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Commercials you hate?

Started by CheezeFlixz, August 22, 2007, 12:29:46 AM

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OK we've had what commercials do you like or remember threads, but what commercials do you hate, I mean really hate? You know those ones that you can't find the MUTE button fast enough ... or if you found the creator of it you'd want to punch them dead in the mouth.

Number one for me is 'Viva Viagra' ... if Elvis was alive he'd be whipping out a can of whopass on whoever though that up. Soon as I here Mr Happy Guitar player start up, my brain goes mute, mute, mute. You don't do that to Elvis!!

Also pretty much any drug commercial drives me nuts, the side effect of most of them are worse than the problem it treats. Nothing better than to be eating dinner and here the phrase 'anal leakage' ... that's just more info than I need. And some drug for Herpies that you should consult with your doctor before taking if you have advanced HIV or bone marrow transplant ... I don't know but if you have had a bone marrow transplant or advance HIV you've got bigger problems then herpies.

Head On apply directly to the forehead (repeat 20X)


Without a doubt...the awful Enzyte commercials.

Whenever that terrible mind numbing whistling comes on, I immediately change the channel.
And Bob...that guy looks like a total psychopath.
His evil grin makes him look like he's contemplating what he'll do to his next victim.

Bob is really a serial killer


Another set of ads that I'm glad are gone are the Mazda car commercials with that crappy "Zoom Zoom Zoom" song.

Ugh!   :thumbdown:
I'd like to put a heavy brick on the accelerator and zoom zoom zoom one of their cars right off a cliff!

It just blows my mind how some advertising companies actually think that some of these commercials were good ideas.


In keeping with the "male enhancement" theme, there's that late night informercial for Extense where they always refer the penis as a "certain part of a male's body".  And some of the women were relentless; bad mouthing men for there short comings.

They stop playing this one as well, but that Maxwell House commercial where ordinary people were "singing" Our House.  Please Stop.

And any commercial that make a play on well known songs or pump it so many times, we are tired of hearing it (like the above).  There's that Kraft commercial that put a play on the song "You're Unbelievable".  I forgot who did it (ha ha)
We all know Bill is a little nuts, but George has actually tasted them.
-Betty White at the William Shatner Roast


Quote from: Ash on August 22, 2007, 12:53:26 AM
Without a doubt...the awful Enzyte commercials.

Whenever that terrible mind numbing whistling comes on, I immediately change the channel.
And Bob...that guy looks like a total psychopath.
His evil grin makes him look like he's contemplating what he'll do to his next victim.

Bob is really a serial killer

I agree with you.  Those commercials are fairly annoying.  Some of those I like to joke that he so confident in what he is doing that he doesn't have to look at what he is doing.  Plus the wife in those commercials is not attractive as well.

Another commercial that gets me is the Jitterbug phone commercials.  The song is annoying and it is a pointless waste of time and space.


I never understood why they make "male enhancement" drugs ... with there stupid names like Maxoderm and Extenz,
WHY don't they make something for women and call it Shrinkotwat or Minnopuss.

Seem that if men need to get bigger, then maybe some women need to get smaller.

Another set of commercials that get on my nerve is the get rich quick ones, and anything with BILLY MAYS ... if anyone drives me to violence it's him.


Commercials I hate?

Just. About. All. Of. Them.

Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius


Not even this one that pays homage to B movies ....


and this new one is kinda cool ... very SciFi Channel-ish


But I digress this is commercial we hate not like ....


I hate, hate the "Quizno's b***h."

(alternate version:  http://quiznosb***


I can't stand commercials for maxi-pads always talking about "freshness". Ugh! Also those TAG body sprays ones are really annoying and stupid. Actually a commercial one actually likes is a much rarer commodity than ones we hate or dislike.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Hate those Zoom Zoom commercials.  Also those esurnace pseudo anime ones with Special Agent Erin  Esurance.

And any commercial with babies/kids in it that is not for them.  One tire company years (not even going to mention thier name )ago had a baby in the tire -- implication being that if you didn't buy their tires, you wanted your kids to die in a firey car crash.


Quote from: CheezeFlixz on August 22, 2007, 08:01:27 AM
I never understood why they make "male enhancement" drugs ... with there stupid names like Maxoderm and Extenz,

How about some of the names in my sig?

Quote from: Zapranoth on August 22, 2007, 10:31:55 AM
I hate, hate the "Quizno's b***h."

OMG, that one drove me nuts. There was one Friday night when I was watching the Scifi channel and they had a three hour line-up of their Stargate shows and Galactica. I swear, that commercial was run during every freakin' break. By the time the night was over I was ready to scream, I'd heard that insipid laugh so many times.
The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.


Quote from: raj on August 22, 2007, 12:46:52 PM
Hate those Zoom Zoom commercials.  Also those esurnace pseudo anime ones with Special Agent Erin  Esurance.

And any commercial with babies/kids in it that is not for them.  One tire company years (not even going to mention thier name )ago had a baby in the tire -- implication being that if you didn't buy their tires, you wanted your kids to die in a firey car crash.
I'm with on those esurance ones, they play those 50 times an hour in my area.
QuoteWhenever that terrible mind numbing whistling comes on, I immediately change the channel.
And Bob...that guy looks like a total psychopath.
His evil grin makes him look like he's contemplating what he'll do to his next victim.
damn ash ya nearly made me spit my drink ! Karma!


What's the commercial that plays the song, "I'm free to do what I want, any old time"?


That song should never be played....ever.

Mr. DS

Quiznos is no stranger to sucky commercials.  I used to sing this to my wife when I was bored...its absolutely one of the most horrible ideas ever for a commercial...


The "Do You Hear Me Now" guy is a close runner up.  Glad they killed that joke finally.

DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


Whatever car manufacturer's ad where they got some blond chick with a black tank top on sitting on a stool (with ample cleavage) talking about what she wants in a guy. She starts talking about football and ends the  ad with "But most of all he needs to have a very good ride." or something to that effect. 

Makes me want to punch the TV but then again, I hate all commercials.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."