Main Menu Radio - "Toys for Tots"

Started by Andrew, February 28, 2008, 05:07:43 PM

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It is a great program, but mentally damaging for an adult male.  The mere sight of Candyland gives me the shakes.

Andrew Borntreger


I always hated Toys for Tots.  :hatred:  But a Mercenary does not have to put up with any of that!   :teddyr:

Big Paulie Virgo


On behalf of another MD'er, thanks for taking my 'Toys for Tots' donations. I geve 8 games (no Candyland--do not hunt me down with an M50), two bikes, and some RC cars(I think 3). Yeah--I did Bratz last year--much to the consternation of MY wife(my 8 yr old daughter doesn't understand the Bratz craze--she loves Lego's though)
As for donations--someone gave a bike flag--that was made in 1977. Someone even gave a NASA paperweight one year. Luckily, I screen ALL donations before we take them out to the pickup point. Semper Fi, friend!

PEV (Not a Marine, but many male cousins who were. And one female cousin who was Air Force. Don't hold it against me)


Quote from: Big Paulie Virgo on February 29, 2008, 03:16:57 PM
On behalf of another MD'er, thanks for taking my 'Toys for Tots' donations. I geve 8 games (no Candyland--do not hunt me down with an M50), two bikes, and some RC cars(I think 3). Yeah--I did Bratz last year--much to the consternation of MY wife(my 8 yr old daughter doesn't understand the Bratz craze--she loves Lego's though)

Thank you for donating (and many thanks for zero Candylands - though that is a good game for kids).  All that us Marines do is provide the logistics.  The community makes the donations, we're the trucks and the muscle. 
Andrew Borntreger


Been following your excellent service to our country, your annual charity activities, and your b-movie contributions to the world for 7-8 years now.

Well done......................


Hey Andrew, another great podcast - that stuff about the purple screaming Christmas ape was hilarious!  I'll have to find one of those to donate next year.  What address do I send it to in order to make sure it gets to you personally?

Juuuuuuuuuuust kidding.  :teddyr:
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Dude you had both me and my friend in tears from that i mean the thing crucified, i had 1 of those damn things, i ended up taking a blow torch to it, told my gf my dog tore it apart thank god she bought it.  but yeah i needed that today keep up the good work man