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Fact Of The Day

Started by Nightowl, February 10, 2011, 01:26:39 PM

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Isadora Duncan and Father Andrew M. Greeley both died as a result of getting neck scarves caught in moving automobiles.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.

Svengoolie 3

Japan somehow got the rights to make a giant robot vs monsters series of spiderman.

Yes, they did.

more proof.
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


How much would you pay for a burger?

According to Money Magazine (September, 2018 issue) these are the best burger joints in the U.S. And, while they listed them differently, I am listing them by the price of the burger, from the most expensive to the least expensive.

Hate Mondays Tavern
Miami (Florida)

Dino's Gourmet-on-the-go
Kahului ( Hawaii)

Fox Smokehouse BBQ
Boulder City (New York)

Bros Sandwich Shop
Avon (North Carolina)

PDX Sliders
Portland (Oregon)

Manny's Restaurant
Victorville (California)

Zorba's Gyros, Burgers, and More
Lafayette (Louisiana)

Papa's Burgers
San Antonio (Texas)

Around the Corner
Hennico (Virginia)

Lucky's Burgers and Shakes
Phoenix (Arizona)

Next time: this brings back memories

Svengoolie 3

The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on October 18, 2018, 03:41:04 PM
How much would you pay for a burger?

According to Money Magazine (September, 2018 issue) these are the best burger joints in the U.S. And, while they listed them differently, I am listing them by the price of the burger, from the most expensive to the least expensive.

Hate Mondays Tavern
Miami (Florida)

Dino's Gourmet-on-the-go
Kahului ( Hawaii)

Fox Smokehouse BBQ
Boulder City (New York)

Bros Sandwich Shop
Avon (North Carolina)

PDX Sliders
Portland (Oregon)

Manny's Restaurant
Victorville (California)

Zorba's Gyros, Burgers, and More
Lafayette (Louisiana)

Papa's Burgers
San Antonio (Texas)

Around the Corner
Hennico (Virginia)

Lucky's Burgers and Shakes
Phoenix (Arizona)

Next time: this brings back memories

My special Sister - a vegan - convinced me to quit eating hamburgers about three years ago. She doesn't mind me eating fish or chicken, though.
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Germans eat 72.000 tons of potato chips each year. Germany's most popular potato chip flavor is paprika (Also known as Pimenton de la Vera dulce, the peppers used to make this paprika are slowly smoked over oak before being ground, imparting a rich smokiness. The color is a deep red.).


This brings  back memories.

When the family 1st moved to southern California from New England, we moved into a rented house, price was right, that was too small for us. So, each weekend, when we still had a car, the parents would pack up themselves, myself, and my younger sister into the car and go to look for another house. Even at '60's home prices, we never could find anything we could afford. Thus, I lived in that too small--for the family--rented house till I went away to college. Of course, the houses we looked at were nothing like the one that is for sell in the area in which I live now.

4 car garage
5 bedrooms
6 baths (they say 6, I say 7)

6465 square feet

his and her . . .
--closets -- studies

library (librarian extra)

--cigar -- dining -- exercise -- family -- game -- mud -- play -- utility -- wine

and saltwater pool with swim up bar (bartender extra)

And, of course, if you have to ask the price, then you can't afford it.

Next time: another blast from the past


Beethoven's most well known piece "Für Elise", was actually published 40 years after his death.


That is true . . . also, the original title of the piece was actually "Furry Lease."

It was written after Beethoven had spent most of his small savings investing in an American trapping firm that had leased out a large tract of the Ohio River valley, promising a huge return selling beaver furs to European nobles to make hats.  But then the bottom fell out of the beaver market, the investors lost everything. and Beethoven's celebratory aria seemed misplaced. So he filed the sheet music away.  It was found years later by his granddaughter's maid, Elise, who erased the original title and replaced it with her own name.

I know it's true, I read it on the internet!!! :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :teddyr: :lookingup:

(Or maybe I just made it up . . .)   :wink:
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Another blast from the past.

Each year, Walt Disney World holds 3 to 4 food festivals.
Disneyland holds 1 or 2.
And even in the home of haute cuisine, France, Disneyland Paris holds a food festival. Though, that one celebrates regional French cuisine instead of international cuisine.

They are held because they attract a great number of foodies. Though, even the folks that hold them are surprised by the increasing number of teen and even pre-teen foodies these festivals attract.

Thus, it is no surprise that when Sebastian's Bistro opened in the Caribbean Beach Resort at Walt Disney World. There was a kid's menu.

Kids' menus do not surprise me. For when I was a kid, some restaurants offered kids' menus, which offered everything from turkey with all the trimmings to the hot dog. That was the lunch and dinner menu. There was also a kids' breakfast menu. Here the highlight was a half dozen silver $ pancakes. So called, because they were the size and--frequently--the hardness of a $ dollar.

Heck! Anybody here old enough to remember when the silver $ was in wide spread use as currency, especially in the American West, where the $ slots required a silver dollar to play?

No, what surprises me is what the kids' menu at Sebastian's Bistro offers kids.
--shrimp on a skewer
--jerk chicken
--Jamaican meat pie

And for all the little vegetarians and vegans out there, whole wheat penne pasta. When I was that young, not only was I not a vegetarian or vegan, I probably couldn't even spell the words.

Though, it is heartening that more teens and pre-teens are taking an interest in what they eat.

To survive in this day and age, more magazines are coming out with special editions that focus on one special subject. For example, the subject of witchcraft of both today and yesterday. And my next post will be on that subject. So . . .

Next time: it's witchcraft!

Svengoolie 3

Search your feelngs,  you know it to be true!

The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


The maximum length of a single post on this forum is 80,000 characters.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Quote from: Dark Alex on November 03, 2018, 06:33:54 AM
The maximum length of a single post on this forum is 80,000 characters.
Is that what it is? I know I once tried to post the Z volume of The World Book Encyclopedia and it wouldn't let me.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


It's witchcraft!

But, 1st, let me say this on that.
1st. While other religions were involved, the ones mentioned were the predominant religion in that time at that place.
2nd. The religions of today are not the same religions of the 16th and 17th century.

Time: 1692
Salem Witch Trials
Place: Salem (Massachusetts)
Victims: 20
Religion: Congregationalist

And while we rue the loss of life, especially as the victims were only guilty of being the wrong person, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. The number of victims pales when compared with the Witch Trials in Europe. 5 of the worst being listed here.

Time: 1590-1592
North Berwick Witch Trials
Place: Scotland
Victims: 70
Religion: Presbyterian

Time: 1609-1614
Basque Witch Trials
Place: Spain
Victims: 11
Religion: Catholicism

Time: 1626-1631
Bamberg Witch Trials
Place: Germany
Victims: unknown, but o'er 100
Religion: Catholicism

Time: 1674-1675
Torsaker Witch Trials
Place: Sweden
Victims: 71
Religion: Lutheran

Time: 1675-1690
Salzburg Witch Trials
Place: Austria
Victims: unknown, but about 200
Religion: Catholicism

A couple of aberrations (IMHO) make the above the most interesting of those listed.
1st. While males were victims. For example: 7 of the victims in the Salem Witch Trials were male. Most victims were female. Not here. The vast majority were male.
2nd. While children were victims. For example: a 5-year-0ld girl was accused, tried, and convicted at the Salem Witch Trials. Though, she was not executed. The same could not be said for her mother. Most of the victims were chronologically adult. Not here. The vast majority were young. Just teenagers and even pre-teen males.
3rd. One thing is similar to the other trials. The victims were the hapless, the helpless, the hopeless, or, here: beggars, homeless, orphans.

Next time: we'll think of something.