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Whats the worst/annoying show?

Started by flackbait, April 19, 2007, 02:17:06 PM

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My girlfriend's Uncle's stepdaughter put him and his wife through the "Sweet 16" bullsh!t... between this, all those Oprah horror stories about "rainbow parties", and the glorification of skanks in modern culture (and I use the term loosely... no pun intended), I refuse to have children because I'm afraid we'll wind up with a daughter. I can hope that it won't be the same in the next 10 or 15 years, but I'm too afraid of the possibilities right now to even think about it. My cousin and his wife are about to have a daughter and he's already mourning his future self. Obviously not all girls grow up to be like this, but it's scary. It's like internet sex predators: you know that not everyone on the internet could possibly be the next Freddy Krueger, but thanks to media scare tactics that's what everybody thinks in the back of their heads. When my girlfriend and I used to tell people we met online, everybody looked at me like I was either stupid or dangerous. I'd rather not take my chances.  :tongueout:

"Don't make me stain my last clean shirt with the back of your head." - Shatter Dead
"A grizzly bear with a chainsaw. Now THERE's a killing machine!" - The Simpsons
"I've always wanted to make love to an angry welder." - Jaws: the Revenge


Pee Wee's Playhouse.

Even when I was a child this stuff hurt my brain.

Yaddo 42

QuoteFULL HOUSE starred Bob Saget (who if you haven't seen in THE ARISTOCRATS, you're in for a surprise), the Olsen twins and various other bad actors.  Awful, awful show.

MY TWO DADS was a different show.  The daughter was played by Staci Keanan, who I thought was the prettiest girl I ever saw when I was a kid.  I don't remember much about this show, but Keanan did move on to another awful show called STEP BY STEP before her career shuddered to a halt.

Do watch The Aristocrats if only for the Saget sections, I had heard how rough he could be but had never seen it before. That guy really held back on the shows that made him rich and famous.

I remember My Two Dads, Paul Rieser (of Mad About You) and Greg Evigan (of BJ and the Bear "fame") as the fathers. How loose or drunk was the mom that she went both of these guys who were in TV terms were supposed to be so different, thyey were little more than yet another retread of The Odd Couple. Staci Keanan was cute but I always thought the actress who played her blond bad influence best friend, Shelby in some of the episodes was way hotter. Amy Hathaway, according to IMDB. Seen her in a few other things like Courage Under Fire and the odd TV episode but she never became a big name.

Plus that show gave us Dick Butkus as the goofy soda shop owner who couldn't cook or something equally stupid later on.

The most I could ever stand of My Sweet 16 was when the guy on The Soup on E! would rip into the show, how shallow and selfish the girls were, and how indulgent the parents were. Easy pickings but still worth the laughs. This show just goes to show that having money doesn't come with the brains or discipline to spend it well.

I'll add The Apprentice, I hate Trump anyway, but giving that man a show built around his ego and bloated self-image and people trying to please him for their own selfish ends all strung together with shameless product plugs just disgusts me even more.

Also The Big Idea with Donnie Duetsch. COuldn't believe when I saw it still on TV while at a friend's house the other day. The guy may be a genius in the advertising world, where he made his money, but he has no right being on TV. A master at talking about nothing and calling it something, almost as vacuous as Larry King, but without the excuse of being a withered husk of a human being who may not know what time zone he's in at the moment. I read a profile of Deutsch a few years ago, he retired from advertising after selling his ad agency, and decided rather than just being rich and hanging around the famous and beautiful people he wanted to be one. Unless his ratings have improved since I ditched cable, I had heard he was getting ratings on CNBC almost as low at John McEnroe's boring talk show. Unless he's buying the time himself or is just that good at selling ad time for a show no one watches, I can't see why CNBC keeps it on.
blah blah stuff blah blah obscure pop culture reference blah blah clever turn of phrase blah blah bad pun blah blah bad link blah blah zzzz.....



Any reality show it just bad.  I've hated them from the beginning.  Too many talk shows.  Everyone has one and they are for the most part all the same they SUCK.  CNN for the most part I don't care for them.  MTV went down hill after they stopped showing music videos.  G4 kinda went down hill after they got rid of Filter.  Well the only reason I watched it was because of Filter was really hot.  I wanted her so badly.  Most of the main networks ABC, CBS, NBC.  Most of the good shows are no longer in production so other than news what is the point of watching it. 

I do enjoy FOX they still have some great shows on it.  Grounded for life was really good.  It was a shame that it got canceled.  The oldest daughter on that show was really cute.  Final Fu now that was a horrible show.  WMAC Masters was a much better show than this garbage. 

I liked the PJ's it had some really good comedy to it. 


There are many, but i am going to go with Growing Pains. Every do-goody, plastic emotioned, pansy on that show makes my blood boil, with Alan Thicke being the worst of the bunch. I can't even watch 2 minutes before i want to scream


we should have a vote / poll.

you could have different catagories.  I think Mama's Family would win most of them


Aside from the obvious shows I could mention, one that really gets on my nerves is VH1's wealth-envy show, "The Fabulous Life of...", complete with its  faux Robin Leach announcer.  I like what's on a lot of VH1, surprisingly to myself and others, but I just want to scream sometimes, when I look through the listings on certain days, and it's "The Fabulous Life of..." all over the place!  Now they have this "The Fabulous Life presents..." garbage, which cuts into all my other favorite programs. 


That's So Raven
Suite Life of Zack and Cody
Naked Brothers Band
Cory in The House

and pretty much any show produced by Nickelodean/Disney Channel after 2000.
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


Quote from: D-Man on July 27, 2007, 04:11:53 PM
Aside from the obvious shows I could mention, one that really gets on my nerves is VH1's wealth-envy show, "The Fabulous Life of...", complete with its  faux Robin Leach announcer.  I like what's on a lot of VH1, surprisingly to myself and others, but I just want to scream sometimes, when I look through the listings on certain days, and it's "The Fabulous Life of..." all over the place!  Now they have this "The Fabulous Life presents..." garbage, which cuts into all my other favorite programs. 
Which is pretty much why I don't watch a lot of television.  My wife's channel surfing atrocities are the stuff of legend, though.  She'll just have the TV on and flip back and forth between MTV, VH1, E! and Bravo.  So an average, aimless night of television goes like this:

Worthless rich teenagers throw extravagant parties/Sad, pathetic Real World alumni battle/have sex/argue with each other for cash and prizes


Aren't extraordinarily rich, vapid actors and actresses so much better than you?


Extraordinarily rich, vapid actors and actresses ARE better than you and here's all the stuff they have that you can't have in your wildest dreams/Their latest trainwreck, scandal ridden lives


Kathy Griffin stand-up special marathon/Kathy Griffin reality show marathon

It drives me nuts.  I find most television is completely worthless and reinforces all the wrong values.  Network television is creatively brankrupt with nothing but the latest CSI knock off or Hospital drama.  There are a few exceptions, but most television is just awful.
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I see I'm not the only one whose wife is glued to MTV, VH1, E! and Bravo. Throw in the Food Network and HGTV and you have my wife's favorites.
The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.


Quote from: Shadow on August 03, 2007, 09:16:04 PM
I see I'm not the only one whose wife is glued to MTV, VH1, E! and Bravo. Throw in the Food Network and HGTV and you have my wife's favorites.
Dude!  It's awful, isn't it?  The thing with my wife is that she doesn't really watch this stuff.  It's just flip flip flip flip flip.  Then she checks the schedule and find something, but the first commercial break comes and it's back to those awful, awful channels.
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Yaddo 42

Quote from: HappyGilmore on August 01, 2007, 08:48:00 PM
That's So Raven
Suite Life of Zack and Cody
Naked Brothers Band
Cory in The House

and pretty much any show produced by Nickelodean/Disney Channel after 2000.

I saw some of these one Saturday morning while staying at my buddy's house when his kids got a hold of the remotes. Man, I knew I watched some stupid stuff as a kid - but the  60-70s era bad sitcom writing, recycled plots, and laughtrack overkill; kiddie "acting"; and the utter and complete stupidity of most if not all adults made me wince. I read an article about the whole maunfactured Zach and Cody hooplah and how they were the next stage of the business empire of behind the Olsen twins, ugh.

Then they got me to sit through about half of an episode of Hanna Montana, that was pretty rough going as well.

It all made me nostalgic for the corny but mild stupidity of Banana Splits reruns.

blah blah stuff blah blah obscure pop culture reference blah blah clever turn of phrase blah blah bad pun blah blah bad link blah blah zzzz.....


Quote from: Yaddo 42 on August 06, 2007, 09:22:45 PM
Quote from: HappyGilmore on August 01, 2007, 08:48:00 PM
That's So Raven
Suite Life of Zack and Cody
Naked Brothers Band
Cory in The House

and pretty much any show produced by Nickelodean/Disney Channel after 2000.

I saw some of these one Saturday morning while staying at my buddy's house when his kids got a hold of the remotes. Man, I knew I watched some stupid stuff as a kid - but the  60-70s era bad sitcom writing, recycled plots, and laughtrack overkill; kiddie "acting"; and the utter and complete stupidity of most if not all adults made me wince. I read an article about the whole maunfactured Zach and Cody hooplah and how they were the next stage of the business empire of behind the Olsen twins, ugh.

Then they got me to sit through about half of an episode of Hanna Montana, that was pretty rough going as well.

It all made me nostalgic for the corny but mild stupidity of Banana Splits reruns.

I had some bad shows on as a kid, but mostly, I felt they were good shows.  I mean, sure, Power Rangers was bad, but it was world's better than Zack and Cody.  What kills me too, is the fact that kids today can't watch the shows I watched, because they think they're boring.

I still watch Boy Meets World.  That was light years ahead of Raven's show.

And I feel for ya on the Hannah Montana thing.  Any show that has Billy Ray Cyrus as a leading actor, doesn't need to be seen by anybody.

Anything produced by Nickelodeon/Disney Channel from '85-'96 was good.  They had Ren and Stimpy and You Can't Do That On Television, and Pete and Pete. 
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


Quote from: Yaddo 42 on August 06, 2007, 09:22:45 PM
Quote from: HappyGilmore on August 01, 2007, 08:48:00 PM
That's So Raven
Suite Life of Zack and Cody
Naked Brothers Band
Cory in The House

and pretty much any show produced by Nickelodean/Disney Channel after 2000.

I saw some of these one Saturday morning while staying at my buddy's house when his kids got a hold of the remotes. Man, I knew I watched some stupid stuff as a kid - but the  60-70s era bad sitcom writing, recycled plots, and laughtrack overkill; kiddie "acting"; and the utter and complete stupidity of most if not all adults made me wince. I read an article about the whole maunfactured Zach and Cody hooplah and how they were the next stage of the business empire of behind the Olsen twins, ugh.

Then they got me to sit through about half of an episode of Hanna Montana, that was pretty rough going as well.

It all made me nostalgic for the corny but mild stupidity of Banana Splits reruns.

I heard this guy, Douglas Rushkoff, on NPR recently.  He's pretty much the guy who coined the term viral marketing.  He's a bit of a marketing expert and wrote this bad ass book called Coercion about how companies go about deliberately coming up with shady ways to get you to buy their stuff.  Right now, the hot marketing demographic are "tweens", which I think spans 9 to 12 years old.  The apparent strategy is marketing brands heavily to this demographic since they're in such a highly programmable state, mentally.  All of that Nick/Disney Channel stuff is a smaller wheel in a machine that is built specifically to set children on a track where they'll be much more susceptible to heavy branding and marketing all the way through life.  Marketers call it Cradle to the Grave marketing and I think it sucks.  The Olsen Twins were the first demonstration of the effectiveness of that tactic.  Kids who got on that train early had parents who bought them all of their related merchandise right up until coke binges and eating disorders brought them crashing down.

I'm days away from being a father of a little girl and I'm absolutely petrified that she'll be pulled into that scheme as she grows.  I'll ultimately be in control of what she buys, but the media that's directed at kids is so saturated with this sort of stuff that I'll only have so much influence.

Am I getting too heavy?
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