
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Ash on September 22, 2008, 02:35:32 PM

Title: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Ash on September 22, 2008, 02:35:32 PM
For your response, please type "It really annoys me when" and then type something that really annoys you.

It really annoys me when I walk by some lady's shopping cart at a store, she's got her purse in the top part of it and she gives me a glare and then pulls the cart closer to if I was planning to snatch her purse.
I'm a clean cut preppy-looking guy so it really annoys me that these women would think I would stoop so low as to steal from them in a public place.

How about you?
What really annoys you?
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 22, 2008, 03:10:42 PM
It really annoys me when I have to use a public restroom and there is sh*t splattered every where.  Even on regions of the toilet that defy physics.  WTF!   :hatred:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 22, 2008, 03:29:25 PM
It Really Annoys Me When: I'm at the supermarket and trying to pay (by debit card) and the idiot behind me gets all offended because I make an effort to hide my pin number. Common F-ing courtesy in my book, and I usually ask them why they are so concerned, the only concern they could POSSIBLY have is if they WERE trying to get my PIN.

It Really Annoys Me When: I encounter rude tourists, which where I live is daily during the summer. I'm in the supermarket and I have 3 F-ing items and this touroid asks me if they can go ahead of me in line with their ~45 items because "You don't understand, we're in a hurry, we have to be on the boat in less than 20 minutes". The store is open 24 hours, so it's not like they couldn't have planned around their fishing trip. THEN, we get the "I didn't spend 35 years in the Navy to sit here and wait on other people". I've met more retired Military that try and throw around authority that they just don't have than I ever care to. I've also cussed a few of them out, the look on their face usually makes it worth it.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 22, 2008, 03:36:23 PM
Quote from: ghouck on September 22, 2008, 03:29:25 PM
It Really Annoys Me When: I encounter rude tourists, which where I live is daily during the summer. I'm in the supermarket and I have 3 F-ing items and this touroid asks me if they can go ahead of me in line with their ~45 items because "You don't understand, we're in a hurry, we have to be on the boat in less than 20 minutes". The store is open 24 hours, so it's not like they couldn't have planned around their fishing trip. THEN, we get the "I didn't spend 35 years in the Navy to sit here and wait on other people". I've met more retired Military that try and throw around authority that they just don't have than I ever care to. I've also cussed a few of them out, the look on their face usually makes it worth it.
In RI we get some of the worst tourists in the world.  You can always tell its summer when the driving conditions worsen ten fold.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Wortcov on September 22, 2008, 03:44:26 PM
it really annoys me when: I step on the bus and is full, well, that doesn't sound that annoying, but 4 out of 5 times dose it stand people all the way to front door, and after been standing for 4-5 hours in school could I kill for a seat. 

And when I get to the point where I change bus has the other one allready left because my bus was 5 Min's late, and that has happend 3 out of 5 times in 2 weeks. So then I have to wait in the middle in nowhere for 30 Min's- 1hour.  :hatred:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 22, 2008, 03:58:48 PM
It Really Annoys Me When: Women act tough. I can understand it if the ARE tough, and I don't mean tough for a WOMAN, but rather a woman that is tough compared to most MEN. I had some wench approach me in a parking lot and come straight off with "I don't know who you are but if you try that $h!t again I'm going to beat your ass, believe that". I asked where that came from and she did the old "Don't act like you don't know". First, I may not be the toughest guy on earth, but I've been a smart-@$$ my ENTIRE life and I've been in twice as many fights as anyone I know, I've done it enough and know enough that I'm pretty good at it. This short, fat little butterball wench would be tied in a knot in 15 seconds if I wanted, and the only thing stopping me was the fact she was a woman. I've run into that quite a bit here in AK, and that was the ONLY time it wasn't a native woman. My reaction is usually to provoke a further response that either a) They leave b) They run off to get their man involved, or once c) Gets the woman to show she really IS as stupid as what she's saying.

Like I said, I don't have a problem with genuinely tough people, but when a woman talks trash and acts tough when in reality they aren't and the only thing keeping them from getting KTFO is the fact that they are a WOMAN, it annoys the heck out of me.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: schmendrik on September 22, 2008, 03:59:01 PM
Quote from: ghouck on September 22, 2008, 03:29:25 PM
It Really Annoys Me When: I encounter rude tourists, which where I live is daily during the summer.

Heh. The first time I read that, my eyes saw "NUDE tourists" and I was wondering "where does that guy live?"

It really annoys me when some guy is crawling along in front of me on the road 10 mph below the speed limit, then just before the red light he speeds up and makes the light, leaving me stuck. For some reason there seem to be a lot of people who do this. Is it a cheap power play? Does this make up for a sad and lonely life?
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 22, 2008, 04:05:53 PM
It really annoys me when people use the self checkouts and look at it like it is rocket science.  Shouldn't these things be reserved for self sufficient people with a brain?  All I want to do is pay for my chips you bastard!  (
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Patient7 on September 22, 2008, 04:09:03 PM
It really annoys me when I'm thinking about basically anything in general, and when I'm thinking I have that expression of inward thought on my face, and people assume that means I want to talk to them about something I'm really not interested in.  Also, if I have a really good song stuck in my head and then I hear some idiotic rap or r&b or whatever that shrew Fergie sings.  Then I have to contend with THAT for an hour.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: CheezeFlixz on September 22, 2008, 04:18:38 PM
What annoys me? Nearly everything, I'm old and cranky.

However, today I went to the local grocery and bought a deli lunch and couple of drinks, that's all. A young lady with a huge cart of food cut in front of me, but I decided to let it slide. Then this stupid b!tch waited until everything was rung up which she unloaded slowly and then the clerk gave her the total that she decided it's time to dig into this suitcase of a purse of her to look for her checkbook, then she had to find a pen, not any pen but her special check writing pen and after that she wrote sooo slowww. She gave the check to the clerk and the clerk handed her the receipt she then that stupid f***ing b!tch had to reconcile her checkbook at the checkout. I looked at my watch and it took her over 15 freakin minutes from the time she started looking for her checkbook to the time I could check out, they only had one line open and a line behind me ran down the aisle. About the time I got to check out they opened another line ... fine to late now.

I was not happy, not happy at all. I was going to say something, but I figured what's the point.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 22, 2008, 04:42:31 PM
Quote from: CheezeFlixz on September 22, 2008, 04:18:38 PM
I was not happy, not happy at all. I was going to say something, but I figured what's the point.

