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Night Feeders

Started by CoreyHeldpen, April 20, 2007, 10:57:53 AM

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Aliens Vs Rednecks is a fairly popular Sci-Fi/Horror subgenre. In it, we have Critters, Galaxy Invader, and Feeders. Night Feeders does nothing to deviate from the usual formula of these films. Altough I do believe it is the first movie in history where the fat redneck guy gets the girl in the end, there's not a whole load of originality here. But man is there ever entertainment value!

The plot is nothing new. A meteor crashes near a backwater town, and some blue collars on a hunting trip end up having to fend off the homicidal aliens the meteor unleashes. It brings nothing new to the premise, but the film delivers plenty of tight suspense scenes and decent alien vs human shootouts. The aliens look cool and are really nasty buggers, even though the CGI used to portray them is rather terrible. Occasionally a so-so puppet is used, but for the most part the director opted for a computer-generated menace. But I guess it was for the best, what with all the scenes of two to five aliens on screen at once.

As I've said a bit earlier, Night Feeders  is a rather entertaining film. Its nothing spectacular, but the script, acting, and direction are somewhat above average for a film like this. But again, the effects could've used some work. If your looking for a decent Sci-Fi Monster flick to kill two hours on a rainy day, Night Feeders delivers the goods.

SCORE:  :smile: :smile: :smile: 1/2 out of five

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"The only three things I hate are demons, malfunctioning robots, and monster movies that don't show you the monster."

Captain Tars Tarkas

Do the night feeders at least feed at night?


Oh, yes, the Night Feeders hide in boxes during the day. As soon as the sun goes down their out there eating everything in sight.
"The only three things I hate are demons, malfunctioning robots, and monster movies that don't show you the monster."


Hey, I've seen that movie. I heard the director's a bum. Good review.

Megalons Revenge

Galaxy Invader was awesome.


Yes, I remember that flick. It wasn't too bad. Very low budget but entertaining. Is this the one where the a;ien had the little power ball (or something like that)?


...Galaxy Invader. Sorry about the OT.

Megalons Revenge

the one and only. bought it at a dollar store.