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Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia

Started by dcj2112, June 02, 2021, 09:28:01 PM

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Has anyone made it this far in the Ilsa saga?

As far as I can tell the copyright holders don't think this movie should exist. Perhaps they appreciated in what poor taste the first film was and figured since they only had the copyright for this one that the least they could do is lock it away.

For those who don't know more than a decade ago Anchor Bay wanted to release the full Ilsa series in a DVD set. However, they were refused permission to use this one. I only saw it via a VHS rip from goodness knows what source. It was full screen but otherwise the picture quality was pretty good. This is a tough one to track down.

Its a pretty weird movie. But its an Ilsa movie so that goes without saying. In this one set shortly after World War II Ilsa is overseeing a work camp in Soviet Russia where hard labor kills you! With little build up the camp gets burnt up and we're transported some decades into what was then present day Montreal. Minimal effort is put into aging Ilsa. She is in hiding and running a brothel there since the KGB wants to hunt her down for her failures at the camp.

Not sure what the worst of the Ilsa films were. Probably the Jess Franco one which wasn't even supposed to be an Ilsa film at first, but then retroactively was made one since the audience for this kind of movie was niche enough. This is a close dishonorable second though.


Is this the one where 2 guys have an arm wrestling match where the loser gets his hand cut off with a chainsaw? I enjoyed it until the action switches from Russia into Canada...then it turns into a run of the mill action movie.
The Jess Franco one- ILSA-THE WICKED WARDEN (1977) was the sickest. By the way- Dyanne is known in this movie as Wanda or Greta, depending on which version you see. I had both these and SHE WOLF OF THE SS on tape, but I rarely watched them because- well- I got a girl friend, and I bought them back in the 90's when I was  buying all sortsa tapes. I gave them away. Because they were creepy.
I still have lots of tapes I bought in the late 80's and early 90's. Lots I should just sell at a yard sale.
Certain ones I will keep, of course. All my weird clamshell rarities are keepers.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Yep that was the same one where two men had an arm wrestling contest where the loser would have his arm cut off by a chainsaw. It was between two guys who would double team Ilsa who built up a rivalry.

Wanda, Greta, or Ilsa the Wicked Warden is quite a film too. I read that during the production Franco intentionally had Dyanne Thorne change her hair to distinguish her from Ilsa. Also, I assume not all versions are like this but in the one I saw Thorne dubs herself over presumably because she didn't speak with a German accent originally. But then they wanted to retroactively make it an Ilsa film so they Germaned her up. It might be the weakest of the series but has the best ending. Let's just say it's very Cannibal Holocaust.

These may be creepy films, but they certainly keep your attention. David F. Friedman produced at least the first one. I wouldn't be surprised if aside from his Herschell Gordon Lewis blood films if he made the most money off that one. The production values aren't great by today's standards but compared to some of Friedman's crap it may as well be Avengers: Endgame.