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There you have it, alien life...

Started by venomx, March 05, 2011, 11:33:04 AM

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Exclusive: NASA Scientist Claims Evidence of Alien Life on Meteorite

Cool stuff.

Maybe toys can cash in lol, Hasbro. My 1st alien... hehe

Doc Daneeka
For the latest on the fifth installment in Don Coscarelli's Phantasm saga.


I'm not sure I'm with with this.

Don't get me wrong, I want to believe, but if this is true then this news would be all over the globe right now.

Still, pretty amazing stuff.  :smile:

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Rev. Powell

Revolutionary, if true.

I'm sure the skeptics will have their say in the coming weeks and months.  As they should.  I'm a skeptic, myself.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Such a vast universe... SO vast... billions and billions of stars...

I dont think were the only livings things out there.

IMO - its vain when man says were the only ones.


This is awesome. However, being a disciple of, it has trained me to always check the source. And when Fox news is the only place broadcasting something, you have to wonder about the truth.
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Nukie 2

Eh, it's some piece of crap microbe-- bah, who cares!

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Rev. Powell

Quote from: Nukie 2 on March 05, 2011, 10:38:00 PM
Eh, it's some piece of crap microbe-- bah, who cares!

You're kidding??
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Nukie 2

Quote from: Rev. Powell on March 05, 2011, 10:43:46 PM
Quote from: Nukie 2 on March 05, 2011, 10:38:00 PM
Eh, it's some piece of crap microbe-- bah, who cares!

You're kidding??

It can't transform into a ball of light; fly around moon; compose disco music out of thin air; shoot fireworks from it's fingers, or talk to chimpanzee's. In short who cares! Wake me up when they rediscover that Nukie alien, when we bring it to Earth I got a sequel to talk to them about and a merchandising deal for a kiddie's nicotine energy drink.

Watch Nukie on YouTube
"Like" International Fans of the Movie Nukie and Sias Odendaal on Facebook!


"shoot fireworks from it's fingers" That b cool, lol.

The Gravekeeper

I wouldn't be surprised either way. If it's a false alarm or even a flat-out hoax, well, we've seen plenty of those. If it's real, well, the odds are in favor of there being life somewhere else in the universe, what with it being so mind-blowingly vast.

Rev. Powell

If true, this is a huge, huge discovery.  Consider the infinitesimally small amount of interstellar matter we've been able to study from comets and meteorites.  To find any vestige of life from such a tiny, tiny sample is staggering.  It could imply life is more likely to evolve spontaneously than we thought by several orders of magnitude.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


This is amazing.

I checked the science stories on the BBC's website and...nothing.

This could really be Earth shattering news.
Can someone explian why this isn't getting more attention?

"The ad hominem attacks and complaints by those [that] say Dr. Hoover's article should have been published in these other periodicals, and not JOC, are just sour grapes and should not be taken seriously," she Tao said
I agree with her.
I think NASA is just annoyed that they didn't pick up on this. It might make them look bad. Is NASA government funded ?

They look pretty darn similar to me !


Okay, small and long since dead ones.... But still...


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


It is huge discovery, I agree. I hope to see and read more about this in days to come.

I have a question... how would you feel if aliens in ufos landed on Earth tomorrow?

1. Thrilled/Happy (we may learn good and helpful info!)
2. Scared as $h!t (we hope its not like Independence Day!)
3. Un-FN-believable! (I must be dreaming, its a hoax!)

I pick two... 1 and 2. :wink: