
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Poogie on March 07, 2007, 01:02:59 PM

Title: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 07, 2007, 01:02:59 PM
We all have Pet Peeves.....I've listed a couple that are mine and some that I've heard from others. Would you like to add some to the list. You'll feel better.  :wink:
People that honk when it is obvious that no one in front of them is moving!
People who don't use their turn signals!
People who push their bodies or shopping carts into you while standing in line!
Relatives who turn up unexpectedly!
People who don't answer you questions!
People who pop their gum while you're trying to talk!
Telemarketers who call at dinner time! (anytime for me)
People who have "been everywhere and done everything"...not!
Everyone wanting to sue somebody for something!
Rude and sick spam email that cannot be traced back! GO AWAY PEOPLE!
The sound of the drill in the dentist office!
Doctors offices-you make an appt. & you're on time (taking time off work) & you wait & wait...&....

:hatred:  :hatred:  :hatred:  :hatred:  :hatred: :hatred:  :hatred:  :hatred:  :hatred:  :hatred:  :hatred: :hatred:  :teddyr:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Scott on March 07, 2007, 01:08:09 PM
For troubles like these there is always YATTA...YATTA...YATTA ( ! ! !
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 07, 2007, 01:15:44 PM
You're sooooooooo right Scott......We should have it on the radio while driving at all times.  :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: BeyondTheGrave on March 07, 2007, 01:23:51 PM
I'm usually a calm person never really get ticked off at anything expect really stupid people if that counts. :smile:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Menard on March 07, 2007, 01:29:36 PM
Quote from: rich andrini on March 07, 2007, 01:23:51 PM
I'm usually a calm person never really get ticked off at anything...

I'll bet I can change that. (
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: raj on March 07, 2007, 01:57:17 PM
People who push their body's

Don't mean to offend Poogie, but one of my pet peeves is using the possessive (apostrophe s) for the plural (just s or ies).  It's (as in it is) not so bad on a web forum, where we are usually just typing straight on (except for me, who has to go back and edit out grammatical mistakes before posting) but in signs and newspapers -- where presumably there's been some thought and they still make that error.  Grrr.  :hatred: :hatred:

And people who have to drive around with their 500+ watt car stereos turned up to eleven.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Menard on March 07, 2007, 02:11:21 PM
Quote from: raj on March 07, 2007, 01:57:17 PM
Don't mean to offend Poogie, but one of my pet peeves is using the possessive (apostrophe s) for the plural (just s or ies).  It's (as in it is) not so bad on a web forum, where we are usually just typing straight on (except for me, who has to go back and edit out grammatical mistakes before posting) but in signs and newspapers -- where presumably there's been some thought and they still make that error.  Grrr.  :hatred: :hatred:

I really hate's that to. Know's what I mean's! Two many poster's cant git down simplre grammer and spilling? Im glad's i aint's gotthat problem.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 07, 2007, 02:46:05 PM
 :bouncegiggle:  :bouncegiggle:  :bouncegiggle:  :bouncegiggle:  :bouncegiggle: 
Raj....That's funny...I always do that. I fixed it......thanks....  :teddyr:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: raj on March 07, 2007, 02:48:43 PM
Don't mean to be a nudge -- well, ok, I guess I do,  It should be bodies.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 07, 2007, 03:46:18 PM
:bouncegiggle:  :bouncegiggle: That's even more funny. What makes it even more funny is that I would always correct my daughters spelling and punctuation before she turned in her homework. Thanks again......I'll learn the English language one of these days.  :teddyr:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 07, 2007, 04:23:49 PM
Quote from: Menard on March 07, 2007, 02:11:21 PM
Quote from: raj on March 07, 2007, 01:57:17 PM
Don't mean to offend Poogie, but one of my pet peeves is using the possessive (apostrophe s) for the plural (just s or ies).  It's (as in it is) not so bad on a web forum, where we are usually just typing straight on (except for me, who has to go back and edit out grammatical mistakes before posting) but in signs and newspapers -- where presumably there's been some thought and they still make that error.  Grrr.  :hatred: :hatred:

I really hate's that to. Know's what I mean's! Two many poster's cant git down simplre grammer and spilling? Im glad's i aint's gotthat problem.


Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: CheezeFlixz on March 07, 2007, 11:00:01 PM
Pet Peeves ... hmm being a grumpy old man I have many.

People who [you know] say [you know] you know between [like you know] every word [you know]. Makes me want to pitch their head off ... you know.

People who wait for a parking spot one space closer to the door ... (got your lard ass out and walk a little further)

People who cant pay the bills on time. (Mainly this only applies if I'm the one who is owed)

People how over use slang .. slangs' fine ... but remember time, place and manner.

Gangerster [C]rap music at any volume.

Morons on planes the set in the back and put their carry on in the front overheads ... I will take it out and tell the flight attendant to check it. (Beware!)

People talking during a movie.

Peeps dat ty-p N l33t (Have me come through the screen and smack you!)

Sight-seeing rubbernecker that drive about 30 in a 55. (Can you say TAILGATE w/ hi-beams on)

Fast food idiots that can master simple basic math. (Guess that's why they are where they are.)

People that leave their car at the pump then lollygag around in the store while I wait to fill up.

Anyone that calls themselves an 'expert' on anything.

Fat women in spandex.

Any drug commercial, hair commercial, Nutrasystem commercial, anything with Billy Mays.

oh I have more but I'll stop ...
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Dennis on March 08, 2007, 01:07:43 AM
Quote from: CheezeFlixz on March 07, 2007, 11:00:01 PM
Pet Peeves ... hmm being a grumpy old man I have many.

People who [you know] say [you know] you know between [like you know] every word [you know]. Makes me want to pitch their head off ... you know.

I know a couple of people who do this all the time, in lieu of smacking the crap out of them I counted the number of times they said, I was like, it was like, we were all like, they were all like and so on. In a conversation that lasted about 20 minutes these two used that phrase or a variation of it 17 times, if I wasn't related to them I'd have killed them.

My other pet peeve is fat people at the grocery store, I don't mean overweight people, I mean people who take up all the room in the aisle, shove the cart diagonally across the aisle then go to the opposite side and read the ingredients on a package, while their children orbit around them like live killer asteroids. I'm really getting tired of saying EXCUSE ME and getting no response, what I would like to say is, well I'm not going to post it, but it's short, to the point and very rude.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Ash on March 08, 2007, 02:46:58 AM
What really bugs me is when someone has a headlight out on their car so they turn their brights on.
The headlight that's out will have the bright come on and then I get blinded.

People who have insanely loud cell phone rings.  Do they really need to be up that loud?
It's even worse if someone has a song programmed into it to ring and they let it play on purpose because they want everyone around them to hear what a cool song they've got on their cell phone.

People at the grocery store or Wal-Mart who have about 1000 items in their cart and see that I only have 1-2 items in my hand but don't let me go through the checkout lane first.
This usually happens late at night when the express lanes are closed.

Hitting my head on the top of the door frame when I get out of my car. 

Getting shocked at my workplace every single time I touch something metal. 
These aren't just minor shocks either...these are big, loud and painful shocks.   :buggedout:

SUV's and other gas guzzling vehicles.
Especially when they pull up right behind you at a stop light.  When I see them in my rear view mirror, it's like having a giant bear or monster right behind me breathing down my neck.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 08, 2007, 05:49:00 AM
People who take up the whole aisle talking with someone they know when they meet at the grocery store. You know there are other people coming through sooner or later, leave some damn space.

People who repeat their relaying of events several times in the same conversation. Unless you have more details and info, or unless I ask you to repeat yourself, once will do it.

Thumping stereos and DVD players in cars that are playing while people drive, especially if they're backseat monitors and no one is back there to watch. Yeah, we get it, you have disposable income (or want us to think you do) to spend on stupid crap and toys for your car. I'll throw spinner rims in there too, especially when it's the only custom thing on an otherwise stock car. Saw some on a plain Ford Focus or Escort the other day.

Bosses who want you to figure out their problem, but don't know anything about the methods and means you have to use despite it being part of their job. Then having to spend half the time getting them up to speed on that. May just have to start a work rant topic instead to cover this.

Lame old jokes that people keep retelling.

Low talkers at work who can't figure out from the several dozen times I tell them I can't hear them over the machinery when they stand over 15 ft. away. If I could read lips that well, I'd get a better job working with the deaf or something.

Remembering the apostrophe (') s rules, mostly plurals. I have to refresh myself on them often. You'd think they'd stick by now.

Enough for now.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Trevor on March 08, 2007, 07:52:12 AM
South Africans who use ugly pictures as their avatars........... :teddyr:


SA people who adopt faux American or British accents just to sound cool, educated and in ~ when you ask them where they're from, they say that they're from SA. :hatred:

People who run down their country (any country) for no reason;  :hatred:

People who laugh at my vintage car and then get angry when I burn rubber and leave them standing at the stop light;  :tongueout:

People who point fingers at my country's turbulent past and choose to ignore the troubles in their own countries.  :hatred:

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: dean on March 08, 2007, 08:03:13 AM

People who leave their cars with the handbrake off, and sadly watch it roll out the driveway and cross the road.

Wait that was me...

I swear, I said this the last two times this happened [all really late at night, which figures] but THIS IS THE LAST DAMN TIME!!!  :lookingup:

If the people across from me had a proper fence instead of a hedge, I'd be in all kinds of strife right now, let alone if there was actual traffic...
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: CheezeFlixz on March 08, 2007, 09:03:12 AM
People who socialize in the aisles of stores blocking the aisle completely while they chitty-chat with their friend. (Freakin' call them when you get home, I've got frozen food here.)

People with Hybrids and super compacts that think I should have one too, instead of a Dodge Ram 1 ton 3500. Sorry ever try pulling a 15,000 lbs trailer with Ford Escort?

People with way more than 20 items in the express lane.

People talking on cell phones driving carelessly, fast slow, fast slow, right left, right left .... get off the phone and drive. I swear cell phone numbers and licenses plate number should be the same.

People that can tell you how to do something but can't do it themselves. Case in point I had a large tile job the other week the homeowner was telling me how to lay every single tile, so I said if you can do it then why hire me? He said "I've never laid tile." and I said 'I've never walked off a job but I'm about to start.' ... he left me alone. 

And while I have many more ... my number one pet peeve .... is after you complete a job a customer calls telling you about someone that could do it cheaper and expect to adjust the price like I'm freakin' price match store. My answer is I guess you should have called them first. Swear to Jesus ... had a lady do that no long ago and I said my line of I guess you should have called them first and she said "Yeah, well everyone says you do better work." .... 'FREAKIN' really? Guess that why I cost more! ... Drives me insane!

oh and my neighbors' dog .. or is it my neighbor that doesn't know what a lease is for! Keep you stinking dog out of my yard!

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: dean on March 08, 2007, 09:32:37 AM
Quote from: CheezeFlixz on March 08, 2007, 09:03:12 AM

People with Hybrids and super compacts that think I should have one too, instead of a Dodge Ram 1 ton 3500. Sorry ever try pulling a 15,000 lbs trailer with Ford Escort?

People that can tell you how to do something but can't do it themselves. Case in point I had a large tile job the other week the homeowner was telling me how to lay every single tile, so I said if you can do it then why hire me? He said "I've never laid tile." and I said 'I've never walked off a job but I'm about to start.' ... he left me alone. 

And while I have many more ... my number one pet peeve .... is after you complete a job a customer calls telling you about someone that could do it cheaper and expect to adjust the price like I'm freakin' price match store. My answer is I guess you should have called them first. Swear to Jesus ... had a lady do that no long ago and I said my line of I guess you should have called them first and she said "Yeah, well everyone says you do better work." .... 'FREAKIN' really? Guess that why I cost more! ... Drives me insane!

Oh man, I totally relate with those last two: We get people watching our installation every step of the way, asking 'what's that' 'what are you doing' 'why are you plugging that in there'.  Sometimes people are trying to learn, so you be a bit nice to them, but casually hint that you need to get back to work, which usually works.  But sometimes they're just being ball-busters and it takes alot to supress the 'back the eff off' urge.

Also annoying are people who tell me they can get something cheaper and get the same service, when we KNOW that they will get terrible service, and we do it much much better.  That's not their fault [the customer just doesn't know any better] but goddam it's annoying when I try and explain how much work we go through for a customer, to have them think it's an easy job and not worth a cent...

