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Started by Nightowl, February 10, 2011, 01:26:39 PM

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Rev. Powell

Quote from: frank on June 28, 2016, 08:04:11 AM
Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on May 19, 2016, 07:53:03 PM
The French "Beauty and the Beast" is more than 2500 years old. The original tale dating back to 500 B.C.
The German "Rumpelstiltskin" is even older. The original tale dating back to 4000 B.C.


I somehow doubt that, at least the second one. That was the time before (or right at) the establishment of Cuneiform script and hyrophlyphs...

According to this article both stories could be 4,000 years old, which would date them back to 2000 B.C. The article suggests a folk tale called "The Smith And The Devil" could date back 6,000 years, though there's some skepticism about that.

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I don't doubt a lot of our classic tales are truly ancient, Cinderella's glass slippers once being woven-grass sandals, etc., and I once read a good article in an anthropology journal that theorized many of the gestures we use in daily life, from waving and nodding and shrugging and motioning onward, to more complex non-verbal expressions like the so-so movement of the hand, probably date back unchanged over tens or hundreds of thousands of years to our species' earliest times. Though interestingly enough, in parts of eastern Europe a person says yes by shaking the head and no by nodding, so there would have been regional variations, I'm sure.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


The Duties of a Page, or, What Your Job Entails, When You Are a Boy Between 7 and 18.

Pick up your palette upon which you have been sleeping and put it away.
Awake my lord and/or lady, if they are not already awake, but . . .?! Do not look past the bed curtains, as you don't know who might also be in bed with him or her.
If my lord shaves, bring him the hot water he needs to shave, or your job may entail shaving him yourself.
Help my lord and/or lady dress.
Make the bed.

Day in the Country
Accompany my lord and/or lady if they go for a ride.
First, if she needs it, help my lady mount. Either by kneeling and offering one's cupped hands or kneeling on all fours and using the back as a mounting block.
When they want to dismount, dismounting from your own horse first, and holding their horse.

Day in the City
Accompany my lord and/or lady as they walk about the city, and making oneself useful.

Carving the meat.
Serving the dinner.
Pouring the wine.
If there is entertainment after dinner, then help to entertain my lord and/or lady.

Night in the City
A lady would not go out at night in the city, but . . .?! a lord might. Then walk in front, instead of behind, as in the day, and carry a torch or link to light the way.

Warm the bed.
Help my lord and/or lady undress.
If it's bath night, lug up the hot and cold water to fill the tub as needed, and then help bathe my lord and/or lady.
Clean and put away the clothes and footwear worn that day.
Get out the clothes and footwear to be worn tomorrow.
Put out your palette upon which you will be sleeping in front of the bedroom door, so that you will be available, if my lord and/or lady need anything in the middle of the night.

Wear my lord and/or lady's livery, so all know who and you are.
Carry my lord and/or lady's messages to and forth.
Run my lord and/or lady's errands.
And etc.

Next time: it looks to be one-sided, but . . .?! It was not, and we'll get to that next time. Till then enjoy!

Rev. Powell

Before it became illegal, Cary Grant took LSD about 100 times, on the advice and under the supervision of his psychotherapist.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Food facts from Germany, part 2

Corned beef never got fully established in Germany. It is only available canned or pre-packed in the cold cuts section, both oozing with gelatin.
Cheddar cheese is still struggling to find an audience in Germany. Only two kind of flavors can be found at stores: "mild" and "spicy" with the "spicy" not referring to "hot". Both taste bland regardless. Delis sometimes have the good cheddar, but they cost a fortune.
Sliced bacon is available but no thick cut. They are so thinly sliced you can see through them when holding up. Plus you got to add grease when frying because they hardly contain fat.
Becoming popular: baked beans, queso dip.
"Ranch" flavored chips are called "American" because Germans do not understand the meaning of Ranch.


Albatrosses can fly while asleep.

Also, if you see an albatross while sailing, don't shoot it, otherwise you may be damned to sail the oceans for all eternity.


By the time she entered high school, the Pulitzer Prize winning poet Edna St. Vincent Millay had more than one-hundred published works, two books, and had been nominated for sixteen major awards. Can you imagine how eroded the self-confidence of her poor English composition instructors must have been in taking on the task of trying to pretend they had anything to teach this girl?
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


German Food facts, part 3

There are about 600 different types of breads in Germany, making it the second largest market in Europe in bread products after the UK.

Except for hot dog buns, Germany does not have soft bread of any kind like it is common in the US.

Even toast in Germany is chewy. My guess is German bakeries just simply refuse to use bleached flour and too much sugar that is needed for softer bread.


The Duties of a Page, or, What Your Job Entails When You Are a Boy Between 7 and 18.

As I said previously, the benefits are not all one-sided, as there are benefits for YOU and YOUR Family.

YOU. You'll probably get along better with your lord or lady, then you do with your own parents. At least, you'll be spending more time with them. That is not entirely the fault of your parents, as they were discouraged from spending time with you, as you might become spoiled. It is only recently that they have discovered spending time with each other is--for the most part--beneficial for both you and your parents.

YOUR FAMILY. There will be one less mouth to feed and clothe and shelter.

YOU. You will be taught, and there will be a lot to learn.

YOUR FAMILY. This is a lot of pressure on you, but . . .?! If you make a favorable impression, if you do a credible job, then you will be able to advance your family's position in the scheme of things.

YOU. You will be trained how to take your place in the adult world, when you become an adult..

YOUR FAMILY. Look around at the girls there, and there will be girls there, employed in various positions. Does one of them catch your eye? If she is acceptable to your family, and you are acceptable to her family, then you may be able to choose your 1st wife. At least, you might have more choice than the girl, who mostly has to and when marry who her parents tell her to marry.

YOU. You will be able to perform life long friendships with the other boys there.

And there is always the bragging rights.

I am so soft spoken and gentile. No crudity wanted in speech and/or manner.

I am so smart. You had to be smart to learn everything that there was to learn.

I am so important, or your family was so important, or you would not be there in that position.

And I am so good looking, even pretty.

Mary Mary
Quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells
And cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row.

That was written for Mary, Queen of the Scots, who obviously had no problem being outshone by her maids. On the other hand, Queen Elizabeth I did, so she had them dressed in unfashionable fashions, so they were not prettier than her. On the other hand, one wanted the best looking boys one could find in one's entourage. One's so good looking, even beautiful, that when they passed, people turned around to look at them and you.

Next time: what Shakespeare hath wrought?


What Shakespeare hath wrought.

Here are some of the words that Shakespeare introduced into the English language.

assassination -- auspicious
bare faced -- buzzer
cold blooded (and yes, hot blooded, as well)
epileptic -- excellent -- eyeball
fashionable -- frugal
gossip -- grovel
lily livered -- lonely
management -- moonbeam
summit -- swagger
well read

Now, try to get along without any of these words. And since we are talking about Shakespeare, . . .

"My Lady Jane" by the 3 Janes

Finally, got to read another chapter in it. And while there is suppose to be o'er 50 quotes from Shakespeare in it, that is not where its strength lies (IMHO.)

Nor in its literary and film references, which now also include . . .

Ever After
Ocean 12
Shall We Dance
Star Wars
and that Monty Python, it's from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

A Christmas Carol
Le Morte d'Arthur
and the works of Mark Twain

Nor in its humor which is imbued thru out the book.

No, it's strength lies in its realistic relationships. Not only between our 3 young heroes, but . . .?! also between . . .

husband and wife
parent and child
and older and younger siblings

And in its understanding of the male psyche. True, the young male psyche, but . . .?! from my male point of view, the writers have a better understanding of this than most female writers.

And in . . . we get . . .
2018 a reworking of Jane Eyre
2020 a reworking of Calamity Jane.

Neither of which I am sure about. Not only because I have less interest in these, then their 1st collaboration, but . . .?! also they seem to have struck lightning with their 1st, and I am not sure if lightning can strike twice.

And we will see what we will see.

Next time: they ain't foolin' 'round, or sometimes their bite is worst than their bark.


They ain't foolin' 'round, or, sometimes their bite is worse than their bark.

Between 1388 and 1780, 122 people were executed at the Tower of London or its vicinity on Tower Hill.

beheaded 93 (76%)
hanged 12 (10%)
hanged, drawn, and quartered 11 (9%)
firing squad 3 (2%)
burned at the stake 2 (2%)
and 1 man who was gutted, castrated, and then thrown on to a bonfire, while still alive. Even then it is said he managed to crawl out of the fire, and he had to be picked up and tossed back on. They made some tough s.o.b.s in those days.

Then the executions stopped till 1914 and started up again and continued till 1941, when 11 people were shot for being spies for the enemy. When they ceased altogether at the Tower of London and its vicinity.

It is not that the executions of Tower prisoners stopped, during this time, or between 1780 and 1914, it is just that the prisoners were taken out to Tyburn Hill to be executed.

Of all the prisoners executed, most of them were male. Only 8 or about 7% were female. Their ages of all the people executed ranged between 67 and 16 or 17. The oldest being Margaret Pole, 8th Countess of Salisbury, who had one of the messiest deaths, as it took 3 blows of the axe to chop off her head. Not only because of the clumsiness of the executioner, there was that, but . . .?! no matter what it was said at her trial, when it came time for her execution, she refused to admit she was a traitor and thus refused to lay her head on the chopping block. Thus, the executioner had to chase her around the block, now we know where that saying came from, swinging his axe.

At first, we thought the youngest person executed was Lady Jane Grey. Now there is some thought that she was in fact older, as her birthdate has been pushed back to an earlier date, while her husband, who we first thought, as typical, was older than his wife, was in fact younger. His birthdate being pulled forward to a later date. Thus, making her older than him. She may have been 17, while he may have been only 16, when both were executed by beheading. Which would make him and not her the youngest person ever executed in the Tower of London or its vicinity. The only other candidate for youngest person executed was Queen Catherine Howard, who was only 19, when she was executed.

That is executed, not killed within the Tower of London. The youngest person believed killed there was Richard, Duke of York, the younger brother of King Edward V, who also disappeared from sight within the Tower of London at the same time. There is not proof, when they died, or who killed them, but . . .?! some years after their disappearance, the bodies of 2 young boys of approximately the same age were found in the Tower, in an area, where they reportedly were buried. This was enough for the king at that time of the discovery to have the bodies disinterred from where they were and reinterred in sacred ground.

Next time: what if we kept the same number of Senators and Representatives at 435, but . . .?! went to a Parliamentary system of government like the U.K.


Small list of banned movies:

The Simpsons Movie (2007) ... banned in: Burma. reason: Banned over the "juxtaposition of the colors yellow and red", which is seen as support for rebel groups.
Schindler's List (1993) ... banned in: Indonesia. reason: Banned for being sympathetic to the Jewish cause.
The Cell 2 (2009) ... banned in: Samoa. reason: Banned due to violent content.
Zack and Miri Make A Porno (2008) ... banned in: Thailand + Trinidad. reason: Banned because the censors worried that teenagers would mimic the plot and make their own porn movies.
Sex and the City 2 (2010) ... banned in: Vietnam. reason: Banned because of a conflict of "cultural values".
The Greatest Story Overtold (1971) ... banned in: United States. reason: Banned in 1974 (as The Divine Mr. J) for misleading marketing exploiting the fame of one of its co-stars, Bette Midler. It was blocked from opening on re-release in 1980. The film was briefly distributed on home video (1984) under a new title (The Thorn) before Bette Midler threatened legal action.


Quote from: claws on August 15, 2016, 07:37:26 AM
Small list of banned movies:

The Simpsons Movie (2007) ... banned in: Burma. reason: Banned over the "juxtaposition of the colors yellow and red", which is seen as support for rebel groups.
Schindler's List (1993) ... banned in: Indonesia. reason: Banned for being sympathetic to the Jewish cause.
The Cell 2 (2009) ... banned in: Samoa. reason: Banned due to violent content.
Zack and Miri Make A Porno (2008) ... banned in: Thailand + Trinidad. reason: Banned because the censors worried that teenagers would mimic the plot and make their own porn movies.
Sex and the City 2 (2010) ... banned in: Vietnam. reason: Banned because of a conflict of "cultural values".
The Greatest Story Overtold (1971) ... banned in: United States. reason: Banned in 1974 (as The Divine Mr. J) for misleading marketing exploiting the fame of one of its co-stars, Bette Midler. It was blocked from opening on re-release in 1980. The film was briefly distributed on home video (1984) under a new title (The Thorn) before Bette Midler threatened legal action.

And I thought South Africa had censor issues: Yikes.
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Yesterday was the coolest day in North Texas since June 11, with a high of only 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Today is even cooler!!   :thumbup:
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


What if we kept the same number of members now in Congress, but went from our form of government to a parliamentary system like they have in the U.K.

Well . . .?! We'd most likely go from 2 major parties to 5 major parties. From the most liberal of these parties to the most conservative.

Social Democrats
Leader: Bernie Sanders
Members: 113
big government
socially liberal

Leader: Hillary Clinton
Members: 124
socially liberal

People's Populist Party
Leader: Donald Trump
Members: 112
socially liberal

Leader: John Kasich
Members: 37
socially conservative

Christian Conservatives
Leader: Ted Cruz
Members: 49
socially conservative

And we'd go from a president to a prime minister elected by the parliament members. As no one has the numbers to be elected on their own, it'd have to be a coalition government. Even then Kasich and Cruz, don't have enough support to be elected, and I can't see any of the members outside of his party voting for Trump. Thus, the 2 most likely scenarios would be . . .

Scenario 1
Hillary + Bernie = Clinton

Scenario 2
Bernie + Donald = Sanders

As for the country, I think one would see . . .
more liberal social policies
more protectionist trade policies

Most of this is taken from an article in "The Economist." Still a Brit magazine, but . . .?! one of which over half the readership is now American, and one I'd rate highly, if one wants to keep up with what is going on in the world.

Next time: if I can find my notes, a compare and contrast.