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Random Statements About Something NOBODY Cares About, the resurrection

Started by LilCerberus, June 30, 2020, 06:28:44 PM

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Star Insurrection would be a good title for a Star Space Opera, not related to any property owned by The Walt Disney Company. :wink:


What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Ten pieces of advice I wish I could give my younger self:

1. Let go of the racquet when you dive.
2. Take out a big life insurance on him.
3. Accept that your mother is even crazier than you.
4. Let the a***ole deal with his own f**king grief.
5. Don't worry so much!
6. Bring your dog to college with you.
7. Begin reading graphic novels earlier in life.
8. Don't set foot in England.
9. Nevermind what Jackie would've thought about it.
10. Memorize the lottery numbers I am sending you.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Cult of Trump!
Cult of Trump!
Cult of Trump!

We're called CONSERVATIVES, and we existed long before Trump, we existed long before talk radio, and we'll exist for a long time to come!
"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.


Look, I'm 57 years old.
I was a Reagan conservative.
TRUMPISM  is NOT conservatism.  It's fiscally irresponsible, isolationist, hateful, and authoritarian to the point of quasi-fascism.
Trumpism is so at odds with the conservatism I embraced as a young man that it has driven me from the Republican Party in shame.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


No one seems to care about Meisho Amusement Machines. Sure, most of their rides were clones of other manufactures' rides, but they did make the first roller coaster taller than 200'.


Why do you suppose Bender would want someone to bite his shiny metal ass? Does he not feel pain?  For that matter would Red Foreman truly want to put his foot up someone's ass? Up it? The mindset of TV characters in relation to asses can be puzzling.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


There's a lot of different forms of conservatism. Depending on your view, Trump could either be a Paleoconservative or a Right-Wing Populist. Regan might be a Movement Conservative or Neoconservative. (This is just from skimming some articles on Wikipedia, linked below.)


A paleo conservative wouldn't have hired john bolton to run foreign policy

He's a nationalist mostly the rest of the stuff is window dressing. an American Hugo Chavez!

Rev. Powell

I don't think Trump has any philosophy or convictions, just egotism and knee jerk reactions. He didn't even bother to create a platform for his second term. I think his supporters project their own beliefs and desires onto him.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: pacman000 on January 25, 2021, 02:35:50 PM
There's a lot of different forms of conservatism. Depending on your view, Trump could either be a Paleoconservative or a Right-Wing Populist. Regan might be a Movement Conservative or Neoconservative. (This is just from skimming some articles on Wikipedia, linked below.)

Those are interesting.

I wish I could find a political label I'd be comfortable claiming so I could self-identify with something and feel like I fit in, but so far I've never found it.

I place great value on free expression, and I do have libertarian tendencies, mostly based on "leave it alone/leave me alone" but I see a lot of selfishness in libertarians I can't admire.

I do admire much of what is described in your links above as "traditional conservatism" though I don't always embody that because I am simply not a conformist at heart. (Neo-conservatism makes my skin crawl.)

Of all philosophies the one I seem most at odds with at this stage of my life is that of the far left, which strikes me as the cradle of intolerance.

All in all I'm not a deeply political person at all.

But, hey, good read up there with those links, pac!
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I'm finding westerns are relaxing to watch in the winter, those deserts looking so warm & cozy on these short, cool days...
"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.


Covid-19 has totally ruined the tradition of crashing the buffet at a bris after-party.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Ever noticed Bolivia and Columbia are shaped a lot alike?

It's as if the aliens who run the matrix we all live in ran out of ideas and went, "Ah, use the same country twice. It's South America. No one will notice."

Kinda like how they recycled Africa by turning it sideways and shrinking it to make Australia.

I bet if I kept looking I'd find other examples....
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Turn the UK sideways to the left 90 degrees and then look at Europe.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.