Oh and next time someone has a go about a hybrid car, tell them that quite alot of electric cars cause more waste with the spent batteries, than petrol can cause.  Or so I've been told by someone who actually seems to know about these things...
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: CheezeFlixz on March 08, 2007, 10:04:18 AM
Quote from: dean on March 08, 2007, 09:32:37 AM
Quote from: CheezeFlixz on March 08, 2007, 09:03:12 AM

People with Hybrids and super compacts that think I should have one too, instead of a Dodge Ram 1 ton 3500. Sorry ever try pulling a 15,000 lbs trailer with Ford Escort?

People that can tell you how to do something but can't do it themselves. Case in point I had a large tile job the other week the homeowner was telling me how to lay every single tile, so I said if you can do it then why hire me? He said "I've never laid tile." and I said 'I've never walked off a job but I'm about to start.' ... he left me alone. 

And while I have many more ... my number one pet peeve .... is after you complete a job a customer calls telling you about someone that could do it cheaper and expect to adjust the price like I'm freakin' price match store. My answer is I guess you should have called them first. Swear to Jesus ... had a lady do that no long ago and I said my line of I guess you should have called them first and she said "Yeah, well everyone says you do better work." .... 'FREAKIN' really? Guess that why I cost more! ... Drives me insane!

Oh man, I totally relate with those last two: We get people watching our installation every step of the way, asking 'what's that' 'what are you doing' 'why are you plugging that in there'.  Sometimes people are trying to learn, so you be a bit nice to them, but casually hint that you need to get back to work, which usually works.  But sometimes they're just being ball-busters and it takes alot to supress the 'back the eff off' urge.

Also annoying are people who tell me they can get something cheaper and get the same service, when we KNOW that they will get terrible service, and we do it much much better.  That's not their fault [the customer just doesn't know any better] but goddam it's annoying when I try and explain how much work we go through for a customer, to have them think it's an easy job and not worth a cent...

Oh and next time someone has a go about a hybrid car, tell them that quite alot of electric cars cause more waste with the spent batteries, than petrol can cause.  Or so I've been told by someone who actually seems to know about these things...

I had a customer help me carry kitchen cabinets in his house and then expected a 50% discount off the entire bill. That would have been about a US$7000 discount for about 1 hours work. At first I thought he was joking ... but he wasn't. He learned that 'estimates' are just that, estimates ... they can go up, his did.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: LilCerberus on March 08, 2007, 11:57:00 AM
Quote from: Yaddo 42 on March 08, 2007, 05:49:00 AM
People who repeat their relaying of events several times in the same conversation. Unless you have more details and info, or unless I ask you to repeat yourself, once will do it.
I hate it when people keep interupting me, causing me to lose my train of thought, meaning I have to start all over. If you want me to stop saying the same $#@! thing over & over & over, then stop interupting me over & over & over.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 08, 2007, 12:13:40 PM
Quote from: LilCerberus on March 08, 2007, 11:57:00 AM
Quote from: Yaddo 42 on March 08, 2007, 05:49:00 AM
People who repeat their relaying of events several times in the same conversation. Unless you have more details and info, or unless I ask you to repeat yourself, once will do it.
I hate it when people keep interupting me, causing me to lose my train of thought, meaning I have to start all over. If you want me to stop saying the same $#@! thing over & over & over, then stop interupting me over & over & over.
That's why I like the internet, we can finish a sentence without being interupted. My only problem is spelling it right.  :smile:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: JaseSF on March 08, 2007, 07:46:44 PM
People who refuse to watch any movie or TV show just because it's in black and white and think I'm crazy to prefer films and TV from before 1970 without ever having watched any item from the era in question.

Multiple DVD releases and different editions of movies. Way too much money-grubbing going on there for my liking.  George Lucas is the worst of the lot but Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are almost as bad.  I still want the original THX-1138 dangnabbit!  And of course the original Star Wars Trilogy released on anamorphic DVDs.

The overall mad rush of society annoys me. Bunch of unhappy, generally miserable fools running around not having time to smell the roses or have a conversation with anyone. The whole atmopshere of malls/shopping centres designed to get people in and out with no place for one to sit and relax, which many men generally prefer to do while the women folk shop.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Zapranoth on March 09, 2007, 03:45:08 AM
Pet peeves... well, get us started why don't ya.

I get really, really tired of the drug-seekers some days.   Sadly, the Oath of Geneva prohibits me from saying "GTFO."

And I don't mind at all when people come in having read up and self-diagnosed via the internet, or what have you.  But when they then vehemently argue with their internet-read opinion against mine,  after I've taken in all the data, given it full thought and given my opinion, I must admit some well-contained little reactor within me fires up.

And this is mildly uncompassionate, but still... when people come into my office (unannounced) and try to snag me into "just a minute" about something as I'm working on something else.  A form.  A prescription refill.  Some question or another.  Perhaps even a complaint!     I think that p**ses me off more than most anything, even the drug scammers.  If 1% of my patients did that in a given day and took four minutes each, that would cost me something like 80 minutes on a given day.  Do people actually think I have "just a minute," or that anything actually takes "just a minute?"    It's disingenuous and inconsiderate.  And yet if I firmly refuse to make the time,  tell them to give it to my nurse or to make an appointment, I'm perhaps judged to be lacking, incompassionate, unkind, not a listener, Not A Good Doctor.

Okay, I'm becoming whiny.  Shutting up now.

Oh, one more thing.  Express aisles in the grocery store that are labelled "10 items or less."    It's "10 items or FEWER"  dammit!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: RCMerchant on March 09, 2007, 04:47:26 AM
Quote from: Poogie on March 07, 2007, 04:23:49 PM
Quote from: Menard on March 07, 2007, 02:11:21 PM
Quote from: raj on March 07, 2007, 01:57:17 PM
Don't mean to offend Poogie, but one of my pet peeves is using the possessive (apostrophe s) for the plural (just s or ies).  It's (as in it is) not so bad on a web forum, where we are usually just typing straight on (except for me, who has to go back and edit out grammatical mistakes before posting) but in signs and newspapers -- where presumably there's been some thought and they still make that error.  Grrr.  :hatred: :hatred:

I really hate's that to. Know's what I mean's! Two many poster's cant git down simplre grammer and spilling? Im glad's i aint's gotthat problem.

I have a MAJOR problem with correcting my errors before posting,as you may have noticed. And I have a habit at times of having my threads end up sounding like so much goobldey gook. My wife sometimes tells me,after I am talking about something-" I don't understand a word you said. What the hell are you talking about?!' And I try to reword it,and she just says"OK,OK ,yeah...." :bluesad:
   I don't like it when  the cat keeps crawling up in front of the DAM computer when I am trying totype!
I really don't like it when some young punks yell "F#cking hippies !"at me and the wife as we are crusing in our van(Tara Sue...who IS a n old hippie,painted little flowers on the sides of her van. It looks goofy,but,hey,it makes her happy.) It actually happens quite often.
  I REALLY don't like when Angel's cat(Angel is Tara Sue's daughter) and her cat are trying to do the hibbitty jibbity near my feet when I am trying to type like RIGHT NOW! SH!T! Sorry ,Stupid cat is in heat,and Shadow is trying to figure out how to do it...cripes...


Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Ash on March 09, 2007, 05:33:17 AM
So Zap...
You're a pharmacist?
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: RCMerchant on March 09, 2007, 05:51:02 AM
Boy,I really screwed up my post....sorry...too early...and stupid cats.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 09, 2007, 06:29:27 AM
QuoteI hate it when people keep interupting me, causing me to lose my train of thought, meaning I have to start all over. If you want me to stop saying the same $#@! thing over & over & over, then stop interupting me over & over & over.

I can relate to this also. The people I was speaking of were more loop talkers, they hit the end of what they have to say then keep retelling it.

We do have a chronic interrupter at work though, mostly wanting to talk about herself in some way unrelated to the conversation up until then. She once pulled the old, "Did you hear what happened to me last night?" I was off that night and told her I didn't care what happened at work when I was off unless it affected me somehow. I had long passed the point of trying to be polite or considerate with her, it was a waste of effort. Her response was, "Well let me tell you anyway." She was still telling her boring story as I walked away.

QuotePeople who refuse to watch any movie or TV show just because it's in black and white and think I'm crazy to prefer films and TV from before 1970 without ever having watched any item from the era in question.

I call this the "Won't watch any movie older than they are" effect.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: raj on March 09, 2007, 11:54:33 AM
Yaddo42, next time she tries the  "Did you hear what happened to me last night?" just tell her that everyone at the orgy did have a good time, but the drug use was a bit excessive.  Then tell her the video is already on YouTube.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: CheezeFlixz on March 09, 2007, 01:08:15 PM
I can not stand it when some one tells a story and has to tell me every damn story leading up to that story along with all the side stories to the story ... I'll say "Would you please get to the &%$@# point!" then they'll get sidetracked and forget what they were going to tell me ... drive me insane! (My lovely bride of 20 years is very guilty of this, and for 20 years I've been going "Is there a point to be made here?")

It goes like this ...

I was talking to Becky, you know Becky (insert 10,000 words here)
Anyway, Becky said Julie you know Julie (insert 10,000 words here)
Was going out with Ted he's (insert 10,000 words here)
Anyway ... it was about 10 AM or was it 11AM ...
No Debbie just went to lunch, you know Debbie (insert 10,000 words here)
So it had to be about 11:30AM
Anyway ... what was I saying ...
OH Julie?, no ... Becky anyway ....
Becky said Bob, you know Bob (insert 10,000 words here)
Bob is married to Joyce and she (insert 10,000 words here)
So Becky ...
Are you listing to me?

ME: No.

And it goes on like that until I'm about to scream!!!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 09, 2007, 02:20:38 PM
This is good stuff........don't you all feel better?  :smile: By the way.....I'll be mailing out the bills to you guys in a couple of days.  :bouncegiggle: I charge $300.00 an hour, actually it's only 55 minutes, but who's counting.  :teddyr:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Automan2000 on March 11, 2007, 12:53:39 AM
I can't stand people that use the electric scooter-things at Wal-Mart simply because they are too lazy to walk around the store. Back when I was married I would help my father-in-law get around. He had suffered a stroke and was partially paralyzed on his left side. He was still able to walk for a short distance but only with the help of a walker.

One day I we went to Wal-Mart and with my help he struggled his way from the car to the front doors. Then he had to sit and wait for 20 mins before one of the scooters was finally brought back. It was being used by this large woman who promptly hopped up and headed out the door with no trouble at all. Obviously she was just too damn lazy to actually walk around the store.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: CheezeFlixz on March 11, 2007, 01:12:19 AM
Quote from: Automan2000 on March 11, 2007, 12:53:39 AM
I can't stand people that use the electric scooter-things at Wal-Mart simply because they are too lazy to walk around the store. Back when I was married I would help my father-in-law get around. He had suffered a stroke and was partially paralyzed on his left side. He was still able to walk for a short distance but only with the help of a walker.

One day I we went to Wal-Mart and with my help he struggled his way from the car to the front doors. Then he had to sit and wait for 20 mins before one of the scooters was finally brought back. It was being used by this large woman who promptly hopped up and headed out the door with no trouble at all. Obviously she was just too damn lazy to actually walk around the store.

Moral of the story, don't go to Wal-Mart!

No offense to any Wal-Mart shoppers, but that's one of my peeves is the Wal-Mart mentality. People at least in my town think the only place you can get things is Wal-Mart then b!tch when a small store closes it's door. I find things cheaper and better quality all day long with out stepping foot in Wal-Mart (and haven't in years) well I don't want to get off on a rant, but suffice to say that's one of my peeves.  Ever wonder why Wal-Mart runs all those "we're really nice and care about communities" commercials? Think about about, if you got to tell people then odds are you aren't.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 11, 2007, 07:26:09 AM
Cheezeflixz, I am bad to go off on tangents when telling a story, not as bad as I used to be though. I could segue and jump from tale to tale and tangent to tangent worse than a bad translation of The Water Margin. Please excuse the faux-Dennis Miller style culture reference, or just see my sig.

Quote from: raj on March 09, 2007, 11:54:33 AM
Yaddo42, next time she tries the  "Did you hear what happened to me last night?" just tell her that everyone at the orgy did have a good time, but the drug use was a bit excessive.  Then tell her the video is already on YouTube.

raj, I would but she would just cackle in amusement. Besides the though of anyone having sex with her even at an orgy would induce mass nausea and projectile vomiting in anyone within earshot. Besides her lacking social graces and self-absorbtion, she offends four of my five senses. Taste has been thankfully spared, and hopefully always will be.

Poogie, I already go to one therapist, and that's plenty.

New pet peeves to add: Gas stations that make you pre-pay, fairly new thing here. I like to top up my tank rather than buy a set amount if I can help it, plus I usually write checks. Watch the gas mileage from a full tank each time.

Pre-pay gas stations that have help who get confused easily and wind up combining your bill with the person who just left. Never thought a drink, a bag of chips, and $25 bucks in gas, paid with cash for once just to hurry up, would take so damn long to pay for.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Ash on March 11, 2007, 07:42:10 AM
Quote from: Yaddo 42 on March 11, 2007, 07:26:09 AM
plus I usually write checks.

There's another pet peeve of mine...

Paper checks to pay for goods or services.

Two words...
Debit Card!

I don't mind paper checks between banks or businesses.
That's just business and is to be expected.
But having to wait in line for someone to take the time to write out a check and then everyone in line behind them having to wait for that check to clear...

I firmly believe that paper checks issued to civillians should be abolished in favor of debit cards, Internet payments or straight up cash.

When I opened up my checking account with US Bank you know what I did?
I tore up all of the checks they sent me and threw them in the trash.
I absolutely refuse to use them.

The only paper currency people should exchange with each other in everyday non business or bank transactions should be the green kind...issued by the US Treasury.

(assuming you live in America of course)
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 11, 2007, 08:09:07 AM
I have bad luck with debit/check cards. Just like my swipe badges at work, the things seem to hate me.

Besides, I mostly buy gas in off peak hours, no one waiting on me in line at 3 AM. I write out as much of the check as I can at the grocery store while they ring up items, so I'm waiting on them usually.

With the way things are changing though I'll have to transition to cards all the time anyway. Maybe my luck will change with them.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: CheezeFlixz on March 11, 2007, 12:58:46 PM
As I told ya'll I'm old and cranky and have a lot of pet peeve ...


If you must write a check, for the love of pete fill out most of it if you are waiting in line in front of me. WHY ... WHY must you wait until the final tally is told to you before you even start looking for your check book!!! Could you not have found it, filled in all the non-mystery blanks like the name of the store, the date, memo, your name etc. while waiting?

And ... and ... freakin' write a little faster than a medieval Latin scribe ... it's a freakin' check your not being graded on penmanship! It should take no longer, abso-freakin-lutely no longer than 1-2 seconds to sign your name!!! I swear just this morning a lady filled out a check at the store in front of me and it took 5 minutes to do it ... I was like what are you doing writing a book?

Oh and your check registry fill it out in the car or someplace else. Not after everything have been rung up and bagged and people are waiting behind you and you find it necessary to balance your checkbook at the check out counter ...

ok I'm done .... :hatred:

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 11, 2007, 02:50:31 PM
Thank God it wasn't MONK, you'd still be there.  :buggedout:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: raj on March 12, 2007, 10:30:41 AM
Not just checks, but people who act surprised that they have to pay for things at the checkout line.  Men, dig your wallet out while the cashier's ringing things up.  Ladies, dig into that freakin' behemoth of a purse.  Get cash & change ready, or pull out the credit/debit card.  Don't make me have to wait longer because "oh, I have to pay?  Let me see, do I want to use cash or card, and where is it?"
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 12, 2007, 11:26:58 PM
Since I can get the items on the belt fster than they can scan and bag them, especially if they are finishing up checking out the person ahead of me, the checkbook comes out the instant the last item hits the belt. I have lousy, loopy handwriting (left over from penmanship lessons in Catholic school, I still put a small loop on the top of the capital "C", can't make myself stop doing it even now) but shouldn't take much more than a minute, to write out a check, can't believe it takes others so long to write one out.

I even have the license ready for when they ask for it, I can't seem to remember the number exactly on my own.

This is common courtesy to me, but also so I can get the hell out of the store. When I'm ready to leave, I want to get out quickly. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 13, 2007, 11:28:05 AM
I have some driving pet peeves. We have a intersection near our house where you can't make a right turn on the red light, there's even a sign right below the signal stating this. Seems like 6 out of 10 times I've come to this intersection when the light is red and I'm waiting for it to turn green, someone behind me starts honking their horn to make me go. They've even stuck their faces out the window and yelled for me to get going. My response is to either wave at them, as if I know them, or point in very slow motion 2 or 3 times at the NO TURN ON RED sign.
The other one is when you want to turn on to a busy street and these people are honking so you'll hurry up, can't they see all these cars coming, how the hell am I suppose to go if I can't get in?
We have a school near our house and these people come to pick up their kids and instead of parking next to the curb they're all lined up in the street (to get a fast getaway I guess). They're blocking the whole street because they're coming from both directions and no body can get by. They're actually putting their kids in danger because they're running around in the street trying to find their mom or dad. Meanwhile the people that are just trying to get someplace, like home, can't get through. We've called the school about this and it hasn't improved.
Okay that's it for now....I feel a little better.  :buggedout:  :teddyr:

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Automan2000 on March 13, 2007, 11:53:31 AM
I can add one to the driving pet peeves. This is something that I run into most often when i am driving s stick. The light turns green and before I can even put the car in gear I got some jackass behind me blowing his freakin horn. You know if they are in so much of a hurry that they can't stand to wait an extra half a second then thats a sure sign to leave the house earlier.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: trekgeezer on March 13, 2007, 12:34:12 PM
People who talk on the cell phone while driving (whether they have a "hands free" device or not)

People who walk around with those stupid looking blue tooth headsets on all the time (I feel like getting them in a headlock and ripping it off).

People who think because they have some giant SUV or other expensive vehicle they aren't required to obey the traffic laws or practice any kind of road etiquette.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ulthar on March 13, 2007, 12:39:51 PM
I'll add a driving pet peeve.  I absolutely cannot stand - think it should be legal to shoot 'em - speeders.  Speeding on the road is indicative of a "me me me" mentality that screams "I am more important than you" and as often as not, I arrive at the same place they do within seconds; and I did it without all the frenetic lane changing, light flashing and gnashing of teeth impatience that essentially put EVERYONE unfortunate enough to be on the road at that time in danger.

I think most 'trips' in cars average something like 30 minutes.  At sixty mph, that's 30 miles.  If the posted limit is 55 mph and you drive 60, you save a wapping 2.7 minutes.  For about the time of a typical tv commercial break, you ignore the law (if you don't ilke the law, change it, don't just ignore it), put others in danger, burn more fuel, and announce to the world "all that matters is me."

Really, though, I hate traffic and just about everything about it.  I also don't like the rush-rush-rush mindset that someone else mentioned earlier.  That's why I own a sailboat and am planning my getaway.  I plan to see the world 5 kts at a time.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: trekgeezer on March 13, 2007, 12:52:42 PM
I agree with you Ulthar. I see these idiots everyday speeding and changing lanes constantly endangering other lives, all to save 4 seconds getting somewhere.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Raffine on March 13, 2007, 01:03:45 PM
QuotePeople who walk around with those stupid looking blue tooth headsets on all the time (I feel like getting them in a headlock and ripping it off).

I refer to these people as "The Borg".
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: CheezeFlixz on March 13, 2007, 04:30:35 PM
As far as driving goes ... makes my very last nerve when someone comes to damn near a complete stop on a major road to turn into a parking lot, meanwhile I'm behind them slamming on the breaks thinking they can turn and roll forward at the same time and to add to that they don't use a turn signal.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 13, 2007, 05:28:46 PM
Many years ago I used to take the freeway every where I went because to me it was the safest way to go, no stop signs, no turning off to a parking lot or side street. Every body was going pretty much the same speed. Now I won't even get on the freeway because there is always a couple of cars swerving in and out of traffic. It scares the hell out of me because they get soooooo close when they do it. The car I drive is a MR2 (Toyota), it's very small and low, one little tap and I would go flying to ziggyland. Let's put it this way, if someone is next to me all I see is tires and if it's a truck I could probably drive right under it.  :buggedout:  :buggedout: So for now I'll stick to side streets which are just as bad but going at a slower speed most of the time.  :question:  :teddyr:

And don't even get me started on Cell phones and I-Pods.  :hatred:

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Zapranoth on March 13, 2007, 09:08:25 PM
I play my iPod while I drive (plugged into my car stereo -- not headphones).

But the cell phone-yapping bastards, I agree with you there.  Or the ones who think that yapping on a hands-free is somehow less distracting than holding the phone (it's hands free, but you still aren't paying attention to the damned road). 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Shadow on March 13, 2007, 10:32:57 PM
Speeding per se doesn't bother me, as I tend to drive fast, but what gets to me are those folks who constantly feel the need to change lanes in order to jockey for a better postion at the light or just because they are impatient and want to go around everyone. I am the most impatient bastard out there, but I try and pick a lane and stay there. If I do need to pass someone, I'll take my time doing it and not dart in and out of multiple lanes, cutting people off and risking an accident.

When it comes to the road, my biggest pet peeve are big rig trucks. It bugs me to no end when I see them speeding. I live in California where the speed limit for any vehicle towing a trailer or with more than two axles is 55 MPH. Too many truckers exceed that limit. I know speed limits for big trucks are higher in many other states, but here it is 55 MPH dammit! I really believe that none of those trucks has any business going over 55 anywhere. Those things don't stop on a dime and are not all that maneuverable. If it was in my power, every single trucker going over 55 for any extended period of time in CA would be getting some major fines.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 14, 2007, 04:20:50 AM
QuotePeople who walk around with those stupid looking blue tooth headsets on all the time (I feel like getting them in a headlock and ripping it off).

Strangely I have the urge to smack them in the ear, Bluetooth vs. ear cartilage = pain.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Ash on March 14, 2007, 04:32:31 AM
Speaking of driving pet peeves...

Slow drivers!

I'm not one of those rush-rush-rush drivers that ulthar was talking about but I do like to get to my destination within a reasonable amount of time.

There's nothing worse than someone in front of me going 25-30 in a 35 MPH zone.

It's understandable if it's an elderly person.
But when someone who isn't elderly is in my way and slowing not only me, but everyone else behind them, that's a problem.
It's even worse if it's a two lane road and both drivers at the front of the pack are side-by-side, driving slow as hell and no one can pass.
I have zero patience for extra slow drivers.

Remember the scene in the beginning of Office Space when Samir flips out behind the wheel of his car?
That's me when I'm behind a slow driver.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: raj on March 14, 2007, 12:50:45 PM
My sister, who lives in Newport News VA, tells of some poeple who are proud that they will drive right next to another car, at the speed limit, thus blocking everyone else.  Folks, it isn't your job to enforce the speed limit, let the cops do that.  Plus, I was always taught that the left lane is for passing only.  Grrrr. :hot:

And one time, driving on 17M in northern Jersey I actually was passed (I was in the righthand lane) by a guy who had a freakin' book propped up in the steering wheel.  F'ing jackass. :hot:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ulthar on March 14, 2007, 01:06:46 PM
Quote from: raj on March 14, 2007, 12:50:45 PM

My sister, who lives in Newport News VA, tells of some poeple who are proud that they will drive right next to another car, at the speed limit, thus blocking everyone else.  Folks, it isn't your job to enforce the speed limit, let the cops do that.  Plus, I was always taught that the left lane is for passing only. 

I agree with that, but I will say that if I am in the left (passing) lane on the highway and going the posted limit, passing someone going quite noticably SLOWER than the posted limit (that is, I AM moving past them), I feel NO RUSH getting out of the way of the jack4$$ behind me who wants be doing 20+ over the posted limit and is riding my bumper flashing his lights and swerving side to side (like he's gonna pass on the shoulder to get around).  It is not my job to enforce the law, but neither am I obligated to break it to cater to someone else's impatience.

Truthfully, bad driving IN GENERAL is probably my biggest pet peeve.  It saddens me the life and property (over a billion dollars PER YEAR in South Carolina alone) wasted due to bad driving.  There are very, very few accidents on the road.  There is virtually always some form of human negligence (not error) behind collisions.  We speak of speeding, cell phones, being to old behind the wheel, being too young behind the wheel, whatever.  In 2000, 1.26 million people died worldwide in traffic collisions.  That's a lot of folks, folks.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: raj on March 14, 2007, 01:23:55 PM
South Carolina, yes.  I lived there for a few years and some there think they're in NASCAR -- can't stand the "I'm not tailgating, it's drafting" bumpersticker/mentality.  But I always try to get out of the left lane quickly -- except when the bozo in the right then decides to speed up.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 14, 2007, 01:52:51 PM
That's another thing, when you're entering the freeway if there's somebody coming up near the enter lane they speed up so you can't get in front of them. What's that line? "I'm fed up and I'm not going to put up with it anymore!" I'm going out to buy a TANK!   :teddyr:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Automan2000 on March 14, 2007, 03:08:52 PM
Quote from: raj on March 14, 2007, 12:50:45 PM
My sister, who lives in Newport News VA, tells of some poeple who are proud that they will drive right next to another car, at the speed limit, thus blocking everyone else.  Folks, it isn't your job to enforce the speed limit, let the cops do that.  Plus, I was always taught that the left lane is for passing only.  Grrrr. :hot:

And one time, driving on 17M in northern Jersey I actually was passed (I was in the righthand lane) by a guy who had a freakin' book propped up in the steering wheel.  F'ing jackass. :hot:
I live in Virginia Beach, VA and around here the left lane isn't the passing lane its the ONLY lane.  :smile:

Thats seriously how people act around here. That and they lose complete control and the slightest sign of a snowflake, raindrop, or slight breeze.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 14, 2007, 10:03:52 PM
We've got the rding in the fast lane problem here too.

Whatever happened to all those "Slower Traffic Keep Right" signs that used to be on the highways? We need a new batch of them to remind the idiots how to drive. If you drive slow or have a slow car (like I often do, damn 4-cylinders) move over.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Poogie on March 21, 2007, 05:23:18 PM
I have a pet peeve and it involves pets.....These people who leave their gates open so their dogs can run loose around the neighborhood. I take my 2 dogs for a walk and at least once a week this neighbor has left her gate open and her 4 dogs come running out at full speed towards mine, which scares one of mine into the fetal position and the other one wanting to play(she's a puppy). I'm standing there trying to walk and block with my feet like I'm trying to do some ballet or something when finally the lady comes out to apologize and get her dogs. It's gotten to the point where the scared one, who is pretty strong, pulls me to the other side of the street every time we go by, which is not a bad idea but sometimes there's a lot of cars going by. And to top things off when we go around the other way there's another neighbor who has a Saint Bernard and 4 Chihuahuas and the Saint Bernard is out roaming around. It is very lovable but it just comes over and stands over my 2 dogs and starts pawing and sniffing like they're little toys. Meanwhile mine are laying there like they're going to be killed.  :bluesad: So far these loose dogs haven't hurt mine in any way they just scare the heebeejeebees out of us, I never know what they might do. Okay I'm done.  :smile:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Dennis on March 21, 2007, 11:58:41 PM
Not a peeve but it does have Poogie and a couple of pets in it. We were walking the dog, only had one at the time, followed the same route we usually take. There is one little old pooch we call the "little face", very old guy, about the size of a dachshund, very friendly, comes out to inspect us every time we pass. I sometimes stay behind and play with him a little bit, then catch up to the wife and doggie. One time I did this a little longer than usual and the wife and Odie got to the end of the block, we turn left here to head home, across the street from this corner is the home of Goliath, a really friendly, playful St Bernard. As I started toward the corner where the wife and Odie were waiting I heard the housekeeper yell "NO GOLIATH", and there he was, heading for the driveway gate that someone had left open. Here's the funny stuff, Goliath, all 150 plus pounds of him was headed across the street, the housekeeper had one hand on his collar and was trying to stop him, she was yelling, trying to say no goliath, but as she was being carried along it came out as "NO GO LIE". Odie's lead is 6 1/2 ft. long and as Goliath approached he decided to run around the wife and then out between her legs, he and Goliath were having a great time chasing in and out and around the little woman who was sort of dancing around while being wound up in the leash, and of course the housekeeper was still being towed around by Goliath, both the ladies were yelling. Both dogs were barking and having a fine old time, when I got there I was laughing to hard to be much help but eventually I got Goliath calmed down, the wife and Odie left for home and we managed to convince Goliath that he belonged in his yard. He had one more trick to perform, he stood up on his hind legs, put his paws on my shoulders and started to lick my face, in about 1 second I was covered in dog spit, but that's just his way of saying "see y'all later".
The other St. Bernard Poogie mentioned is Baby, and all she really wants is someone to scratch her behind the ears and give her a milk bone.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on February 23, 2009, 11:45:13 AM
I don't know if this counts or not :

Why is it, whenever I'm in a hurry, the dude/chick in front always has to pay by credit card!!!
It's a £5.99 DVD !!!!! Don't you carry six pounds on you!!!!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: asimpson2006 on February 23, 2009, 01:25:11 PM
Quote from: Yaddo 42 on March 14, 2007, 04:20:50 AM
QuotePeople who walk around with those stupid looking blue tooth headsets on all the time (I feel like getting them in a headlock and ripping it off).

Strangely I have the urge to smack them in the ear, Bluetooth vs. ear cartilage = pain.

I think a spinning wheel kick, spinning hook kick, or a round kick would my choice if I would attack someone who had a blue tooth in their ear, but that might do a lot more damage than smacking them in the ear.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on February 23, 2009, 05:54:30 PM
Quote from: doggett on February 23, 2009, 11:45:13 AM
I don't know if this counts or not :

Why is it, whenever I'm in a hurry, the dude/chick in front always has to pay by credit card!!!
It's a £5.99 DVD !!!!! Don't you carry six pounds on you!!!!

I don't, , but then again, I live in the U.S., so I don't even have access to pounds, BUT, I don't carry any American money either, just plastic. If a person knows what they're doing, plastic is faster. You can put in all your info while the cashier is ringing everything up, and you get a receipt as soon as they hit total. I haven't carried real money for several years now, just don't see the need. Most of the time it's faster, either from being able to put in your info while the cashier is still ringing stuff up, or from avoiding some knucklehead having to figure out how to make change.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: CaptnTripps on February 23, 2009, 07:02:42 PM
People paying with plastic don't bother me, its people that write a check for a pack of gum that get me. What really bugs me, is when there is a guy in front of me with two loaded carts, and there I am with a loaf of bread, and he sees this, and doesn't offer to let me go first.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on February 23, 2009, 07:09:09 PM
What I hate is when someone goes through the express lane and then wants to argue over prices/sale/coupon crap to a point where they have to call over managers, etc. If you have an issue, the express lane isn't the place to deal with it, either buy it or don't, but your mind should have been made up before you got in line. If it's such a monumental deal, then get out of line and deal with it elsewhere.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: CheezeFlixz on February 26, 2009, 07:51:30 AM
Quote from: doggett on February 23, 2009, 11:45:13 AM
I don't know if this counts or not :

Why is it, whenever I'm in a hurry, the dude/chick in front always has to pay by credit card!!!
It's a £5.99 DVD !!!!! Don't you carry six pounds on you!!!!

Six pounds of what?

(Yes I know your Brit, that was always my question when I was there.)
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Mr. DS on February 26, 2009, 09:11:24 AM
Ghouck is right, one can easily pay quicker for anything with plastic quicker than with cash if the timing is right.  I never carry cash on me.  1.) It seems to leave me quicker and 2.) Its dirty and I'm a germaphobe.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on February 26, 2009, 10:11:55 AM
Quote from: CheezeFlixz on February 26, 2009, 07:51:30 AM
Quote from: doggett on February 23, 2009, 11:45:13 AM
I don't know if this counts or not :

Why is it, whenever I'm in a hurry, the dude/chick in front always has to pay by credit card!!!
It's a £5.99 DVD !!!!! Don't you carry six pounds on you!!!!

Six pounds of what?

(Yes I know your Brit, that was always my question when I was there.)

You mean you are a Brit, not "your Brit". :wink:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Zapranoth on February 26, 2009, 10:13:07 AM
Pet peeve:

"I tried some of my friends... what's it called?  Hydro... hydro... hydrocodeine?"


"Yeah, that!  And it worked!  Can you prescribe me some?"

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Mr. DS on February 26, 2009, 12:47:20 PM
When someone in a profesional working environment asks, "How do I spell check this email". 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Rev. Powell on February 26, 2009, 08:38:31 PM
Quote from: Zapranoth on February 26, 2009, 10:13:07 AM
Pet peeve:

"I tried some of my friends... what's it called?  Hydro... hydro... hydrocodeine?"


"Yeah, that!  And it worked!  Can you prescribe me some?"

If that's your pet peeve, my advice to you is don't ever open a practice in eastern Kentucky. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Zapranoth on February 26, 2009, 09:29:58 PM
Heh... yeah.  But it's like that everywhere to some extent, now.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 01, 2009, 11:19:49 AM
I hate the apostrophie when used to pluralise words too, along with people using too/to/two incorrectly. You know what? I hate incorrect grammar generally (I also hate my seemingly uncontrollable need to pull people on their bad spelling and grammar too).

I hate when people say "No offense but..." and then proceed to offend.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 02, 2009, 01:07:04 PM
Characters played by different actors in the sequel.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on March 02, 2009, 02:00:37 PM
Good one, I hate that also. National Lampoon's "Vacation" movies always bugged me for that reason. Sometimes it's unavoidable, Like the woman who played the Oracle in the Matrix movies, she died between the second and third I believe, but otherwise it's stupid. BUT, that's also how egotistical actors get huge paychecks, by holding the franchise hostage. So I'm kinda on the fence at times.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 02, 2009, 02:17:22 PM
It's worse on TV - UK and Australian Soap Operas change the actors often without the character being absent. In one episode it can be one actor, and in the next a completely different one.

I also hate DVD releases of franchises and TV series where the packaging and/or its graphics format change so they are not uniform.

And DVD box-sets that are released before a series ends (for example, a box set of series 1-3 of Battlestar Galactica released whilst series 4 is being released)
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 02, 2009, 02:34:54 PM
Quote from: Wag on March 02, 2009, 02:17:22 PM
It's worse on TV - UK and Australian Soap Operas change the actors often without the character being absent. In one episode it can be one actor, and in the next a completely different one.

I also hate DVD releases of franchises and TV series where the packaging and/or its graphics format change so they are not uniform.

And DVD box-sets that are released before a series ends (for example, a box set of series 1-3 of Battlestar Galactica released whilst series 4 is being released)

Oh, I don't know about that.
They recently changed the actress who played Libby in Neighbours because she got sick. But she is commin' back !
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 02, 2009, 02:45:27 PM
That happened with Selene in Home and Away too - she was a really attractive blonde for about three weeks, then the original, somewhat less attractive Selene came back.

Maybe they they don't do it as often now - it's been a while since I watched Neighbours and Home and Away but they did it quite often. It's happened in Corronation Street and Emmerdale too that I can remember.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 08, 2009, 05:09:21 PM
People on the IMDB who say "the worst film I've ever seen".

They should watch the stuff I see, then they'll know what bad really is.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 08, 2009, 05:28:45 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 08, 2009, 05:09:21 PM
People on the IMDB who say "the worst film I've ever seen".

People on IMDB on the whole, whatever they say
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on March 08, 2009, 07:11:34 PM
That's the truth. Sometimes people just feel the need to make a point in their comments, as if their opinion really matters. Look through any place where people can submit their opinion (imdb, netflix, newegg, allrecipes all come to mind), and a little browsing shows that some people have submitted 100s of comments, and EVERY one of them was either the worst experience of their life or the best experience of their life. Some people just need to get over themselves.

On that note, don't you just love the comments and reviews done where a person slams whatever they are reviewing, and polish off their 3-paragraph review with "I'm glad I never bought one" or "I'm not going to try it", showing they are reviewing something they've never dealt with. Sometimes they spend the whole review talking about how good ANOTHER product of the same function is. It's just f-ing stupid.

Also, don't you just love it when someone reviews something and not only points out that they don't like it, but also go on to the "condition to insult", like "anyone that likes (insert movie/show/game title) is (insert insult here)". One step beyond that is the people that hate something like a movie, show, game, whatever and speak of how it should have never been made. If you don't like it, fine, , but geez, get over wishing to force your tastes on others. I understand people saying off the cuff remarks about how something is a waste, we've all disliked something to a point of thinking it's creation was a waste of resources, but when it turns into a lifelong goal, a person should seek help.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: The Burgomaster on March 08, 2009, 07:46:12 PM
People who show up late for movies, concerts, sporting events, etc., and make a whole row of people stand up so they can walk in front of them to get to their seats.  These are the same people who usually need to get in and out of the row 5 or 6 times to go to the bathroom and the concession stand.  And they NEVER seem to have seats at the end of the row . . . they're always somewhere in the middle.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: meQal on March 08, 2009, 08:12:10 PM
Quote from: Wag on March 08, 2009, 05:28:45 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 08, 2009, 05:09:21 PM
People on the IMDB who say "the worst film I've ever seen".

People on IMDB on the whole, whatever they say
The people on IMDB have no clue what is a bad movie or what is a good one.
And doggett is right, they haven't seen a really bad film. I'm sure people on this board have seen stuff that would make their tiny heads explode.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on March 08, 2009, 08:29:56 PM
It's true, some people just can't differentiate between "worst movie ever made" and "something that does not suit my taste".
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 09, 2009, 10:57:09 AM
Quote from: meQal on March 08, 2009, 08:12:10 PM
Quote from: Wag on March 08, 2009, 05:28:45 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 08, 2009, 05:09:21 PM
People on the IMDB who say "the worst film I've ever seen".

People on IMDB on the whole, whatever they say
The people on IMDB have no clue what is a bad movie or what is a good one.
And doggett is right, they haven't seen a really bad film. I'm sure people on this board have seen stuff that would make their tiny heads explode.

It's when they say stuff like "The Godfather pt. 3 is the worst film ever made", or The Hulk or something....
Watch Dracula AD 1972, then get back to me !
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: meQal on March 09, 2009, 08:24:37 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 09, 2009, 10:57:09 AM
Quote from: meQal on March 08, 2009, 08:12:10 PM
Quote from: Wag on March 08, 2009, 05:28:45 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 08, 2009, 05:09:21 PM
People on the IMDB who say "the worst film I've ever seen".

People on IMDB on the whole, whatever they say
The people on IMDB have no clue what is a bad movie or what is a good one.
And doggett is right, they haven't seen a really bad film. I'm sure people on this board have seen stuff that would make their tiny heads explode.

It's when they say stuff like "The Godfather pt. 3 is the worst film ever made", or The Hulk or something....
Watch Dracula AD 1972, then get back to me !

Is that one of the Hammer Studio Dracula films or made by someone else?
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Ash on March 09, 2009, 08:47:30 PM
Another pet peeve of mine is when people double park their cars.
Especially at my apartment complex.
Parking here is extremely limited and if you don't get a spot in time, you have to park way away from the building.
There are two idiots at my apartment complex who always feel the need to double park.  They'll pull up next to a car, but leave 10 feet of clearance between their car and the one next to them, effectively taking up two spots. (the ideal clearance should be about 3-5 feet between cars)
It's gotten to the point where I'm considering leaving a nasty anonymous note under their wiper blade telling them that if they do it again, their tires will be slashed.
Of course, I would never actually do that, but a nasty note just might be a successful deterrant.

I also dislike it when people turn into a parking spot and don't bother to straighten their car out.  Their car will be parked at an angle in the parking space.
It takes 10 seconds to put it in reverse and straighten the car out in the parking spot.  But these people are just too lazy to be bothered.
One of my neighbors drives one of those huge Ford F150 trucks and he does that crap all the time.   :hatred:

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 09, 2009, 09:12:37 PM
Quote from: meQal on March 09, 2009, 08:24:37 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 09, 2009, 10:57:09 AM
Quote from: meQal on March 08, 2009, 08:12:10 PM
Quote from: Wag on March 08, 2009, 05:28:45 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 08, 2009, 05:09:21 PM
People on the IMDB who say "the worst film I've ever seen".

People on IMDB on the whole, whatever they say
The people on IMDB have no clue what is a bad movie or what is a good one.
And doggett is right, they haven't seen a really bad film. I'm sure people on this board have seen stuff that would make their tiny heads explode.

It's when they say stuff like "The Godfather pt. 3 is the worst film ever made", or The Hulk or something....
Watch Dracula AD 1972, then get back to me !

Is that one of the Hammer Studio Dracula films or made by someone else?

Oh, it's Hammer...
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 09, 2009, 09:21:39 PM
People who hate ST Voyager !!!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: meQal on March 09, 2009, 10:21:51 PM
People who want to debate the religion and the whole does God exist issue on a forum board. Why can't people accept that no one is going to change another's mind about their religion or view on if God exist or not through a forum board. All it ever does is cause people to get into a flame war.

People who argue over the internet.

People who drive the wrong way in a parking lot. If the lane has arrows and spaces pointing in the opposite direction than you are going then you shouldn't go that way.

Reality Television and calling people who are on it celebrities. Personally I think the creators of all these shows, the idiots at the various networks which air them, and anyone who appear on these shows need to be gassed.

Chihuahua, or as I call them Tribble Dogs. If there ever was a breed of dog that needed euthanised in mass it's the Chihuahua. These yapping little walking crap factories need to be eradicated from the face of the Earth.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Shadow on March 10, 2009, 12:32:44 AM
Quote from: Ash on March 09, 2009, 08:47:30 PM
I also dislike it when people turn into a parking spot and don't bother to straighten their car out.  Their car will be parked at an angle in the parking space.
It takes 10 seconds to put it in reverse and straighten the car out in the parking spot.  But these people are just too lazy to be bothered.
One of my neighbors drives one of those huge Ford F150 trucks and he does that crap all the time.   :hatred:

This seems to happen more and more often. I don't recall seeing it that much 10 or 20 years ago, but these days I see it all the time. Just last week we went out to eat and as we were walking through the parking lot into the restaurant, I noticed at least five cars that were parked that way. Some were so bad, that it would have been extremely difficult for another driver to park in the adjacent spot. It just flat out annoys the hell out of me because as you said, it's just lazy as hell to not take a few seconds and straighten the vehicle. Its also indicative of a selfish/self absorbed mind set. These folks are not only lazy, I think they are so oblivious to what is going on around them that many of them are totally unaware of their craptastic parking skills.

It's when I see cars parked like this that I fantasize about having super powers. Now, I'd never damage their cars or harm their property, but I'd like to make it rather inconvenient for them to get back into their cars, moving it to the roof of the closest building. :teddyr:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 10, 2009, 12:39:31 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 09, 2009, 09:21:39 PM
People who hate ST Voyager !!!


(Incidentally, once I have met and gained the autograph of Jeri Ryan, I have a full set of 10  :teddyr:)
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 10, 2009, 12:42:54 PM
Quote from: meQal on March 09, 2009, 10:21:51 PM
Chihuahua, or as I call them Tribble Dogs. If there ever was a breed of dog that needed euthanised in mass it's the Chihuahua. These yapping little walking crap factories need to be eradicated from the face of the Earth.

They're dogs? Really? I thought they were rodents!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: schmendrik on March 10, 2009, 01:01:50 PM
Quote from: Shadow on March 10, 2009, 12:32:44 AM
Quote from: Ash on March 09, 2009, 08:47:30 PM
I also dislike it when people turn into a parking spot and don't bother to straighten their car out.  Their car will be parked at an angle in the parking space.
It takes 10 seconds to put it in reverse and straighten the car out in the parking spot.  But these people are just too lazy to be bothered.
One of my neighbors drives one of those huge Ford F150 trucks and he does that crap all the time.   :hatred:

This seems to happen more and more often. I don't recall seeing it that much 10 or 20 years ago, but these days I see it all the time. Just last week we went out to eat and as we were walking through the parking lot into the restaurant, I noticed at least five cars that were parked that way. Some were so bad, that it would have been extremely difficult for another driver to park in the adjacent spot. It just flat out annoys the hell out of me because as you said, it's just lazy as hell to not take a few seconds and straighten the vehicle. Its also indicative of a selfish/self absorbed mind set. These folks are not only lazy, I think they are so oblivious to what is going on around them that many of them are totally unaware of their craptastic parking skills.

It's when I see cars parked like this that I fantasize about having super powers. Now, I'd never damage their cars or harm their property, but I'd like to make it rather inconvenient for them to get back into their cars, moving it to the roof of the closest building. :teddyr:

I once was listening to a radio DJ talk about his brand new car and how he was afraid to get a scratch on it, so he was parking it diagonally in the company parking garage. I was stunned to realize there are people who are so selfish they actually do that on purpose and don't think there's anything wrong with it.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ER on March 10, 2009, 02:08:02 PM
I hate it so much when someone walks up and goes, "Whatcha readin'?"
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on March 10, 2009, 03:24:04 PM
. .. Or "Whatcha doin'?". I understand it when it's a kid and they really don't know, , but, when you're sitting in the break room with a newspaper in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, , it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.   
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 12, 2009, 02:09:30 PM
I'll have to spend a tenner re-buying Deep Rising. :bluesad:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Rev. Powell on March 13, 2009, 04:23:45 PM
Young horror fans who think the words "scary" and "gory" are synonyms.

People who say of older animation, "it's pretty good for its time," as if artists had suddenly gotten much better at drawing pictures since the 1930s.   (Saw this as a comment on Max Fleischer's GULLIVERS TRAVELS). :lookingup:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Ash on March 14, 2009, 03:14:38 PM

I dislike getting into a "vehicular clusterf**k".
I'm sure you've been in one of those before.

It's when you get into the middle of a group of 8-15 cars and are simply unable to escape from it. 
There are cars going slow in front so passing them is out of the question.
You can try to switch lanes but it won't matter because someone will be blocking you.  Or sometimes you can't switch lanes at all.
Aside from pulling over and coming to a complete stop, you are essentially trapped within this particular group of drivers.

In front and behind the group, there is no traffic, just open road.  But you can't get to it.  AHHHH!!   :hatred:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on March 15, 2009, 01:24:50 AM
What is with these A-holes I've been encountering lately? They are at a stop sign (there are no stoplights within 100 miles of where I live), and you see them stop, look both ways, , then start going through, then they LOOK IN THEIR MIRROR and STOP AGAIN. what the heck, as if they are doing it just to p**s the people behind them off. I watch a guy drive down the street and roll through EVERY stop sign. Then, I turn in behind him, and they make it a point to stop at the next sign, wait, start going, stop again, wait, look both ways again, roll forward a foot or two, stop again. What is with these morons, didn't their parents pay them enough attention when they were kids so they're looking for it now? We're also seem to have a bunch of these morons that go down the road at 40 in the 25 zone, but as they approach you, they gradually slow down to 5 F-ing mph apparently in an attempt to waste as much of your time as possible. I've had people do this to me, and also witnessed the person in front of me doing it. I think Gallager had it right: we all get issued a dart gun that fires a little flag that permanently sticks to someone's car that says "stupid", so everyone knows you are an idiot if you do enough stupid crap the people start pegging you, and if you have a dozen or so, you get a ticket, or maybe a public beating.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 15, 2009, 04:01:28 AM
I dislike things and people that spoof the "The 1st rule about Fight Club is....". It wasn't funny when Fight Club came out so it definitely isn't now, 10 years on.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 16, 2009, 07:02:53 PM
People who say "this is for you, man", it's only Deal or No Deal !!!!
All you're doing is opening a box, not taking one for the team!!!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: LilCerberus on March 17, 2009, 01:38:33 AM
For some reason, I can't seem to get any of media library programs to exchange info on that noodly stuff, like IPICT Info, EXIF Data, Keywords, Etc.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 17, 2009, 11:09:25 AM
Americans who claim that they're some how Irish, just because a few hundred years ago they had an Irish relative...

Americans poor attempts at an Irish accent.

Irish drunk jokes that appear in US sitcoms and movies

In fact, the US and Ireland should probably just stay away from each other.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Mr. DS on March 17, 2009, 11:16:13 AM
The fact the Irish get one day in the States to themselves.  How about the Germans, Poles, etc...
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 17, 2009, 11:28:45 AM
Quote from: The DarkSider on March 17, 2009, 11:16:13 AM
The fact the Irish get one day in the States to themselves.  How about the Germans, Poles, etc...

Erm, St. Patricks day is everywhere. There's also St. Georges day for the English, St Andrew day for the Scottish, St David for the Welsh...
Does America have any Saints ? Why are they nicking the Irish one ?!?!


Really successfull comics that change writer/artist and become rubbish. :hatred: :hatred: :hatred:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Mr. DS on March 17, 2009, 05:47:07 PM
Doggy Doggett I realize its everywhere but it seems to be the only ethnicity that has their own day unless I'm missing one.  Unless you count Martin Luther King day which honestly I feel anyone can celebrate black, white or whatever.  Thats ok though, I like the Irish.  I think theres some in the ethnic mixing bowl known as myself. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Captain Tars Tarkas on March 17, 2009, 06:06:27 PM
Polish people have Kashmir Pulaski day, which is celebrated in Illinois.  Italians also claim Columbus Day.  You can probably guess why there aren't any German holidays.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Mr. DS on March 17, 2009, 06:20:45 PM
Well I guess the Germans can claim Oktoberfest although its not a holiday.  Just a week long binge of fun and drinking.  They have one down the road from me which I've sadly never been to. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 18, 2009, 09:47:19 AM
Quote from: The DarkSider on March 17, 2009, 05:47:07 PM
Doggy Doggett I realize its everywhere but it seems to be the only ethnicity that has their own day unless I'm missing one. 

Isn't it culture, not ethnicity ?
The saint's days are to do with British culture, not colour.

I don't even know what this topic is about anymore  :question:

Moving on...

Movies that use clips from other movies because they're so cheap they can't get their own footage.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Mr. DS on March 18, 2009, 11:59:14 AM
QuoteIsn't it culture, not ethnicity ?
Who knows, we can discuss it in 364 days. 

My next pet peeve...losing things.  I know where I left it and its not there when I look for it again.  Where do these things go?
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: schmendrik on March 18, 2009, 12:11:05 PM
Quote from: Captain Tars Tarkas on March 17, 2009, 06:06:27 PM
Polish people have Kashmir Pulaski day, which is celebrated in Illinois.  Italians also claim Columbus Day.  You can probably guess why there aren't any German holidays.

O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!...

OK, Christmas isn't a German holiday. But there is plenty of German influence on the way we celebrate it, including the whole Christmas tree thing and a number of our favorite carols. A couple of world wars did nothing to dislodge the cultural influence.

There was an effort during WW I to rename sauerkraut as "liberty cabbage" but that idiocy didn't take any better than the more recent "freedom fries" silliness.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 18, 2009, 03:59:50 PM
Quote from: schmendrik on March 18, 2009, 12:11:05 PM

OK, Christmas isn't a German holiday. But there is plenty of German influence on the way we celebrate it, including the whole Christmas tree thing and a number of our favorite carols. A couple of world wars did nothing to dislodge the cultural influence.

The Christmas tree thing is from Norway not Germany.

A symbol of Britain and Norway's warm relationship
The first tree was brought over in 1947 as a token of Norwegian appreciation of British friendship during the Second World War. When Norway was invaded by German forces in 1940, King Haakon VII escaped to Britain and a Norwegian exile government was set up in London. To most Norwegians, London came to represent the spirit of freedom during those difficult years. From London, the latest war news was broadcast in Norwegian, along with a message and information network which became vital to the resistance movement and which gave the people in Norway inspiration and hope of liberation.

The tree has become a symbol of the close and warm relationship between the people of Britain and Norway. Norwegians are happy and proud that this token of their friendship - probably the most famous Christmas tree in the world - seems to have become so much a part of Christmas for Londoners.

Oh, hang on, that's the Trafalgar Square tree...

It is Germany...

The fir tree has a long association with Christianity, it began in Germany almost 1,000 years ago when St Boniface, who converted the German people to Christianity, was said to have come across a group of pagans worshipping an oak tree. In anger, St Boniface is said to have cut down the oak tree and to his amazement a young fir tree sprung up from the roots of the oak tree. St Boniface took this as a sign of the Christian faith. But it was not until the 16th century that fir trees were brought indoors at Christmas time.

Why are the Christians so mean to the pagans. That's my pet peeve.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 18, 2009, 04:55:42 PM
A pet peeve of mine is that Political Correctness is stamping on traditions and such. I know of colleges here in the UK that no longer decorate for Christmas out of respect for the individuals and groups of individuals of different cultures, religions and ethnicities. I'm all for Equality and Diversity (I'm my work's E&D representative  :smile:) but this is wrong - this isn't about diversity, but restriction.

Speaking of St George's Day, on Facebook (yes, I have a profile, sorry), there is a group that claims: -

Councils across the UK are deciding to BAN, Restrict or disregard the traditional ST GEORGES day celebrations in and around ENGLAND and are withdrawing funds because they fear it may offend foreigners, minority groups and cause trouble. Some are even arresting people for showing the ST Georges flag which is totally wrong and unjust!

I dunno how true this is but the right approach is not to stop the celebration of the traditions native to this country but to promote the celebration of other holidays and the traditions of other cultures and the like in my opinion.

Incidentally, I also dislike the term pet peeve for some reason. I do not know why.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 19, 2009, 08:52:27 AM
Quote from: Wag on March 18, 2009, 04:55:42 PM
A pet peeve of mine is that Political Correctness is stamping on traditions and such. I know of colleges here in the UK that no longer decorate for Christmas out of respect for the individuals and groups of individuals of different cultures, religions and ethnicities. I'm all for Equality and Diversity (I'm my work's E&D representative  :smile:) but this is wrong - this isn't about diversity, but restriction.

Speaking of St George's Day, on Facebook (yes, I have a profile, sorry), there is a group that claims: -

Councils across the UK are deciding to BAN, Restrict or disregard the traditional ST GEORGES day celebrations in and around ENGLAND and are withdrawing funds because they fear it may offend foreigners, minority groups and cause trouble. Some are even arresting people for showing the ST Georges flag which is totally wrong and unjust!

I have a sneaking feeling that's from a far right group that like to play on peoples fear. I live in a part of London that's mostly ethnic families from Europe and Asia and they don't get offended if its a world cup or something and people have their flags out. It's British people who think foreigners get offended that say those things and make the rules. But its the foreign dudes that get the blame...


Health and safety...there used to be something similar years ago and it was called common sense. It involved a lot less forms.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 19, 2009, 05:26:14 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 19, 2009, 08:52:27 AM
I have a sneaking feeling that's from a far right group that like to play on peoples fear. I live in a part of London that's mostly ethnic families from Europe and Asia and they don't get offended if its a world cup or something and people have their flags out. It's British people who think foreigners get offended that say those things and make the rules. But its the foreign dudes that get the blame...

Maybe it's because I live in the rural north then - maybe we're not as culturally diverse. I do think politocal correctness has got out of hand (or maybe did a year or so ago, when the term bainstorm was deemed politically incorrect and schools stopped referring to blackboards as such due to racism.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Mr. DS on March 20, 2009, 07:28:38 AM
People who swear by obsolete work methods in the office and simply refuse to embrace new technology. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 20, 2009, 10:08:18 AM
Quote from: Wag on March 19, 2009, 05:26:14 PM
Quote from: doggett on March 19, 2009, 08:52:27 AM
I have a sneaking feeling that's from a far right group that like to play on peoples fear. I live in a part of London that's mostly ethnic families from Europe and Asia and they don't get offended if its a world cup or something and people have their flags out. It's British people who think foreigners get offended that say those things and make the rules. But its the foreign dudes that get the blame...

Maybe it's because I live in the rural north then - maybe we're not as culturally diverse. I do think politocal correctness has got out of hand (or maybe did a year or so ago, when the term bainstorm was deemed politically incorrect and schools stopped referring to blackboards as such due to racism.

I doubt you'll find any one getting offended by blackboard. I bet it was a nervous white guy who made that rule, not a black guy. Same with brainstorm, no disabled person is gonna get offended.


There's always one idiot.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: asimpson2006 on March 20, 2009, 01:31:48 PM
Quote from: The DarkSider on March 20, 2009, 07:28:38 AM
People who swear by obsolete work methods in the office and simply refuse to embrace new technology. 

I don't like that either, but I think a lot of it is fear and change not just simply refusing to embrace new technology.  I think people may also be scared that the new technology would eventually replace them at doing their job that they are currently doing.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on March 20, 2009, 01:43:45 PM
People that start a new job and expect everyone to change the way things are done, especially if the reason is "That's how we did it at the last place I worked". I can understand it a little if the newly hired person is management, but I hear it from laborers and floor workers. When I worked at the shipyard, we had a new laborer start with us and in less than a week he decided we needed to change the way we pull off propellers to the way the railroad pulls drive wheels off. They'd been taking off propellers for 15 years without fail using the same method, no sense in changing.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ER on March 20, 2009, 02:41:22 PM
It peeves me when someone tries to lump me in with Irish-Americans, an ethnicity with which I have virtually nothing in common, just because I'm Irish/American.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 23, 2009, 09:57:42 AM
Selling games back to GAME and then wishing you hadn't. :bluesad:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: schmendrik on March 27, 2009, 07:00:10 AM
Quote from: ER on March 20, 2009, 02:41:22 PM
It peeves me when someone tries to lump me in with Irish-Americans, an ethnicity with which I have virtually nothing in common, just because I'm Irish/American.

OK, I'm confused.

Is the distinction that you actually lived in Ireland?

An Irish fellow (I might be tempted to call him a friend except that I was renting from him and he skipped with my $500 security deposit after I moved out) once said to me about a local "Irish pub":  "That place is about as Irish as you are."
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: schmendrik on March 27, 2009, 07:03:19 AM
Why do they feel the need to change the title when they bring foreign films to the US? Most recently: Entre Les Murs ("Between the Walls") was marketed as The Class. Why not just tell us the original title?

I won't even mention mistranslations and omissions in subtitles, so you're not always being told what characters are actually saying. Oops, I mentioned it.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on March 27, 2009, 08:23:55 AM
Zombies are way more aggressive at night !!!

Its really starting to annoy!!!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on March 27, 2009, 11:26:02 AM
Some people that leave reviews on allrecipes dot com are idiots. Ratings go from 1 to 5, and I see all kinds of them where the person gives a recipe a 3 and says something like "It was VERY bland, I didn't use ingredients x, y, z, a, b, c, d and e, because I didn't have them on hand" or "I traded THIS ingredient for THAT, and THIS for THAT, and THIS, THIS,  and THIS: the recipe calls for fresh but I used canned, and it didn't come out very well". I even saw one where someone gave a recipe a 1 and said "I didn't try this recipe because it has SO much sugar, and I'm diabetic". I saw another where someone complained about a recipe and admitted they used TURKEY in place of SHRIMP and SCALLOPS. I wonder why that didn't work out very well.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ER on March 28, 2009, 03:40:52 PM
When someone leaves his @#$% gee draped ALL THE TIME across the washing machine after coming back from working out at the dojo. lol
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Jack on March 28, 2009, 06:57:40 PM
The fact that Amazon allows people to leave comments on other people's reviews.  There are exactly two types of comments:

1) Oh, I totally agree with everything you say, great review!  I look forward to reading your next one :) :) :)

2)  Dude, yr revew suxs!!!Q!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ChuckSplatt on March 28, 2009, 07:04:41 PM
NO talking DURING the movie!

It's sad I actually have to tell people that during movies. LOUD talking during movies is a major peeve of mine and perhaps most people.

I became so tired of people talking during movies that now my wife and I just rent movies. We will still watch movies in the theater including Iron Man and The Dark Knight, because we know the sound will be BOOMING enough to drown the talking idiots.

It's killing the theater business...slowly. We know of lot of people that do the same thing. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: meQal on March 28, 2009, 07:33:52 PM
One of my biggest pet peeves is people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions and blaming others for the results. I hate dealing people who do this and average seeing someone almost daily in either real life or on the net do this. If you screw up, just admit you screwed up and accept the consequences. Don't whine and blame everyone else for your screw up.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on March 28, 2009, 10:30:13 PM
Quote from: meQal on March 28, 2009, 07:33:52 PM
One of my biggest pet peeves is people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions and blaming others for the results. I hate dealing people who do this and average seeing someone almost daily in either real life or on the net do this. If you screw up, just admit you screwed up and accept the consequences. Don't whine and blame everyone else for your screw up.

