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Episode VIII has a name now. Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Started by sprite75, January 23, 2017, 01:34:01 PM

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I'd imagine KISS would be about the only thing that could rival Star Wars in terms of the variety of merchandising, although I am not sure if there are any Star Wars condoms out there (although I suspect there are Star Wars coffins so they both have that).
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


New books (relatively speaking)

Mark Sumerak
Star Wars : Droidography
featuring a dozen different types and 78 different individual droids.

Justina Ireland
Star Wars : Lando's Luck
1st in the Star Wars : Flight of the Falcon series

and for the 1st look at Planet Baatu
Lou Anders
Star Wars : Pirates Price
2nd in the Star Wars : Flight of the Falcon series
to be released January 8, 2019

The theme parks Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios
The land  Galaxy's Edge
The planet Planet Baatu
The town Black Rock Spire

And pirate Hondo Ohnaka available for meet 'n' greets, when they open. Disneyland the summer of 2019 and Disney's Hollywood Studios the end of 2019.


Star Wars

New book
Darth Vader in the Galaxy of Adventures series

New series
Star Wars by the Numbers

Old TV series
Star Wars : Resistance gets a 2nd season.
While, right now, it plays on TV, with the streaming service Disney+, starting up in the 2nd half of this year, it may move to that.

More as it becomes available.


A new book and new comic books out in April, 2019.

New book
Alexander Freed's
"Alphabet Squadron"

New comic books
Marvel celebrates the original trilogy icons with "Star Wars : Age of Rebellion," featuring single issues of . . .
Darth Vader -- Grand Moff Tarkin -- Princess Leia -- and a special containing 3 stories.

Marvel + Lucas combine for a continuing series . . .
"Star Wars : the Fighter Series"

And Marvel + Lucas + Disney combine for a 5 issue series . . .
"Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge," featuring . . .
the Ithorian Dok-Onder, who will be available for meet 'n' greets when Galaxy's Edge opens later this year at both Disneyland and Disney's Hollywood Studios.

More as it becomes available.


One out already. More upcoming.

Out already.
Star Wars : v.9 Hope dies.
collecting issues #50-55 + annual 5.

More upcoming.
Release dates August, 2019 to November, 2019.

Star Wars' Galaxy's Edge Cookbook
Think nerf burgers washed down by blue milk (Maybe?)

Deliah S. Dawson
Black Spire

George Mane
Star Wars : Myths and Fables

Z. Cordova
A Crash of Fate

More as it becomes available.


Hasbro is coming out with a series of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventure Action Figures. Apparently, in time for the Star Wars Convention in April, 2019, in Chicago (illinois.) So far we have . . .

Boba Fett -- Darth Maul -- General Grievous -- Kylo Ren -- Obi-Wan Kenobi -- and Rey.

Each comes with a minicomic and a code that can unlock more stories on-line.

What I find interesting is that the majority of the figures are not your heroes, but your villains and/or anti-heroes.


If you ever wanted to participate in an Olympic sport, then here's your chance.

Now that Lightsabre or saber fencing has become a recognized and official sport in France, the International Fencing Federation or FIE is watching it very closely. For if it becomes popular in France, the FIE hopes to promote it worldwide, and then, if it takes off worldwide, the FIE hopes to make it an official event at the Summer Olympics.

Need lessons: a number of American fencing academies have started to add both beginning lessons and advanced lessons to their curriculum.

Need a lightsaber or sabre: beginning this summer, when Galaxy Edge opens at Disneyland and later in the year at Walt Disney World, there will be a store called Savi's Workshop, where one can build one's own. Of course, till then there are other places one can pick one up.


A couple of new Star Wars books. One out now, and one later this year.

Out now (March 5, 2019)
C. K. Johnson's Star Wars : Queen's Shadow
the story of Padme Amidala and her handmaidens

Out later (September 24, 2019)
Christian Blauvelt's How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks :
a New Guide to Surviving the Star Wars Galaxy

I always enjoy those survival books, especially those that approach the subject with a bit of humor. For while, I have never met a space alien, according to one book I know exactly what to do.
1st. Do not look threatening -- 2nd. Make no loud noises -- 3rd. Make no sudden movements.
If I follow those 3 steps, I should survive my 1st encoutner with a space alien.

More as they become available.


graphic novel
Star Wars : Thrawn
available as of September, 2018

Thus, the book by Timothy Zahn, who also wrote Star Wars : Thrawn . . .
Star Wars : Thrawn : Alliances . . .
is a sequel to that one.
11th in his Star Wars series.

And, officially, we now have . . .
02 TV shows
10 films
17 books

Unofficially . . .?

More as it becomes available.


At one issue a month, 15 years and 8 months ago our forefathers and foremothers brought forth Star Wars : the Magazine. Now in its 188th issue.

The films inspired the books. The books inspired the theme parks. And the theme parks inspired both the films and the books.
Deliah S. Dawson's
Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge : Black Spire
Release date: August 27, 2019

More as it becomes available.


Claudia Gray's Star Wars : Master and Apprentice
An explanation of the relationship between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.
And the 1st canon novel to take place prior to Star Wars : Episode I : the Phantom Menace.
Release date April 16, 2019.


Gina McIntyre
Star Wars Icons : Han Solo

The incredible story behind the creation and legacy of one of Star Wars most beloved characters, and how it all came together.

From 1977 to 2017. From Episode 4 to Episode 7 + Solo : a Star Wars Story.

Featuring . . .
photos -- interviews -- concept art.

To be continued . . .


Continuing . . .

a character that spawned . . .
action figures -- clothing -- comics -- novels -- toys -- and video games . . .
and became a part of a phomena like no other.

But, what might have been . . .
Al Pacino -- Bill Murray --  Chevy Chase --Christopher Walken -- Jack Nicholson -- James Woods -- John Travolta -- Kurt Russell -- Nick Nolte -- Perry King -- Robert Englund -- Steve Martin -- and Sylvester Stallone . . .
were all, at one time or the other, under consideration for the role, and . . .

Burt Reynolds -- James Caan -- and Robert DeNiro . . .
actually turned down the role.

While they would all have brought something to the role, if something different, (IMHO) they got the right actor in Harrison Ford to play the role.

To be continued . . .


A half dozen things to remember about Episodes IV to VI.

1st. They were a product of their time and place.
2nd. Episode IV was a product of the '70's.
3rd. Very much a western in space.
4th. A simple story simplely told. Though, to look at the trailer for Episode IX, once can see how more complex the storytelling has become.
5th. Their success is not only due to George, but to all the people he had working on them, both before and behind the camera.
6th. And the most important thing to remember is that they were mainly George's idea.

While we will not know how good or bad Episode IX is, till it is released to audiences in December, there is an article, with photos, on it, in the summer issue of Vanity Fair. And as for Richard E. Grant, there is a photo of him as his character in the film, where he portrays someone named Pryde General Pryde.


"If only George was here." Said, knowingly or unknowingly, with some ignorance. While I agree that George got most everything right, he was not perfect and made some mistakes. Some of which the book points out.

1st Boba Fett
Even George admits he underestimated the importance of this character to the story.

2nd Rewritten dialogue
To say that he was upset, when some of the dialogue for Episode V was rewritten, would be an understatement, but, he was man enough to man up, and when Episode V was shown to audiences, to admitting the rewritten dialogue worked better than the original dialogue.

3rd Who shot first?
It might have always been in the scenario for Greedo to shoot 1st, but, that would have been somewhat unrealistic. Han was too good at what he did to let someone like Greedo get the driop on him.

4th Hard to believe, but . . .?
He let Star Wars fade from people's memory. While Episode IV spawned books, comics, a comic strip, etc., a decade later, most of what was spawned was no longer extant, and he had nothing to replace it. He won't let that happen again.

5th Not Episodes IV - VI, but . . .?
the prequels (cough! cough!)

and 6th Hard to know who to blame for this one, but . . .?
We'll blame George. You have to love whoever it was at Marvel that named 2 of the bounty hunters Dafi and Fud, as in Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. When the comic book rights to Star Wars went from Marvel to Dark Horse, you saw nothing this clever at Dark Horse. And while this is more opinionated than some of the others posted here, (IMHO) the quality of the storytelling declined.

As for what is next from the authoress, . . .

If she does do another icon from Episode IV - VI, the other characters are so intertwined with this one, much of what she would do would be just repeating herself.