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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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"Joker" (2019)
A shunned loser slowly descends into madness on the mean streets of Gotham City circa 1981, and becomes the face of rebellion against the urban elites along the way.
This controversial new take on the "origin" of Batman's nemesis is essentially "Taxi Driver" set in the DC Universe with Joaquin Phoenix giving a career defining performance as the future supervillain. This is a comic book movie for people who hate comic book movies. It's the feel-bad movie of the year!
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


"Best Worst Movie" (2009)
In 1989, child actor Michael Stephenson landed his first major movie role, in the notorious turkey Troll 2 ... which is now considered one of the Worst Films Ever Made, and which pretty much totaled his acting career.
Nearly twenty years later, he discovered that the film had somehow developed a rabid cult following... so he directed this charming documentary in which he tracked down many of his former co-stars, visited a number of "Troll 2" retrospective screenings, and hit the convention trail with George Hardy, who played his father in the movie (and is now a small town Alabama dentist), to try and figure out why their terrible movie still resonates with so many people.
This doc was lots of fun and actually made me want to give "Troll 2" another go-round. If memory serves, I bailed out about halfway through it on HBO years ago so I've never seen the whole thing. It might be time to rectify that.
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


Quote from: FatFreddysCat on August 02, 2020, 08:49:28 PM
"Best Worst Movie" (2009)
In 1989, child actor Michael Stephenson landed his first major movie role, in the notorious turkey Troll 2 ... which is now considered one of the Worst Films Ever Made, and which pretty much totaled his acting career.
Nearly twenty years later, he discovered that the film had somehow developed a rabid cult following... so he directed this charming documentary in which he tracked down many of his former co-stars, visited a number of "Troll 2" retrospective screenings, and hit the convention trail with George Hardy, who played his father in the movie (and is now a small town Alabama dentist), to try and figure out why their terrible movie still resonates with so many people.
This doc was lots of fun and actually made me want to give "Troll 2" another go-round. If memory serves, I bailed out about halfway through it on HBO years ago so I've never seen the whole thing. It might be time to rectify that.

I liked that documentary, although I did worry quite a lot about the woman who played the mother.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.

Rev. Powell

A JOURNEY TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME (1955): Czech educational fantasy spectacle. Four boys take off downriver, traveling backwards through time as they row along, first encountering woolly mammoths, then dinosaurs. At times, plays more like a trip to the natural history museum than a rousing adventure yarn; but the kid actors are surprisingly good and Karel Zeman's stop-motion animation is every bit the equal (if not better than)  his American counterpart Ray Harryhausen. Also available in a dubbed English version with different wraparound sequences. I think boys today---especially ones obsessed with dinosaurs---would still enjoy this, as long as they had good attention spans. 3.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I liked Best Worst movie and also enjoyed Troll 2. what can I say? I thought it was colorful.

Invitation to Hell (1984) - It's the Stepford Wives/ Get out plot with everyone trying to get this guy to join a local (always in the suburbs isn't it?) country club. Soap opera star Susan Lucci kills it as the clubs director who tries to get everyone to join and mainly succeeds. Robert Urich isn't so sure that this is in his best interest, so he tries to find out whats going on before it's too late. Awesome made for tv movie directed by the great Wes Craven.

In retrospect, the opening scene doesn't make tons of sense. Punky Brewster plays the daughter. It's on youtube and tubi but obviously the tubi version is better quality

5/5 very entertaining


I have seen lotsa bad movies...this has to be on the top of the list. Lame stand up comic Jackie Vernon plays a shmuck who hates his wife's cooking. So he kills her and eats her for lunch.
Some of the worst acting ever recorded to film by every one involved. I can't believe this was made.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Quote from: RCMerchant on August 03, 2020, 02:37:07 PM
I have seen lotsa bad movies...this has to be on the top of the list. Lame stand up comic Jackie Vernon plays a shmuck who hates his wife's cooking. So he kills her and eats her for lunch.
Some of the worst acting ever recorded to film by every one involved. I can't believe this was made.

That is one of my early favorite bad movies!!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Gabriel Knight


A young security guard must track down diminutive aliens who kill people even as they make their fantasies come true.

Wow, what can you say about this? It was clearly made completely aware of its own crappyness, which kinda takes away the fun for me. I mean, they deliberately made this film to be as ridiculous and cheesy as possible, so of course the result will be this incoherent mess.
The puppets are most of the times just static, and when they jump on people the actors (and I use that term very loosely) grab them and shake them as if they were attacked, it's just dreadful. The plot is beyond stupid, the whole bar scene last forever, and all the characters are a disgrace. You really can't put this movie in any genre also, because it fails in every level imaginable. I don't think a single person dies in the whole movie, not even the guy who gets completely engulfed in flames, so even the synopsis is a lie.

This movie is terrible, and honestly, I don't mean it in a so-bad-it's-good kind of way, because for me, in order for that to happen, the director has to be honest in the first place. BIRDEMIC and JACK-O are good examples of this, they really tried, but luckily for us, failed miserably. HOBGOBLINS is just a bad rip off of GREMLINS meant as a cash grab, taking advantage of the bad movies cult. The trivia even confirms that the director personally contacted the MST3K crew so they showed one of his films, but eventually sent them this one.

Avoid this crap unless it's in the MST3K format, because to be fair the episode was truly hilarious. 1/10  :thumbdown:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:


"Black Enforcers" (aka "The Black Gestapo" and "Ghetto Warriors," 1975)
A black "Neighborhood Watch" group in the Watts section of L.A. successfully drives out a protection racket run by local white mobsters. The group's leader then has to deal with his power-mad second in command, who breaks away from the organization, forms his own Nazi-esque army of thugs, and takes over the mob's operations.
...this jaw droppingly tasteless combo of the Blaxploitation and Nazi-sploitation genres certainly won't win any awards for political correctness, but it totally delivers on the ultra-violent sleaze front. Worth a look just to see Charles P. Robinson, who would later become known as the nice-guy court clerk "Mac" on "Night Court," as the would-be ghetto Hitler bad guy. A bizarro, yet strangely fascinating, '70s time capsule that would never get made today!
"If you're a false, don't entry, because you'll be burned and died!"


ya know it's funny my brother cracked on Troll 2 (1989) for years and years and i stood up for it cause at the time i believed it was a sequel to (1986) film which is a film that is bad but a lot of fun. but the 2nd one i tried to watch when i was in my 20's i think it was? it was so bad and the acting was so painful to watch that i looked up online to see if there was anyone at all who i like that worked on it and when i saw there wasn't i shut it off and never went back to it. 

what's funny is that at a convention i hear i dunno the year the cast know it's a bad film but yet it's director doesn't think that and in fact when the cast was saying it was bad he was really p**sed about it out in the hallway. he really believes that's a good film well he's the only one i think cause it's just plain bad

and not fun bad like some movies but bad bad so bad that it belongs in the sewers where the rats can get to it and in fact the rats i don't think would even touch it, cause it's  so bad.

i watched late last night 'SAW 2" (2005) that's a favorite of mine 10/10 for me cause it's my favorite one in the entire series and honestly they did get carried away with the gore in later sequels i love gore films don't get me wrong but sometimes less is more.  plus i'd rather  have more story sometimes it just depends on the film i guess


POOL PARTY MASSACRE (2017) A spoiled rich brat invites some of her equally spoiled friends (and the one obligatory nice, less rich one) over to her house for a pool party while her parents are out of town, and they get picked off one by one by a killer in overalls, who uses a variety of tools from the garage - hanging them back up, neatly, when he is done.  Stupid screenplay, bad acting, gratuitous nudity, creative kills - this is bad movie GOLD!  And it's free on Amazon Prime!  5/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


i just watched for the 2nd time "Rocket Man (2019) i'm a big Elton John fan and i have been since the 80's in fact, but though i thought the movie is great i do wish they had used the right music for the era. it drives me nuts that they aren't faithful to watch actually happened,  and them having him have Border Song in (1967) or (1968) is a good example when their 1st song they ever wrote together is called Scarecrow and it's decent it's on you tube somewhere.

just like in the film they have him fighting with Bernie Taupin and he's never had an argument in over 50 years he's known him no joke. 10/10 but i'm just picky on i wish it was a straight bio that's all. but i did love that it's star sang the songs and it wasn't dubbed over with Elton's Vocals

Rev. Powell

CASINO ROYALE (1967): James Bond done as spoof: the "real" James Bond (David Niven) comes out of retirement to train other James Bonds (including Peter Sellers) to confound a ridiculously convoluted plot by SMERSH. As a comedy, CASINO ROYALE misses a lot of its comic targets, but it's still fascinating for its cast (which also includes Woody Allen, Orson Welles and Ursula Andress), its psychedelic/pop art/expressionist production design, and its general 1960s excess. You might consider it so-bad-it's-good; I just think it's carefree and fun. 3.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


BLOOD CLOTS (2020) - A nice collection of seven short indie horror films bundled together in one neat package, free on Amazon Prime!  I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed the whole set; the last two were probably my favorites, but all of them had some charm.  From a "human statue" trying to survive the zombie apocalypse to a swarm of mutant carnivorous jellyfish, this set had me thoroughly entertained from the get-go!  Highly recommended! 5/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Dr. Whom

Aerials (2016)

I caught this on Netlix. As an alien invasion movie set in Dubai, I thought it might be silly fun. It is not. This is the most boring movie I have ever seen. I kept on watching it with the feeling that eventually something would happen, but nope. The story, such as it is, is that alien motherships arrive all over the planet (as in Independence Day) and then shut  down all technology (as in The Day The Earth Stood Still) and then suddenly leave. They do seem to have fixed global warming in the meantime.

However all of this 'action' and I use the term loosely, is completely off screen. The movie mainly follows a married couple staying at home and arguing with eachother, wondering what is happening at what it all means. The movie is all dialogue and very little of it makes any sense. Also the acting is atrocious and there is so much padding. We get shots of the guy making an omelet, or carefully adjusting his headscarf before leaving. The only bright point is the insurance salesman who sells coverage for the alien apocalypse.

This makes something like The Phantom Planet look like Star Wars and 2001 rolled into one.
"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.