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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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"Don't Go In The House" (1979)
After the death of his abusive mother, a repressed Mama's Boy builds a private crematorium in his house and starts taking his issues with women out on local females with the help of a flame thrower. Think "Psycho," if Norman Bates had a pyromania fetish.
This notorious late '70s grindhouse sickie isn't terribly gory, but it's certainly disturbing, with a strong performance by the guy playing the he-man woman hater. The title led me to believe this was going to be just another junky, generic slasher flick, but it turned out to be an effectively grimy psychological study of a person slowly losing his sh*t, ala "Maniac" or "Ms. 45," not for the faint of heart. They really don't make'em like this anymore.
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Gabriel Knight


The discovery of a severed human ear found in a field leads a young man on an investigation related to a beautiful, mysterious nightclub singer and a group of psychopathic criminals who have kidnapped her child.

Why do I this to myself? The premise sounded really good, since I love murder mysteries, but too late I realized it was a David Lynch movie. This was my first experience with that director, and the only good thing I got from it was to dismiss my curiosity about TWIN PEAKS, because it says it was inspired by this movie, and I'd rather drink my own vomit than watch anything similar again.

Let's see... first, and most importantly, it fails as a mystery. The plot is constantly padded by the whole sexual thing between Jeffrey and Dorothy, which makes no sense at all. By the end I couldn't care less about her husband, since she clearly never gave a damn about him either (your partner is missing and you go and f**k some random guy in your home? Sure...), and the kid, well, if it wasn't because they showed him at the end, I would've believed he never existed in the first place. I waited for a cool twist at the end to salvage the whole thing but it never came, instead the corrupt cop stood there somehow dead but moving, I don't know. We never get straight answers about the main premise of the movie, instead the focus is on the "romantic" part, and I use the term very loosely because it's more twisted than anything.
Nobody acts like normal human beings. The ones who aren't completely bonkers are more robotic than the bird at the end. Who the hell talks like that? "I can't figure out if you're a detective or a pervert", "that's a human ear all right", "why are there people like Frank?", and other stupid lines that seems to come from someone who never talked to another person or had any kind of experiences in life. The decisions the characters make are completely crazy: why would you agree to sneak into someone else's apartment just like that? Why Dorothy never called the police when her family was missing? Why nobody ever tried to stop Frank and his gang going 100mph all night?

Speaking of the characters, it's like a parade of weirdos. I've read that Frank is supposed to be scary and disturbing, but I find Dennis Hopper over-the-top acting actually hilarious. Buffalo Bill would look at this guy with a confused expression. "Baby wants to f**k! Baby wants to f**k Blue Velvet!" What the hell I'm watching right now? It's this a spoof and somehow I didn't get it?

I could keep on and on ranting but it's pointless, it's David Lynch. Everyone is going to praise it as a masterpiece just for the name. To me, it's artsy fartsy garbage that failed to entertain and thrill me, and its unnecesary long running time made it worse.

To quote Andrew again: I just know that they were trying to be artsy and avant-garde. The director made this, and then he would say things like, "I just wanted the world to know how much I love my cat." WTF is that supposed to mean? 4/10 Extra points because at least it has some cool music. :bluesad:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:


"The Doors" (1991)
Troubled poet Jim Morrison leads his band out of the L.A. clubs to the forefront of 60s counter culture, but ultimately pays a terrible price for fame.
Oliver Stone's lavish bio-pic of the 60s rockers features an absolutely amazing performance by Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison, who completely loses himself in the role.

I've read that none of the surviving Doors members were happy with the film taking numerous dramatic liberties with their story. So it may not be totally historically accurate, but "The Doors" is still an intense, trippy, and rockin' journey back in time.

Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Rev. Powell

THE OUTPOST (2020): Based-on-a-true-story tale of  Combat Outpost Keating, a base established by US army to attempt to forge good relations and collect intelligence from local Afghani tribes, but placed in a valley that made the soldiers sitting ducks for constant Taliban raids. Don't get too attached to any of the characters because you never know who's going to die, or when. The best modern war movie since THE HURT LOCKER. It's a real shame more people won't be able to see this on the big screen, where it belongs. Excellent use of Sensurround. 5/5 if you're a war movie connoisseur, worth checking out if you're not.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (1008)
Twenty years after his last outing as Dr. Jones, Harrison Ford returns in an adventure set in 1957, at the dawn of the Cold War. This time out he's racing to beat some very determined Russians (led by stone-cold beeyotch Cate Blanchett) to a powerful artifact that may not be from this earth. As usual, lots of stunts, crashes, and fistfights are in order.
I've been avoiding this fourth installment for years because I've always heard how terrible it was -- but honestly, aside from some unconvincing CGI (esp. at the end) and couple of cringe worthy moments involving the annoying Shia LeBeauf (or however you spell it) as Indy's kid sidekick, I enjoyed this flick. It was good to see Indy back in the saddle again, older but just as tough as ever.
I'll agree that "Crystal Skull" is the weakest of the Indy series, but I still had fun. Maybe I'm just a fan boy. :D
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Rev. Powell

MY HINDU FRIEND (2015): Semi-autobiographical story of a director's (Hector Babenco) battle with cancer, complete with morphine-induced hallucinations of death (who's a pretty regular guy just doing his job). Babenco died soon after completing this (ironically, he survived cancer but died of a heart attack), so it seems uncharitable to rate his final statement so low; but although Willem Dafoe is good and gaunt, the parts don't fit together or flow gracefully, and the film never justifies its own narcissism. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"Asbury Park: Riot, Redemption, Rock N Roll" (2019)
An engrossing documentary about the long, strange history of Asbury Park, the famed Jersey Shore town whose legendary live music scene in the 50s and 60s gave birth to Bruce Springsteen, Little Steven, Southside Johnny, and many more. A 1970 race riot turned the town into a barren wasteland, but after several decades of neglect the newly-revitalized Asbury is starting to shake off the ghosts of its past and begin to heal -- thanks to its music community.
As someone who remembers going to Asbury in the '90s when it was little more than a deserted ruin aside from its rock clubs like the Stone Pony and the Fastlane, it did my heart good to see this rise-from-the-ashes saga. Jersey still rocks!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


the Man Who Cheated Himself (1951) - kind of an odd title but good movie, especially if you are a fan of a particular type of tension, which I'll explain.

A detective is having an affair with a married woman. As Eddie Mueller points out in the introduction the casting is a little weird. the main guy looks like a 70's sitcom character moreso than a 50's leading man. Jane Wyatt isn't generally cast as a femme fatale and the sidekick guy seems like he'd be happier in a western.

That said, they pretty much pull it off. The hook is the detective and his sidekick get assigned to a murder case that the detective himself had a part in. It's the husband of the lady! The whole movie you know but he has to try and investigate himself and not let on.

I enjoyed it. The final scene shot in some sort of weird outdoor building is very typical film noir but cool nonethless

4.25 /5


"Winchester" (2018)
This spooky period piece is set in 1906, when a New York psychiatrist is summoned to the famed Winchester Mansion in California to.determine if the house's elderly matron, the rifle heiress Sarah Winchester (Helen Mirren), is in her right mind. At first the doc thinks the old gal is crazy -- she claims the constant construction on her massive home is to please "the spirits" of those who've been killed by her family's business... but the longer he stays, the more he suspects something sinister may actually be roaming the halls.
Not terribly "scary," but a well made, atmospheric flick based on a supposed true story. Better than I expected.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


SLAUGHTER STUDIOS (2002) - Once famous for the B-movies filmed there, Slaughter Studios was shuttered after an actor was killed in a mysterious, on-set accident.  20 years later, the night before the place is set to be bulldozed, a young filmmaker inspired by the place's prolific turnout decides to film one last, epic B-movie - NAUGHTY SEX KITTENS VERSUS THE GIANT MANTIS - on the crumbling set.  Of course, his actresses are all young film students who hate each other, he's filming without permission, which means they have to keep an eye out for the deaf night watchman, his lead actor keeps shouting all his lines, his girlfriend is mad that he won't put her in the film - and, of course, there's a serial killer snuffing them out one by one throughout the marathon filming session.  Silly, filled with over the top ham acting and gratuitous nudity, this movie punched all the classic bad movie buttons!  Free on Amazon prime, and cheap at half the price!  5/5 on the bad movie scale, 2/5 on the regular movie scale.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"The Target Shoots First" (2000)
This unique music-biz documentary was shot by Chris Wilcha, an early '90s college grad and alternative-music fan from New Jersey who brought a video camera every day to his marketing job at the Columbia House Music Club headquarters in New York. Over the course of his relatively short time there, he documented the constant class warfare between the marketing and creative departments, learned the inner secrets of how Columbia House could give away so many free CDs and still make money, and watched with amusement at how clueless the corporate suits were as they tried belatedly to jump on the alternative-music bandwagon. A fun, snarky time capsule of a particularly weird time in the music business.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


"It's alive" - It's a crappy movie. A guys wife gives birth to an insane demon baby. Why? We have no idea. maybe it's because of the Dad's 7'0's method acting.

If it had been made 10 years later it might have been a cool special effects thing, like that one with the head thing in the laundry hamper. Instead its more like Chupacabra. ending was okay


Gabriel Knight

12 ANGRY MEN (1957)

A jury holdout attempts to prevent a miscarriage of justice by forcing his colleagues to reconsider the evidence.

I'm not usually into black and white movies, I guess it's because I didn't grew up with them so I feel a little off. I decided to give this one a try, based on the premise itself, and boy I was glad. The entire movie happens inside the same room, which is getting hotter and smaller with each passing minute. Even when we never know the names of the twelve characters (well, that until the end, when for some reason they reveal two names, I would've cut that out), we have huge development of each one of them, and we know them enough to understand their points of views.

The main guy, Juror #8, stands against the rest, and takes a shot at the chance of convincing them of his own reasonable doubt. An amazing character study which pulled me in from the beginning to the end.

If you're into court dramas, this one is a must. 10/10  :thumbup:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:

Rev. Powell

RELIC (2020): A mother and granddaughter check up on the family matron, who lives alone in the family's old homestead; dementia may be the least of the old woman's problems. For the first hour, it's mostly straightforward drama with a few spooky bumps in the night, but the final act delivers some scares (and heavy symbolism). And you thought your mom put up a fight when you put her in the nursing home! 3/5 (I suspect many will find it too boring, but since my mom has dementia, I identified with it).
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on July 14, 2020, 09:02:57 AM
RELIC (2020): A mother and granddaughter check up on the family matron, who lives alone in the family's old homestead; dementia may be the least of the old woman's problems. For the first hour, it's mostly straightforward drama with a few spooky bumps in the night, but the final act delivers some scares (and heavy symbolism). And you thought your mom put up a fight when you put her in the nursing home! 3/5 (I suspect many will find it too boring, but since my mom has dementia, I identified with it).

Ive kept hearing about how scary this film is (which I put down as the usual over/hyping). This is the first time I've actually heard what the film was about.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.