
Other Topics => Television => Topic started by: judge death on August 15, 2010, 10:07:25 PM

Title: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: judge death on August 15, 2010, 10:07:25 PM
I used to watch southpark when it had some balance and bustd on things pretty fairly. Then it got to be too much of a "Bust on the left" show and really never attacked the right as much as it attacked the left, and I got tired of it.

 I quit watching "voyager" when it became the jeri ryan t-ts, -ss and attitude hour instead of anything resembling gene rodenberry's vision of star trek.

I dropped "Law and order criminal intent" after they dumped the stars because USA wants "Younger, sexier" looking actors and simpler, easier to understand, less psychological plots.

Any shows you just quit watching after following them for a while?

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: dean on August 16, 2010, 06:34:49 AM
Watched Stargate until about season 9 then just suddenly stopped.

I stopped watching both South Park and the Simpsons, but then came back to them recently and realised that they may be even better than ever!

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on August 16, 2010, 10:00:04 AM
Used to love the Simpsons, but after several disappointing seasons, I just lost interest.

American Idol. I watched it from about the third season until last year. This year, I got through the first round of auditions and found I didn't care about any of the contestants, and had no desire to invest the kind of time the show has been demanding every week. Just stopped watching and never felt the least bit curious.

Pretty much every Star Trek show after TNG has failed to keep me watching past the first season. Enterprise was the exception, although I got into that one late and it ended not long after.

Smallville. I enjoyed every season up to the departure of Lana, Lex, Lionel and Martha, managed to watch one season after that. This past season, I got a couple of episodes in and just stopped. With different people at the helm, and all the veteran actors gone, the show just stopped being interesting, and the steady unfolding on the story arc just seemed to stall.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Rev. Powell on August 16, 2010, 10:56:23 AM
The Simpsons, starting around season 8-9 (1997).  I'll still catch an episode every now and then and enjoy them, but it's no longer must-see TV.  The main problem was Homer became a caricature and lost any recognizable humanity; they show lost it's satirical edge and just became a series of zany "jerkwad" antics by Homer.   

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 16, 2010, 01:43:53 PM
Law and Order SVU is now a bunch of stitched together ripped from the headlines stories with the scooby doo ending

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Flick James on August 16, 2010, 01:44:36 PM
I used to watch southpark when it had some balance and bustd on things pretty fairly. Then it got to be too much of a "Bust on the left" show and really never attacked the right as much as it attacked the left, and I got tired of it.

 I quit watching "voyager" when it became the jeri ryan t-ts, -ss and attitude hour instead of anything resembling gene rodenberry's vision of star trek.

I dropped "Law and order criminal intent" after they dumped the stars because USA wants "Younger, sexier" looking actors and simpler, easier to understand, less psychological plots.

Any shows you just quit watching after following them for a while?

Hehe. I stopped watching The Simpsons, but that was a looooooonnnnggg time ago.

As for South Park, yeah, you're right, but I watch it anyway. Just like I still love Family Guy, and there's no mystery as to Seth MacFarlane's political views, they're very much on the left. Both shows are still hilarious, though.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Flick James on August 16, 2010, 01:45:45 PM
Law and Order SVU is now a bunch of stitched together ripped from the headlines stories with the scooby doo ending

Yep. That's the formula. I used to like SVU, but it's gotten very, very tired.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 16, 2010, 02:55:38 PM
too it's credit, Medium has stayed fresh

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: LilCerberus on August 16, 2010, 04:38:47 PM
The late night line-up on NBC.
Moving Leno to 10:pm was overkill, & Last Call lost it's flavor when it changed from talk show format to magazine format.
But I have to say that it was Jimmy Fallon that ruined it for me. Watching other people playing beerpong isn't my idea of entertainment, it's just depressing.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: judge death on August 16, 2010, 05:39:35 PM
too it's credit, Medium has stayed fresh

So you're saying medium is well done? :teddyr:
(Sorry, couldn't resist...)

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Mr. DS on August 16, 2010, 08:05:50 PM
The Sopranos - I loved the show up until Ralphie died.  After that it was a serious mismash of big name actors playing awful characters. 

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Derf on August 16, 2010, 09:34:36 PM
Ummm, all of 'em. I got rid of cable when I realized I hadn't turned it on in several months. As for The Simpsons, I lost interest after the third season (I think). No specific reason; it just got old. I'm proud to say I've never watched a Seth McFarland cartoon. The clips I've seen just don't do anything for me, so I see no reason to sit through a half-hour of it. South Park was kind of funny at first, but not "must see" territory. My wife and daughter both love NCIS, and I'll watch it if it's on (when we're over at my mother-in-law's house). I've enjoyed what I've seen of Psych, but I haven't seen it recently. The same goes for Eureka (is that even still on?) and The Dresden Files, which I only saw on and is now gone.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Hammock Rider on August 17, 2010, 11:16:55 AM
I simulate similar serious Simpsons sentiments.


Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: the ghoul on August 17, 2010, 11:26:59 AM
Star Trek TNG.  I gave it a chance, and it sucked. I watched almost the entire first season, realized it was never going to get any better, and stopped.  It was then that I realized that Roddenberry's highly-touted original vision for Star Trek was a highly over-rated, crashing bore.

It turned out the big bad network execs who made him change the original series were right after all.  The original series is the only one worth watching.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on August 17, 2010, 02:48:38 PM
Star Trek TNG.  I gave it a chance, and it sucked. I watched almost the entire first season, realized it was never going to get any better, and stopped.  It was then that I realized that Roddenberry's highly-touted original vision for Star Trek was a highly over-rated, crashing bore.

It turned out the big bad network execs who made him change the original series were right after all.  The original series is the only one worth watching.

I've been saying that all along. The Star Trek franchise is the only science fiction with Roddenberry's name attached to it that I find the least bit watchable. And any time he had a free hand with Trek (The Cage, The Motion Picture, early TNG), the result was some combination of slow, pretentious and sanctimonious. The original series was good largely because of Gene Coon, and the movies because of Harve Bennett and Nicholas Meyer. Roddenberry was at his best when he was kept on a short leash, forced to fight for his vision, and working with people who could ensure the finished product was entertaining. On his own, he wasn't that good.

And as for the posthumously produced shows, like Andromeda and Earth: The Final Conflict, I couldn't even start watching them, never mind keep watching them.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Flick James on August 17, 2010, 06:10:48 PM
I simulate similar serious Simpsons sentiments.

Try saying that five times fast.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: The Gravekeeper on August 17, 2010, 10:12:46 PM
I simulate similar serious Simpsons sentiments.

Try saying that five times fast.

My brain's tripping over it just trying to think it five times fast.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Bargle5 on August 22, 2010, 09:36:19 AM
The Simpsons around season 14-15. They screwed up the showing of the Halloween episode twice, started it late the first time, then jumped in in the middle of it for the second airing and I got p**sed and the stories seemed to be getting weaker, so I gave up.
Andromeda after season 3. Kevin Sorbo apparently bullied the producers into dropping the original head writer after season 2. Story quality dropped badly and didn't recover. I quit watching at the end of season 3.
Earth: Final Conflict after season 1. It turned into alien character's evil plot of the week in season 2 and I stopped watching.
American Hot Rod. I realized the only reason I'd been watching it was to see that Bluebear kid get fired. After that happened, I lost interest.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on August 24, 2010, 09:21:01 AM
The Simpsons around season 14-15. They screwed up the showing of the Halloween episode twice, started it late the first time, then jumped in in the middle of it for the second airing and I got p**sed and the stories seemed to be getting weaker, so I gave up.

Funny, I think it was the Halloween episode that first told me the show was past its prime, only it was a few years earlier for me. The Halloween episode was always the highlight of the season for me, because they went for all-out parody and just pulled out all the stops. It was a treat. Somewhere around Season 7, give or take, I watched the Halloween episode and found it to be a mediocre episode with no particular direction, that just missed the mark in so many places. It was a letdown. Mind you, I watched the show for a few years after, but at some point, I just lost interest completely. I can't even pinpoint exactly when, it was so sudden and so complete. I'd just had it with the show.

American Hot Rod. I realized the only reason I'd been watching it was to see that Bluebear kid get fired. After that happened, I lost interest.

American Chopper for me. Somewhere along the line, the bike building got pushed into the background and it became all about the day-to-day activities of Sr., Jr. and Mikey. I stopped watching and never looked back. It was very sudden. I watched every episode one season, caught one early episode the next, then pretty much forgot the show was on.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: WingedSerpent on August 24, 2010, 07:24:54 PM
An older show called SeaQuest DSV.  The first season was a really cool scince fiction show, that really had a more hard scince fiction edge to it.   It was about exploration, and political matters.  At least for the first season.  Second and third seasons brought in more goofy elements like aliens, time travel, ancinet sea gods.  It became too much and head star Roy Scidener left the show.  All down hill from there.  Granted, the first season had it's fair share of goofy elements, like its talking dolphin.  But those elements where often kept to the outside.

I really only watched Babylon 5 during the Shadow War story arch.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Bmeansgood on August 28, 2010, 09:32:52 PM
The Terminator series.  I thought it started out strong but then I suddenly lost interest.  The previews made the story so confusing I didn't even try to watch it the second season.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Rev. Powell on August 29, 2010, 06:50:13 PM
David Letterman after he moved to CBS.  The show had already been declining from the salad years at NBC, but he didn't handle moving closer to prime time well, in my opinion.  He was a sharp as ever in the interviews but the writing quality really declined until I gave up.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Jim H on August 29, 2010, 11:03:18 PM
Star Trek TNG.  I gave it a chance, and it sucked. I watched almost the entire first season, realized it was never going to get any better, and stopped.  It was then that I realized that Roddenberry's highly-touted original vision for Star Trek was a highly over-rated, crashing bore.

It turned out the big bad network execs who made him change the original series were right after all.  The original series is the only one worth watching.

I've been saying that all along. The Star Trek franchise is the only science fiction with Roddenberry's name attached to it that I find the least bit watchable. And any time he had a free hand with Trek (The Cage, The Motion Picture, early TNG), the result was some combination of slow, pretentious and sanctimonious. The original series was good largely because of Gene Coon, and the movies because of Harve Bennett and Nicholas Meyer. Roddenberry was at his best when he was kept on a short leash, forced to fight for his vision, and working with people who could ensure the finished product was entertaining. On his own, he wasn't that good.

And as for the posthumously produced shows, like Andromeda and Earth: The Final Conflict, I couldn't even start watching them, never mind keep watching them.

There's a few people out there who produce the best stuff when they're forced to work inside a box.  Freedom does NOT always make artists do their best work.  As another example, look at Frank Miller (comic book writer/artist, also the director of The Saint).  The more free he gets, the crappier his art and writing becomes.

Heroes is the show I watched for quite a while.  But eventually, just...  Blaaaaah.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: ulthar on August 29, 2010, 11:15:42 PM
Shows I just quit watching? As in, was really into them for a while, then just, all of a sudden, stopped?

"Northern Exposure"
"Twin Peaks"
"Law and Order"
"Law and Order Criminal Intent"
"Hill Street Blues"
"Saint Elsewhere"

a bunch of others...

I think that many shows get popular than turn into soap operas.  I think the second-third season is often the best and gets your REALLY hooked, then let down from there.

"ER" is a good example of this.  The first few seasons were ground-breaking, then just "blah" and very ordinary.  It lost EVERYTHING that made it good at the beginning.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Amanda on August 30, 2010, 03:45:20 AM
I've pretty much stopped watching anything and everything I once did.  I was a big fan of Heroes the first season....and then it just kinda dropped off my radar...same with LOST.  Now that I move every 3-6 months, it's just not a priority to keep watching anything, and if it is something I DO still have an interest in, I can wait for DVD....that really consists of Chuck and Big Bang Theory right now...

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Rev. Powell on August 30, 2010, 08:40:22 AM

"Twin Peaks"

Not sure why I didn't think of that one first.  The second season seemed like a betrayal when they didn't make any progress towards solving the Laura Palmer murder.  Come to find out later, Lynch never wanted to solve it (he wanted it to be a McGuffin), and the studio kept pushing him to move the murder plot along, resulting in some bad, unsatisfying compromises.

Now I wish I had watched it to the end, though, so I got the Box Set. 

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on August 30, 2010, 09:17:26 AM
I think that many shows get popular than turn into soap operas.  I think the second-third season is often the best and gets your REALLY hooked, then let down from there.

That's exactly it. The characters start to outgrow the story, and a growing amount of each episode is spent following their ongoing BS. It's like the first season, the characters and the story need fleshing out. By the second season, that's accomplished, but then it just keeps going. The little romances and personal subplots take over, while the writers begin to run out of fresh new story ideas.

House is another one for me, although I haven't stopped watching it yet. I just have a feeling I'm not going to be going out of my way to watch it this season.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 31, 2010, 02:49:54 PM
I was hugely into 24 but by 06 or so I had a very difficult time seeing our secret services as heroes.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: ChaosTheory on September 06, 2010, 07:54:21 PM
Simpsons - season 10, for the same reasons as everyone else.
Heroes - halfway through season 2, they were wasting the premise on bad new characters and ruining the pre-existing characters.
My Name Is Earl - season 3, I guess the novelty had just worn off for me.
House - I think it was season 4, anyway it was shortly after they killed Amber and I could see they were trying to make 13 an important character and I hated 13.
Law & Order (all of them) - they just did too much of that "ripped from the headlines" crap.
Project Runway - season 5.  It stopped being fun, they seemed to be going out of their way to find people who had more drama than talent.  I still adore Tim Gunn though  :smile:
True Blood - I may be alone on this one, but marginally better than Twilight just isn't good enough.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Warp Ninja X on September 10, 2010, 11:41:22 PM
At the end of season three of Sliders when they killed off Professor Arturo. After that It's became crap.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on September 16, 2010, 10:53:31 PM
Monday Night Raw- I still like wrestling, but it's no longer must see tv for me.  Still catch it occasionally, but mostly just read reports on WWE's website.

The Simpsons- Not that I dislike the show.  I just don't have time to catch it every week.  I still think they put on some quality episodes.  Just not something I watch every week.

Smallville- Watched it steadily the first 7 seasons.  Season 8 saw the massive departure of Lex Luthor, Lana, etc, and I couldn't even be bothered with Season 9.  I saw maybe 2 episodes this past season.  Sad too, as I quite liked it the first few years.

I gotta say, I mostly stopped watchng most tv.  The main shows I go out of my way to watch are South Park, Law and Order, and any Law and Order.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on September 17, 2010, 08:48:00 AM
Smallville- Watched it steadily the first 7 seasons.  Season 8 saw the massive departure of Lex Luthor, Lana, etc, and I couldn't even be bothered with Season 9.  I saw maybe 2 episodes this past season.  Sad too, as I quite liked it the first few years.

Exactly the same for me. When they lost Lex, Lana, Lionel and Martha, it was never the same. The overall style of the show has changed too, and the story arc has pretty much stalled. For the first seven seasons, Clark was discovering his powers, discovering his origins and coming to terms with his destiny, while Lex was gradually going down the path to full-blown sociopathic supervillainy. By Season 7, the whole Superman mythos was in place, with nothing left but the costume and the flying. Since then, they've just been tossing in characters and subplots to keep some kind of an arc going, and in terms of following Clark Kent's journey to becoming Superman, the last two seasons have just been jerking off the audience.

Funny, halfway through September, and it was only last night that it even occurred to me that the fall TV season was starting. Lost interest in pretty much every show I was following.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on September 17, 2010, 09:03:08 AM
Smallville- Watched it steadily the first 7 seasons.  Season 8 saw the massive departure of Lex Luthor, Lana, etc, and I couldn't even be bothered with Season 9.  I saw maybe 2 episodes this past season.  Sad too, as I quite liked it the first few years.

Exactly the same for me. When they lost Lex, Lana, Lionel and Martha, it was never the same. The overall style of the show has changed too, and the story arc has pretty much stalled. For the first seven seasons, Clark was discovering his powers, discovering his origins and coming to terms with his destiny, while Lex was gradually going down the path to full-blown sociopathic supervillainy. By Season 7, the whole Superman mythos was in place, with nothing left but the costume and the flying. Since then, they've just been tossing in characters and subplots to keep some kind of an arc going, and in terms of following Clark Kent's journey to becoming Superman, the last two seasons have just been jerking off the audience.

Funny, halfway through September, and it was only last night that it even occurred to me that the fall TV season was starting. Lost interest in pretty much every show I was following.
Sadly they're adhering to their "No Tights, No Flights" rule they put in place at the outset of the show.  Meaning once Season 7 happened, and all the powers were discovered, there was nowhere else to go buy flying and tights.  Now they just make attempts at humor, what with the blue shirts and red jackets, things like that.

I may watch it this season as it's the last, but seeing as I missed last season, I dunno what's going on.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on September 17, 2010, 01:41:07 PM
Yeah, "no tights and no flights" made sense then, when Clark was a long way from being Superman and there was a lot to explore that wouldn't have worked as well with all-out superhero action. It was great as a story of an ordinary teenager with extraordinary abilities and a hidden past who has to use his powers discreetly to avoid calling attention to himself. That, along with the solid blueprint of who he would ultimately become, made for a good show. But they've gotten as far as that blueprint can take them without Clark actually becoming Superman, and they still think flying is something to tease the audience with but never actually do. There are even fans who think the rules from Season 1 somehow still apply.

Between the departure of some of the best characters and the cutting and pasting of villains from later in Superman's career to try and make up for the story having stopped in its tracks with nowhere else to go, the show is just crap.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on September 17, 2010, 10:28:35 PM
If only Smallville ended in Season 7, or just did a 2 hour tv movie to wrap things up I'd be happy.

It was a show I loved til the departures of great characters.  I don't care about what the hardcore comic geeks say.  MIchael Rosenbaum was great as Lex and John Glover great as Lionel, and I liked the way the writers handled the show for those 7 years.  Then again, I'm not a HUGE Superman fan.  In fact, I rank him lowest in my list of favorite heroes. 

Did you watch this past season? Anything happen?

I know Zod was around or something.  Sad thing is, it's not available On Demand, and since it was changed to Friday's, I keep missing it.  I go out Friday nights.  When the choice is between watching Superman or having some friends get together to go out, going out wins. :teddyr:

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on September 18, 2010, 06:54:17 AM
I didn't catch much of last season. A bunch of Kryptonian soldiers were restored from preserved DNA that was sent into space as a precaution long before Krypton was destroyed. Their CO was Major Zod, who was copied just as he was starting to go bad, but still not really a villain. Don't know where it went from there.

That's the problem. They've followed the pre-Superman Clark Kent story as far as it goes, and now they're just pulling stuff out of their butts and bouncing willynilly all over the mythos for ideas.

I agree entirely about the Luthors. I thought Rosenbaum was great, as was the whole process of him going from a poor little rich boy who wants to be liked, all the way to the Lex Luthor we all know. And Lionel might have been even better. I always enjoy John Glover when he plays a charming but creepy villain. And I liked the show when the Kents were still around. John Schneider is an underrated actor, no doubt because he is so widely known for playing Bo Duke. And Annette O'Toole has achieved full MILF status in my books. I suppose the departure of everyone but the "kids" on the show is natural in terms of the story's progression, but it's another way in which they've totally used up the Superboy story. The grownups are out of the way, the kids have taken over and everybody is where they need to be. It's time to wrap up the story. But no, they keep it going.

They should have done a series finale back when they still had a Lex Luthor.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on September 18, 2010, 10:48:22 AM
I'd love if they announced Rosenbaum coming back for a few episodes this season.  Doubt it'd happen, but I'd totally watch.

Glover is an underrated actor.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on September 18, 2010, 11:47:53 AM
I'd love if they announced Rosenbaum coming back for a few episodes this season.  Doubt it'd happen, but I'd totally watch.

Glover is an underrated actor.

With it being the last season, who knows what might happen? It's conceivable that Rosenbaum might come back at least for the finale. Don't know if the haircut would be convenient for him at this point, but he could always do it as a Hackman-style toupeed Luthor. A disguise for somebody who is supposed to be dead.

At the very least, Clark had better fly, and I want to see the red and blue undies make an appearance in the series finale at least.

Thinking about Hackman, I always thought it would have been fun if they could have gotten him for an episode as his version of Luthor, only make him some good-for-nothing relative Lionel normally pays to stay away. Maybe Lionel's uncle Larry Luthor, having landed in trouble, comes to freeload at the mansion and sweet-talk his nephews into helping him out. They had plenty of tie-ins to the movies, so it could have worked. That was my dream episode when there were still Luthors on the show.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: WingedSerpent on September 18, 2010, 12:36:09 PM
I seem to be watching less NCIS.  I liked the show, but this season I missed a lot of episodes and really didn't mind it so much.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on September 18, 2010, 10:16:28 PM
I seem to be watching less NCIS.  I liked the show, but this season I missed a lot of episodes and really didn't mind it so much.
Just caught my first few episodes of that show, ever, around Labor Day.  Was on vacation, and was in the motel just getting out of the pool.  Had a couple hours to kill between the boardwalk and drinking so watched some tv.  Good show.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Sister Grace on September 19, 2010, 07:33:05 AM
I used to love CSI Las Vegas, but then Lawrence Fishburn came along and ruined it. Sometimes I still catch Criminal Minds on the ION channel along with Without a Trace, but both seem to get redundant.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on September 19, 2010, 11:53:50 AM
I used to love CSI Las Vegas, but then Lawrence Fishburn came along and ruined it. Sometimes I still catch Criminal Minds on the ION channel along with Without a Trace, but both seem to get redundant.

I like Fishburne just fine, but the show has definitely lost something for me too. Last season, I went from never missing an episode of CSI to more of a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. So far, Criminal Minds is still interesting, although I only started watching last year.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: InformationGeek on September 19, 2010, 10:16:45 PM
I haven't outright quit watching CSI in general, but I don't really watch the new episodes on TV anymore since that is the time when World's Dumbest [Insert Topic] is on.  I just like watching stupid people/criminals a bit more because it is actually real.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on September 20, 2010, 05:09:49 AM
For a while, I really liked CSI: Miami, but just stopped watching it. I don't recall exactly when or why. It just stopped entertaining me. I think it was the combination of Caruso's hammy performances and some decent stories that made me enjoy it. I think the episodes just started to feel repetitive and predictable, or really clumsy in attempting to be unpredictable. In any case, the writing took a nosedive, leaving nothing but a redheaded Shatner to entertain me.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: ulthar on September 20, 2010, 08:11:08 AM

CSI Miami....

 In any case, the writing took a nosedive, leaving nothing but a redheaded Shatner to entertain me.

Maybe that's about the time they quit calling me for technical advice....HAHA.

Seriously, someone from the CSI Miami production staff called me every few months with questions.  I finally told them that if they wanted to hire me as a consultant that we could work something out, but I was not giving away any more technical advice for free.

I later found out that they called a lot of consultants like this.  So, it seems that the only info they are getting is free; sometimes, you get what you pay for.

I gave them teaser info; I was very close-vested with what I told them.  I gave them 'samples' in hopes they would hire me.  From what I understand, that's what the other (reputable) consultants were doing as well.

So, if the show has limited technical accuracy, it could be (a) legit folks giving a teaser and/or (b) folks who are just star-struck by the idea of talking to a TV SHOW that they say whatever.  In either case, they are not getting the best information.

Though I've never watched the show, this solidified in my mind how "cheap" it was.  That they would not even make an effort to having sound technical underpinnings in my mind at least speaks to the attitude of the entire production effort.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Jim H on September 20, 2010, 11:24:39 AM
That's fascinating ulthar.  Can you share what one of their technical questions was?  I'm quite curious, as I always figured they just did some extremely basic wikipedia style research for that show.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: ulthar on September 20, 2010, 11:53:56 AM

That's fascinating ulthar.  Can you share what one of their technical questions was?  I'm quite curious, as I always figured they just did some extremely basic wikipedia style research for that show.

That probably IS what they end up doing after they discover that people who KNOW this stuff value their time a little more than spending 30-60 minutes on the phone explaining something (as best as possible in lay terms) for free.  The folks that give the info away probably are reading wikipedia anyway.

They've asked about fingerprint recovery - stuff like "can you get a print off this or that" and "how would you get a fingerprint off of x."  Most of the questions were general crime scene processing or evidence handling type questions.

On one occasion, they asked me about making improvised explosives and I was VERY circumspect in how I answered that.  I told the lady that I was a bit surprised she was asking for details on that -- how do I know who she really is or how the information will be used?  Also, even if CSI - Miami, broadcasting that info may not be the most responsible thing.

So, I told her to make something up that sounds reasonable to the average person who does NOT know how to do that stuff and bear with the "no way" thoughts from the 1% or so that do.  I gave her some sample recipes that are harmless but sounded cool (or so I thought) and realistic enough.  I have no idea what they actually did, since, as I said, I've never watched an entire episode (I think I've seen the opening, pre-theme setup a few times).

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Chainsawmidget on September 21, 2010, 12:09:27 AM
Star Trek Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 I gave up for pretty much the same reasons.  I just felt them dull and often walling in their own politics too much.  With the previous Treks and similiar series, the shows always had a much less confined and more adventurous feel to them. 

That and once you missed a few episodes, you lost track of what was going on. 

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Sitting Duck on September 25, 2010, 10:19:16 AM
I gave up on Supernatural around the middle of the fourth season. The first two seasons had great monster hunting stories (with the occasional misstep) truer to the spirit of Kolchak: The Night Stalker than the actual remake of Kolchak was. Things started going downhill with the introduction of Ruby for the third season (though there were still some decent stand alone episodes). The fourth season was utter crap and, from what I've heard, season five only gets worse.

I probably would have also given up on Farscape after the fourth season except that Sci Fi had the decency to mercy kill it.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: venomx on September 25, 2010, 12:15:43 PM
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. (I was never a trekie anyway)

My GF introduced me to the new Battlestar Galactica and that took over.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Raffine on September 27, 2010, 09:44:44 PM
MonsterQuest and all those other 'reality' shows where they go off to the wild blue yonders looking for legendary creatures.

These programs would be a lot more interesting if they spent more time examining the legends and backgrounds of the elusive critters and less time showing goombahs running around in the woods with night vision cameras yelling "WHAT WAS THAT?!?" any time a squirrel drops a nut.

SPOILER ALERT! They never ever find Jack squat.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: 10,000 Volt Ghost on October 16, 2010, 09:18:41 AM
The Whitest Kids U Know. I really enjoyed the first season then they switched to a different network I didn't get. Now I get the IFC channel and the quality of the show has dwindled.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Leah on October 16, 2010, 10:19:46 AM
I was hugely into 24 but by 06 or so I had a very difficult time seeing our secret services as heroes.
yeah, after the fifth season, it all went downhill from there. I gave up on it in the seventh season at 8:00 PM- 9:00 PM (i didn't see that episode either) :thumbdown:

I might give up on TNA

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on October 16, 2010, 10:29:31 PM

I might give up on TNA

I've pretty much given up on TNA at this point.  Was a huge fan.  Last time I watched was in August when they did the ECW reunion. 

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Leah on October 17, 2010, 05:54:32 PM

I might give up on TNA

I've pretty much given up on TNA at this point.  Was a huge fan.  Last time I watched was in August when they did the ECW reunion. 
This they business was Hogan/Bischoff taking control of TNA, Hardy turned heel as well.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on October 17, 2010, 09:45:45 PM

I might give up on TNA

I've pretty much given up on TNA at this point.  Was a huge fan.  Last time I watched was in August when they did the ECW reunion. 
This they business was Hogan/Bischoff taking control of TNA, Hardy turned heel as well.
That was a disappointment.  I try to catch it but for the most part only see a match or two and move on.  So disappointing cause I really supported it as an upstart back when it was strictly a pay-per-view business and to see them hype this big event and it's revealed that it's like, Jarrett, Hogan and Bischoff or something.  Really?  Way to gyp people outta money, there. :buggedout:

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Leah on October 18, 2010, 08:09:10 AM

I might give up on TNA

I've pretty much given up on TNA at this point.  Was a huge fan.  Last time I watched was in August when they did the ECW reunion. 
This they business was Hogan/Bischoff taking control of TNA, Hardy turned heel as well.
That was a disappointment.  I try to catch it but for the most part only see a match or two and move on.  So disappointing cause I really supported it as an upstart back when it was strictly a pay-per-view business and to see them hype this big event and it's revealed that it's like, Jarrett, Hogan and Bischoff or something.  Really?  Way to gyp people outta money, there. :buggedout:

I know what you mean, everything is in high suspense, and then, when everything is revealed, it can go down into two ways- either it'll be a shocker, or it will just be total crap. This event turned to total crap (If you saw the end of Bound For Glory, the audience threw trash into the ring. :bouncegiggle:) Sigh, it was good when it lasted, RIP TNA 2002-2009 :bluesad:

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Hammock Rider on October 18, 2010, 10:46:01 AM
I stopped watching Heroes after the disappointing first season finale. All that build up and then...nothing, really. It seemed like they were just intent on stringing viewers along with no real end game in mind.

  I was also a huge fan of The Mentalist when it first started but the shows just don't seem as interesting anymore. I'm not even sure if it's still on the air and I don't really miss it.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on October 18, 2010, 10:21:04 PM

I might give up on TNA

I've pretty much given up on TNA at this point.  Was a huge fan.  Last time I watched was in August when they did the ECW reunion. 
This they business was Hogan/Bischoff taking control of TNA, Hardy turned heel as well.
That was a disappointment.  I try to catch it but for the most part only see a match or two and move on.  So disappointing cause I really supported it as an upstart back when it was strictly a pay-per-view business and to see them hype this big event and it's revealed that it's like, Jarrett, Hogan and Bischoff or something.  Really?  Way to gyp people outta money, there. :buggedout:

I know what you mean, everything is in high suspense, and then, when everything is revealed, it can go down into two ways- either it'll be a shocker, or it will just be total crap. This event turned to total crap (If you saw the end of Bound For Glory, the audience threw trash into the ring. :bouncegiggle:) Sigh, it was good when it lasted, RIP TNA 2002-2009 :bluesad:
They really threw trash?  :teddyr:

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Doggett on October 19, 2010, 08:52:32 AM
Every US show I gave up on. The only one that kept me engaged for start to finish was the X Files.

I felt that show had a good sense of humour that kept it from becoming to dry, which it occassionally did.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Leah on October 19, 2010, 02:29:30 PM

I might give up on TNA

I've pretty much given up on TNA at this point.  Was a huge fan.  Last time I watched was in August when they did the ECW reunion. 

This they business was Hogan/Bischoff taking control of TNA, Hardy turned heel as well.

That was a disappointment.  I try to catch it but for the most part only see a match or two and move on.  So disappointing cause I really supported it as an upstart back when it was strictly a pay-per-view business and to see them hype this big event and it's revealed that it's like, Jarrett, Hogan and Bischoff or something.  Really?  Way to gyp people outta money, there. :buggedout:

I know what you mean, everything is in high suspense, and then, when everything is revealed, it can go down into two ways- either it'll be a shocker, or it will just be total crap. This event turned to total crap (If you saw the end of Bound For Glory, the audience threw trash into the ring. :bouncegiggle:) Sigh, it was good when it lasted, RIP TNA 2002-2009 :bluesad:

They really threw trash?  :teddyr:
yeah, you can briefly see it at 1:12 :wink:

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Neville on October 19, 2010, 05:04:37 PM
I just ended up watching the first season of "Persons Unknown", and I'm happy to announce I'm done with that show. Forever. I have no problem with a show that wants to keep its aces hidden. Or a show that keeps re-writing itself constantly to keep up with expectations. As long as they are entertaining and they don't treat audiences like idiots. I saw "Lost" from the very first episode to the last one. And for all its declining quality, delayed explanations and cheesy finale, I loved it. But this show is just stupid and boring.

I also may stop watching "CSI Miami". I already stopped watching "CSI NY" because, as much as I like Gary Sinise his caracter is just too dry. Plus I didn't like any of the supporting actors, and the whole "NY is sooooo gritty" thing was just overkill, they ended up shooting half of the episodes as if they were a sequel to "Seven" or something.

What keeps me watching "CSI: Miami" is that despite the show having jumped the shark a long time ago, I still find David Caruso's antics amusing and most chapters are moderately entertaining. But the plots... I imagine finding more ethnical minorities for Horatio to shoot them must be hard after all these seasons, but that doesn't make situations such as investigating a murder in a wrecked space shuttle (I kid you not) any more acceptable. 

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on October 19, 2010, 09:47:40 PM
King of The Hill-- I watched this quite a lot in it's first initial seasons.  Then, possibly combined a sudden lack of interest and it's constant time changes due to sports programming, I quit watching.

Recently I've been watching re-runs and wish I'd stayed.


Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Bmeansgood on October 20, 2010, 08:51:09 PM
King of The Hill-- I watched this quite a lot in it's first initial seasons.  Then, possibly combined a sudden lack of interest and it's constant time changes due to sports programming, I quit watching.

Recently I've been watching re-runs and wish I'd stayed.


I agree completely.  I think I bailed for the same reasons.  But those reruns really do hold up.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on October 20, 2010, 09:32:40 PM

I agree completely.  I think I bailed for the same reasons.  But those reruns really do hold up.
I'm thinking about getting some dvd's of it.  The reruns hold up quite well.  From what I saw of the last season or two, the writing was still kinda decent, but it just got pushed around so much it was hard to maintain a following with it.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Rev. Powell on October 21, 2010, 11:40:55 AM

I agree completely.  I think I bailed for the same reasons.  But those reruns really do hold up.
I'm thinking about getting some dvd's of it.  The reruns hold up quite well.  From what I saw of the last season or two, the writing was still kinda decent, but it just got pushed around so much it was hard to maintain a following with it.

I didn't really like it as much after Lucky became a major character.  It was running out of steam, and introducing a new character was a symptom.  It was still much better than the majority of TV shows, however.

It's available on Netflix streaming, for those who have it. 

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: WingedSerpent on October 25, 2010, 09:05:56 PM
While I didn't watch it religiously (meaning I would often skip weeks even months) I gave up on House after one incredible jump the shark moment.

In what I think was either the third of fourth season, the overarching story line was a cop trying to arrest House on drug charges because House has a vicadin addiction.  The cop is relentless and finally House is brought to trial.  And the thing about it is..House is guilty.  No real gray area.  But Cuddy, the female lead doctor and love interenst of House gets up on stand and commits perjury to keep House out of jail because he's the best doctor on Earth.  At that moment, the show was as good as over for me.  House had become invicible.  He would never be punished for his attiude and now apparently he could commit crimes and get off scott free.  

The funny thing I remember about it was, I remeber at the end of the episode, Cuddy said she now had House in her back pocket because he owed her big time.  I said back to the tv-"You idiot. He's not the kind of person who will return favors-and he's got a bigger secert on you because you just commited a federal offence".  

And apparently, I was right in thinking House had survived to much without any real punishment.  I;ve read episode synopsis on line and apparently he has gotten to the point where he could take a loaded gun into the middle of the street on a clear day, start randomly shooting it in any direction he wanted, and he STILL would get away with it.

I've also given up on The Menatlist for simialr reasons.   It was kind of cool at the start  but too many of these guys never deal with real consqequnces of some fairly inappropriate, sometimes illegal actions, they treat others around them like dirt and their associates still bend over backwards because they are utterely incompetent without the head jerk.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on October 25, 2010, 10:38:01 PM

I agree completely.  I think I bailed for the same reasons.  But those reruns really do hold up.
I'm thinking about getting some dvd's of it.  The reruns hold up quite well.  From what I saw of the last season or two, the writing was still kinda decent, but it just got pushed around so much it was hard to maintain a following with it.

I didn't really like it as much after Lucky became a major character.  It was running out of steam, and introducing a new character was a symptom.  It was still much better than the majority of TV shows, however.

It's available on Netflix streaming, for those who have it. 
I didn't dislike Lucky, but it was a little unneccesary.  But I agree, it was better than some other shows at the time.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: spongekryst on March 07, 2011, 10:39:42 PM
Dexter- I loved the first season and the second almost made me a fanatic. Then season 3 happened. No freaking thank you.

Titan Maximum- I really want to give it a second chance, it just didn't do anything for me.

Face Off- Seemed WAY too rigged/planned. I wanted something a little more informative and in depth, not Real World.

Family Guy- I admit that I was an ever-quoting, uber-fan from about seasons 1-4, then I finally caught on. I now have nothing but contempt for it. American Dad, on the other hand, is hilarious. Seth should just put this to sleep and focus on that.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: RCMerchant on March 08, 2011, 06:19:16 AM
Every US show I gave up on. The only one that kept me engaged for start to finish was the X Files.

I felt that show had a good sense of humour that kept it from becoming to dry, which it occassionally did.

I loved the X FILES-untill Mulder left. Than I left.

I loved the original STAR TREK. Never cared for any of the spin offs. Untill! Lately-late at night-they play old TNG reruns. NOW I like it!  :thumbup:

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Doggett on March 08, 2011, 08:38:53 AM
Every US show I gave up on. The only one that kept me engaged for start to finish was the X Files.

I felt that show had a good sense of humour that kept it from becoming to dry, which it occassionally did.

I loved the X FILES-untill Mulder left. Than I left.

But Doggett only got brought in because Mulder left.


Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: bob on March 08, 2011, 09:00:06 AM
All things Seth Mcfarlane related.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: venomx on March 08, 2011, 09:52:45 AM
What is that in your sig bob? A mega Bela Lugosi dvd pack? eBay?

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: bob on March 08, 2011, 12:39:04 PM
What is that in your sig bob? A mega Bela Lugosi dvd pack? eBay?

It's a 15 Bela Lugosi DVD pack I bought on-line from Barnes and Noble. It cost less then a dollar per movie that came with it.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: RCMerchant on March 08, 2011, 08:14:34 PM
What is that in your sig bob? A mega Bela Lugosi dvd pack? eBay?

It's a 15 Bela Lugosi DVD pack I bought on-line from Barnes and Noble. It cost less then a dollar per movie that came with it.

And most are B or Z movies.
BOB-I'm the biggest Bela fan here,I believe-I recommend these films: ( I'm including films I'm sure youv'e seen.)
.DRACULA (1931)
.MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE (1932) Lugosi at his leanest and MEANEST!
.the BLACK CAT (1934)
.The RAVEN (1935)
...and of course BRIDE OF THE MONSTER (1955)

It's nice to have a fellow Lugosiphile on board!  :cheers:

Oh yeah...TV shows that burned out on me-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. When the budget got big-I left. Rangers Zeo,Morph-ugh.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: venomx on March 08, 2011, 08:36:41 PM
RC, is MARK OF THE VAMPIRE any good? Whats it about?

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: bob on March 08, 2011, 09:55:13 PM
What is that in your sig bob? A mega Bela Lugosi dvd pack? eBay?

It's a 15 Bela Lugosi DVD pack I bought on-line from Barnes and Noble. It cost less then a dollar per movie that came with it.

And most are B or Z movies.
BOB-I'm the biggest Bela fan here,I believe-I recommend these films: ( I'm including films I'm sure youv'e seen.)
.DRACULA (1931)
.MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE (1932) Lugosi at his leanest and MEANEST!
.the BLACK CAT (1934)
.The RAVEN (1935)
...and of course BRIDE OF THE MONSTER (1955)

It's nice to have a fellow Lugosiphile on board!  :cheers:

Oh yeah...TV shows that burned out on me-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. When the budget got big-I left. Rangers Zeo,Morph-ugh.


Honlestly, I've really enjoyed it for the most part what I've seen so far. I loved the 3 Ed Wood films, White Zombie, Death Kiss, The Darks Eyes of London, The Retun of Candu and Chandu on the Magic Island.

I really hated The Midnight Girl through no fault of the move. It happened to be the first silent movie I ever watched and i realized I hate silent fimls. The Mysterious Mr. Wong was ok but didn't do anything for me. I didn't hate it, I didn't loveit, it was just sort of there.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: RCMerchant on March 17, 2011, 04:35:44 PM
RC, is MARK OF THE VAMPIRE any good? Whats it about?

Markof the Vampire is EXCELLENT!
Directed by Tod (DRACULA,the UNHOLY 3 ,FREAKS, et al) It's about a pair of vampires-Count Mora (Lugosi) and his daughter Luna (Carroll Borland) who prey on a family in an old mansion. But there's more going on then meets the eye! Very atmospheric,with GREAT cinematography. It's a remake of the lost Lon Chaney classic LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT-also directed by Browning.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: RCMerchant on March 17, 2011, 04:48:47 PM

Honlestly, I've really enjoyed it for the most part what I've seen so far. I loved the 3 Ed Wood films, White Zombie, Death Kiss, The Darks Eyes of London, The Retun of Candu and Chandu on the Magic Island.

I really hated The Midnight Girl through no fault of the move. It happened to be the first silent movie I ever watched and i realized I hate silent fimls. The Mysterious Mr. Wong was ok but didn't do anything for me. I didn't hate it, I didn't loveit, it was just sort of there.

I'v yet to see the MIDNIGHT GIRL. IThe DEATH kISS was blah for me-as was The MYSTERIOUS MR.WONG. DARK EYES of LONDON is the original British title for the HUMAN MONSTER-which is excellent!
RETURN of the VAMPIRE (1942) is kinda Coloumbia's answer to FRANKENSTEIN MEETS the WOLFMAN-as it has Bela as a psuedo Dracula and a werewolf too! The talking werewolf is kinda goofy though. Still-it's hokey fun!

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Couchtr26 on March 17, 2011, 05:30:36 PM
South Park, American Dad, Family Guy, CSI, CSI Miami, Without A Trace (I think it is cancelled now), Ghost Hunters, and a few others.  I don't know I just get tired of the same thing over extended periods of time.  I feel they get lackluster and don't try as hard as they do when they start.  It becomes boring and more of the same.  I think long running series aren't as good an idea as many would think.  Rather cut it up, changing crews or situations and giving it something fresh every 4-5 seasons. 

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: ghouck on April 12, 2011, 10:14:56 PM
Sons of Anarchy. It started out mediocre and fell off from there. Plus, I think the whole unhealthy infant angle was cheap, it seemed like an afterthought.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Warp Ninja X on April 18, 2011, 10:30:34 PM
I stopped watching Lost around season 3 too much of people getting kill for nothing.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: A_Dubya on April 19, 2011, 01:59:22 AM
The Simpsons in about 2003.

WWE Monday Night Raw in 2009.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: bob on April 19, 2011, 05:16:06 AM
Robot Chicken in 2009.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: venomx on June 22, 2011, 10:09:46 AM
M.A.S.H. I didn't like it. It made me sick. My mom made me watch it back in the early 80's. I have no idea why.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on June 22, 2011, 10:28:38 AM

Oh yeah...TV shows that burned out on me-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. When the budget got big-I left. Rangers Zeo,Morph-ugh.


I managed to stay with Power Rangers up until the end of the 6th season in 1998, Power Rangers in Space.  At the end of that season, it was supposed to end, so they wrapped up the previous 6 years, had old cast members come back, old villians, they kidnapped Zordon, etc.  Then, the ratings were big enough to keep it going, and they started following the Japanese tradition of a self-contained season, where they change the name, cast, suits, villians, storyline, etc., every season.  Which I feel is the bad way to go.  It was a big hit cause the cast stayed the same and fans cared about them.  Changing it every 45 episodes=poorer quality I feel.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: WilliamWeird1313 on June 23, 2011, 06:15:00 AM

X-Files. One of the few shows I felt failed to benefit from the development of longer, more complicated story arcs. I prefered the monster-of-the-week format that the show originally found fame with. When things started to get as ridiculously bloated and overly convoluted as they did, that's when I got out.

Buffy. I loved that show right from season 1 up to season 5. After that, I felt things started to go downhill quickly and I dropped out, only popping in sporadically to get up to date and (of course) to see the season finales. I eventually saw them all thanks to the magic of DVD, and I'm thankful I was spared some of the sorry sights I was the first time 'round. Seasons 6 and 7 were just absolute vampire poop. The Buffy series finale remains one of the most disappointing and and underwelming hours of television programming I've ever tried to force myself to love. Now, the Angel spin-off on the other hand... if you ask me, that show just got better and better before ending on a high note of pure perfection. But that's a Whedonite fanboy love letter for another day.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Cthulhu on June 30, 2011, 04:45:42 PM
Lost- I realized that they couldn't possibly give a satisfying explanation to everything.
South park-After season 12, it all went downhill.
House-It was the same thing over, and over again.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: WilliamWeird1313 on June 30, 2011, 10:45:42 PM
House-It was the same thing over, and over again.

Personally, that doesn't actually bother me with House as much as it would with other shows. I think it's more of a character-driven show than a plot-driven show anyway. I do like how they've actually acknowledged and addressed the show's own admitted formulaic nature within the show itself (House saying things like "it's never Lupis" or Wilson noting that House always seems to barge into his office to argue about something ridiculous only to become suddenly inspired, grow silent, and storm off with the answer to the latest medical riddle at last unlocked). The main reason I continually tune is is for the character of House himself. He has a general worldview not unlike my own (cynical, skeptical, atheistic, and loathe to tolerate superstition and "social contracts") only he's much ore ballsy (and witty) about it. I guess it's repulsive in a way: I enjoy watching House because I like watching my own beliefs regurgitated back to me in a funnier, smarter manner than I myself can provide.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on June 30, 2011, 11:16:07 PM
Yeah, House is as much about the characters as the plot, but with generally more interesting characters than a lot of character-driven shows. I also find the formulaic nature of the show almost makes it better. There's an established structure that they put different characters, circumstances and ideas into, and have the recurring characters react in their own ways. It's interesting to see what new twists they can fit within the structure or whether they'll depart from it for an episode, but even at its most formulaic, House becomes kind of a game. You know roughly how it's supposed to play out, but the details are different, and it becomes about guessing what will happen and seeing how close you are.

Lost- I realized that they couldn't possibly give a satisfying explanation to everything.

I wish I'd figured that out before watching the final season, and the hugely disappointing finale.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Zapranoth on July 01, 2011, 12:01:35 AM
I can't stand House.  I'm in the medical profession myself, and watching House causes me physical pain.
Scrubs, now, THAT is worth watching.

I'm surprised, nay, astonished that no one has mentioned Heroes yet.

Or season 3 of Galactica for that matter.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Raffine on July 01, 2011, 10:48:39 AM
I'll give it a couple more episodes but Falling Skies just might make my "quit watching" list very soon.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on July 01, 2011, 01:30:35 PM
I can't stand House.  I'm in the medical profession myself, and watching House causes me physical pain.
Scrubs, now, THAT is worth watching.

I'm surprised, nay, astonished that no one has mentioned Heroes yet.

Or season 3 of Galactica for that matter.

I was fortunate in that I didn't watch Galactica beyond the pilot. As soon as it became clear that the Cylons were going to be mostly human in appearance, I lost interest. Aside from that being a tired plot device - anyone could be a robot, and they might not even know it - it's also an excuse to put less eye candy on the screen. It reminded me of the old War of the Worlds TV series that pulled the same crap, having the aliens take human form so they didn't have to actually show us aliens most of the time.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Doggett on July 02, 2011, 07:31:01 AM

When it's great, it's Superman.

When it's bad, Dawson's Creek.

I am watching the last series though as I wasnt to see how it all pans out. And I'm sick of Green Arrow. He's just a substitue for Bruce Wayne. And so blantently so. They're not even trying with his character!

I got a shock a few weeks ago when I saw supergirl, looking like Supergirl saving someone like Supergirl does! An actual comic book character in Smallville how looks and behaves like their comic book counterpart? Who'd have thought it....

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on July 02, 2011, 08:41:34 PM

When it's great, it's Superman.

When it's bad, Dawson's Creek.

I am watching the last series though as I wasnt to see how it all pans out. And I'm sick of Green Arrow. He's just a substitue for Bruce Wayne. And so blantently so. They're not even trying with his character!

I got a shock a few weeks ago when I saw supergirl, looking like Supergirl saving someone like Supergirl does! An actual comic book character in Smallville how looks and behaves like their comic book counterpart? Who'd have thought it....
Wait til the final episode if you haven't seen it.

And, Bruce Wayne was supposed to be on it.  But they had a hit with Batman Begins, and a bigger hit with Dark Knight, and didn't wanna put him on Smallville.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: lester1/2jr on July 03, 2011, 02:39:29 PM
The Simpsons. I still lDVR it but can't get myself to watch for some reason.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: InformationGeek on July 04, 2011, 09:17:16 PM
Darker than Black

I couldn't handle just how dark (no pun intend... or is there?!) the series turned out.  It became a bit too much to handle.  A bit hypoticial of me since I enjoy Deadman Wonderland, The Drifting Classroom, Let Me In, and such.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: WingedSerpent on July 04, 2011, 09:20:46 PM

I'm surprised, nay, astonished that no one has mentioned Heroes yet.

That doesn't count.  EVERYONE stopped watching Heroes.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Criswell on July 07, 2011, 08:18:07 PM
I used to enjoy the show Chuck, but it started to become tired and formuatic. So I just gave up on it.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on July 17, 2011, 09:23:29 PM
In Plain Sight- some cop show on USA about the witness protection program.  I watched the first season or two, this season I haven't really watched.  Should get back into it.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: FatFreddysCat on August 03, 2011, 09:38:20 PM
I watched "House" pretty regularly for the first three seasons or so but eventually lost track of it. I still occasionally catch an odd episode here and there on a re-run but haven't been a regular viewer for a while now.

I gave up on SyFy Channel's new show "Alphas" after the second week. The promo's make it look way more action packed and exciting than it really is, the show itself is fairly boring. Besides, if you're gonna use Monster Magnet's "Heads Explode" in all of your promos, you should actually have someone's head frickin explode in the actual show!!!  :teddyr:

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: HappyGilmore on August 06, 2011, 05:59:25 PM
Family Guy- I started watching this back when it initially ran, in say 1999 or so.  I remember disliking the fact that it got cancelled.  Then it came back, and I think cancelled again, before being 're-instated' for a third run. 

It should have STAYED cancelled.

It's more of the same, week in and out, with no change.  And, cutaway REFERENCES unrelated to the story, aren't, you know, JOKES.  Also, I'm not offended by crude humor or offensive material.  I just think there's more creative ways to go about singing an AIDS song without it being dumb and "Shocking."  Howard Stern was a 'shock' jock, but knew how to do it in a creative manner. 

Family Guy should study South Park and attempt that.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: wickednick on August 19, 2011, 07:33:44 AM
I hate to say it but Doctor Who might make my list of shows that I don't watch anymore. Im just not feeling it ever since Matt Smith took over. Its not so much Matt Smiths acting its Stephen Moffats writing. While I have always loved the offbeat sic-fi stories and creatures in Doctor Who, Im finding these new stories very lacking in resolving the story. It seems that when ever the Doctor finds himself in a difficult situation now days the way he resolves the situation is either very convoluted to the point you have no idea what just happened or way to simple. And the sonic screwdriver has gotten way to powerful, the damn thing isn't some tri-corder or  magic wand its a screwdriver, it applies torque to an object sonically.

Also I think I'll add Falling Skies to this list. The show just never really took off for me. The characters weren't very well written and seemed very generic. The show could have been really good but it never did more than what was required for a show about an alien invasion.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Doggett on August 20, 2011, 05:15:00 AM
It seems that when ever the Doctor finds himself in a difficult situation now days the way he resolves the situation is either very convoluted to the point you have no idea what just happened or way to simple. And the sonic screwdriver has gotten way to powerful, the damn thing isn't some tri-corder or  magic wand its a screwdriver, it applies torque to an object sonically.

You're kidding, right?

In RTD's era the sonic screwdriver did EVEYTHING!
And when it wasn't the SS it was parying magic nonsense.

In fact, give me one episode where the ss was used to solve the situation?

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: AndyC on August 20, 2011, 06:43:04 AM
It seems that when ever the Doctor finds himself in a difficult situation now days the way he resolves the situation is either very convoluted to the point you have no idea what just happened or way to simple. And the sonic screwdriver has gotten way to powerful, the damn thing isn't some tri-corder or  magic wand its a screwdriver, it applies torque to an object sonically.

You're kidding, right?

In RTD's era the sonic screwdriver did EVEYTHING!
And when it wasn't the SS it was parying magic nonsense.

In fact, give me one episode where the ss was used to solve the situation?

Yeah, the capabilities of the sonic screwdriver were always pretty vague, right back to Patrick Troughton. It's always been used as a lockpick and to disrupt machinery. Pertwee was using it to detonate landmines. Tom Baker used it to cut metal. And I think by the time it got to Eccleston, the screwdriver could be used as a remote control for the TARDIS. I always considered the screwdriver name to be kind of a jokingly ordinary name the Doctor gave to what is the time lord equivalent of a Swiss army knife - a multipurpose tool with driving screws as the least of its capabilities. And the design of the screwdriver has changed over the years, which might suggest some improvements made by the Doctor. It has been suggested that he invented the thing in the first place.

For me, no change to Doctor Who would be cause to abandon the series, because it has taken so many different directions in its history. Serials, stand-alone episodes, season-spanning story arcs as early as the 70s, cast changes every couple of seasons, a focus shifting between period settings, hard SF, gothic horror, various combinations of comedy, drama, action. The Doctor has spent years based entirely on Earth and teamed up with the military. Nothing has been permanent, and it's all served to enrich the overall show in the long run. Matt Smith's a young actor who no doubt has a plan to use the show as a springboard to other things, and he probably won't hang around any longer than Tennant or most of the other Doctors, and the show will change again. And I think Moffat's plans for the show will continue to evolve as well.

Nothing is permanent in Doctor Who. The Daleks keep coming back, the Master has been killed and resurrected more than once. The Time Lords have managed to cause trouble in spite of being wiped out. The Cybermen were not only recreated on a parallel Earth, the originals appear to have returned. That whole story about rebooting the universe could have undone any changes made since 2005.

I just can't view a change to Doctor Who the same way I would a change to another show. By its flexible nature and its long history, it's transcended the usual rules for me. You'd have to seriously mess it up to make me consider abandoning it.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: alandhopewell on August 22, 2011, 10:07:44 AM
     SMALLVILLE....I gave up on it around Season IV, when it really strayed from canon, and became just another WB teeny-bop soap op.

     Superman is an American icon, and should be treated as such.

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: 66Crush on August 29, 2011, 12:25:07 AM
I totally agree with you about "Smallville." I couldn't take the depression anymore. Couldn't anything good happen to these characters? I had a big crush on Kristin Kreuk, once she quit I had no reason to keep watching. I also knew it would suck when some of the producers of "Angel" took over the show. They took "Angel" in bad direction and did the same with "Smallville." I quit watching in season 8, but I did watch the series finale. Hated it!

Title: Re: Shows you just quit watching
Post by: Vik on August 31, 2011, 01:48:53 PM
Dawson's creek. I was very bored one afternoon, this was playing on TV. I watched for 10 minutes. Wasn't bored enough to watch this crap. I also thought it was called Dawson's Crack at first, which I found to be odd.