
Other Topics => Entertainment => Topic started by: venomx on June 06, 2011, 07:48:04 PM

Title: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: venomx on June 06, 2011, 07:48:04 PM
Well it's that time a year again! Tomorrow E3 will give us some sweet inside on new games to come.

What are YOU waiting for? Wii 2, PSP2, Ace Combat AH... or maybe even Call Of Duty MW 3?

I know what I'm waiting for... for 3 years now damn it. :buggedout:


Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: venomx on June 07, 2011, 10:45:10 AM

Yup, it's real. Nintendo unveils new console with touch-screen controller!


That Controller is WAY too big LOL! At that rate just skip the damn TV.

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: Jack on June 07, 2011, 01:30:49 PM
I watched the Sony conference last night.  Didn't really get too many big surprises.  That Dust 514 games looks interesting - some kind of MMO named Eve on the PC and this Dust game on the PS3 will be integrated with each other I guess.  It's some sci-fi shooter that looks really cool from the trailer.  I'm not usually a big fan of shooters, but with the MMO aspect, who knows what sort of levelling up possibilities it might have to keep it interesting.

That Vita looks really cool and $250 doesn't seem like a bad price for it.  Too bad I have absolutely no use for a handheld, no matter how nifty a gadget it is   :bouncegiggle:

Uncharted 3 looks great, and I was happy to see Elena in the trailer - I've sort of got a major crush on her from playing Drake's Fortune.  Trouble is it's coming out one week before Skyrim and I've already got that pre-ordered.  I've got Uncharted 2 waiting to be played, so maybe once I finish that I'll decide between part 3 or Elder Scrolls.

There were a few other interesting items - the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD collection is coming out in September, and the two PSP God of War games are coming to the PS3.  And that new Ruin game, for both the Vita and PS3, looks kind of interesting.

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: Jack on June 07, 2011, 01:38:27 PM

So they're basically ditching the whole motion control thing in favor of an oversized handheld that you can also plug into your TV?  Ooooookay.   :smile:

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: venomx on June 07, 2011, 02:05:51 PM
As I'm thinking. This is just my own opinion...

Nintendo's Wii wacky motion control and now this HUGE controller for Wii U may just be what ends the whole console idea for Nintendo, and that sucks. I loved Nintendo... 8bit, SNES, 64 and Gamecube.

Wii was ok but that wacky motion control makes you use it for most of the games, that's wack. Not to mention Wii's step back in graphics.

Now we have to wait and see what the graphics look like on Wii U. (actual video)

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: Jack on June 07, 2011, 03:07:52 PM
It's confusing.  I guess you can use the old motion controllers with the box that goes next to the TV, so you can get your next gen of Wii games in hi-def.  But why force people to buy that big handheld as part of the package?  It probably costs more than than the rest of it combined, and it's not like you can use it in conjunction with the motion controllers, as it takes two hands to hold it.  It's like forcing people to buy a Vita if they want a PS3. 

Oh well   :smile:

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: venomx on June 08, 2011, 05:17:33 AM
E3 Eyes-On: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim



New Zelda HD


Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: Leah on June 08, 2011, 11:18:06 AM
my sister is getting a PS3 because the new Sly game is coming out in 2012 for the PS3. She also wants one for Portal 2

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: venomx on June 08, 2011, 12:45:54 PM
E3 2011 First look: Modern Warfare 3. Although I don't care for Call of Duty maybe others may want to see.


"The king of first person shooters flaunts its newest entry, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3."
LOL. "King" For now anyway. I hope Battlefield 3 wins over fans at E3. IMO BF3 looks way better then CODMW3.

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: Joe the Destroyer on June 08, 2011, 01:58:15 PM
I think I'm more psyched about the lesser known games, mostly Sly 4 and Saints Row: The Third.  Although, HD Zelda and Skyrim made me a little wet.

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: venomx on June 08, 2011, 03:48:36 PM
I want to see what the next Mario game looks like. I wonder if Nintendo will even show it? 1 more day.


Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: InformationGeek on June 08, 2011, 08:08:02 PM

But seriously, the remote look rather strange for the Wii U (Trying saying that name a few times fast and it'll sound like a police siren).  However, I cannot judge until I try it out for myself, so I'll reserve my judgement for later.

Now the main thing I was excited about was BioShock Infinite...

So looks like fun!  I want to play this game badly!

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: Jack on June 09, 2011, 12:53:12 PM
I hope Aliens:  Colonial Marines turns out to be good.  We've certainly been waiting long enough for it   :teddyr:


Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: venomx on June 09, 2011, 01:13:31 PM
Aliens: Colonial Marines and Diablo 3... how many years now? :wink:

Title: Re: E3 2011! Wii2? PSP2?
Post by: venomx on June 09, 2011, 07:26:08 PM

That looks INSANE!.................. I like it! :thumbup: