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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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Dr. Whom

Beauty Water (2020)

A Korean animated feature that is a not too subtle attack on South Korea's toxic obsession with beauty. Ugly duckling Yaeji gets hold of 'Beauty Water', which allows you to magically resculpt your face and body. She reinvents herself as the stunning beauty Solhye and sets out to make it in the world of media and fashion with ruthless determination. But there are dark secrets to the Beauty Water.

A pretty effective horror thriller. The animation is dodgy in places, and the characters tend to be one note, but the plots moves along briskly and the whole thing gets more and more unsettling  as it goes on. There is also a fair bit of body horror. Some reviews have mentioned that it is hard to root for anyone in the movie because all characters tend to be shallow and egotistical, but I think that is kind of the point. The line between victim and predator is very blurred.

Not perfect, but an interesting take.
"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.

Rev. Powell

A FAMILY (2019): A man hires actors to portray his family in home movies, but his carefully constructed life falls apart when the new actress hired to play his sister has her own ideas. It's basically Yorgos Lanthimos fan fiction. Ukrainian, but made by an Australian director and producers. 2/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Jim H

The Kid Detective - What happens to Encyclopedia Brown after he grows up?  That's sort of what this is like, it's about a prototypical young adult "kid detective" now a man in his 30s dealing with his first "real" case.  It's a dark comedy with some really deftly handled tonal shifts and a great lead performance from Adam Brody.  Think it'd reward on a rewatch as well.  8/10.

Rev. Powell

NO TRACE (2021): In what appears to be the post-apocalyptic near future, a middle-aged woman smuggles a Muslim with a newborn across the border, then encounters her again in the woods after her cart is stolen. Beautifully made and acted, featuring great black and white cinematography and an excellent dark ambient soundtrack; I just wish the plot was strong enough to support the weighty atmosphere. For fans of slow cinema only. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"Evolution" (2001)
A pair of slacker college professors (David Duchovny and Orlando Jones) and the U.S. military battle against a rapidly mutating alien life form that crashed near their small Arizona town on a meteor.
This fast, funny sci-fi comedy from director Ivan Reitman is kinda like a mash up of "Ghostbusters" and "Men in Black." Duchovny is clearly having the most fun, playing a guy who's the total opposite of his straight-laced "X-Files" persona, and there's a lot of cool/weird creatures and gooey effects. Underrated.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


LINCOLN (2014) Spielberg's biopic about President Lincoln and the battle for the 13th Amendment blew me away the first time I saw it and gets better with every viewing.  Daniel-Day Lewis turns out one of the finest portrayals of Lincoln ever done by any actor, and the political drama is powerful, aided by a wonderful supporting cast.  5/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"Memory: The Origins of Alien" (2019)
A look back at the making of the landmark sci-fi/horror film "Alien," told via vintage clips and interviews with film critics, cast members, and crew. Sigourney Weaver is unfortunately absent from the proceedings, but Tom "Captain Dallas" Skerritt and Veronica "Lambert" Cartwright have some good stories and there are lots of cool behind the scenes photos and storyboards. A cool doc that fanboys will dig, despite a tendency to get a bit pretentious and high-falutin' at times.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


Lazy Winter Saturday double feature:

"From Beyond" (1986)
Director Stuart Gorden re-unites his "Re-Animator" cast mates Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton in another horror tale loosely inspired by an H.P. Lovecraft story. A science experiment to stimulate a dormant sensory organ in humans goes horribly wrong, and opens up an inter-dimensional doorway that some not-so-nice life forms use to slip through. This slimy, old school gore fest is an absolute hoot, with tons of cool gross-out effects and the smokin' hot Barbara C. rockin' S&M gear. What more do you need to have a good time?

"Taffin" (1988)
Before he was Bond, Pierce Brosnan was "Taffin," a tough guy debt collector in a small Irish town. The elders hire him to drive out some crooked corporate creeps who want to build a chemical factory in their pristine village, but he soon learns he might be in over his head.
Brosnan's performance is fine (and the unfortunately-named Alison Doody, who plays his love interest, is quite the hottie) but otherwise this is very slow and talky for a supposed "action" flick, there's way more yappin' than butt kickin'. Skip this one.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


"Black Sheep" (2006)
Secret genetic experiments at a New Zealand farm turn a flock of ordinary, docile sheep into blood thirsty carnivores whose bites have transformative properties.
...soooo yeah, this is basically "Night of the Living Dead," but with sheep, and with special effects by Peter "Lord of the Rings" Jackson's WETA Workshop!
Of course the premise of this goofy, gory, very funny horror comedy is completely ludicrous, but cast makes it work by playing it completely straight-faced.Arguably the best movie about man-eating sheep I've ever seen. :D
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


"Tread" (2019)
A documentary about the strange saga of Marvin Heemeyer, a Colorado muffler-shop owner who had numerous business-related grievances against his local town council... so one fine day in 2004 he went on a rampage through town in a heavily armored bulldozer that he built in his garage.  
The TV news footage of Marv's homemade Killdozer knocking down buildings, crushing cars, etc., is a sight to behold, and interviews with witnesses and tape recordings of Marv's "manifesto" create a bizarre but fascinating portrait of a troubled guy who felt he'd been pushed too far and believed he was on a mission from God to destroy those who'd "wronged" him.
Moral of the story: don't p**s off a skilled mechanic and welder.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


^ I will keep that in mind

7 Grandmasters - decent enough kung fu movie with bearded "masters" trying to figure out who is the GRAND master. The main guys daughter is cute and the plot was strong enough. I may break down and get Amazon Prime so i can watch the Celestial Shaw Brothers titles. I have a bunch of them in my basement but alas I don't have A DVD player anymore



"Fathom" (1967)
While prepping for a competition in Spain, foxy sky-diver "Fathom" Harvill (Raquel Welch) gets mixed up with a variety of spies, smugglers, and private eyes who are all searching for a priceless Chinese treasure.
This muddled spy spoof wasn't very good, but it's worth sitting through just to ogle Ms. Welch, who was arguably the hottest woman in the world at this time. She never could act worth a damn, but she spends the whole movie in a series of bikinis and other skimpy outfits, soooo... lame movie, but outstanding eye candy.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"

Rev. Powell

FELLINI: I'M A BORN LIAR (2002): Fellini documentary consisting of interviews interspersed with movie clips and a little behind-the-scenes footage, heavily focused on the latter part of his career ("Toby Dammit" and after). Nothing groundbreaking, but they do get some good quotes from Fellini (in a philosophical mood) and actors who've worked with him (most notably Donald Sutherland and Terrance Stamp). 3/5. An extra in the Criterion Fellini box set.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: FatFreddysCat on February 21, 2021, 01:47:13 PM
"Tread" (2019)
A documentary about the strange saga of Marvin Heemeyer, a Colorado muffler-shop owner who had numerous business-related grievances against his local town council... so one fine day in 2004 he went on a rampage through town in a heavily armored bulldozer that he built in his garage.  
The TV news footage of Marv's homemade Killdozer knocking down buildings, crushing cars, etc., is a sight to behold, and interviews with witnesses and tape recordings of Marv's "manifesto" create a bizarre but fascinating portrait of a troubled guy who felt he'd been pushed too far and believed he was on a mission from God to destroy those who'd "wronged" him.
Moral of the story: don't p**s off a skilled mechanic and welder.

I seen it the other night. Yeah- that guy was p**sed!  :buggedout:
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Chain Letter (2015) - laughably bad and boringly competent horror movie. Almost all the reviews are 1 star but one guy really liked it so I gave it a chance. He was wrong. I should send him a chain letter like the one in this garbage movie.

A guy sends a chain email to a kid who nervously forwards it to his friends. This marks them for death from some huge unstoppable guy who hates technology??? Wouldn't that mean he has to kill everyone in the entire world? and isn't he using it himself. It's ridiculously stupid. The cast has no personality but in their defense the script leaves them no room to develop their characters.

I almost never "MST3K' movies because I'm not named Mike Nelson and I'm not getting paid to do so, but I had no choice here. The red herrings were so obvious and the attempts to fight back were so feeble. A girl trapped in the bathroom used the lid of the toilet to wield against the killer, making no effort to escape through the window, which we all see in the shot. The opening scene is a creative and well done "kill" and that's it for the whole movie. The director must be Italian


Actually there was one interesting thing: in a shot of one girls room there a statue of a weird pig in the background. I wonder what that was