Lol, welcome to my world. . .
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ChuckSplatt on March 28, 2009, 10:51:59 PM
People that don't use turn signals while driving. They just suddenly slow down and make a 3MPH turn into their destination. They assume everyone is a very alert driver.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Mr. DS on March 29, 2009, 07:21:34 AM
Slow elderly drivers who decide to go out during the morning commute.  Do they have to be up and about at that time?  Really?
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on March 29, 2009, 09:35:18 AM
Quote from: The DarkSider on March 29, 2009, 07:21:34 AM
Slow elderly drivers who decide to go out during the morning commute.  Do they have to be up and about at that time?  Really?

They don't even have to be driving - I hate being stuck behind a slow elderly person in a busy street or supermarket aisle too.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on March 30, 2009, 12:46:48 PM
Quote from: ChuckSplatt on March 28, 2009, 10:51:59 PM
People that don't use turn signals while driving. They just suddenly slow down and make a 3MPH turn into their destination. They assume everyone is a very alert driver.

What I especially like is those who apparently use their signals to let you know what they just did, or more likely, to let you know they did it on purpose. People up here in the summer (tourists) seem to change lanes, and THEN signal.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: asimpson2006 on March 30, 2009, 01:06:05 PM
Quote from: ghouck on March 27, 2009, 11:26:02 AM
Some people that leave reviews on allrecipes dot com are idiots. Ratings go from 1 to 5, and I see all kinds of them where the person gives a recipe a 3 and says something like "It was VERY bland, I didn't use ingredients x, y, z, a, b, c, d and e, because I didn't have them on hand" or "I traded THIS ingredient for THAT, and THIS for THAT, and THIS, THIS,  and THIS: the recipe calls for fresh but I used canned, and it didn't come out very well". I even saw one where someone gave a recipe a 1 and said "I didn't try this recipe because it has SO much sugar, and I'm diabetic". I saw another where someone complained about a recipe and admitted they used TURKEY in place of SHRIMP and SCALLOPS. I wonder why that didn't work out very well.

I don't care for some of those comments either, but I truly find some of them to be very funny because of the things people switch and do in the recipes.  I do like that website a lot.  I use to find many different recipes to try and make and have been successful with my attempts at cooking recipes.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on April 02, 2009, 11:35:28 AM
I like it also. Ever try the "caramel apple cheesecake?" It's REALLY good, and I'm not much of a fan of cheesecake.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on April 02, 2009, 01:45:18 PM

CaPs lock button is really getting on my wick !!!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: zombie on April 02, 2009, 07:50:05 PM
stereo systems that don't allow you to open/close the CD tray unless it's actually on 'CD' mode...sounds minor but this always annoys me
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on April 03, 2009, 09:16:13 PM
Quote from: DCA on April 02, 2009, 07:50:05 PM
stereo systems that don't allow you to open/close the CD tray unless it's actually on 'CD' mode...sounds minor but this always annoys me
I have a 400 disc DVD changer that will also play CDs and MP3 CDs, and DVD-+R, BUT will NOT play MP3s from a DVD-+R. No reason not to, it can read the disc, it can understand the file system, and it can play MP3s, , it has everything it needs, but, no love at all. Just plain dumb.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on April 04, 2009, 03:32:34 AM
Toasters. There is no rhyme or reason as why and when they decide to burn toast. I've had one that would randomly choose to just burn one side. I think, as I have mentioned elsewhere, they are evil.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: zombie on April 04, 2009, 10:22:21 AM
Quote from: ghouck on April 03, 2009, 09:16:13 PM
Quote from: DCA on April 02, 2009, 07:50:05 PM
stereo systems that don't allow you to open/close the CD tray unless it's actually on 'CD' mode...sounds minor but this always annoys me
I have a 400 disc DVD changer that will also play CDs and MP3 CDs, and DVD-+R, BUT will NOT play MP3s from a DVD-+R. No reason not to, it can read the disc, it can understand the file system, and it can play MP3s, , it has everything it needs, but, no love at all. Just plain dumb.

bah...I hate stuff like that

I've got a couple of CD albums which have a 'secret track' you can hear by putting it in the player, then rewinding backwards before track 1. what hacks me off is I can't turn any of these tracks to mp3 because no computer drive will recognise them
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: akiratubo on April 14, 2009, 07:15:07 PM
I hate when I'm watching a porno film, it's just starting to get reeeeeal interesting, and I suddenly become aware that one or more cats are STARING AT ME!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 14, 2009, 09:40:30 PM
Quote from: akiratubo on April 14, 2009, 07:15:07 PM
I hate when I'm watching a porno film, it's just starting to get reeeeeal interesting, and I suddenly become aware that one or more cats are STARING AT ME!

That is a "pet" peeve!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Ash on April 15, 2009, 03:08:14 PM
It really ticks me off when I wash my car and then birds crap all over it.

That happened the other day.
I took my car to the car wash and even paid extra to add the wax and non-spot rinse.
Then, I drive out to my parent's house for dinner and when I come out to leave, there's about 15-20 splotches of bird s**t all over my car.   :hatred:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Wag on April 16, 2009, 01:03:32 PM
Roadworks during school holidays - any benefit from there being less peak time traffic is lost
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on April 16, 2009, 08:26:15 PM
The whole day is boring.
Lets get rid of it and have two Saturdays.  :teddyr:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Jack on April 17, 2009, 07:17:33 AM
I hate any TV that displays some on-screen icon letting you know that it's on mute.  I'm the one who put it on mute, how dumb do you think I am? 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Ash on April 23, 2009, 03:59:36 PM
It bugs me when I'm in public and a girl catches me checking out her ass and then she pulls her shirt down over it so I can't see it anymore.
It's even worse when the girl is smokin' hot and does it.  WTF is that about?
I can understand homely women who have low self esteem doing it.  But when the girl is hot?

It also happens when I'm with a group of my friends and we're walking behind some girls.  All of them will do it.

Or just yesterday in my computer science class, there was this sexy girl wearing a short shirt that showed her belly button.  She caught me looking at her and put a sweatshirt on!
Why the heck did she wear a short shirt if she didn't want guys looking at her?

It's not like my friends and I are hideous C.H.U.D.'s or anything. 
C'mon ladies.   If you got it, flaunt it.  Don't hide it!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: zombie on April 23, 2009, 04:58:39 PM
google results that lead you to a page that magically does not contain a single word you searched for...
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Joe the Destroyer on April 24, 2009, 02:03:52 AM
Quote from: akiratubo on April 14, 2009, 07:15:07 PM
I hate when I'm watching a porno film, it's just starting to get reeeeeal interesting, and I suddenly become aware that one or more cats are STARING AT ME!

Somtimes, while my fiancee and I are getting intimate her cat will jump on the bed and begin nuzzling me.  I usually yell, "Dammit Blackie!  No three ways!" and kick him off.

And yes, it is a pet peeve, as well as:

When people walk slowly in front of me. 

When people spell "tomorrow" as "tomarrow."

Kinda like this:


When people smack their lips while eating.  God, I have a friend/former roommate who does this and it drives me nuts.  He doesn't just smack his lips, he does so in the worst, most offensive manner possible.  Not to mention his slurping habits!  Ugh, the guy could slurp french bread. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on April 25, 2009, 09:00:20 AM
Dsktop icons that don't open, no matter how many times you click on 'em.

I'm lookin' at you BBC i Player !
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on May 13, 2009, 12:15:50 PM
When a classic song gets covered badly or way over used to the point that you can't enjoy it anymore.  :bluesad:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: MilkManPictures on May 13, 2009, 01:33:24 PM
When you are holding a casting session and the actress looks nothing like the head shot she sent...
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: LilCerberus on May 13, 2009, 02:55:10 PM
I hate it when I have a favorite pen, & then one of those little inevitabilities indicative of pens occurs.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: WingedSerpent on May 14, 2009, 09:50:08 PM
I've got a some new ones. 
1.Bands that make it difficult or more expensive to get their music.  When I got an ipod, I made a list of the artists I wanted to get immediately.  Two of those bands arn't on itunes.  I won't say who, but they are major, well known bands.   If I want the songs, I have to buy the whole album (provided of course I didn't already own it) and then transfer the songs to my ipod.

Happened again.  This next song I want isn't by a well-know band.  But their songs are on itunes-but not itunes USA so I can't buy it.  Couldn't find it on Amazon, or Rhapsody, or anything.

Now don't get me wrong.  I'll pay for music I like. But more often then not, I've bought albums (CD's whatever) and found that the artist has one or two songs I really like, and the rest are mediocore (which is another pet peeve itself).  I want to buy the songs I like.

2. This ones about people on youtube.  Fans of the Angry Video Game Nerd calling everybody who does reviews of video games an AVGN rip-off.  And they get mean about it!    He wasn't the first to review games on-line and many of the other reviewers have styles completely different from him, but they all get called rip-offs.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ChuckSplatt on May 14, 2009, 10:57:45 PM
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Jack on May 15, 2009, 06:39:09 AM
I'll be using my computer just like usual, then the hard drive will start making all it's little noises and it'll slow way down.  I'm sure it's running some maintenance program or downloading some update, or maybe it's a virus methodically consuming my hard drive.  Anyhow, it sure as hell would be nice if there was some simple and quick method of finding out why my computer suddenly started running at 10% normal speed.  Just out of curiosity if nothing else.  But no.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Jack on May 15, 2009, 04:41:52 PM
That little Google search box in the top corner of my browser - click on it, and it highlights whatever you typed in there last - the ENTIRE search term.  Then you have to click on it again if you only want to modify what you typed in last.  Annoying.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Jack on May 15, 2009, 05:10:58 PM
What is it with people on Youtube having opening credits for a freakin' 2 minute video?  "Produced and directed by", complete with theme music.  You pointed a camera at yourself and talked - that's not directing.  Your mom bought you a video camera - that's not producing.  And do these people love to listen to themselves talk, or what?  Just prattle prattle prattle.  I watched 4 minutes of a 7 minute video, purporting to "review" a video game console.  I found out it collects dust.  That's it.  The other 3 minutes 50 seconds were just prattle.  And yes, it had extensive opening credits with theme music and a even a logo.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Rev. Powell on May 16, 2009, 10:51:30 AM
Quote from: Jack on May 15, 2009, 06:39:09 AM
I'll be using my computer just like usual, then the hard drive will start making all it's little noises and it'll slow way down.  I'm sure it's running some maintenance program or downloading some update, or maybe it's a virus methodically consuming my hard drive.  Anyhow, it sure as hell would be nice if there was some simple and quick method of finding out why my computer suddenly started running at 10% normal speed.  Just out of curiosity if nothing else.  But no.

Not necessarily quick and simple, but do you know that on Windows systems pressing CTRL-ALT-DELETE brings up the task manager, which shows you how much RAM each program is using?  (Vista, of course, makes this more difficult by bringing up a menu instead of going straight to the task manager).  Of course, you probably won't recognize the program names, so you'll have to Google them. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Rev. Powell on May 16, 2009, 10:54:58 AM
Windows Vista assumes that no one could ever possibly want a quick and easy way to find out what programs are currently running, so it changes the time honored CTRL-ALT-DELETE trick to bring up a menu asking if you want to change your password, among other stupid choices.

Come to think of it, we could probably devote an entire thread to Windows/Microsoft pet peeves.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on May 16, 2009, 11:09:16 AM
Quote from: Jack on May 15, 2009, 06:39:09 AM
I'll be using my computer just like usual, then the hard drive will start making all it's little noises and it'll slow way down.  I'm sure it's running some maintenance program or downloading some update, or maybe it's a virus methodically consuming my hard drive.  Anyhow, it sure as hell would be nice if there was some simple and quick method of finding out why my computer suddenly started running at 10% normal speed.  Just out of curiosity if nothing else.  But no.

