
Other Topics => Television => Topic started by: 316zombie on March 02, 2008, 03:09:01 PM

Post by: 316zombie on March 02, 2008, 03:09:01 PM
or something like that.we watched 2 episodes,it's too much like ghosthunters,imho.
Post by: Jack on March 03, 2008, 08:30:40 AM
I sort of get a kick out of it.  The host, Josh Gates, really makes the show.  He actually laughs at some of the claims people make.  Not right to their face, but as soon as they're out of earshot.  I think he realizes that most of the stuff he's investigating is pure BS, but it's probably quite a bit of fun running all over the world to various exotic locations.  He's just a cool guy.  The show really has a sense of humor, they were investigating werewolves and at the end there's a voice over about "dog-like creatures with a taste for human flesh" while the video is of some member of his film crew being very friendly with a scantily dressed native girl.  The whole show is like that really. 
Post by: Bmeansgood on March 03, 2008, 06:39:26 PM
I will have to try the show again.  I watched the first two episodes when it first debuted and fell asleep both times.  But then he has been doing stuff with Ghosthunters and I can see that he is a pretty funny guy.
Post by: 316zombie on March 04, 2008, 10:24:21 AM
yes,he was quite funny on ghosthunters international,that's why we thought we'd check it out.i'll take another shot at it,maybe it'll grow on me,ghosthunters did,lol!
Post by: Jack on March 14, 2008, 08:04:49 AM
This season's episodes are kind of a mixed bag.  In the opener they went to the Himalayas in search of the Yeti.  Found a footprint - a perfect footprint - almost too good to be true  :teddyr:  there was one cool part where they saw something on the thermal camera, and it was heading back toward their camp.  They were on the radio saying "It's headed right towards you, don't you see it?!?"  Reminded me of the Alien and Dallas in the ventilation ducts of the Nostromo.  It was entertaining if nothing else.

This week's episode was a dud.  They went to some tropical island looking for ghosts.  They found some incredibly drunk people.  Josh and the other investigator were both laughing at them.  Then they went to the Gobi desert to investigate reports of "Death Worms".  Didn't find anything except holes in the ground, and of course there are plenty of animals that burrow in the ground, so that didn't prove anything.  I don't think actual worms would live in tunnels anyway, don't they get their nutrition from going through the dirt?  Scenery was quite pretty though.
Post by: 316zombie on March 17, 2008, 05:30:07 PM
thanks jack! i'll check it out again this week,if i can!:)
Post by: Scott on March 26, 2008, 01:58:01 PM
Quote from: Jack on March 14, 2008, 08:04:49 AM
This season's episodes are kind of a mixed bag.  In the opener they went to the Himalayas in search of the Yeti.  Found a footprint - a perfect footprint - almost too good to be true  :teddyr:  there was one cool part where they saw something on the thermal camera, and it was heading back toward their camp.  They were on the radio saying "It's headed right towards you, don't you see it?!?"  Reminded me of the Alien and Dallas in the ventilation ducts of the Nostromo.  It was entertaining if nothing else.

This week's episode was a dud.  They went to some tropical island looking for ghosts.  They found some incredibly drunk people.  Josh and the other investigator were both laughing at them.  Then they went to the Gobi desert to investigate reports of "Death Worms".  Didn't find anything except holes in the ground, and of course there are plenty of animals that burrow in the ground, so that didn't prove anything.  I don't think actual worms would live in tunnels anyway, don't they get their nutrition from going through the dirt?  Scenery was quite pretty though.

I liked those three episodes which included Yeti, Ghost Island, Wild Man and jungle girl, and the Death Worm. Would watch tonight, but I should get some rest. Good entertainment.  :smile:
Post by: WingedSerpent on April 09, 2008, 07:18:58 PM
I like Destination Truth, because I've always found stories of Bigfoot, lake monsters, and unknown animals much more intereesting than ghost or alien stories.  Its also one of the only shows that might actually be finding these creatures rather than give reenactments.  Sure, some have just been ordinary ani,als, but I think this maybe the cyrptozology show that finally gets something.
Post by: Jack on April 10, 2008, 08:43:54 AM
One thing that does bug me about the show is that they'll go into the jungle, set up some cameras, and then proceed to go walking around (with film crew in tow).  If they get the idea that something might be in the area, Josh goes sprinting off in that direction.  I mean, good grief, it would be the wildest stroke of luck if you could get a glimpse of a white tailed deer using those methods.  They must scare off every animal within hundreds of yards, forget about the undiscovered ones.
Post by: SynapticBoomstick on April 15, 2008, 03:03:17 PM
One of my favorite show on the planet but they could really do two things better:
Post by: odinn7 on April 16, 2008, 10:26:51 PM
I think this is a great show. The host takes things just seriously enough without being too serious...and I love how he jokes about some of the people.

I thought the Yeti episode was was a great mix of what really makes the show worth watching for.
Post by: Scott McDonald on January 18, 2009, 02:45:31 AM
Destination Truth Is a GREAT Show. It has a great host and crew. They go to places in search of things that we thought never existed, and makes us keep watching every week. I thought the Yeti episode in the Hymalayas was genius work, when Josh told the man guarding the Yeti Scalp that they would pay or do anything in there power to show the world that this thing exists was cinematography at its finest. If this show is not around for 5 or 10 years, I'll be amazed and disappointed. SciFi better keep this one going. We never know what is out there, this show is a modern day IN SEARCH OF hosted by Leonard Nimoy. Everyone in the world are so rushed and out of reach and engulfed with there own lives to believe in these stories. People can't just sit back one day out of there lives to watch T.V. for an hour. What is so important, that you can't get away. I have my share of Chaos in my life keeping a business running, taking care of 2 kids, and my wife, GOD love her. I still can take an hour out of my day, watch something creepy , and take the trash out. Skeptical or not that's what makes me watch stuff like this even more to make me sane and educated about the unexplained. What's more exciting seeing something that you think you saw or seeing something you don't want to see. You'll never know if you don't go there.  Scott, Indiana         
Post by: Bmeansgood on January 20, 2009, 08:49:47 PM
Thanks to this thread, I made an effort to stay awake after Ghosthunters to watch this show.  I am now to the point that I would rather watch it than Ghosthunters.  You just never know what they will find and you NEVER know what Josh will say next.  Damn that guy is funny.