside the head, a two-by-four, rifle, gasoline, drain cleaner, knife, salad fork ... it's all good!  Oh, and lots of 80s boobies, too.