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Freddy v.s Jason Ending Twist that would be good

Started by Zombie, August 17, 2003, 10:08:36 AM

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Here are some ending twist I think would be good at the end of freddy v.s jason.

1. Chucky could show up at the end and kill freddy and jason

2. At the end Micheal Myers drags Jason's body and Freddy's head out of the lake

3. Jason and Freddy's bodys float up to shore in texas. Then They wake up. The start fighting and see Leatherface. The in a squel freddy and jason could team up and fight leatherface.

There you go write some of yours or some stuff the should have added.

Dolph Lundgren

1.  Freddy and Jason hug, and a light ballad plays over the final credits as they stroll off in the sunset, hand in hand.

I think it would be funny.  It'd definitely be a twist ending, that's for sure.

2.  The Leprechaun comes back from the 'hood to get his ass handed to him by Freddy and Jason.

3.  Gary Busey pops up from out of nowhere, calls Freddy and Jason "butthorns" (go see the movie Bulletproof for an example of this damaging insult), and takes them on.  This would be my personal favorite.  Crazy Busey vs. Freddy vs. Jason.



I wish Jason had walked out of the lake ... WEARING FREDDY'S GLOVE!  That would have made me smile.
Kneel before Dr. Hell, the ruler of this world!

Brother Ragnarok

Despite "Bride Of" rocking hard, Chucky is a stupid little puss and could only crack jokes and get booted around by Freddy and Jason.
Leatherface, only being human, would get his ass handed to him real quick.
The Myers thing, now THAT is a good idea.
They could float down the river and wind up in Gotham City.  Imagine the crazy s**t Freddy could do to Bruce Wayne...

Brother R

There are only two important things in life - monsters and hot chicks.
    - Rob Zombie
Rape is just cause for murdering.
    - Strapping Young Lad

The Burgomaster

I just hope this movie doesn't start a trend of movies with 2 characters from different series duking it out. What's next?  Michael Myers vs. Madman Marz?

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


Oh these have been better than I had expected with this topic but I have to add a couple that I know would knock some socks off.

The Tall Man - could you just imagine what he could do with Freddy or Jason with thise spheres.....

Here is one that would not need much more than just a mere mention.

Pinhead -- I mean HE literally owns his own hell. The thought of the Cenobites unleashing on them makes me want to go out and start writing the script myself.

Damn this one is exciting!!!

""I always try to save the best for last, but in my opinion you need to jump NOW!!!!""


How about in the inevitable sequel Jason and Freddy become leaders of seperate horror icon super teamsl like

Jack Frost
Mrs Voorheese
the Creeper


Creature from Black Lagoon

AHHH think of more!!


> I just hope this movie doesn't start a trend of movies with 2
> characters from different series duking it out. What's next?
> Michael Myers vs. Madman Marz?

I thought thats what the director wanted, to start a whole new line of movies with 'VS'The Burgomaster wrote:

Vermin Boy

...And of course they'd be fought by a "good guy" team consisting of Ash, Buffy, Herbert West, Cemetery Man, and the boys from AIDS (the Astro-Investigation and Defense Service).

-Vermin Boy

My site: The Vermin Cave
My band: The Demons of Stupidity
?????: ?????


How bout Clint Howard as Ice Cream Man VS The Dentist as Portrayed by Clint Howard!!!


Rob Phillips

Jesus and El Santos show up, fresh from "Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter" and kick arse all over Jason and Freddy, but end up finally converting them and Jason and Freddy become altar boys who help JC fight vampires! Now that's twisted!


Fearless Freep

So we're pretty  much waiting for "The League Of Extraordinary Serial Killers", huh?

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting