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Side Order of Ninjas Reviews "It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time"

Started by Andrew, February 22, 2007, 09:02:02 PM

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Andrew Borntreger

Yaddo 42

I bought this from the dollar racks at Wally World a while back. Watched it one dull night. Not good, but not bad enough to actually hate. It seemed like the kind of thing I would have watched on the late movie and been fine with, or even re-watched, if the late movie were still around on local TV. A time waster or background noise for sure.

Did it feel like they had about 40 minutes of actual story and were just going through the motions until they had to start the plot for real?

Isaac Hayes was okay in the film but I agree he was an odd choice, maybe he needed the money, or his agent got confused by the exchange rate and thought the paycheck was in US and not Canadian dollars. After this he did a backdoor pilot episode of The Rockford Files that would have been a spinoff if it had gotten picked up.

There is a sequel, but I think only the cop characters returned. Did this do well enough in the Great White North that people wanted more from those characters, or just another Canadian tax write-off film I wonder?
blah blah stuff blah blah obscure pop culture reference blah blah clever turn of phrase blah blah bad pun blah blah bad link blah blah zzzz.....