On XP this is often 'Drive Indexing', which is the OS taking inventory of all your files to speed up both local and remote file browsing and searching. For some reason XP has the DUMBEST way of determining when to run it, seems like it's opposite of how it should be.
If you click the start button, click 'run', and enter "services.msc" without the quotes in the run line, you'll get a list of services that may or may not be started when you start the computer. 'indexing service' is the one responsible for this. There are a bunch of services that can be turned off if you don't use them, and I've found several pages on what does what so you can tell which shut off and which to leave.

Control panel -> system -> advanced -> performance - settings is one of the best ways to speed a system up. All those options put a decent load on the system.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Jack on May 16, 2009, 01:05:55 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on May 16, 2009, 10:51:30 AM
Not necessarily quick and simple, but do you know that on Windows systems pressing CTRL-ALT-DELETE brings up the task manager, which shows you how much RAM each program is using?  

Oh yeah, I used to do that on my Windows 98 computer.  Sure was nice.  Now I've got Vista.  I can (eventually) get some list of programs that are currently running, but I can't make heads or tales out of it.  The problem is there's just SOOOOO much stuff that wants to update - check for Windows updates, anti-virus definitions, then Windows Defender has all sorts of stuff it wants to update, then it wants to defragment the hard drive, do a virus scan, check for the correct time, etc.  I'll set some task to start at midnight, the next one at 2 AM, but the one from midnight is still running, so the 2 AM one decides to wait until 6 AM to run, which is right when I'm trying to use the stupid thing.  Ugh.

I'll have to check into the stuff Ghouck is talking about.  I'm pretty careful with the startup items, making sure nothing is running that doesn't need to be.  I've also been to some sites that explain what all that stuff is.  But maybe there's something else I can do.  Thanks for the advice  :teddyr:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on May 23, 2009, 06:51:15 AM

for the second world War.

Fascism Vs. Freedom and they couldn't pick a side !
C'mon fellas, get a grip !

*nicked it from someone else. Good point though.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on June 30, 2009, 09:14:32 AM
Movie characters that are based on cartoon, comic, TV or novel characters...that have no resemblance to their original incarnation.

I'm looking at Judge Dredd, Aeon Flux and I'm pretty sure Sherlock Holmes.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on June 30, 2009, 02:08:07 PM
Quote from: Jack on May 15, 2009, 04:41:52 PM
That little Google search box in the top corner of my browser - click on it, and it highlights whatever you typed in there last - the ENTIRE search term.  Then you have to click on it again if you only want to modify what you typed in last.  Annoying.

I believe it will be de-selected if you press one of the cursor arrow keys, maybe just the left or right. . .
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: 3mnkids on June 30, 2009, 03:45:04 PM
People who dont know what to do at a 4 way stop~ go to your local DMV and buy the stupid manual ok.

People who think its acceptable to go out in public with their slippers on smelling of yesterday.~ Some friendly advice, wash your hair or at least brush it,  wash your butt and put clean clothes on before going out .if for some reason you cant or dont want to do these things do not talk to me, stand near me and never, ever touch me.

People who think their time is my important than mine.~ Did you see that flashing sign a couple of miles back that read " right lane closed"? no? well to bad. If you think you are going to zip up the lane( pass the dozens of cars who saw the sign and did the right thing)  and whip in front of me just before you slam into the barricades you got another thing coming.

people who dont like their dog crapping in their yard so they walk it so it can crap in mine~ I had a neighbor who did this all the time until I bagged up his precious little dogs crap and put it on his front porch with a nice little note.

oh I could go on and on but that might give the impression that im grouchy.   im not, really.    :twirl:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on July 02, 2009, 06:49:47 AM
This isn't a peeve but it does upset me.

Did you know there are adults out there who have never been kissed ? 

:bluesad: :bluesad: :bluesad:

That is the sadest thing I've discovered yesterday, I was going to take the mick out of them but it was too sad. Way sadder than any celebs dying.
We're all going to die, but to have never been kissed !!!!

I hope those guys I was talking too find girlfriends !
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Jack on July 02, 2009, 07:31:21 AM
Quote from: 3mnkids on June 30, 2009, 03:45:04 PM
people who dont like their dog crapping in their yard so they walk it so it can crap in mine~ I had a neighbor who did this all the time until I bagged up his precious little dogs crap and put it on his front porch with a nice little note.

My wife has a real thing about that.  The neighbors on both sides have had their dog droppings returned to them.  She just walks right over with her little shovel full of poop and deposits it on their front step. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Mr. DS on July 02, 2009, 07:53:34 AM
Things that are at base level supposed to be easy to connect/fix but end up taking hours. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on July 02, 2009, 01:52:44 PM
When this site goes down !
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on July 06, 2009, 08:19:31 PM
People who decide to be members of this site, who then disappear after a few posts !
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: meQal on July 06, 2009, 10:57:28 PM
Foreign diplomats that run lotteries who contact me on behalf of an unknown dead relative who have the secret for increasing the size of my mortgage financing through a car loan from hot girls in my area to help solders in combat transfer funds for herbal medicines by making big money on eBay.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Jack on July 07, 2009, 06:47:02 AM
My IE spell checker no longer highlights the misspelled word.  I re-installed it, it worked once, then went back to no highlight.  Making it completely useless.

Bought a faucet to replace the leaky one in the laundry room.  It's identical - IDENTICAL - to the one we've got.  Except for the pipe fittings, which are about 1/100th of an inch larger in diameter.  So it won't fit.  I mean, WTF?   :hatred:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on July 13, 2009, 06:38:46 AM

:hatred: :hatred: :hatred: :hatred: :hatred:

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Rev. Powell on July 13, 2009, 11:12:12 AM
When the text of a review doesn't match the rating.  When someone says that a movie is an "unqualified materpiece" then gives it 4/5 stars.  Sounds qualified to me.  Also, I recently read a review of a jazz album rated five stars that described the recording as "a pretty good set"... you mean "pretty good" rates 5 stars?  Which is it?  :hatred:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: InformationGeek on July 13, 2009, 05:41:59 PM
The biggest thing for me is when a person mocks something I like or believe in and acts like they are better than me because they don't like it or believe it.  I get that feeling all the time when I'm on YouTube, IMDB, AOL, and at the rarest points, here.

Otherwise, being constantly told to do something over and over again despite being told a second ago gets to me.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on July 18, 2009, 01:02:51 PM

What's the point ?
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Saucerman on July 18, 2009, 02:24:50 PM
Quote from: doggett on July 18, 2009, 01:02:51 PM

What's the point ?

Trying spending a day without them.  You'll learn to love them. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on July 24, 2009, 06:43:37 AM
De motivational posters that use pictures of domestic violence or deformity for cheap laughs.  :thumbdown:


Am I the only one who gets angry and upset when I see them ?
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Saucerman on July 24, 2009, 06:47:48 AM
Guys who think boobs are only attractive when they defy gravity. 

Breast implants in general irritate me.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on September 29, 2009, 02:27:14 PM

Sell outs.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Psycho Circus on September 29, 2009, 02:49:28 PM
When lightning doesn't strike twice...

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: InformationGeek on September 29, 2009, 04:46:32 PM
I hate it when people don't use their blinkers at an intersection.  I almost got into 2 crashes because people turn into the same street I want to go.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on October 01, 2009, 12:22:11 PM
I want to comment on that nuclear thread ! :bluesad:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: WilliamWeird1313 on October 01, 2009, 12:28:20 PM
Quote from: Saucerman on July 24, 2009, 06:47:48 AM
Guys who think boobs are only attractive when they defy gravity. 

I don't care how they interact with gravity. Boobs is boobs, and I love boobs.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Psycho Circus on October 01, 2009, 12:29:03 PM
Quote from: WilliamWeird1313 on October 01, 2009, 12:28:20 PM
Quote from: Saucerman on July 24, 2009, 06:47:48 AM
Guys who think boobs are only attractive when they defy gravity. 

I don't care how they interact with gravity. Boobs is boobs, and I love boobs.

Amen to that.  :wink:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: schmendrik on October 01, 2009, 01:22:11 PM
Quote from: WilliamWeird1313 on October 01, 2009, 12:28:20 PM
Quote from: Saucerman on July 24, 2009, 06:47:48 AM
Guys who think boobs are only attractive when they defy gravity. 

I don't care how they interact with gravity. Boobs is boobs, and I love boobs.

If they don't seem to obey the laws of physics, I always figure they're plastic, and plastic doesn't do much for me.

So I'll say "Hear, hear" to you, with an asterisk
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: SkullBat308 on October 01, 2009, 09:54:46 PM
People who think service industry workers are there too take your abuse, we're people too damn it!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Rev. Powell on October 02, 2009, 10:28:43 PM
Quote from: schmendrik on October 01, 2009, 01:22:11 PM
Quote from: WilliamWeird1313 on October 01, 2009, 12:28:20 PM
Quote from: Saucerman on July 24, 2009, 06:47:48 AM
Guys who think boobs are only attractive when they defy gravity. 

I don't care how they interact with gravity. Boobs is boobs, and I love boobs.

If they don't seem to obey the laws of physics, I always figure they're plastic, and plastic doesn't do much for me.

So I'll say "Hear, hear" to you, with an asterisk
  • (100% human only).

Agree with schmendrick.  Boobs is boobs, but silicon ain't boobs.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on October 03, 2009, 01:10:53 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on October 02, 2009, 10:28:43 PM
Quote from: schmendrik on October 01, 2009, 01:22:11 PM
Quote from: WilliamWeird1313 on October 01, 2009, 12:28:20 PM
Quote from: Saucerman on July 24, 2009, 06:47:48 AM
Guys who think boobs are only attractive when they defy gravity. 

I don't care how they interact with gravity. Boobs is boobs, and I love boobs.

If they don't seem to obey the laws of physics, I always figure they're plastic, and plastic doesn't do much for me.

So I'll say "Hear, hear" to you, with an asterisk
  • (100% human only).

Agree with schmendrick.  Boobs is boobs, but silicon ain't boobs.

Christina Applegate's boobies are silicon, , but I still love them.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Psycho Circus on October 03, 2009, 05:05:47 AM
Quote from: ghouck on October 03, 2009, 01:10:53 AM
Christina Applegate's boobies are silicon, , but I still love them.

You lie.....


What boobs? They've disappeared...  :bluesad:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: ghouck on October 03, 2009, 10:24:07 AM
Quote from: Circus_Circus on October 03, 2009, 05:05:47 AM
Quote from: ghouck on October 03, 2009, 01:10:53 AM
Christina Applegate's boobies are silicon, , but I still love them.

You lie.....


What boobs? They've disappeared...  :bluesad:

That's because she had breast cancer. That's not one of her better photos either, that might have been before the implants went in but after the operation.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: InformationGeek on October 03, 2009, 12:29:29 PM
Quote from: Saucerman on July 24, 2009, 06:47:48 AM
Guys who think boobs are only attractive when they defy gravity. 

Breast implants in general irritate me.

If breast implants irritate you, these will give you a headache.  It's pretty creepy.
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Doggett on October 09, 2009, 07:52:14 AM
I've just lost BBC 1, BBC2, ITV, C4, five, ITV2 and BBC 3

:hatred: :hatred: :hatred:

I'm gonna miss neighbours ! :bluesad:

Damn you, freeview !!!!! :hatred:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Psycho Circus on October 09, 2009, 07:59:51 AM
Quote from: Doggett on October 09, 2009, 07:52:14 AM
I've just lost BBC 1, BBC2, ITV, C4, five, ITV2 and BBC 3

:hatred: :hatred: :hatred:

I'm gonna miss neighbours ! :bluesad:

Damn you, freeview !!!!! :hatred:

My freeview box packed in about 3 days ago now. I'd re-tuned it for the switch over too, with all the extra channels. There's nothing wrong with the sockets or plugs, everything's in the right place. It just won't come on at all. I mean I only have that box for Sky Sports News, but still!  :hatred:
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Newt on October 10, 2009, 06:25:01 AM
Print reporters who cannot spell; TV news readers who cannot be bothered to check on the pronunciation of words and names that are strange/new to them.  If words are your professional stock-in-trade, shouldn't you be proficient in their proper use?

Our tiny local newspaper has a new reporter (presumably a new graduate of some school): two *stupid* spelling mistakes in her first headline, several more in the bodies of her articles.  Yikes!
Title: Re: Pet Peeves....
Post by: Psycho Circus on October 10, 2009, 07:36:41 PM
The police