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Fact Of The Day

Started by Nightowl, February 10, 2011, 01:26:39 PM

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Each year Project Censored comes out with the 10 most underreported stories. Thus, here are those stories for 2017.

01. Widespread lead contamination threatens children's health and could triple household water bills.

02. More than 6 trillion dollars in unaccountable Army spending.

03. Pentagon paid U.K. PR firm for fake Al-Qaeda video.

04. Voter suppression in the 2016 presidential election.

05. Big data and dark money behind the 2016 election.

06. Antibiotic resistant "superbug" threatens health and foundations of modern medicine.

07. The toll of U.S. Navy training on wild life in the North Pacific.

08. Maternal mortality a growing threat in the U.S.

09. DNC claims right to select presidential candidates.

10. 2016: a record year for global internet shutdown.

More information on these stories can be found at the website for Project Censored. Also in the past, though I have not see it this year, Project Censored also published a book which went into more detail about the stories. And while not mentioned in the article I found these 10 stories mentioned, Project Censored also comes up with an yearly list of over reported stories. In the past, think Kardashians.


A web developer at PetStreetMall, a place to find quality and affordable pet supplies.


Mac 'n' cheese is no longer a plebian dish. It has gone patrician. Mac 'n' cheese can be obtained with . . .

chicken breast -- crab -- crawfish
filet mignon
pulled pork
seafood -- Sriracha -- shrimp

And in almost 2 dozen more different ways at Walt Disney World.

Next time: Heat Index


Heat Index
(from 0 to 10 with 10 being the hottest)

00 bell pepper
01 yellow wax
02 guajillo
02 Anaheim
03 cherry
03 Poplano
04 jalapeno
05 ancho
06 chipotle
07 chile de arbol
07 aji rojo
07 Serrano
08 cayenne
08 piquin
08 tepin
09 tabasco
10 habanero

Next time: Pardon me! Do you happen to have $60 billion?


"Pardon me! But do you have $60 billion?"--"I am sorry, but I left my wallet in my other pants." And I think it is obvious which seller and buyer I am talking about.

Or, what do you get for $52.4 billion reduced from $60 billion?

As always, we know more what we do not get then what we do get.

What is not got.
--Fox News
---and President Trump is happy.
--FS1 and FS2
And these networks
--Fox Business
--Fox Broadcasting
--Big 10 Network

As for what is got.
---And James Cameron is likely happy, for when he 1st saw Pandora - World of Avatar at Disney's Animal Kingdom, it is said he broke down and started to cry. Not because he was unhappy, but because he was so happy, for what had been imaginary was now a reality.
--Planet of the Apes

--Fantastic 4
---And Stan Lee is happy.

That leaves only Ghost Rider and Spider-man in the hands of Sony Columbia, and while both the House of Mouse and Universal have certain rights to Spider-man. Sony Columbia had the film rights. And while they may let Ghost Ride go, they are going to let Spider-man go. Their one major film hit this year and a film that grossed almost $900 million internationally.

--The Simpsons
---And they may be happy, as while it took 19 years, almost 2 decades ago, they predicted the House of Mouse would purchase Fox.
---Which leaves Universal Orlando up in the air, as they are heavily invested in the Simpsons at the theme park.

TV Channels
--National Geographic Wild

--Bam Tech
---Whatever that is.
---Most likely buying out 20th Century Fox's share.
---The 39% share already owned + 61% they are trying to purchase.
--Star India
---Which would give them a foot in the door of the last major untapped TV market out there.

The Studio
--the sound stages
--the backlots

And then there were 5 major studios, as it looks like 20th Century Fox will cease to make films after over a century of filmmaking.

Which leaves . . .

The 3 pygmies
--Viacom Paramount
--Time Warner
--Sony Columbia
---who with this deal if it goes thru, are badly placed, at this moment, to continue.

And the 2 giants
--the House of Mouse
---of course
---with its theme parks and TV and film divisions, even more so now that they have signed an agreement with Nintendo to produce theme park attractions, and live and animated films with the Nintendo characters. The 1st being a Mario Brothers animated film.

And with all this we'll even throw in James Murdoch who joins the House of Mouse executive board. And in a position to mesh the 2 cultures, which was something that AOL and Time Warner were unable to do, when they merged a number of years ago.

Next time: the business of business.


Apparently by killing 40 million people Genghis Khan delayed the onset of Global Warming and thus has done more to save the planet from it than any other human being.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


on April 21, 1985 Prince and band member Wendy checked anomylously into a hotel were they stayed for two nights. The reason was the April 22nd worldwide release of his album Around the World in a Day. Prince was afraid at how the album would be received, because everybody was expecting Purple Rain 2 which Around the World in a Day was not.

According to Wendy on April 22nd they both spend all day and all night hiding underneath a table quivering with excitement, concern and fear. They both checked out the hotel the following morning feeling relieved, like 'we had given birth to something' as Wendy recalls.

Yeah, it's slow fact of the day day.

Rev. Powell

Aristotle believed men had more teeth than women.

Why such a smart guy never thought of actually counting people's teeth to see if that was true is one of history's greatest mysteries.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


In the lemurs world the  one who smells the worst in the group is the boss.

That would make some fanboys I know GODS.


Quote from: AoTFan on January 02, 2018, 10:07:41 PM
In the lemurs the one who smells the worst in the group is the boss.

That would make some fanboys I know GODS.

Yikes, it's stinky.
A web developer at PetStreetMall, a place to find quality and affordable pet supplies.


The Roman Emperor Domitian seduced his own niece, Julia Flavia.  She later died giving birth to one of his bastard offspring.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"The business of business is business," but 1st.

Kenneth Branagh directing.
Kenneth Branagh producing.

Robert DeNiro producing.
It was thought that he might play Root in the film, but now it looks like he is only going to produce.

Harvey Weinstein
Almost bankrupt, was also going to produce, but he was fired, when he got into trouble.

Michael Goldenberg and Conor McPherson writing the screenplay.
Apparently, based on the 1st 2 books in an 8 book series.

Books by Eoin Colfer.

Judi Dench as Root.
Who with this will be marking her 7th decade as an actress, making her acting debut in the '50's. While I could care less, whether an actress or an actor plays Root, who is a male elf in the books. What surprises me is that after the negative reaction to an all-female Ghostbusters. This gender change has mostly got a positive reaction.

Josh Gad as Diggum.

Leia McDonnell as Short.

Nonso Anozan as Butler.

Artemis Fowl : the Movie. Finally, after almost a decade in "movie development hell."

And as Artemis Fowl,
making his acting debut,
beating out 1199 other boys, age 9 to 12,
Ferdia Shaw.

4 things to remember about Artemis.
1st. He's an anti-hero. That may change for the film.
2nd. He's a criminal mastermind.
3rd. He's Irish.
4th. And he's only 12 years old.

Film to be released August 9, 2019.

Next time: some facts about the ballet The Nutcracker.


"The business of business is business."

Even in Hollywood, business trumps politics,
as a politically conservative studio, relatively speaking, and a supporter of Trump, sells out to
a politically liberal studio, relatively speaking, and a supporter of Clinton.

Comcast was never in it, which is surprising, as Comcast was more politically attuned to 20th Century Fox, as Comcast was one of the few media companies to give more to the Republicans than the Democrats.

Apple. There was some thought that Apple, as it was sitting on a ton of cash, would buy out the House of Mouse. Which I thought was a bad idea, Apple choking on the price it'd have to pay. Now there is even less change it'll buy the House of Mouse. What with the combined worth of both the House and Fox, even  the $250 billion Apple is reportedly sitting on, is not enough.

So what are you going to do now Apple? It's going to buy Netflix, or so it is said. Which I think is a better idea.
1st. Even at today's worth of Netflix, it's a cheaper buy than the House.
2nd. While Netflix provides the streaming service and the content, Apple can provide the platforms to stream the content.

