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Best Last Words - Books

Started by BoyScoutKevin, November 02, 2010, 05:37:03 PM

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I didn't have much to contribute to the other thread on "Best Last Words," but I have come across some last words in my over forty years of reading, that I think rival anything in the other list, so here they are.

"And leave you to die alone."--"You think I'll be happier knowing you died beside me?"--Forlo shot him a look. "You won't know any better. I'll outlast you."--"I'll take that bet." The Minotaur said. Forlo laughed. Chris Pierson's "Blades of the Tiger."

"No man can die twice, and no man can avoid dying once." Geoffrey Trease's "Escape to King Alfred."

"Dying isn't something to be afraid of. The world and our experiences in it are not so precious, that we should be afraid to die." Todhunter Ballard's "Westward the Monitors Roared."

"Tell me, Tom, what do you intend to do tomorrow?"--"I shall fight, sir. I have a good bow."--"And you will kill people with the bow."--"Yes, my lord. A great many I hope."--Suppose they were to kill you?"--"Then I should be dead my lord." T. H. White's "The Once and Future King"

"What is he saying?" Steiner asked.--Kreuger jerked his shoulders instinctively. "He says he is an old man."--"We can see that." Steiner said calmly. "Nothing more."--No."--"Didn't you tell him, we'll shoot him"--Kreuger nodded. For a few heartbeats felt admiration for the old man. Willi Heinrich's "Cross of Iron."

All in all, as the barbarian said: "It was a good day to die." Mary Kirchoff's "7th Sentinel"

"Fight well." Badenock said to Geldion and from his stare, the Prince understood the further implications. "Die well."  R. A. Salvatore's "Dragonslayer's Return"

"Next time, listen to old soldiers' stories." I said, victoriously. "Never give up. Never give up until you're dead. Never give up and die. Don't go peacefully. Make 'em come and get ya." Diane Carey's "Fire Ship"

"I'm done being scared." he [Korubi] said. William J. Quick's "Planet of the Apes"

Of course, all of these are fictional. If you want something more factual then try these books. There are some real powerful tearjerkers in these.
"Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable"
Barnbay Conrad's "Famous Last Words"
Edward S. LeGoer's "Dictionary of Last Words"

And, of course, if you have some of your own favorites, either fictional and/or factual, than add them to this thread.


"Don't ever tell anybody anything.  If you do, you start missing everybody."---The Catcher in The Rye.

Kinda been a mantra of mine lately. :buggedout:
"The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell."

Don't get too close, it's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.


The Eagle Has Landed:

Steiner: "Mr Churchill. [hesitates] I regret this, but I must do my duty, sir."
Churchill: "Then what are you waiting for?"
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.