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The Bad Movie Daily Calander

Started by chainsaw midget, January 01, 2023, 07:36:01 AM

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chainsaw midget

Sept 7 1927 – Philo Farnsworth completed the first fully electronic television system.

chainsaw midget

Sept 8 is literacy day... so watch a movie about a book that you should read anyway!

Rev. Powell

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

chainsaw midget

Sep 10 1955  Gunsmoke premiered on CBS. 

This movie has nothing to do with it.

chainsaw midget

Sept 11.  Other things happened on this day, but we'll not get into them here in this topic.  Instead, we'll recognize today as


Rev. Powell

Sep. 12 is National Video Game Day.

I think I've used one, or maybe both, of the Uwe Boll adaptations before for other days, so I heard this one sucks too...

(Mortal Combat Annihilation, if the image isn't showing)
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Sept 13

Birthday of Taryn Power of Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger  and The Sea Serpent

Its also National Programmers Day
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...

chainsaw midget

I was outta town for a few days.  Let's get back on track!

Sep 14 is Crab Fest day! 

Sep 15 is Online Learning Day!

Sep 16 is collect rocks day!

Rev. Powell

9/17 is Patient Safety Day. Just steer clear of this guy...

9/18 is National Cheeseburger Day. Close enough:

(If this were a Good Movie Calendar, the clear choice would be "The Menu")
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

chainsaw midget

Sep 19 is International Talk like a Pirate Day

I'm not going to do that.  I will suggest the movie that brings together Cheech and Chong with Monty Python.  (Far more Python than Cheech though.)


I have a little story about talk like a Pirate day.

Around the time the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie was released I noticed one of my FB friends was, well, talking like a pirate. This went on for a few years and quite frankly, it wasn't funny or cute, just distracting. So I said "you must really like those Pirates of the Caribbean movies" and she said she never seen any of those movies. I asked why she was talking like Johnny Depp in those Pirate flicks, she then told me about the talk like a Pirate day.

I thought she was joking but she linked me to the wikki page. That's when I first learned about these "days".

So yeah, I actually know somebody who used to talk (in this case, type) like a pirate on talk like a pirate day. She doesn't anymore though.
Is it October yet?


At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...

chainsaw midget

Sept 21 is Peace Day.

When thinking up a movie for peace, my mind immediately jumps to the cover of the original MASH movie.

chainsaw midget

chainsaw midget

Sep 23 1845 – The Knickerbockers Baseball Club, the first baseball team to play under the modern rules, was founded in New York.

So here's a random baseball movie.