The House and Fox is what is known as a horizontal integration or 2 links in 2 chains or content + content.

AT&T and Time Warner or the one that Trump set the Justice Department on is what is known as a vertical integration or 2 links in 1 chain or distribution + content.

I'd like to see the merger succeed, as AT&T can provide the streaming service and Time Warner can provide the content. Though, they'll have to bulk up on their content like House of Mouse.  For nothing chews up content faster than streaming something 24/7. There can't be enough competition (IMHO.)

And it'll be interesting to see how it plays out in the courts, as Trump, either as plaintiff or defendant, has not had much luck in the courts recently. For example: his ban on transgenders in the military was recently thrown out by the courts.

Unfortunately, as in most mergers, there will be layoffs. Though, not at the numbers some have predicted. (IMHO) the most likely layoffs will be at Blue Sky Studios or the animation arm of 20th Century Fox. For reasons stated below.
1st. With Pixar it is not needed.
2nd. The quality of animation from there is not quite as good as Pixar or House of Mouse.
3rd. The best known and most successful franchise from Blue Sky Studios is Ice Age, and with the underwhelming last film in that franchise, the franchise is thought to be dead.
And we will see what we will see.

And, finally, this is not the 1st time that House and Fox have done a deal. The TV channel known as Free Form was originally owned by Fox till purchased by House, but while it is believed too much was paid for this. It looks that the House this time got everything at a bargain price.

Next time: my personal stake in all this.


This is no way an endorsement of investing in the stock market. I would add, that before investing in the stock market or making any other investment, seek the professional financial advice of someone you trust. Having said that . . .

The fact is that I like my investment in the stock market.

I like . . .
--the return, which is 12.5% or better than any investment in an up market. And the return may be even better this year (2018.) It is not always a win/win. Some years I have lost money.
--the members of the investment club to which I belong. Maybe because their political views are so diametrically opposed to my own. Listening to them is like watching Fox News.
--watching the ebb and flow of business, which the stock market represents.
--the better understanding of economics which it gives me.

I dislike . . .
--the lack of liquidity or how fast I can turn what I have into cash. According to the rules of the club, it is a month before I can get what I owe converted into the cash.
--the illogic of the stock market. It was illogic when I 1st invested in it, and it is still illogic and makes no sense.

There is one moment of logic in an illogical market. When shareholders are unhappy about a bit of news, such as Netflix and the House of Mouse parting ways, the share price of both went down. On the other hand, if shareholders are happy about a bit of news, such as Viacom/Paramount and CBS merging into 1, as they were a decade ago, the share price goes up, as it did for both.

That merger would require the approval of both sets of shareholders. Though, as the Redstones have a controlling interest in both companies, that is just a formality, as it is with most mergers, as long as both executive boards approve the merger, as when DuPont (stock owned) merged with Dow, creating Dow/DuPont (stock now owned.)

Last time I said that Blue Sky Studio, the animation arm of 20th Century Fox, would most likely be closed as being an unnecessary component of the merger. Instead, it may be spun off or sold off, if a buyer for it can be found, as what happened when ABC/Capital Cities merged with the House of Mouse, a number of years ago. To get ABC, everything owned by Capital Cities was bought, and the parts not wanted were then sold off to a 3rd buyer. Or, they may decide to keep it as a means of producing a lower grade (IMHO) of animation than Pixar.

Like some people, I do have a concern about the merger. Though, it is not the concern of most people, and that is for every 4 shares of 20th Century Fox a shareholder owns, they get 1 share in the new company. Which comes to 515 million more shares of company stock, or the concern that it'd dilute the value of shares I now own. Yet most sharehoiders seem to be happy with the merger, as the share price in the company continues to rise slowly.

And that is that. Except, for the fact that it'll take from 2 to 4 years for the merger to be complete or 2019 to 2021.


Frogs use their eyes to help swallow their food.  They close their eyes when the insect is on the back of their tongue, pulling their eyeballs down into their head, which in turn pushes the bug on down their throat. 
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"