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Buddy Cooper Interview

Started by Andrew, May 24, 2008, 05:42:01 AM

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Buddy Cooper wrote, directed, and produced "The Mutilator," and it is his only film credit on the Internet Movie Database.  Skaboi (a forum regular) tasked me with reviewing "The Mutilator," and put me in contact with Mr. Cooper.  It was a great opportunity to find out the story behind the film.

Andrew Borntreger

Rev. Powell

The great thing about these interviews with low-budget filmmakers is they help us to remember just how damn hard it is to make a movie.  It's like trying to write a novel, compose a symphony, administer a gallery exhibition, stage a play, and manage a hefty, overdue mortgage all at the same time.  So it's no surprise that many of these movies turn out "bad".   

Even if I don't like the finished product (and I haven't seen THE MUTILATOR) I have tremendous respect for anyone who can manage to get a movie finished and out in theaters without major studio financing.   

:thumbup: for Buddy Cooper!
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Miss Misery

Carl Hiassen wrote a column about "The Mutilator" (and the audience watching it) for his column on October 16, 1985.

Said column is available in the book "Kick Ass: Selected Columns of Carl Hiaasen".

Hiaasen wasn't exactly kind to the movie, but it appears Mr. Cooper has a sense of humor and I'm sure he would appreciate the fact that his movie has been, in a rather offbeat way, immortalized.  :teddyr:



Good to see the review went through.  A lot of questions I've always had about the film have been answered.  I've always been curious as to what Buddy would change about the film if he were to remake it today.  Hopefully there will be a legit DVD release of the film sometime soon.  I know that Code Red had planned to do so but they were recently bought out by another company.

Fantastic interview!
"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.

Tom Doyle


I stumbled across this review while web surfing ... I'm Ben Moore's nephew and am working as an actor ... my website is ... When I say working as an actor, I mean I do odd jobs for a liviing between gigs.  I grew up in Morehead City and although I was not acting at the time, I always had an interest in it.  As a matter of fact, Bill Hitchcock is a friend of mine and I just recently went to see him.  Fall Break was a big deal for people that were involved, but it was the last film of any consequence shot in Morehead City.  I live in Colorado now and to run across this review after all these years is a hoot!

Thanks for your review! 


Quote from: Tom Doyle on June 06, 2008, 02:08:19 PM

I stumbled across this review while web surfing ... I'm Ben Moore's nephew and am working as an actor ... my website is ... When I say working as an actor, I mean I do odd jobs for a liviing between gigs.  I grew up in Morehead City and although I was not acting at the time, I always had an interest in it.  As a matter of fact, Bill Hitchcock is a friend of mine and I just recently went to see him.  Fall Break was a big deal for people that were involved, but it was the last film of any consequence shot in Morehead City.  I live in Colorado now and to run across this review after all these years is a hoot!

Thanks for your review! 

Tom, welcome to the site.  Glad to see a local.  I grew up down near Cedar Island myself.
"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.


Quote from: Tom Doyle on June 06, 2008, 02:08:19 PM
I stumbled across this review while web surfing ... I'm Ben Moore's nephew and am working as an actor ... my website is ... When I say working as an actor, I mean I do odd jobs for a liviing between gigs.  I grew up in Morehead City and although I was not acting at the time, I always had an interest in it.  As a matter of fact, Bill Hitchcock is a friend of mine and I just recently went to see him.  Fall Break was a big deal for people that were involved, but it was the last film of any consequence shot in Morehead City.  I live in Colorado now and to run across this review after all these years is a hoot!

Thanks for your review! 

Very welcome.  The gent who first responded is the man who introduced me to "The Mutilator" and also put me in touch with Mr. Cooper.  The next time you speak with Bill Hitchcock, or any of the cast, let them know that "The Mutilator" does have a fan following on the Internet.  I've gotten a few emails about it, in addition to the posted comments.
Andrew Borntreger


Skaboi wrote:

QuoteHopefully there will be a legit DVD release of the film sometime soon.  I know that Code Red had planned to do so but they were recently bought out by another company.

Code Red hasn't been bought by another company, they changed distributors (from Media Blasters to Navarre). The Mutilator is still on their slate, but nothing else is confirmed. This flick was specifically mentioned in their press release about their new contract with Navarre, so it looks like they are serious about it. Code Red has a full schedule this year (including the awesome Night Warning), so I wouldn't expect to see The Mutilator DVD until at least 2009.


The Mutilator is an enormously enjoyable film. Unfortunately a decent DVD release still doesnt exist. luckily I own it on Laserdisc! Amazing artwork on the cover. VHS quality image, brilliant film!

