
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Andrew on September 05, 2007, 12:03:17 PM

Title: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Andrew on September 05, 2007, 12:03:17 PM
Well, it’s been a few months since I asked, but how is the site doing?

We seem to be doing okay here on the forum.  A couple of arguments here and there, but put enough people together and some parties will disagree.  It is always good to read through a debate between two people.  I’m just glad that we don’t delve into flame wars, because those don’t do anything (for the community, for an individual they may satisfy some sort of need).

I’m going to be more and more scarce for the next few months.  My schedule is full of stuff from both the Corps and family.  I know that December will largely be a lost month, since I am one of the two Toys for Tots coordinators for Baltimore and surrounding areas.  However, I have been working hard to make sure that the server and site and taken care of and that I have reviews written and waiting to be published.  Based on that, I do not believe that the update schedule will change from once a week, with a reader review published once a month on a Wednesday.

The main thing I need to ask is about what I do: writing reviews.  From the feedback I’ve seen, they are enjoyable.  I know that someone, perhaps BTM, said that too often I was posting about films I would review in the future.  Will do, I can hold off on doing that until the review is published.  Another mention was that I was often reviewing films I found enjoyable and not delving into the single slimes and skulls.  For November, I’m putting together a list of films that were not so fun for me.  The highest-rating for November should be a two slimer, with most of the movies being less than that.

Sort of a “sure, I love pain – here, let me stick tacks in my eyes for you” deal.

Finishing up an interview and aiming to post it in October.  Unfortunately, interviews tend to be a little frustrating for me.  George Hardy was the exception, in that he was amazingly friendly and helpful in getting it done (of course, Ash pushing was helpful).  Many of the other people I interview tend to have limited time for such things, so it becomes more difficult.  Nothing against them, I run into it with the site too (only so much time in the day), but it definitely makes doing the interviews a bit dicey.  I’ve had a few that I had to drop and write off the time invested as a loss, because I didn’t get enough response to create a worthwhile article.

We have some more themed roundtables coming up.  Hopefully, those are fun for everyone to read.  I know that the roundtables help to keep me motivated and all of us webmasters more of a “friendly community” – instead of a bunch of independent do not know each other, sites.

Anyway, feedback welcome on what is good, what is bad, etc.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: RCMerchant on September 05, 2007, 09:48:05 PM
 Does this mean in December we can fill the trash can  with booze and blast loud music?   :drink:

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: indianasmith on September 05, 2007, 10:27:12 PM
Andrew, I am new here, but I will tell you, I LOVE the forum!! I visit  the rest of the site occasionally, but I read this forum every day.  What a great community of film afficianados!

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Torgo on September 05, 2007, 10:38:18 PM
I have absolutely no issues with the site or the forum in particular.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Trevor on September 06, 2007, 01:46:47 AM

Simply put, Andrew: this is my home and here I stay.   :smile:

No other site compares to this, not even the IMDB.

Regarding your reviews, the only thing I find helluva frustrating is that the reviews make me want to see the films and many of them are not locally available. I think it's about time that I get a credit card and start buying the things off Amazon.

I have made many friends here and hope to make many more: I do miss Dr Menard, though.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Mofo Rising on September 06, 2007, 02:52:37 AM
I would say that things are going very well.

The fact that you have had regular weekly updates, including the guest reviews, for the past few months have probably been an immense boon.  Especially considering you have no small obligations to family and work.

I would also commend your policing of the forums, which are the friendliest and most well spoken I have yet to encounter on the internet.  The personal incidents are unfortunate, but they are handled with rare diplomacy, and the moderators do their jobs almost invisibly, which is the ideal situation.  This is due in no small part to the level-headed good-personedness of you yourself.

Well, that's as complimentary as I ever like to be, but this website has been my favorite for many years now, and for all the reasons I just stated.  Keep up the good work.

(I do wonder, however, if you ever find it, how shall we say, ironic, that your "good work" involves watching some of the worst movies ever made.  And sharing the pain!)

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: IzzyDedjet on September 06, 2007, 07:55:20 AM
I'm liking the site.  Y'all are weird.  That's a good thing.
I do have a question for contributions though.

If, and I really, mean IF I can swing an interview with Mark Steven Johnson, would y'all want me to post it here?
If not I won't bother.
If you would like to see such a thing, what are some of the things you would like me to ask?  Aside from "Why was Daredevil so damn bad?"
Any ideas, please feel free to shoot them out there.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: trekgeezer on September 06, 2007, 10:34:11 AM
Andrew I think this past year has been the longest stretch of updates and continued reviews from you I've seen since I started posting regularly five years ago (was lurking for quite a while before then).  It's been nice, but you go do what's required and we'll  look after the place.

I'm really liking some of these new guys the new forum has brought in, but I do wish we could get Odinn7, Menard, AndyC and some of the other old regulars back.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Andrew on September 06, 2007, 11:32:27 AM
Does this mean in December we can fill the trash can  with booze and blast loud music?   :drink:

Oh, you're going to wait three months?  I figured that happened just about every weekend when I wasn't looking.  I thought that all sorts of mischief went on.  I often have the urge to discourage the smoochers by screaming, "Stop that foolin' around in my beans!"

Interesting thing about the reviews is that it feels like I am driven to write them lately.  Literally, "I have to write about this movie."  Kinda like some people feel about eating chocolate or ice cream, but me with bad movies.  I stay up into the early morning hours, just because I am on a roll (and Garrett is finally asleep).

It always amuses me that people seem to enjoy the reviews when I really didn't like the movie, or just didn't enjoy a small part of it.  My horror at Rudy Ray Moore's naked man ass a few months ago comes to mind.  A couple of people will be happy to hear that I'm working on a review for "Nail Gun Massacre" which inflicts a similar scene on me.  The goal with the reviews is to be entertaining and to help people find films that they want to watch (or wish to avoid).

We've always been very fortunate that so many interesting and levelheaded people post here.  I also miss a bunch of our missing, like AndyC, Menard, Odinn, David Emery, and a bunch more.  A bad thing about the Internet is how easy it is to lose track of each other.  If I don't hear from one of my friends, I can always stop by the house or call them on the phone to find out what is going on.  Not quite that simple when somebody fades out on the forum.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Andrew on September 06, 2007, 11:36:02 AM
If, and I really, mean IF I can swing an interview with Mark Steven Johnson, would y'all want me to post it here?

I like reading interviews.  Post it here or post a link to where you decide to host it; either way I'll check it out.  "Mainstream" people usually do not interest me as much, but, from my experience, the writers are interesting interviews.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: JaseSF on September 06, 2007, 12:57:58 PM
I did do some flirting with Susan but she only laughed at me, bratty girl she is.  :wink: :teddyr:

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Derf on September 06, 2007, 01:37:27 PM
As I have said before, this is the only forum I read regularly and the only one I post on at all. Andrew, you have done a great job of creating a respectful yet open environment.

And I think the reason people enjoy reading reviews about movies you hated is because you really do come up with some amazingly funny ways to describe what you'd like to do to yourself and/or the movie in question. I for one appreciate your willingness to sacrifice your sanity so I can better make the choice as to whether I wish to (further) sacrifice my own.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: raj on September 06, 2007, 01:50:53 PM

It always amuses me that people seem to enjoy the reviews when I really didn't like the movie, or just didn't enjoy a small part of it.  My horror at Rudy Ray Moore's naked man ass a few months ago comes to mind.  A couple of people will be happy to hear that I'm working on a review for "Nail Gun Massacre" which inflicts a similar scene on me.  The goal with the reviews is to be entertaining and to help people find films that they want to watch (or wish to avoid).

I just enjoy laughing at the pain you must have gone through.  I'm just mean that way.

Things are fine at this end.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: BTM on September 06, 2007, 07:18:40 PM
The main thing I need to ask is about what I do: writing reviews.  From the feedback I’ve seen, they are enjoyable.  I know that someone, perhaps BTM, said that too often I was posting about films I would review in the future.  Will do, I can hold off on doing that until the review is published.  Another mention was that I was often reviewing films I found enjoyable and not delving into the single slimes and skulls.  For November, I’m putting together a list of films that were not so fun for me.  The highest-rating for November should be a two slimer, with most of the movies being less than that.

Hmm.. I don't remember saying that, actually, but then again, I can't even remember where I put my asthma inhaler half the time... :)

I think the site is going pretty cool, I check the forum a LOT (admittedly, the first thing I do is see if anyone replied to MY posts, before reading the new ones, but let's face it, I'm not the only one.)  Although it bugs me slightly when no one replies to certain posts I make, that's no body's fault, and I can live it (win some, loss some.) 

We need some people to do more humorous banners.. I love those things!   :smile:

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Andrew on September 06, 2007, 07:41:25 PM
Hmm.. I don't remember saying that, actually, but then again, I can't even remember where I put my asthma inhaler half the time... :)

My apologies. I went and found the post and it was Mr. Briggs who took me to task.

I just enjoy laughing at the pain you must have gone through.  I'm just mean that way.

Roger that, both you and Derf (and some others - I'm starting a list), like it when I am either angry or anguished.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: RCMerchant on September 06, 2007, 08:06:18 PM
 I miss Menard too.  :bluesad:

  Though I noticed that Wyre Wizard is back.  :lookingup:

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: trekgeezer on September 06, 2007, 09:10:57 PM

  Though I noticed that Wyre Wizard is back.  :lookingup:


Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Allhallowsday on September 06, 2007, 11:07:01 PM
This is a great site and a rich resource; I try to visit the board every day... where is WyreWizard ??

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: dean on September 07, 2007, 03:09:01 AM

'Nuff said really.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Captain Tars Tarkas on September 07, 2007, 03:13:53 AM
Things seem good here.  And thanks for the link to my site on your links page (and your link to Kester Pelagius's page as he is a good guy).

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Derf on September 07, 2007, 08:16:20 AM
Roger that, both you and Derf (and some others - I'm starting a list), like it when I am either angry or anguished.

Hey, I just said I liked the way you describe your anguish and pain. I seems you let loose a bit more on the reviews for horrible movies to exaggerate their effect. My wife laughs at me when I describe my various physical aches and pains to her because I do the same type of thing. It's not the pain itself I'm laughing at; it's just the imagery. I'm an English teacher (translation: word nerd), remember. All them simile and mettyfor thangs is danged funny!  :teddyr:

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Raffine on September 07, 2007, 11:45:15 AM

simile =  :smile: ?


Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Andrew on September 07, 2007, 12:07:46 PM
Things seem good here.  And thanks for the link to my site on your links page (and your link to Kester Pelagius's page as he is a good guy).

My apologies for taking so long to do that.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Ash on September 07, 2007, 12:15:46 PM
Well Andrew,
In all of my 7 years here, the site has never been better.   :thumbup:

Remember, I've been around here when you were deployed and there were NO reviews for months.
So, I'd have to say that you're currently doing just fine.

I would like to see more of your posts in the Random Thoughts section.
Some good ol' fashion hatemail and your responses to them would also be good for The Mailbag section as well.

And what about the TV Shows section?
It's been badly neglected.   :bluesad:
If I write up a review for a Star Trek TOS episode, would you post it there?
(will I have to wait 3 years for you to do it?   I'm kidding!...LOL!)

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Raffine on September 07, 2007, 03:41:44 PM
I can only echo everyone: this is by far the best-run forum I've participated in, and it's chock-full of the best-humored, knowledgeable, and friendliest folks I've encountered on the web. Some weeks I may only have time to post a wisecrack or two but I read everyone's comments and dole out phantom 'karma' religiously.

I always enjoy the reviews and also spent years reading them before ever venturing into the forum. I agree the most painful ones can be  the most entertaining the most the fun to read. They also have softened the blow a bit when I've been inspired to watch some of the worst of the worst films reviewed here.

The only suggestion I can come up with is perhaps a child page for 'Classic Bad' movies, say, up to the 1970's. It makes me a bit sad to see Burgomaster's wonderful threads on stuff like THE DUNGEON OF HARROW and RC's tributes to the glory of oscure blaxploitation films disappear so quickly. Traffic there might get really slow, though. Just a thought.


Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Andrew on September 07, 2007, 06:04:59 PM
And what about the TV Shows section?
It's been badly neglected.   :bluesad:
If I write up a review for a Star Trek TOS episode, would you post it there?
(will I have to wait 3 years for you to do it?   I'm kidding!...LOL!)

I have been wanting to post a few more TV show episodes, but to do that I have to skip over a movie review.  My biggest limiter these days is time.  I will definitely try to get any submitted TV show reviews posted.  I'm trying to keep this pace and post a submitted review every month.

There should be a new random thought up this weekend.  Well, at least they are aptly named.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Captain Tars Tarkas on September 07, 2007, 07:21:35 PM

Things seem good here.  And thanks for the link to my site on your links page (and your link to Kester Pelagius's page as he is a good guy).

My apologies for taking so long to do that.
None necessary, I rarely do anything to promote my site anyway.

More bad TV shows would be cool, but I understand the time contraints (my site is going into slowdown mode thanks to grad school exams and an extra job I took)  There are tons of Ultra Man shows, terrible Star Treks, Manimal, Beastmaster series, 1970's Spiderman, and lots of other crap just waiting to be torn apart.

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Shadow on September 07, 2007, 10:23:35 PM
I've been part of an online Star Trek community for over 7 years now, but the decline of Trek has taken its toll. Where once the forum was a hopping place where everything under the sun got discussed and we had all sorts of regular games, contests, newsletters and the like, its pretty dead these days. So I ventured forth, trying to find a new place to hang out. A daunting task as many places are not overly welcoming of newcomers and/or they're just filled with morons. My first two stops were places I had been registered at for some time, but posted very little at: here and the BMMB. Since this forum hadn't been upgraded yet and was still using the old style, which I really did not like, I tried hanging out over at the BMMB. Now, those folks are a bunch of funny, smart and knowledgable people, but I just didn't feel like I was fitting in. Then Andrew upgraded this place and you haven't been able to keep me away, even with the threat of legal action!  :teddyr:

To make my long story slightly longer, this is a great forum filled with great people. No one here is on an ego trip and there are no cliques that divide the membership. Now I hang out here more than I do any other place. Andrew has done a lot to foster a sense of community in the Bad Movie world, both with readers and writers.   :thumbup:

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: Allhallowsday on September 07, 2007, 10:38:22 PM
No one here is on an ego trip and there are no cliques that divide the membership. Now I hang out here more than I do any other place. Andrew has done a lot to foster a sense of community in the Bad Movie world, both with readers and writers.   :thumbup:
Here!  Here!  :thumbup:

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: RCMerchant on September 08, 2007, 03:17:45 AM
 Like Shadow...I too posted occasionally over at BMMB...but didn't fit in too well either...I think they thought I was too much of an oddball...of course,I was usually 3 sheets to the wind....and babbled  random nonsense. Still babble...only I'm sober now! Dam. I'm babbling again! Dammit!
   oh well....
 This really is the best site  with the  best people on the web!!!      :cheers:   

 PS- WW posted in "Bad Movies" on Sept. 6...asked a qustion about a Christopher Reeve movie-Skaboi helped him out...and he left. I gotta spooky feeling he'll be back... :buggedout:

Title: Re: What is going on. How are things?
Post by: dean on September 08, 2007, 03:41:05 AM

 PS- WW posted in "Bad Movies" on Sept. 6...asked a qustion about a Christopher Reeve movie-Skaboi helped him out...and he left. I gotta spooky feeling he'll be back... :buggedout:

Well at least it was a nice quick normal question.  Though I suppose there is always a small sign no-one notices before the tidal wave hits...