The point would be to post what you said here so we can laugh about it. .
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 22, 2008, 08:48:38 PM
It really annoys me when the collection envelope gets passed around at work.  Do we really need to collect flower money for someone who had their thyroid operated on?
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 22, 2008, 09:26:52 PM
Just as bad is when someone uses up all their leave on vacation and general goofing off, and then gets sick near the end of the year after they've run out of vacation days and asks for people to donate leave. One guy does it at work and leave is rated by your pay, and since the guy has been there forever, if I donate a DAY of vacation, it translates to about a third of a day for him. The guy makes three times what I make and is asking for DONATIONS because he has to miss two days of work. This idiot sits around all day playing solitaire and SLEEPING, he doesn't even run the work crew he is supposed to, and THEN takes off more time every year than he is allotted. The worst part is that when he is GONE, they get TONS more done because the 2nd in charge actually makes all the other guys work. I swear they would be ten times better off just paying the guy to stay at home. F-ing unions.

Also, I think it's funny how when one of the hotter women get sick, the envelope gets passed around, but not when one of the, well, not-so-hot women get sick.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: LilCerberus on September 22, 2008, 11:00:38 PM
Worse than getting a migraine, I really hate it when I have to do some serious brown nosing of people who can see right through me, and I come down with a migraine.

I really hate it when somebody calls the studio line with a question better handled by the office line. Even more so, when they call the studio line because they know a certain office person is there, but the dolt won't pick up the phone. It really grinds my gears to no end when that phone starts ringing, and I'm four seconds away from a scheduled station break.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 23, 2008, 08:45:01 AM
It really annoys me when the ice cream man goes down the street one block over but absolutely refuses to come down my street.  Come back dammit!
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: JaseSF on September 23, 2008, 11:51:59 AM
It really annoys me when people aren't polite and have no manners. A simple "thank you" or "your welcome" shouldn't be so hard to say. I constantly use manners but it seems instead of the proper reply I get ignored or get rude looks.

Also really annoys me when people try and butt in line. If I see someone with fewer items, I will offer to let them go ahead of me in any case so such behaviour is very inappropriate in my opinion. I never ever butt in line and only move ahead if someone offered to let me do so. There seems to be a real lack of manners and proper social etiquette these days and I'm frequently annoyed by that.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: schmendrik on September 23, 2008, 11:58:45 AM
It really annoys me when people waiting for service at the Dunkin Donuts stand so far back from the counter that you can't tell where the line is, or if there is a line, and they're blocking the door. This is a weird thing I've only seen in the area where I live. If you're in line, then form a damned LINE, dammit! What, is the counter radioactive? Why are you standing 20 feet away if you're next?
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Patient7 on September 23, 2008, 10:07:54 PM
I really annoys me when ANYBODY who likes rap music thinks that means they actually CAN rap.  Especially if they decide to do it in public areas, like a school.  DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if they live in the freaking suburbs!  When your parents buy you your own car, you cannot say that you're life is that hard.  I'm fine with rap music, I don't like it, but it's an accepted musicall style that's not going away anytime soon, but in twenty years it'll be considered old people music (  HOWEVER, don't say that you, "snort yo' crack off o' dat bee hatches a$$ after poopin that mo-fo cuz he don't give you yo props," when you're supposed to be home before 11:30.  Stupids.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 24, 2008, 06:39:33 AM
It really annoys me when people who flock to donut boxes, order out from Burger King every other day and have a chocolate bar for dessert complain about how fat they've gotten and that their cholesterol is high. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Ash on September 24, 2008, 03:29:08 PM
It really annoys me when I go to McDonald's and they skimp me on the french fries.
I'll order a large fry and it'll barely be half full.
It's even worse at the drive-thru when I pull away before checking my food.  Then I have to drive around, park, go inside with my bag of food in hand, wait in line and endure the employees' glares and looks when I complain (politely) that I didn't get enough fries with my meal.

C'mon McDonalds!  You're a multi-billion dollar corporation.  When I order fries, I want that container filled as far as it'll go!
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: trekgeezer on September 25, 2008, 10:39:42 AM
People clog up the aisles in stores.  You know standing around having a conversation while oblivious to the fact that their cart (or their ass) is blocking the aisle.

I go out of my way not to do this kind of stuff. I really believe in acting the way you want to treated.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: akiratubo on September 25, 2008, 03:33:14 PM
Quote from: ghouck on September 22, 2008, 03:58:48 PM
It Really Annoys Me When: Women act tough. I can understand it if the ARE tough, and I don't mean tough for a WOMAN, but rather a woman that is tough compared to most MEN.

Most women like that are about 4'11", 90 lbs, and also have a serious case of "Princess Syndrome".   :hatred:

The one woman I know who really is tough doesn't go around acting tough.  She'll just twist your arm behind your back and have you down with her foot on the back of your neck if you p**s her off.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 25, 2008, 04:04:13 PM
Most that I see are of the the typical Alaskan short, fat, ugly variety. There's one I see that has that attitude who is short, fat, ugly, and a drunken stoner. She walks around like she owns the world wearing a jacket that has "H.M.F.I.C." on it, she drives a cab part-time and on welfare the rest for pete's sake, she's in charge of NOTHING.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 27, 2008, 09:08:21 AM
It really annoys me when people assume I watch or give a sh*t about sports.  For example people come up to me and ask "Are the Patriots playing today" or "Who won the game last night".  I have no f'n clue because I don't watch/follow sports any more.

Granted I used to watch sports until I realized it didn't matter who won or lost.  Rather, who had the biggest contract. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Dennis on September 27, 2008, 11:56:06 AM
It really annoys me when people refuse to take responsibility for, or accept the consequences of their own actions and try to blame someone or something else for the problem or situation they caused. I get this type of thing a lot at work, mostly from customers, but you can find this behaviour just about anywhere and it drives me right up the wall.   
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 27, 2008, 09:38:06 PM
Quote from: The DarkSider on September 27, 2008, 09:08:21 AM
It really annoys me when people assume I watch or give a sh*t about sports.  For example people come up to me and ask "Are the Patriots playing today" or "Who won the game last night".  I have no f'n clue because I don't watch/follow sports any more.

Granted I used to watch sports until I realized it didn't matter who won or lost.  Rather, who had the biggest contract. 

Same here, I watch Drag Racing and IRL, Formula one, and can't really stand Nascar, but people are always trying to get me to watch it. I have, and I'm not impressed. I have a relative that I see for a few weeks every few years, and I feel I spend half the time explaining that I don't watch football, then I have to explain I don't watch COLLEGE football, , then HIGHSCHOOL football, then NASCAR, then POKER. Then I get questions why THEIR local football teams (highschool, college, professional), aren't my FAVORITES, , teams in a sport I don't even watch. The worst part, which Darksider pretty much stated, is they DON'T BELIEVE me, as if there's no way I could have ever watched Nascar and NOT like it. Their mentality is that there are two kinds of people: People who love Nascar, and people that have never seen it. Then I get the people at work asking me to get on the football board. Like I'm going to put money into a bet, on a team I don't know from any other, on a game I don't care about. Heck, I could probably win the stupid thing and they could just lie to me and rip me off because I'd not bother to look up the score.

Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Torgo on September 28, 2008, 10:44:57 AM
It really annoys me when none of my neighbors seem to know how to keep their dogs on leashes and all of the dogs seem to crap  only in my yard. They then somehow try to put the blame on me that this is somehow MY fault as I don't have a fenced in yard! Morons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Patient7 on September 28, 2008, 03:11:20 PM
One of my neighbors has two greyhounds and they walk by my house every time they take them out.  So it really annoys me when they take forever to get past my house because my dog goes nucking futs every time they walk by.  :hatred:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 28, 2008, 03:34:37 PM
A few weeks ago I heard a lady vigorously chewing out two kids because they were standing by her truck, and because they were, her dogs went ape$h!t and tore up the upholstery (the dogs were inside the truck, and I'm not sure of how legal that is). Now, I'm not so naive that I don't think it's possible the kids walked by and the dogs started going crazy, so the kids stood there and watched, , but, , if your dogs tear up the inside of your truck, , isn't THAT the root of the problem? When I said she was chewing them out, "trying to" chew them out would be more accurate. The kids were pretty entertained by her and didn't take much of it in. I laughed, which didn't help her cause.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 28, 2008, 05:57:43 PM
Speaking of dogs.  It annoys me my neighbors don't seem to realize how annoying a dog barking is at 1:30 in the morning. That and why its a generally bad idea to leave dogs outside tied up past 10 PM.   
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Ash on September 29, 2008, 07:54:58 PM
It really annoys me when people put music on their voicemail.
Most of the time it's rap music.  Don't get me wrong, I love old school rap from the late 80's-early 90's.  But it's usually some crappy stuff that was churned out recently. 
And 90% of the time it's extremely distorted and very loud and I have to pull the phone away from my ear.
And it's not just 10 seconds of'll go on for over a minute, which is an eternity when waiting to leave a message.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 29, 2008, 09:12:29 PM
It really annoys me when I buy 5 fish for my aquarium and 2 survive after a week.  Then you bring it back to Petco  who then analyzes your tank water as if it is murder evidence and then REFUSES you a replacement fish 95% (even though they have a half assed guarantee) of the time. They tell you "this is too high" or "that is too low".  Dudes, its not like I'm buying a f*cking cat, its a neon tetra for christ's sakes!  Don't even mention "guarantees" if you're gonig to give me this much sh*t.  This is why I wait for sales on fish.  I figure if I spend 99 cents I'm not out too much. 

Side note on Petco, they seem to put you through the same horsesh*t when buying fish.   "Are you mixing these together in a tank....oooooooooooooooohhhhh...I wouldn't do that if I were you."  Are these people working for the oceanographic institute or they selling aquarium fish. 

Why do I shop there?   :lookingup:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Torgo on September 29, 2008, 10:32:44 PM
Quote from: The DarkSider on September 28, 2008, 05:57:43 PM
Speaking of dogs.  It annoys me my neighbors don't seem to realize how annoying a dog barking is at 1:30 in the morning. That and why its a generally bad idea to leave dogs outside tied up past 10 PM.   

There's a couple of dogs in my neighborhood who never stop barking at night. Thankfully, I sleep with an air cleaner on due to my allergies which drowns out all noise, but I would have to be one of the people that lives next door to them. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 29, 2008, 10:39:17 PM
Yea, Petco seems to hire only arrogant, self-righteous kids. I was ready to brutalize some kid because I asked a simple question and he started his answer with "Let me see if I can explain this so you can understand". He got a "Don't hurt yourself dickhead, I'll go somewhere I'm not paying the salary of a someone with low enough self-esteem that they can't answer a simple question without being a prick about it". FFS the question was "Do clown loaches eat snails? I heard they were a good way to get rid of a snail infestation".

BTW, what's your favorite fish?
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: indianasmith on September 29, 2008, 10:58:37 PM
I carefully explain what is going to be on a quiz, choose questions we have talked about repeatedly in class, and then have one of the little darlings  :lookingup: get all but two questions wrong and complain about how HARD that quiz was!

Or, (this one takes the cake), after spending a MONTH discussing the events leading to the Civil War, and the Civil War itself, in great detail, having one of the scamps ask me "When are we going to talk about Hitler?  Wasn't he in the Civil War?"

:hatred: :hatred: :hot: :hot: :hot: :bouncegiggle: :bluesad:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 29, 2008, 11:31:25 PM
Quote from: indianasmith on September 29, 2008, 10:58:37 PM
"When are we going to talk about Hitler?  Wasn't he in the Civil War?"

Lol, that's good. Tell them "Yea, that was the Civil War, Hitler led the Germans in the bombing of Pearl Harbor during the CIVIL WAR". Gees, kids these days. .
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 30, 2008, 07:13:59 AM
QuoteBTW, what's your favorite fish?
The ones I like the most seem to die out quickly unfortunately.  I've had the most success with tetras, tiger barbs and spotted catfish.  I had a freshwater pufferfish once that lasted over 2 years.  I'd like to get another one but they're rather expensive. 

QuoteYea, Petco seems to hire only arrogant, self-righteous kids.
Kind of reminds me of the staff at Gamestop in some places.   :lookingup:  Ok I want to pay extra money for a warantee on a used game that cost me 5 bucks.  That and they're always looking to give you a high brow review on the latest game you're attempting to buy. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: schmendrik on September 30, 2008, 09:34:36 AM
Quote from: ghouck on September 29, 2008, 10:39:17 PM
BTW, what's your favorite fish?

Fish that don't die :-) And fish that don't eat other expensive fish.

A lot has to do with size. Seems like once tropical fish attain a certain size, they can survive the bullies. And once they become bigger, they become the bullies themselves.

I had a (opaline?) gourami that was a demon for eating the other fish, and harassing the angel fish I kept trying to keep, shredding their fins to the point that several died. But eventually the survivors got to a decent size, and started picking on HIM!

We long ago decided that far from being relaxing, a tropical fish tank ends up being a window into Nature's grim realities. Kind of like those nature shows where you watch lions eat the zebras.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Newt on September 30, 2008, 09:42:59 AM
What really annoys when people argue with me on bb's regarding my area of professional expertise, and subsequently (inadvertently) reveal that they are not even close to adequately conversant with the *basics* let alone the more challenging/advanced end of things.   AND it annoys me that I am required to treat these arrogant know-nothings as equals; that their input is automatically 'equal' to that of others who are far. far more experienced.

What really annoys me off the web:  when I am instructing someone in my sport and I suggest that they do a certain thing.  I can clearly see the body part that they should be applying and *nothing*moves*.  No movement or shift at all.  No response.  Yet when I ask them to 'do' whatever it was, they verbally respond, "I AM!"  So off I go to track down the disconnect....which is my 'job', but why do they *always* say they are doing something when they clearly are not?   For goodness' sake: it is what they are paying me for, so why don't they do it? (Bangs head)

Or even better: (just thought of this) when they tell me, "That doesn't work"  - beg pardon????   :buggedout:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Ash on September 30, 2008, 09:46:19 AM
(about the fish)

My fish are pretty tough.

I've got a huge Iridescent Shark, a Black Skirt Tetra and my favorite, a Blind Cave Tetra.
The blind one is bright pink and has no eyes.   :buggedout:

All three of them are over 5 years old.  
When the flood hit, the power went out in their tank.  So I left them in it for almost two months and they survived with no running filter.  Stalwart little bastards!
I eventually got a friend to let me put them in his 75 gallon tank and they're still going strong.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 30, 2008, 10:08:41 AM
I always liked Black Moors, I always have one, despite the pet store people claiming the al goldfish derivatibves put out a poison that kills other fish. I always end up with a clown loach or two, a bunch of kuli loaches, glass cats, headlight-taillights, bleeding hearts, and some of those little frogs. I try and buy the smallest algea eater I can find. Last tank I had I also had some hatchet fish. I usually have some plattys, which I bred when I was in Texas, those things multiplied better than guppies.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: LilCerberus on September 30, 2008, 10:40:45 AM
It really annoys me when I back off because I'm about to let one rip, and somebody follows me.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on September 30, 2008, 12:11:45 PM
Not to make this the "aquarium thread" but Ghouck, what is the life expectancy on those frogs.  I had one and he didn't do so well.  That and he kept crawling up the side of the tank without water. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on September 30, 2008, 01:59:19 PM
I had the really little ones, maybe even called Pygme frogs, and they stayed near the bottom and were fully aquatic. IIRC they lasted a year or so, maybe more.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Ash on October 02, 2008, 09:17:44 AM
It really annoys me when I'm in a packed parking lot looking for a parking space.
I'll approach what I think is an empty spot only to discover that it's been taken by a small compact car or motorcycle parked really far forward.   :lookingup:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 02, 2008, 10:17:22 AM
On that subject, I think handicapped tags are given out a bit too liberally. I saw a guy get out in one and he had an arm missing. I also saw a blind guy get out in one at the mall, led by another person of course. I then saw them walk all around the mall for a couple of hours (Big mall with 200+ stores). So let me get this straight, The guy can walk well enough to go a few MILES throughout the mall, but needs to park up close. I've actually seen a FAT person get out in one, go to the gym and walk on a treadmill for 15 minutes or so.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for those that have difficulty getting from point A to point B having a space so that distance is shorter, ESPECIALLY in Alaska where it is sometimes impossible to push a wheelchair because of the snow/ice/slush, but, if an up-front parking spot gives you no real advantage regarding your disability, then I don't really see that it is fair. In Anchorage, I OFTEN see that the handicap parking spaces are all full, and people always say that it's from people parking there illegally. This is just not true, the problem is that many people seem to have the tags when their disability doesn't seem to effect their ability to motivate.

The worst is people that park in those spots with DIPLOMATIC PLATES. I've seen twice, and I have two corrosponding radio antennas in my gun cabinet as trophies.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: WingedSerpent on October 03, 2008, 02:35:38 PM
It really annoys me when

People do Chewbacca impressions.  IT"S NOT FUNNY!

Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 03, 2008, 03:44:19 PM
Neither are Austin Powers impressions, or impressions of ANY charracter from those movies. .
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Nukie 2 on October 04, 2008, 05:31:58 PM
It really annoys me when hippies say they live an alternative lifestyle, and everyone should do the same because they are making the world better, but the truth is they either just dress differently, or they own a small business. Not everyone can own a business, not everyone can afford organic food! They live in an isolated world centered around their own clique.

And no, I'm not conservative. They're just as bad.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Poogie on October 04, 2008, 06:22:38 PM
What annoys me is......  hey,  wait a minute.....they're already written in here......I'm annoyed.. :hatred: :teddyr:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 04, 2008, 06:40:39 PM
Quote from: Nukie 2 on October 04, 2008, 05:31:58 PM
It really annoys me when hippies say they live an alternative lifestyle, and everyone should do the same because they are making the world better, but the truth is they either just dress differently, or they own a small business. Not everyone can own a business, not everyone can afford organic food! They live in an isolated world centered around their own clique.

And no, I'm not conservative. They're just as bad.

What I hate it the elitism. There's a hippie guy down the road that complains that people are mindless consumers. snowmachines and ATVs are bought because a person is BRAINWASHED, not because they actually want one. The guy drives a truck, but that's because he NEEDS a truck, whereas anyone else not riding a SCOOTER, bought their vehicle because Cal Worthington or some other schlock TOLD THEM TO. Hippie guy HAS to have a truck to haul his canoe/Kayak (never mind that he BOUGHT those). I got a peek in the guys house and he has about 1000 CD and just as many DVDs, ,apparently those are not optional (Ok, maybe a bad example with this crowd). This guy has tens of thousands of dollars worth of camping gear, , but everyone else is the mindless consumer. This idiot was showing off a $900 fishing rod and reel, I just couldn't believe the hypocrisy.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Nukie 2 on October 04, 2008, 08:42:49 PM
Quote from: ghouck on October 04, 2008, 06:40:39 PM
it the elitism. There's a hippie guy down the road that complains that people are mindless consumers. snowmachines and ATVs are bought because a person is BRAINWASHED, not because they actually want one. The guy drives a truck, but that's because he NEEDS a truck, whereas anyone else not riding a SCOOTER, bought their vehicle because Cal Worthington or some other schlock TOLD THEM TO. Hippie guy HAS to have a truck to haul his canoe/Kayak (never mind that he BOUGHT those). I got a peek in the guys house and he has about 1000 CD and just as many DVDs, ,apparently those are not optional (Ok, maybe a bad example with this crowd). This guy has tens of thousands of dollars worth of camping gear, , but everyone else is the mindless consumer. This idiot was showing off a $900 fishing rod and reel, I just couldn't believe the hypocrisy.

I hear ya. It's like as though some people need to slam others in order to define their individuality. Which reminds me...

It really annoys me when I like something very much, and I find out that everyone else does too.

Heheh, I wonder if I'm the only one here who actually liked Nukie.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 04, 2008, 09:22:40 PM
It's true. In Alaska there's this pickup truck fetish that drives me insane. 16-18 year old girls driving F-250 or even F-350 pickups. A woman in town has a 1-ton truck and NOTHING to go in the bed of it. She complains about the cost of the truck, the insurance, gas, tires, EVERYTHING, , but for what she does, she would be just as well with a mid-size or even a small car. I drive CARS, and once every couple of years I either rent a u-haul or borrow a friends (And fill the tank, get the oil changed, clean it out, wash it, buy him some beer) because I need one just for that day, and some of these indignant pricks give me the "I told you you should have bough a truck". The way I figured it, I could rent a u-haul twice a month and put 250 miles on it for the money I save driving a CAR, , and I don't drive a cheap car by any means.

One friend of mine said he has a truck because he "travels quite a bit, and all his luggage won't fit into the trunk of a car". My car seats five and the trunk holds luggage for five people (4 easily, 5 if they pack reasonably). So this guy can haul more luggage, but it's pointless because he can only haul 3 PEOPLE.

I can tell you this, those F-250s and F-350, the big one-ton dodge dualies, I see those EVERYWHERE with "for sale" signs on them since the big jump in gas prices.

The funny thing is the I've stood in the parking lot of a stop on the Seward Highway and counted cars and trucks, and they are in the winter, just about even, the same number of each on the road, BUT, 3 out of 4 vehicles in the DITCH are trucks (I count them also). The problem is, people don't buy studded snow tires for trucks as much as people seem to for cars. So it seem to me, people spend more on the truck, enough they don't have the money for a good set of snow tires (which are also more expensive), and the end up in the ditch more. Kinda defeats the purpose of the supposed greater safety and driveability of a truck.

Also, I can't seem to find it, but I read an article where some eco-vandalists tore up a Hummer (again), , but this one was an experimental one that had been converted to CNG in an effort to study the feesability. The article said it had some environment-oriented stickers on it and CNG logos, , but they must have missed that. So, not only did they interfere with the testing of alternative fuels, , but they added 5 tires and a windshield to the local landfill. Go Team! :lookingup:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on October 04, 2008, 09:26:29 PM
Going alone with Ghouck's last post.  Whats the point of a Hummer if you aren't driving through rough terrain on a daily basis? 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 04, 2008, 09:29:26 PM
They look cool with 40" rims though, , even though that takes away any off-road abilities.

Doesn't make sense to me either. .
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on October 04, 2008, 09:33:07 PM
Also this just came to mind.  The kid peeing on something back window stickers.  I've seen that kid p**sing on everthing from Jeff Gordon's number to the New York Yankees to whatever.  Do these people think they are hurting feelings with this little sticker?  That and who the hell cares who you root for.  Win or lose, is all about the contract you sign when you're an athete.  Get an identity of your own sports fans. 

Side note, I'm sure Chevy thanks everyone for the kid peeing on the Ford stickers too.   :lookingup:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Nukie 2 on October 04, 2008, 09:45:55 PM
Thats Calvin from the old "Calvin and Hobbes" Sunday Funnies:

Why doesn't Hobbes p**s on anything?
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 04, 2008, 10:18:21 PM
You notice the comics suck since the guy that did Calvin and Hobbes retired? It was like he set the bar and everyone gave up when he left. Kinda hard to pass the torch when everyone else has been in the game LONGER than you though.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Ash on October 04, 2008, 10:28:33 PM
Quote from: The DarkSider on October 04, 2008, 09:26:29 PM
Going alone with Ghouck's last post.  Whats the point of a Hummer if you aren't driving through rough terrain on a daily basis? 

They're for jerks like this:  (NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!)
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Nukie 2 on October 04, 2008, 10:46:11 PM
Quote from: ghouck on October 04, 2008, 10:18:21 PM
You notice the comics suck since the guy that did Calvin and Hobbes retired? It was like he set the bar and everyone gave up when he left. Kinda hard to pass the torch when everyone else has been in the game LONGER than you though.

What about Family Circus?
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on October 05, 2008, 07:59:48 AM
Quote from: ghouck on October 04, 2008, 10:18:21 PM
You notice the comics suck since the guy that did Calvin and Hobbes retired? It was like he set the bar and everyone gave up when he left. Kinda hard to pass the torch when everyone else has been in the game LONGER than you though.
Can we clear it up now that Marmaduke has never been funny...never will be funny...and isn't funny now.  Ok we get it, the dog is big.  Glad Great Dane owners have something to laugh about...or perhaps even they're not even laughing. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: indianasmith on October 05, 2008, 08:18:16 AM
The two strips I enjoy the most are DILBERT and GET FUZZY.  Most of the others are hardly worth reading, although ZITS can be pretty funny on occasion.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Nukie 2 on October 05, 2008, 12:58:55 PM
Quote from: The DarkSider on October 05, 2008, 07:59:48 AM
Can we clear it up now that Marmaduke has never been funny...never will be funny...and isn't funny now.  Ok we get it, the dog is big.  Glad Great Dane owners have something to laugh about...or perhaps even they're not even laughing. 

It has the potential of having TWO funny strips: where he humps someone; where he makes a giant pile in someones driveway.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on October 05, 2008, 02:04:43 PM
Quote from: Nukie 2 on October 05, 2008, 12:58:55 PM
Quote from: The DarkSider on October 05, 2008, 07:59:48 AM
Can we clear it up now that Marmaduke has never been funny...never will be funny...and isn't funny now.  Ok we get it, the dog is big.  Glad Great Dane owners have something to laugh about...or perhaps even they're not even laughing. 

It has the potential of having TWO funny strips: where he humps someone; where he makes a giant pile in someones driveway.
Or perhaps he can cage fight a pitbull.  But alas, this is wasted potential we'll never see. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Trevor on October 06, 2008, 05:32:05 AM
Quote from: LilCerberus on September 30, 2008, 10:40:45 AM
It really annoys me when I back off because I'm about to let one rip, and somebody follows me.

:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: Karma!
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Trevor on October 06, 2008, 05:40:44 AM
Quote from: Nukie 2 on October 04, 2008, 08:42:49 PM
Quote from: ghouck on October 04, 2008, 06:40:39 PM

Heheh, I wonder if I'm the only one here who actually liked Nukie.

I work for the South African film industry and I know the people who made the film ~ it is an African ET clone but it's not bad at all. :smile:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: schmendrik on October 06, 2008, 09:57:47 AM
Quote from: Nukie 2 on October 04, 2008, 09:45:55 PM
Thats Calvin from the old "Calvin and Hobbes" Sunday Funnies:

And the images are bootleg, a violation of copyright, because Watterson made a point of not licensing the Calvin and Hobbes characters. He objected to merchandise spin offs.

So even though I don't completely understand Watterson's objections, I'm annoyed that people would go against his wishes this way.

Quote from: Nukie 2 on October 04, 2008, 09:45:55 PM
Why doesn't Hobbes p**s on anything?

Aside from the fact that he's the nice one, there's just no mean face like Calvin's mean face.

Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Nukie 2 on October 07, 2008, 09:07:31 AM
Quote from: schmendrik on October 06, 2008, 09:57:47 AM
So even though I don't completely understand Watterson's objections, I'm annoyed that people would go against his wishes this way.

I don't think it was his sense of humor, or his intention for Calvin to portrayed in that manner. But he should have creative control!

Quote from: Trevor on October 06, 2008, 05:40:44 AM
I work for the South African film industry and I know the people who made the film ~ it is an African ET clone but it's not bad at all. :smile:

HAHAHAHA no way! Thats my favourite bad movie! A childrens movie gone horribly wrong!

Do they still have the costumes somewhere?

Karma for you!
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Trevor on October 07, 2008, 09:10:44 AM
Quote from: Nukie 2 on October 07, 2008, 09:07:31 AM
Quote from: schmendrik on October 06, 2008, 09:57:47 AM
So even though I don't completely understand Watterson's objections, I'm annoyed that people would go against his wishes this way.

I don't think it was his sense of humor, or his intention for Calvin to portrayed in that manner. But he should have creative control!

Quote from: Trevor on October 06, 2008, 05:40:44 AM
I work for the South African film industry and I know the people who made the film ~ it is an African ET clone but it's not bad at all. :smile:

HAHAHAHA no way! Thats my favourite bad movie! A childrens movie gone horribly wrong!

Do they still have the costumes somewhere?

Karma for you!

Thanks, nukie.

I spoke to the director of the film, Sias Odendaal a few years back and he denied having anything to do with it, despite the fact that he is credited as director.  :question:

Those costumes however: dunno what happened to those.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Nukie 2 on October 07, 2008, 09:26:23 AM
Has he worked on anything else since then?
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Ash on October 07, 2008, 12:09:10 PM
It really annoys me when people say "a-PLICK-able" emphasizing the portion "PLICK".
It's APP-licable, as to "apply". 
You don't emphasize PLICK when you say the word "applicable".  It doesn't rhyme with "despicable".  You emphasize APP.  Duh!

Sorry, I just came from a meeting where that word was used incorrectly about 50 times and it was all I could do to not stand up and correct my bosses/slap them upside the head each time they said it.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 07, 2008, 08:50:24 PM
I hate it when people pronounce advertisement "add VERT is meant". Every person I've heard pronounce it that way (three come to mind), are those types that do things different than everyone else and claim everyone else is wrong, just to create a sizable group of people to feel smarter than.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Rev. Powell on October 07, 2008, 10:23:08 PM
It annoys me when Canadians pronounce about "a-boot."  I know they can't help it, being Canadians, but it still annoys me.

On the other hand, it amuses me to no end when the say "eh?" at the end of a sentence for no reason.  Life's funny, isn''t it?
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Trevor on October 08, 2008, 03:40:04 AM
Quote from: Nukie 2 on October 07, 2008, 09:26:23 AM
Has he worked on anything else since then?

Nothing, according to his IMDB page (  :question:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Dennis on October 08, 2008, 08:24:58 AM
This has been happening to me a lot lately, and it's beginning to get really annoying. Sunday, after washing the cars, I decided that I would like breakfast from McDonald's, my wife and I both like their sausage mcmuffins and hash browns. I went inside because the drive-thru was full and had this conversation with the girl at the counter:
"Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?"
"I'd like 3 sausage mcmuffins and 3 hashbrowns please."
"Do you want the combo's?"
"No, thank you."
"You'll save money if you get them."
"I don't want the drinks."
"You have to take the drinks when you order combo's."
"I didn't order combo meals."
"But you'll save money if you do."
That last bit finally made her realize that I didn't want combo meals, made me feel like a mean nasty man and raised my blood pressure, if I ever have a heart attack it's going to be in a situation like this one.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on October 08, 2008, 08:44:52 AM
QuoteThat last bit finally made her realize that I didn't want combo meals, made me feel like a mean nasty man and raised my blood pressure, if I ever have a heart attack it's going to be in a situation like this one.
Add the Sausage McMuffin and I'd say you're at pretty good odds.   :bouncegiggle:  Yeah I've had this happen at many places.  One place it got to a ridiculous point and I simply said, "keep the sandwich" and walked out.  Its almost like when you're at the movie theater and they ask you if you'd like the larger size for a quarter more. 

Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: BTM on October 08, 2008, 09:15:43 AM
It really annoys me when people in certain types of cars (usually trucks or low riders), insist on taking off with the engine roaring so LOUD you can hear the damn thing four five blocks away.  Guys, you're NOT impressing anyone!  Get a f**king muffler!

Those cell phone headsets.  Annoys me to see someone walking and then they something and it looks like they're talking to themselves, and you're like, "Uh, sorry?  What did you say?" thinking they're speaking to you,  but no, they turn their head and they've got some little wire thing clipped to their ear, and they look at you like you're the idiot for thinking that they were addressing you in the first place.

Foamy sums it up real well... (
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on October 08, 2008, 12:04:24 PM
Quote from: BTM on October 08, 2008, 09:15:43 AM
It really annoys me when people in certain types of cars (usually trucks or low riders), insist on taking off with the engine roaring so LOUD you can hear the damn thing four five blocks.  Guys, you're NOT impressing anyone!  Get a f**king muffler!

Those cell phone headsets.  Annoys me to see someone walking and then they something and it looks like they're talking to themselves, and you're like, "Uh, sorry?  What did you say?" thinking they're speaking to you,  but no, they turn their head and they've got some little wire thing clipped to their ear, and they look at you like you're the idiot for thinking that they were addressing you in the first place.

Foamy sums it up real well... (
I agree on both accounts.  A guy the neighborhood over has no muffler and likes to go for drives at midnight.   :lookingup:

As for cell phones, not sure why people are so lonely they need to talk in public to their friends on the phone about...well from what I hear mostly, nothing. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 08, 2008, 03:47:59 PM
It annoys me when people act as if their talking on a cellphone is a license to throw manners out the window. I've had people push me out of their way because they were too busy talking on their phone to say "excuse me". I see people drive around town while talking, and one in perticular doesn't stop for stop signs or anything, she just drives at 10 MPH EVERYWHERE. 25, 30 MPH zone = 10 mph. parking lot, stop signs, entering traffic, all 10 MPH. It seems she goes slow enough that people have more then enough time to react, therefore there are no wrecks. All the while she has her yappy little dog on her lap.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: BTM on October 08, 2008, 11:30:10 PM
Quote from: The DarkSider on October 08, 2008, 08:44:52 AM
That last bit finally made her realize that I didn't want combo meals, made me feel like a mean nasty man and raised my blood pressure, if I ever have a heart attack it's going to be in a situation like this one.

You know, that's weird, I've never had that happen to me.  I mean, they'll ask, "Would you like something to drink with that?" And I'll go, "No, thank you."  And they'll just tell me to pull around.  (Course I usually go through the drive through...) 

Granted, maybe the people in my area just want to get rid of the customers as fast as possible.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Dennis on October 09, 2008, 12:27:47 AM
All the McDonald's franchises in my area are owned by a single corporation, my daughter worked for them when she was going to college. She's told me that the employees are taught to push the combo meals by telling people they save money and also to make sure people understand they must take the drink of their choice with the meal, don't know why this is the policy but it is. I go to McDonald's once or twice every other month or so and usually have this kind of silly conversation each time I'm there, after awhile it gets annoying. I will say I've never had this conversation twice with the same person, I hope it's because they've moved on to a better job.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Trevor on October 09, 2008, 01:52:59 AM
Quote from: Dennis on October 08, 2008, 08:24:58 AM
This has been happening to me a lot lately, and it's beginning to get really annoying. Sunday, after washing the cars, I decided that I would like breakfast from McDonald's, my wife and I both like their sausage mcmuffins and hash browns. I went inside because the drive-thru was full and had this conversation with the girl at the counter:
"Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?"
"I'd like 3 sausage mcmuffins and 3 hashbrowns please."
"Do you want the combo's?"
"No, thank you."
"You'll save money if you get them."
"I don't want the drinks."
"You have to take the drinks when you order combo's."
"I didn't order combo meals."
"But you'll save money if you do."
That last bit finally made her realize that I didn't want combo meals, made me feel like a mean nasty man and raised my blood pressure, if I ever have a heart attack it's going to be in a situation like this one.

I get pretty much the same thing when I order a hamburger, Dennis. I'm allergic to certain foods and cannot eat things like gherkins, cabbage, lettuce, etc. When I ask for a burger, no sauce, no lettuce, no garnish, no cheese, the look I get is something like: "Ahah! I know where you escaped from." I just say that I am allergic to certain foods and would like a plain hamburger with chips / fries.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Newt on October 09, 2008, 07:25:51 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell, Esq. on October 07, 2008, 10:23:08 PM
It annoys me when Canadians pronounce about "a-boot."  I know they can't help it, being Canadians, but it still annoys me.

On the other hand, it amuses me to no end when the say "eh?" at the end of a sentence for no reason.  Life's funny, isn''t it?

LOL! Canadian here: I have never encountered anyone who pronounces about "a-boot" - who was not of Scottish origin. 

As for the '"eh?" : usually it is a solicitation of response, but it can get irritating if random and persistent.  Still beats the corresponding "huh?" we hear from Americans.   Now, that's annoying!
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on October 09, 2008, 09:30:10 AM
Quote from: Newt on October 09, 2008, 07:25:51 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell, Esq. on October 07, 2008, 10:23:08 PM
It annoys me when Canadians pronounce about "a-boot."  I know they can't help it, being Canadians, but it still annoys me.

On the other hand, it amuses me to no end when the say "eh?" at the end of a sentence for no reason.  Life's funny, isn''t it?

LOL! Canadian here: I have never encountered anyone who pronounces about "a-boot" - who was not of Scottish origin. 

As for the '"eh?" : usually it is a solicitation of response, but it can get irritating if random and persistent.  Still beats the corresponding "huh?" we hear from Americans.   Now, that's annoying!
Huh?   What do you mean?   :wink:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 09, 2008, 08:34:37 PM
I hate it when I come across one of those internet "IQ Tests" or "Dumb Tests", and after completing it, I find out I have to buy something or sign up for something to get the results. I love those little tests, but I'm not going to buy a magazine subscription for the answers, but they never say that's what it's about until it's all over but the results.

Also, I hate it when I'm filling out a form on the 'net and it tells me I'm wrong. They often spit out "enter a valid street address", how the heck does it think it knows better than me? My ISP has some security questions in case you forget your password, the question is "what is the name of your first pet". I answered "Gus" and it spits out "answer not long enough". That's just stupid.   
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on October 09, 2008, 09:36:06 PM
It annoys me when I specifically put a movie on the top of my Blockbuster Online que and they send #20.  But I think i've mentioned that in several other threads. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Mr. DS on October 09, 2008, 09:38:55 PM
One other thing I thought of;  Doesn't it annoy you when you see something listed on Ebay for 99 cents and the people are charging over $8.00 for shipping.  No DVD can be that much to send...I'm sorry.   :hatred:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: BTM on October 10, 2008, 12:36:13 PM
Quote from: The DarkSider on October 09, 2008, 09:38:55 PM
One other thing I thought of;  Doesn't it annoy you when you see something listed on Ebay for 99 cents and the people are charging over $8.00 for shipping.  No DVD can be that much to send...I'm sorry.   :hatred:

Oh, I hear ya.

Speaking of eBay, tell me if this happened to you, you see a item you really want, it's been up for about five days, NO bids, going really cheap.  You put in a decent bid for it, and then you think, "Hey, let's see what else this guy has, so I can justify the shipping a bit more."  You look around and see another item that you only sorta want.  That is, you wouldn't buy the second item on it owns (at least not for the price plus shipping) but you figure this WITH the item you really want isn't too bad of a deal.

And then someone outbids you at the LAST second (never mind NO ONE was bidding on this earlier), and you're still with the item you only SORTA wanted, AND the shipping costs.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on October 10, 2008, 12:57:19 PM
I really wish ebay would do something to get rid of that sniping crap. Make the auction end at a random time in a 15-30 minute timeframe. It's not the being outbid that is bothersome, it's the whole winning the auction by a very long stretch until the last 5 seconds. If people just simply put in their honest max price, everything would go easier, and I for one would be much more likely to use eBay, I quit a while back because of that, and mt next annoyance.

It annoys me to no end when a person has an auction and they say "buyer pays actual shipping", yet won't sell to Alaska or Hawaii. Especially right after 9/11 where every F-ing thing had an American Flag pasted on it, there were TONS of sellers displaying a modern, 50-star American flag on their auction, yet wouldn't ship to Alaska or Hawaii.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: ghouck on August 02, 2009, 04:36:25 PM
You buy something and it says the warranty is only valid/repairs and replacement will only be made if it is returned 'in the original packaging', BUT, the box it came it is the size of a small car, making it inconvenient to keep. 
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: indianasmith on August 02, 2009, 04:58:36 PM
I hate it when I just sit down to supper and the dogs start barking and I realize there is ANOTHER freakin' zombie in my yard.  Have to pop their skull AND drag them down to the gully to get rid of the stench, and then my chicken and dumplings are cold when I get back.  Had to buy an extra crate of ammo last week.  :hatred:

Anybody else having this problem? :teddyr:
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Doggett on August 02, 2009, 05:01:09 PM
Spending 8 hours downloading something...and then your computer crashes !
Buying a PC game only to find out that it doesn't work on your comp'.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Jack on August 03, 2009, 07:31:27 AM
My free anti-virus software giving me a pop-up - every day - reminding me that I'll get more features if I buy the more expensive version.

Telemarketers.  They call up and ask how you're doing, and then act as if you are now friends.  Oh puh-leeze.  The whole concept that you can call up complete strangers and tell them that it's vitally important that they be made aware of a special offer concerning their credit card.  Jeez.  Ten percent off today - 20% increase in a moth or two - this could change your life!!!
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: InformationGeek on August 03, 2009, 09:13:43 AM
Quote from: ghouck on October 10, 2008, 12:57:19 PM
I really wish ebay would do something to get rid of that sniping crap. Make the auction end at a random time in a 15-30 minute timeframe. It's not the being outbid that is bothersome, it's the whole winning the auction by a very long stretch until the last 5 seconds. If people just simply put in their honest max price, everything would go easier, and I for one would be much more likely to use eBay, I quit a while back because of that, and mt next annoyance.

I get that problem plenty of times.  When I was bidding for 2 season sets of a show I like, at very VERY last second, someone bid again.  I still won though, but it was on my maximum bid.

Quote from: ghouck on October 09, 2008, 08:34:37 PM
I hate it when I come across one of those internet "IQ Tests" or "Dumb Tests", and after completing it, I find out I have to buy something or sign up for something to get the results. I love those little tests, but I'm not going to buy a magazine subscription for the answers, but they never say that's what it's about until it's all over but the results.

I've seen a bunch of those, including personality quizzes to match you up with a character of a tv show or movie.  I always complete then or don't even get to start until I have to pay for something.

What really gets to me is whenever I sit down to do something, something always seems to immeditally make have to get up and do something else.  Whether it is my parents, my pets, or if I forgot something, it is always something!

Another thing is how some people don't even put their blinker on when they are turning.  Big instance of this was when I was at a intersection a bit ago.  I was going to turn right when this van almost hits me.  He was on the other side of intersection and didn't have his blinker on.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: 3mnkids on August 03, 2009, 11:21:12 AM
I think I find the perfect hiding spot for the candy bar that I may or may not eat anytime soon but would still like the option of eating it only to find out that one of the children has found it and eaten it.

When someone calls me and asks who's this? uh, you called me remember.

Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: WingedSerpent on August 03, 2009, 09:36:45 PM
People cross a busy road when a crosswalk is only a few yards away.
Title: Re: It Really Annoys Me When...
Post by: Ash on August 03, 2009, 11:25:05 PM
Quote from: WingedSerpent on August 03, 2009, 09:36:45 PM
People cross a busy road when a crosswalk is only a few yards away.

They annoy the heck outta me.

Matter of fact, I almost hit a kid while driving today.
He pedaled his bike across a super busy one-way road and didn't use the crosswalk like he was supposed to.  The crosswalk was only 20 or so feet away from him and even had one of those buttons you can push to change the light.
Both me and the car next to me had to slam on our brakes to avoid hitting him.
It scared and enraged me at the same time.  I looked over to my right at the driver next to me and he was yelling something.  I couldn't hear what he was saying because his windows were rolled up, but I'm sure it wasn't anything good.

I would never be able to forgive myself if I struck and killed a kid on a bicycle.