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As promised, my review for Day of the Dead 2: Contagium

Started by Duckmancgy, January 27, 2007, 12:22:47 PM

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Day of the Dead 2: Contagium
Rated: NR
2.5 slimes
Copyright Company and Date: Anchor Bay 2005 (Also Taurus Entertainment)
Submitted by Jeremy Calow


Dale Deluca - The orignal dude in the bad sweater stealing the virus in his thermos
Isaac - Patient getting out soon, wants Emma to marry him
Emma - A patient at the hospital, who says she will marry Isaac, but magically gets pregnant with a zombie baby
Patty - Emma's best friend, who shoots Isaac, then turns zombie long enough to kill one of the patients who made fun of her (also a talking zombie)
Donwynn - A doctor at the hospital who gets infected but apparently smells like s**t, and fights getting turned into a full blown zombie.
Sam - The dreadlocked dude, who likes to play B-Movie trivia with Boris. Some how he had the worse of the virus..
Boris - The token geek, who loves B-Movies and likes to watch Franken Hoes or something like that
Jack - The last of this grizzly crew who causes this whole debacle by opening the freaking thermos.  Nice work.


Viruses are very pretty when they are floating around in the air
Zombies have very advanced senses especially smell and taste
Termoses are amazing at preserving things over time
Being infected with a strange alien virus causes your skin to become glue and peel off your body in layers
Having an alien virus in you allows you to be psychically linked to everyone else who has the virus


2:30  - Is that Ron Jeremy?
12:00 - OOOhh thats deep.
29:45 - Pretty colours.. oh thats bad..
38:40 - Glue skin rocks..
43:10 - The slap fealt around the world.
44:00 - Projectile vomiting ... mmmm adds flavour
55:30 - It's time for B-Movie Trivia...
67:54 - I'm Bad Ash.. mmm you know what would go well with this. A nice Chianti


Bad Ash Zombie: You smell like s**t

Zombie Patty: Welcome to my world slut!


Did I mention already that this has nothing to do with the good dead movies? Just making sure.

Back in 1968 a russian spy plane went down in the middle of nowhere.  At around the same time the american army had found strange vials that look like tampons.
The army let this russian spy play around with these vials untill one opened and infected him.  Lots of people got killed at this hospital when the cg army came
to save the day.. Some dude in a crappy sweater stole one of the vials and hid it in a thermos, and right before he was killed he got rid of the thermos.

Fast forward to now ish, still nothing really to do with the old movies, and some patients from the Ravenside Memorial Hospital (psych ward) found this thermos.  Jack is jealous and opens the thermos when
everyone else is around.  Enter virus. Dr. Donwynn is trying to figure out what they are infected with, while he head doctor who knows whats going on, is making this
his own little science experiment.

Suddenly all the stuff hits the fan, and there is an outbreak in the hospital where everyone and their mothers are turning into these zombies. However, the original
crew of zombie infectees can still talk and act normally.. only issue is that technically they are dead..

Equally sudden, they find out that Emma got pregnant from this zombie virus, and now the original crew (who have turned to bad zombies) are trying to save the baby.

All of this building to a climax, and then. .. . . ..   It ends poorly. But as it calls its self a prequel, it allows for the fact that the zombies are out and about
running around killing people.



I am not entirely sold on the idea of zombies who seem to maintain higher functions, as you describe.  "Return of the Living Dead" did a good job of it, probably spot on the way it should be accomplished.  The idea they seem to be trying to establish here needed to be the whole focus of a film, rather than just part of the plot.
Andrew Borntreger


I saw this and the first thing like Duckmancgy pointed out, get the idea that this has something to do with the "Dead" films because it has no connection what so ever.

It is a ok film and agree with Duckmancgy with the film. Some good gore here and there but its slow moving and end was stupid.

Personally I didn't like how the "Higher Functions" of the zombies was handled in the film either.
Most of all I hate dancing then work,exercise,people,stupidpeople


I had a somewhat tough time figuring out what exactly the makers were actually trying convey. They had some good ideas and then the screwed them up by putting in extra stuff that didn't fit.  I can safely say that it wasn't the best 5 dollars I have spent, but I may watch it again at a later time to see if I have forgotten anything, or to solidify in my mind, what a bad zombie movie looks like. hehe..