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King Dinosaur (1955)

Started by Awful Movie Reviews, May 31, 2022, 07:22:48 AM

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Awful Movie Reviews

Hello fellow bad movie lovers ! This is Awful Movie Reviews, where I review, in a comedic manner, the bottom of the barrel of cinema on YouTube !

I decided to review King Dinosaur from 1955. This movie was the first main feature film of the sci-fi king Bert I. Gordon. Unfortunately, it's a terrible crap fest. And it stands, for now, as legit the worst dinosaur movie I have ever seen. From abominable special effects, to characters with no development, who you would really just wished died, to grainy black-and-white visuals, and even a misleading film title, this science-fiction stinker has got it all. It's truly a dreadful movie !

If you want to watch the whole 5 minute review, go to my channel Awful Movie Reviews on Youtube ! Don't hesitate to give me feedback as too what you thought of King Dinosaur, if y'all have seen it, as well as feedback on the review ! Enjoy !!


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