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The Green Slime

Started by Omega, November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM

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Max Brandt

I remember this cheese ball movie, watched it many moons ago I think on Commander USA's Groovie Movies. Them were the days! I also believe The Green Slime was one of the first b-grade movies mocked on MST3k.

I'm surprised the Beastie Boys haven't found a way to incorporate the silly monsters into one of their videoes.


I think both this and Message from Space might possibly be Kinji (Battle Royale)Fukasaku's weakest movies, his other movies are a lot better than this and he kind of drops the ball for these two movies. He drops more in The Green Slime than in Message from Space (Message from space has a goofy charm that keeps it from being unlikeable  regardless of the star wars rip off).


I'm actually pretty cool with this film. Cheesey rubber slime monsters, yes, but pretty good film overall. I love the theme song to this movie. GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN SLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. :P

So, overall, I'm cool with this film, and I ceartainly hope the Mst3k pilot version of this film, even though already on YouTube, will be released on DVD one day. :)


This movie once saved me fromn food posioning. Four of us were on a day-hike trip in northern New Mexico, we had dinner in some tasty Mexican hole-in-wall and then watched this movie with a case of beer. It quickly became a drinking game for all but one of us who did not partake and, alas, spent the next day with buzzards circling over him. The rest of us were fine thanks to this top notch drinking movie.

It's got everything: hammy acting, awful special effects, preposterous aliens, goofy plot. We still joke about it to this day. OUr favorite "bring in the net gun", standard gear for any space station one presumes. And the two bozos on the light cart are a hoot: every few seconds one would point his light forward, the other backwards and thn they would switch for no discernibl purpose except to cause us to drink some more.

Well worth it; this is my favorite so-bad-its-good movie.



I can imagine Richard Jaeckel saying "If Green Slimers have no objection......"  :wink:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.